0001 III THE WEST VAN NEWS January 29, 1932 s I:er..er 4 ~eery ' eV'reere er A ~e~e ee w ecere wr ~ te e *e ee+e e e ' ee;s r&*I vwr e'.l ee 3 eycreis ~e:~e.e'r .- e&reed dsere e "t' e'e.ee IA'rr e~ e vr" ~er'rerr e'eemere 'Vrrrre~r~ 'r: r eeere rrM rte Ahrr -~r'-rrt err+'eewrr C Con)n)unicatlon Mr. Editor: Quick thinking coupled with quick. cool action on the part of the Mate, averted a serious in- jury to a passenger as the West Van. ferry was docking at Van- couver recently. While the ferry wss still in motion and the Mate was in the act of warping her into the pier, a 'passenger in 8 hurry'tepped o(f and landed right in the mid- dle of the rapidly tightening bight of rope. In split seconds that noose would have crushed the msn'8 legs against the bind- ing post snd one who has seen that rope tighten can imagine the result. With the quickest kind of thinking. the Mate loosed the rope and the man stej)ped free. It all happened so quickly that the msn probably never re- alised the danger. The routine sct of warping in s ferry dsy in and day out is spt to become mechanical--the sct of throwing the rope be- comes an automatic movement. The Mate on this particular oc- casion could have been excused hsd he acted less quickly or be- come excited when the unex- pected happened to his routine. But this man's mind wss ready for the emergency snd he avert- ed what in my opinion would have been s terrible injury. The very matter-of-factness with which the Mate handled the thing made it seem easy, but to me standing within s foot or two, it wss s fine bit of work. C. J. BRODERICK. Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Ambleside „"'"'; "„".„'.." Saturday, Jan. 29 fk 30 C. SRR)))PS--Wsi or Dry Ps&E. 1'er ua................... 254 'ASTRY FLOUR--10-Rs est- &su sick ....................... ......... I 1 c lsd a While TOMATO SOUP 3 tius 25s 1'RICOTS -- Chslss quality, Rs ................,,................ 194 ANDH'(CH BlSCVIT~r- mssd's Orms Bsr. lb...... 254 .Rs Rsd a White COFFEE sud 3 GLASS TUhlBLERS of nice dssigu--Goad Qua- lity--su for............ 494 ed A lrhi&s TOSIATO JUiCE 3 iiss .: --,...,......,.... 254 OGANBERRY JAh(--12-sx. is&Is Spur)el, I (sa............ 25c OOK)NG FIGS -- Smyrna. Lsrgs ssd meaty.. I lbs...... )8s Duadarave,",„" ""„'.,',.", A few specfals for Friday ec )-Pm Rsd a 'u'hits TEA sud Ik GLASS TUJ)BLERS of u(xs dssigu--Gssd Quality- sg for.........................-....... 45s Quiet Quatre OATS (Chiss), I pse packs& .................... Ipe PEARS--Ksdsus Brand--)LC A PacE--Nm I &ius. I uus. 25s P)LCHARDS--Nabob-- S I large tips............--............. )yc ORANGES--Ssukisi Nsvsls-- l Swssl sud Juicy. hlsdium siss, dsa ......... -- 33s Large siss, dsx .... 454 SUGAR -- ik C. Granulated R (wi&h Grocery order only) 1 0 Rxx . .... .... . ..... ... . 4hc L PlCK LES -- Vis&wry -- Sweet Mixed or Sweet Chow. tmrgs Cis&'........... 41s Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK, VEAL, ETc. COOKED MEATS OF AI.L KINDS, DEI,ICATESSEN (Two Stores for your service) HOLLYBURN STORE ATIBLESIDE STORE West 3 Nest 303 West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine LlhIITFD Phone West 115 W. J. Turnbull. hianager, Residence I'hone: West 36SL SERVICE Everything for ihe Building. LU SEE SASH DOORS l(OOFING BUILDING PAPER WATCH for onr big bill announcing Special Sale & free Prizes for next week-end. Mr. J. hlcEwsn, president, wss in the chair. President Dugald Campbell of the North Vancouver Society, Mr. W. S. Mitchell, the bard, snd Piper W, Faulkner, were heard snd enjoyed in their several roles. Songs were rendered by M). Lowdon, Miss Wallis, Mrs. J. T. Waft, snd s duet by Miss Shearer snd Miss Wsllis, hfiss Frame acting as accompanist. SCOTI'ISH SOCIETY IN BURNS'ELEBRATION The West Vancouver Scottish Society held their annual Burns'elebrationlast Friday evening at the Clachan Hotel, when a most enjoyable evening wss spent. hIembers of the North Vancouver St. Andrew's and Cal- edonian Society were also guests Lamatco -- Gyproc -- I'laster lk)ard Beaver Board -- Shingles SHIP CUTS Iihi.ET CABLE One of the three telephon cable connections between Vsn couver snd the North Shore wa severed on Saturday when foul+'&l by the anchor of the steamer Point Bonits. The B. C. Tel+ phone Company's cable shID) Brico with Superintendent of Construction George McCartney~' Al Miller, supervising foreman+i'nd the Vancouver "heavy "s"'angaboard, wss immediately' put to work repairing the dam aged link. The severed cable ex tended from Pier D to the foo;:: of Chesterfield avenue, Nortlh. Vancouver. The Point Bonita picked it up when coming in tdf'ier II. The 100 pairs of wires in thq, cable are used for longAistsnce and inter-exchange communicaJE. tion between Vancouver and North Vancouver. There are twqls-e other telephone routes to their North Shore, however, another, 100-pair cable to North Vsncoudh ver snd 8 100-pair cable to West Vancouver. This is the seventh time in thirteen years that Burrsrd In-'] ~ let telephone cables have bee 'g fouled by ships'nchors. Cranky Customer: "Here walter Tsks this roast beef bsct ts the chs( It lsu't Bi for s jackass to sst.e lyilling Waiter: eAll right, sir' sss that you gst another helping ihs )4 Why Psy More? ' BUILD NOW WHEN PRICES ARE I.OW ~ 1 Lumber Csr 12xl8 Gsrsgs including Boor ....... 930.00 60 Ft. Close Board Fence 5.00 Shiplsp from ............ 0.00 Ix4 Common, sissd.......... 9.00 Ixs is Ix)2 common, sixsd ............................... 10.00 lxI -3 sud 4 D. D. Fir, psr 100 liu. (4..50 Cedar Lstucs, psr loo liu. feet ................................IS 4 iu. Clear Gutter, any length. nsr liu. Ct....,....es Ns. 1 XXX Shingles...... 2.25 Wali Shingles--Psr(set)su 8 iu. clear butts psr hi 1.40 Sl'EC(A).S 44x24--4 Light Windows Icos Xxlo--l Light Sssb .... 1.00 &ox)~~ Li hi Sash ... ).16 lxlo--8 Li ht Sash .. ).25 lex&2--8 Light Sash...... ).40 Gyp&sr (')su&sr Board Buildlsg Paper, F&e Vssssr sud sll Bulldisg Ms&crisis AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. lsih ssd h(sriss Delve I'hsss West )99. A(isr 5 p.m. sst for Curry Dent I'hoss W&ui 24 lit hire A G Eastman Who is taking s prominent part in "The Three Live Ghosts." COUNCIL NOTES The following matters were referred by the council to the engineer: 1. Christina Dowel re plank sidewalk. 2. Clyde Avenue from 14th to 15th Street. Power to sct. 3 A Morlidge. Bellevue be- tween 24th snd 24th Streets. For report. 4. Jss. Sutherland. Creek cul- vert adjoining Inglewood west of 17th Street. For report. 5. John J a m e s. Easement west side of lot. For report at the next meeting as to actual cost. ~ 4 The engineer having reported that the following trees were dangerous to life snd property, the council instructed the clerk to notify the owners of said lots or have notices posted for re- moval of the said trees in ac- cordance with the provisions of Bylaw No. 73. 1 tree, Lot 15, Block 2, D. L. 557. I tree, Lot I, SE.t() D. L. 1063. 8 trees, Lot 5, Block 6, D. L. 811. 2 trees, Lot 9, Block 32, D. L. 555. 3 trees, Lot 66, D, L. 1039. B. C. PLANS DRIVE OF I'ISH bhl I IN( With the timber industry of the province lined up for contin- uation of an intensive drive to extend sales of B. C. lumber in British countries, the Markets Extension Committee of the Cabinet will turn its attention to the fishing industry, to see what improvement csn be ef- fected there, it wss stated today by Hon. N. S. Lougheed. I xp FORK Fooo C)uR P)BAT is F)NK,AND 'CouR FAD- p'LL Be K)ouND. WEVE 'THE T)EAT Youi L & $8% HAD! DON T MISS ~ w)T)4 KYKRY ROBERTS'IVES SPECIALS IN PRICE, QUALITY'ND SERVICE All Government Inspected-.No. 1 Grade Meat For Cash or C.O.D. Only K gS KIFIFS ~ FOWL each 50c &60c No. 1 B.c. F esh Firsts LOCal Lamb Steer Beef SHOULDER ! lb -- -- -- -- I Vc BOII ING BEEF ipc I Rime I j4 Ib,...,...,..100lb. LOIN Sh C STEWING BEEF 25C sIDE BAcoN '5c hIINcED sTEAK n c in V) lb. pkg... - .Ipc Ib- ------------ --------- 2 fol l9C SHOULDER CHOP lb. „...,....„... 20c PDT RoAsT 1 0C RIB CHOP lb. -----------"-"---"-"- No. I ALBERTA CREAhIERY BLADE RIB ROAST BUTI'ER..... 31bs. Z3c ' I'RihiE RIBPork ib 15c ..25c ""'0c»INGRID 17C S1VEET lhIINCEhlEAT 1 5 lb. LOIN ff you have not used '"- "- -- ---- slRLOIN TIP 22C OUR SAUSA(eES Bi. before, there is a SATURDAY ONLY RIB STEAK 25C Treat in Store for You Mo.l Alberta Creamery ...,... 2 lbs. PORK SAUSAGES nSE Butter 3lbs 69c SIRLOIN STEAK 25 lb.....,.....,.......„..... LUC lb. cAhlBRIDGE SAUSAGEsne I New Zealand Butter T-BDNE sTE~K 25C 3 lbs. for .....................Lqlc 3 Ibs for 85c ib.................----------. Roberts'etter Meats PHONE %Vest 190 Delivery to all bvest Vancouver