0001 )c( 1912 1 41 ,te lltI e ad AL ork6 iclor ve I ,ton BER le PEL vrvicc ocibR1 f icflm6f vxiix cfcb 0 fccw hv ixxcf" cb) I cikxx Px caves mg Fm pvf brideflcca dxix kM flxcbcx cf'ihfcdm f I mxf4c5f lxv ,bmcvcbp ccvbxk " bcsm4 1~4va tbcobi cccfvxAM ~cbcccfkd cdoPccf 1'othlcvpc cc c January 29, 1932. First Game 7116 p.m. Prompt Admission; Adults 26c Children loc FOODS CURE ANAEiiIIA Ask them to name the sources of copper and probably few people would include sea foods in the list, but fis should be there, especially shellfish, and because of their copper content they have particular value in the diet of anyone sufFering from anaemia. Fish, indeed, are wonderful creatures but it is only of com- paratively recent years that science has been finding out how great is the dietary virtue which they possess because of their content of essential elements which are lacking in many other foods. As was pointed out in a recent I address at Ottawa by Dr. Har- den F. Taylor, one of North America's foremost fisheries re- search authorities, every ele- ment necessary to life is found in the ocean and, taken into the body of the fish in feeding, may be passed on to man through his diet. Qn the other hand, many land areas are deficient in some of these elements neces- sary to life and strength and the flesh of cattle and other land animals is frequently lacking in them. But to get back to fish and copper: A few years ago scien- tiflc research revealed that liver has a remarkable curative effect on certain types of anaemia, or thin-bloodedness, which is mark- ed by an insufficiency of thc iron - containing compound, haemoglobin, the red coloring matter in the blood. What liver accomplished, apparently, was to enable the body to absorb necessary iron and thus to build red blood, but why did it have this effect? More scientists went to work to study this question. Now they have discovered that the active principle of liver is copper, and where iron i8 present "as it usu- ally is in the diet, traces of cop- per cause the red corpuscles and haemoglobin in blood to come quickly to normal. This remark- able discovery," said Dr. Taylor, "Is now confirme beyond per- adventure," and as all sea foods, especially the shellfish, appear to contain copper their value in the diet of persons inclined to be anaemic is at once obvious. Other Health-Builders Iodine is another element f)which is relatively abundant in fish but often lacking in other fcods, and it is iodine which is the great preventative of such diseases as goitre. Iodine oc- curs in all sea water -- indeed most of the world's entire store of iodine is in the sea -- and, therefore, in the flesh of fish while, on the other hand, there are wide inland areas in Canada and other countries which con- tain virtually no iodine at all to pass into the flesh of animals which live upon the land and thence into the human body. But iodine and copper are not the only elements of special value as health builders which cur in fis in greater quanti. ties than in other foods, Far from it. For instance, there is lime or calcium, the bone-form- ing substance. Some flsh, such as haddock, have a lime content nearly flve times as high ss other common foods, and sea foods as a class are rich in this substance. Then, too, fis foods supply vitamins -- the wonder- workers of comparatively recent d scovery. There are vitamins in differ- ent foods, of course, but no food so far studied, it has been point- ed out by Dr. E. V. McCollom, of Johns Hopkins University, is comparable to the oils of fish in content of the noted Vitamin D. the vitamin which gives med- icinal cod liver oil its great health-building potency. For 8 time, perhaps, it was thought that whatever element made cod liver oil so efficacious was pecul- iar to this oil alone but research has now established that this is not the case and that the oil dis- tributed through the bodies of various fishes such as herring and salmon is similar to the liver oil of the cod in vitamin potency. In other words, the in- clusion of fis regularly in the f«m ly diet means that the household will be supplied with an adequate allowance of Vita- min D just as surely as though doses of cod liver oil were taken. Vitamin D, of course, is espec- ially valuable in the diet of growing children, and its pres- ence in fish is an excellent rea- son for including these tasty sea foods frequently in the menu in homes. In Canada, moreover, it is possible to have fish foods frequently on the table without causing monotony in the diet for more than 60 dlfferent varieties of food fish of highest quality are taken in the Dominion's commercial fisheries. Very Mech Su Dolly: "Oh, mother! Look at this bux of gold-tipped cigxcctivx that Jack sent mv. What do yuu think would be suitable for him? 1 must give him something, yuu know." Her Mother: ui think a bux uf bun-hunx would be appropriate, my dear." It Sounded Bigger A negro employee of a large com- pany wxx killed in an accident. The claim agent went tu the widow tu make x settlement uut of court. uYuu xvv, madam," said the agent, "we make yuu a fair uger. If yuu rvfuvv and take the matter into court, yvu cxay xot receive anything. Will yuu be xxuxflvd if we give yux fifteen hundred duiixrxf" uNu, xuh, white folks. Ixe won' be xxiixflvd wah no fiftee hundred. ixv aut gwine ivr settle 'less 1 giix a thousand dollars." Sonny: "Mamma, daddy wouldn' inuvdcr anybody, would hv?u Muihvcc uWhy, certainly nut, child, why du yuu xxkfu Sonny: "1veU, 1 ixxc beard him down m the cellar saying, "Let's till the other twu, George." A gold-digger hxd divd xxd an hev worldly puvxexxiunx, including a par- rot, were being auctioned uif "What am 1 offered for this bcxuufui bird?u raid tbv xucuuneev. "One bean," said x bystander. "Twu bucks, roared another. "Make ii fiv, Daddy," croaked thv parrot, uand I'l give yuu a kixau 1461 Iflarine Drive WEST QA DON'T I,ET THIS C REMEMBER:--We can supply Van with WEED CHAIN BATI'ERIES, SHELL GA, Any time l We specialize in pleasing the Customer. BILL GROUT N MOTORS OI.D WORRY YOU you from stock here in West S, ANTI-FREEZE, WILLARD S AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE, lVest %68 Basketball Tournament at INGLEIVOOD SCHOOI, AUDITORIUM Friday, February 5th 1932 THE WFST VAN NEWS THE BURNING BUSH By Snbadar Do you wish to earn one mil- lion dollars 0 month2 Do you want to be fawned upon by the multitude, your boots licked by afl the men, and your lips kissed to the shrivelling point by all the women, both young and old2 All these things can be yours in any cfvflized country if you only fin the recipe for banishing the depression. It Is the one sub- ject of conversation in Van- couver, as it seems to me, wher- ever and whenever men fore- gather. Personally, I am getting tired of being asked the same question. I told one man that the fact that women's skirts were going to be shorter this summer might relieve the gen- eral hopelessness to some extent and he looked at me as if I was a cross between a lunatic and a criminal. Joking apart, how- ever, I believe that we Cana- dians have reached the bottom, but the trouble is we can't stay on the bottom too long, as the diver said to the octopus, which had him by the neck. The Americans are on their way, and are doing quite nicely, thank you. Why they have not an- nounced that they have the big- gest depression on earth I really don't know, but I am daily ex- pecting to read of it They have the biggest and the greatest of everything else, and how they have failed to secure the biggest depression before this is dis- appointing. I am afraid some wretched efficiency e x p e r t s across the line are going to get fired over it. v ~ The wily little Jap has found the answer to the boycott, and the Chinese are squealing like pigs about it. And it was so very simple. Buy my goods, or Pll blow you to where you won' want goods of any kind. The League might take careful note, as the boycott is their pet weapon. To return to China, which has been severely spanked by several peoples in her past history, but has conquered in the long run by absorption into her millions. That system, how- ever, is, unfortunately for them, rather out of date. In these days of poison gas, high explo- sives, bacteria warfare, and in- tensive gunfire, millions fade away with startling rapidity. If John Chinaman does not yet realize that, he soon will, unless he settles with his little yellow brother I am wondering just how long Dr. Sun Yat Sen is going to retain his popularity. There was 8ome semblance of order while China had an em- peror. Since she embarked upon the road to democracy she has suffered chaos. It is ever thus with popular government. Even we are finding that out. ~ r Vancouver school authorities are discussing the matter of sal- uting the flag, also as to whether or no cadet training is to be con- tinued. The first matter is un- important, because love of country, which is in practical application 0 respect for law and order, means a willingness to serve one's country. The pres- ence of that willingness renders the daily saluting of the flag or symbol unnecessary, as its absence makes such a ceremony mere lip service and an insult to the law and order of that coun- try. Cadet training is mostly physical training plus a few drill movements much less complicat- ed than those indulged in by several fraternal orders, yet no- body accuses them of militar- ism The British Empire was not made and kept in being by the uI didn't raise my boy to be a soldier, but I'l see he gets the benefit, of what other women' sons died for" spirit. No soldier wants war, because he personal- ly pays the price The other fel- low makes it--and stays at home. Cadet training is not to be lightly thrown sway in these disturbed times, except by those who knovvingly or unknowingly are the Empifvf'0 enemies. CLASSIFIED ADS mvxiv 4 2 cve4 prr wcw* miaimvm ~aviag cvgeixc xccvvaix, xn dxmi- The cxiv for CixxciSvd Advvvuvv 25 cents. Excvpi ix chv vxvv vf cbovv Scc4 vcr pxyabiv xlvaxiy ia xdrxcwa Rvmvmbvr Cixvviflvds ia cbv Wvvx Vxa Nivvv gvi immccUxcv ccvvica rxhv Cxvxrgic'x xdrkv xmi Bxy Avvrxge in ~ piece with x fxtsvv. Acreage In good iocauoax fvum 560 sp. Apply John Lxwxva, West 55. PAINTING. KALSOMLN1NG AND PAPERING -- Tahe xdrxaiagv of cbvapvv wistrv pvievv. Phoae Wmi zaf R. FOR Rpcfy -- Aurxccirv bxxsxirw ~ modern, partly fxvaixhvd, garage Phone West 820L. HANDY ANN SHOPPK DDINlxcxvvg? --10M xx1e daring Jxaoxvy. Phoavf'C West 29. C. J. BRODERICK--Pbofo Fixixhvv, Dvvviopiag, Printing, Enlarging, Coiuvmg aod Cupyixg (Sager'x Store) 1622 Marine Drive WEBirg SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Daadarxvv. 51ARCELLE SHOP -- Mxmvnv, 50 cents; cruet, Ssc; fisgvv wxvv. Vsc. Phoae Mvx. Kiag West Sod. CARLEY Bays xad Svfls Favaitecv- Rvfmafhg xnd polishing, Paiaix, glass Phoae West VfY A YOUNG REL1ABLE GIRL Wxxtx Huavvwurk. Phone Wvvt 8821 RBWARD--For Sixish txkva, if rv- turned tu 1075 Duchess. Phone Wert 261R. CAPABLE WOMAN -- Expvvlvcccccb cave for isvaRd or wiU take chxrsv uf small household, thoroughly trustworthy, goad crfcvvavvx. Reasonable. Apply Bux 6. Weri Vxn News. SITT1NGS--While Wyxnduttv, Suuy strain. 1092 Mxviav Drire, corevv 11th Stcvvi. HOUSE AND RANGE WIRING-- Fixtures, repairs, vxc. Spectra Radius. Nuvtb Shore Electric. Phone North 79. Clothes and The Alan The preacher inveighed against the people who attend church for no better reason than to show off their best clothes. He concluded his homily with this tribute: "I am thankful to see it is obvious none of you have come here for that reason.u An English bishop received the following note from the vicar of 0 village in his diocese: uMy Lord: uI regret to in- form you of the death of my wife. Can you possibly send me 0 substitute for the week-end?u "Are you sure that I shall re- cover?" an anxious patient once asked a physician. "I'e heard that doctors sometimes give a wrong diagnosis and h a v e treated patients for pneumonia when afterwards they die of typhoid fever." uYou have been woefully mis- informed," replied the medical indignantly. "If I treat a man for pneumonia, he dies of pneu- monia.u ALL THE BEST Bvxadx of Cfgma Cigarettes xxd Tobaccos. Also Ex- change Poker Hands xxd Consol cards Free. AmMvvidv Tra Bovxcx. BOARD AND RESIDENCB -- 15th xxd Bellevue, near feery. Rates at- tractive. Phuer Wvv'1 665L POR 1 LUMB1'NG REPAIRS -- Rvv- idvucv Phoae Wvvt yifR. VCE HAVE TEN OF THB CHEAP EST LOTS in West Vxevuuvvv- Some close in. Secre mvwvy-mxkvvx ia amr future. John Lawmm, West su. FOR SALE or EXCHANGE for Wvvi Vxeemvvr Property -- 180 acres dykvd land with goad tmiMixg xt Pai Mcxdowa Apply John Lxwxoa Wvvt 55. TO RENT--5 room xcodrrx lwvmv. Gaud garden. Nmxbcr of good frsit trees. Cuavvaivat iuextiva, 520.00. Apply John Lxwvoa. Wvsi 66. Geo. Hay NOTARY PUBLIC Evixbnvbcd 1912 REAL ESTATE AND INSURAiNCE boicv Average xxd Hvmvvitcw ~1 Attrxcuvr Pckrx 51ONEY To LOAN ON MOBTGAGES ! 1505 Mxciac Drive Phone West 21 vc Scyxcuar 1260 Bvvaiagx Wvvi 205X Name Your Own Discount on this NEW ELECTMC WASHER Regularly sold for $ 119 50 ALE PRICE in this great event saves you S $20 and we'l match your first payment, dollar for dollar, up to $10. In other words, if you pay $10, we will pay $10 also, thereby making your actual cost for the machine only $8960. This is $30 of? the regular pricei If you wish to pay less than $10 down, we will still match your first payment dollar for dollar Don't miss this opportunity to own the new- est and most efficient of modern electric wash- ing machines at an actual cash saving of $30! The great Maxwell "96u is made in Canada by a Canadianmwned company, and is backed by the double guarantee of B. C. Electric stores and the Maxwell company. Fully equipped with vitreous enamel tub, a Canadian General Electric motor, and every modern feature. Call and see them at your West Vancouver B. C. Electric showroom or telephone IVest 101 for a free home demonstration! Q,C,Q~~ APPli(JIJCP S10rrS BRITliH COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. LTD. SALK S PLUS KXTRA Zcucl c v Sccc vvmwvc (m cv Xcv)