0001 THE WFqT VAN NEWS January 29, 1932. gjs Irsr w P'VV A A w V V'vk UV I Pr 5 -r ~ r 04 5 cfipr: ~ 4'0 I "5" \ c. 5 sp sk-" 5I t'5 pl 5 Cerr sr 'r' 5'rv csrk. ' . 5 c:rr ~ 5' 5 ~Fr 5 5 5 ss 'VV ' vvs Vv V' ' rvs+.wv:r vv rv vvvr rvvv wr" 5 GARDENS and GARDENING By MINA G. BUTT, Icsndscape Architect O CC ts 4 LM«Plat U, St C A SCICSS SCheel I LSCSC Ps A MISCPV O mslsc. M bv bsskssi L4 ~ 8 late fall and has large white flowers, two to three inches across. It prefers 8 rather moist location. It is good for borders or cutting purposes. It spreads quickly from under- ground shoots and if not watched and cut back to conflne it, other nearby plants may be smothered 'ut. The Shssta Daisy grows to 8 height of from two to three f«et and has yellowwentered white flowers which appear in the summer or early fall. It will stand considerable sun and heat snd makes 8 good flower for cutting purposes 88 well as for border plantings. It is usually propogated by division of the roots. There are several varie- ties of the species. The hardy chrysanthemums are among the most successful of the hardy perennials for use on the coast. They do not do well in the East. Frequent waterings are desirable for this variety Chrysnnthemums There are several distinct types of Chrysanthemums, most of which are adapted to the sec- Uon of the country along the coast where there is ample moisture When planted in the interior of the province frequent waterings should be given, By frequent waterings we mean thoroughly soaked once or twice 8 week--not a little sprinkled on the ground each day. All of the various types will do well in any good garden soil, but respond greatly to extra care. The Painted Daisy or Pyre- thrum or, as it is frequently called, Feverfew, is one of the most popular. It grows to 8 height of from one to two feet, with a fine 'foliage that is at- tractive throughout the season. Its single red, pink or white flowers appear in early summer. The centers of the flowers are bright yellow. There are also the double and anemone flowered forms of the Painted Daisy. These are propogated from seed and do well in either sun or par- 'tial sha'de, but require a well- drained location, otherwise the crowns will rot during the win- ter. The Giant Daisy blooms in the SKI TOURNAMENT ON HOLLYBURN RIDGE Thirty members of the Van- couver Ski Club displayed their wares before 800 spectators st Hollyburn Ridge Sunday after- noon with an exhibition of jump- ing and racing in all classes. The trail was in good condition, the snow fast and weather ideal for the events, although the landing was hard in the jumps. Frank Jacobean covered the five-mile cross-country A Class distance in 37 min. 55 sec., to nose out Hansen, while Mickey Mitchell proved best to win the B Class race in 41 min. 17 sec., to place ahead of W. Baker and L. WiHisms. The men's novice race over a shorter course was won by Phil Surrey in 26 min. '15 sec., although it was closely contested by Syd Bornott and Gordon Knechtle. Bertha 'Haigh again proved her ability to win the A Class ladies'vent, covering the course in 19 min. 66 sec., while the B Class race went to Vivisn Arm- strong. The jumps showed fair form for the time of year, Hansen taking first place in the A event with 8 leap of 81 feet. Earl Young made the longest com- petitive jump of 95 feet, but was disqualified when he fell on his second attempt. Norm Kaldshl jumped 99 feet in an exhibition, 88 compared with the hill record of 108 feet. O. B, Osmundsen snd K. H. Grimsgsard.acted in the capa- city of judges, with Chris Engh, the club captain; C. Schroeter and G. Billingsley in charge of the events. R. J. Verne, dub president, took 8 short ski trip and witnessed the jumping. Be Salts: Ckss A--M o ucsms ....... Il Ill 00, SI n. 5SS Jscsipcs .... 01 Sl ~ Ill X Tcssg -- .. 05, It. Ckss ~ W. 8 bcs . «Sl 10,10D. 500.$ M. Kikbca .... ~ Isil 10.-- ti. I ~ I.l 8. Csspsssss. I&151 4,-- It, 050 L Wnbscsc .. Msl5 M. Ib li& 5 C. Dsri~ ...... Mdl 10,-- It. Ill.l M. Sllssc I y., -- ll, Slit. Illicscks ALL-CANADIAN PIIONE LINE OPENED Connecting the Pacifi and Atlantic coasts of Canada by all-Canadian telephone circuits for the first time in history, the trans-Canada telephone line was opened for service on Monday, January 25th. In the past all telephone traific between western and eastern Canada had to be routed by way of the United States. Now, by means of the new line, a faster and higher grade of service across this country, using only Canadian circuits, is available. Seven of the Dominion's prin- cipal telephone systems com- bined to make the new line pos- sible, each system doing the work through ils own territory. The B. C. Telephone Company'8 task was to string two new cir- cuits (four wires) on a new pole line over a route of 625 miles, from Vancouver to the Crow' Nest Pass on the Alberta boun- dary. The cost to the B. C. Telephone Company was in ex- cess of 31,000,000. His Excellency Earl Bess- borough, the Governor-General, of?iciated at the Dominion-wide opening ceremony, speaking from Ottawa. The inaugural message from British Columbia was delivered by His Honor Lieut.-Governor J. W. Fordham Johnson. The ceremony opened at 12 o'lock noon, Ottawa time. It was 9 8-m. on the Pacific Coast and I p.m. at Halifax, Nova Scotia. The opening signal was ithe striking of the chimes in the Victory Tower, Ottawa, followed by 8 roll call of the nine pro- vinces. The Governor-General wss the first speaker, and he was followed by representatives of each of the provinces, who spoke from the provincial capitals. "It is doubtful whether any- where else on this continent a stretch of pole line has been built across rougher country than that traversed by the tranipCanada line in British Columbia," said B. C.'s Lieu- tenant-Governor. "During its journey across our province, the new line, par- ticularly in the eastern section, rises 88'igh as 8 mile above sea level. It makes its way along the edge of canyons; it leaps across rivers; and it follows the right-wsy that has been cut through miles of standing tim- ber. From the pictures that I have seen and the stories I have heard, I have decided that build- mg the trans-Canada line across British Columbia was an engi- neering and construction feat of great magnitude." Following the message from British Columbia, the Governor- General declared the service open. COMIhi UNICATIOiV gHollyburn, B.C., 27th January, 1932. Editor, West Van. News, Dear Sir I In view of the present outbreak of measles, the following will be of interest and value to the residents of the municipality. Mode of Transmission:-- Directly from person to person, and very rarely by 8 third party. Most infective period is during the short period before the rash appears, probably four or five days. Coughmg and sneexing are then,pieminent symptoms and the emanations from the nose and throat spread the disease from. person to person. Incubation Period: -- From nine to fourteen days. Very few people are totally immune to the Idisease. Second attacks are not infrequent, and third attacks not unknown. One at- tack. however, frequently ap- pears to protect for the remain- der of life. Isolation and Quarantine:-- should begin when sneezing, watering of the eyes, etc., first show--that is some four days before the rash appears. Eight days from appearance of rash is the full time of quarantine. Children who have not had the disease and who have been ex- posed should be isolated for fourteen days. School Regulations 1. Children with measles must be quarantined for eight days after the appearance of the rash. 2. Children who have had the disease may attend school on producing evidence satisfactory to the Health OI?icer that this IS SO. 3. Children in an infected house who have not hsd the dis- ease must stay away for four- teen days after exposure. If then they do not show signs of the disease they msy return to school. 4. AII chfldren away from school must obtain 8 certificate signed by the School Inspector before returniiuf. Yours truly, ARTHUR C. NASH, Medical Oificer of Health and Medical Inspector of Schoobn NOTS--T4 ruse IS cps bi 5 II ~ Pk SC 0 ~Ipse CCPCSCM ~ tb 0VC P bs Il is dcv Tll~ SIV\IISSS ~IIVSM 0 lbl ~ I I Ib rk I» cs ~ si 8 ~ Kelt . Tbc ~ ~ SI pp Is ss ~ Ip Icsu sc II ~ ~SSSI PIP Ic CC 40 ~ SIVSPSC, VII IS m I cs lcp sbvlis 4 pecks I ~VANCOUVER SKIERS IN PRINCETON MEET The Hollyburn Padiic Ski Club is represented by Norm. Kaldahl and Henry Sotweht in the third annual Princeton ski tournament yesterday and to- day. Kaldahl recently won first, place in a big Seattle tourns ment, defeating most of the Northwest'8 star jumpers. His victims included Harold Belsvig, Princeton ace and holder of the record of 198 feet for the Princeton Hill. Sotweht took third place in Seattle and both he and Ksldahl will make 8 strong bid to set a new hill mark in Princeton. The Hollyburn Club will stage: a tournament on Holyburn Ridge Sunday when some of the best jumpers on the Lower Mainland will be seen in action. Special events for B class, novice and junior ski-ers will be held. Ski competitions are scheduled on Hollyburn Ridge every week-end for the remain- der of the ~inter season. I.EGION W. A. The regular monthly meeting of the W. A. to the Canadian Legion was held in the Legion Memordsii Hall on Monday eve- ning, when West Vancouver Legion members and Mrs, Wolfe- Merton, president, snd members of the North Vancouver IV. A. attended. The annual election of ol?lcers for the coming year took place, when Mrs. Bstchelor was re- turned as president by acclama- tion and the following officers elected: Mrs. Green, first vice- president; Mrs. Carley, second vice-president; Mrs. Wicking, secretary; Mrs. Climie, trea- surer; Mrs. Sharman, chairman of the entertainment committee; Mrs. Graham, membership com- mittee; Mrs. Howdle, hospital and sick committee; Mrs. At- wood, local sick . committee; Mrs. Childs, press correspon- dent. The officers for last year pre- sented excellent reports and a very successful year, both so- cially and financiall was re- corded. The treasurer reported 8 substantial balance in hand snd the membership was in- creased by thirty-two members. After the meeting Mrs. T. Turner, Mrs. Lovegrove and Mrs. W. R. Clark entertained with excellent vocal solos, which were very much appreciated. Refreshments were served and dancing concluded the evening. Golfer (out on links): "Say, boy! Do you know how to cad- die?" Boy: "Yes, sir!P Golfer: "Can you add?" Boy I "Yes, sir." Golfer: "All right. How much is. seven and five snd four?" Boy: "Twelve." Golfer: "Fine. 'You'l do You are hirmL" "You have three pairs of glasses, professor." "Yes; I use one to read with, one to see st 8 distance, and the third to find the other two." The professor's wife was speaking: "I must say, James," she said, "that you do not look so well dressed ss you used to." "That's strange," said the pro- fessor, thoughtfully, "for they are the same clothes." Does Advertising Pay? "I advertised that the poor woukl be,welcomed in this church," said the minister, "and after inspecting the collection I see they have come." p. Ssrscr --- """' li sea„„ lldlS. SPSSPII - '"' ~ sdiO. Xsccbuc............. ~ 081 Cksc A--Wcsscs S. Kclcb .....,............... IPS ~ D. Kcc ..................--. Mdl K. Ii Icb ........., ...... Mdl ~I. Sspr I......, llssi CI ~ 8--Wcpvs Virlsc AISPSISoSC......... 50 I~ 0ll Il ~ ~I. Kipp 5 .........,...,. -... - 5080 S. Ksppitss...„.. --.... ~ 0dl 2.for One EVERY MONDAY WEST 'VAN 'CLEANERS & DYERS 1540 'Marine Drive West 161 Daughter. Oh, papa, what is your birthstone?" Father of Twelve: "My dear, I'm not sure, but I think It is 8 Grindstone." Under the Auspices of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, L O. D. E. ,Fete of Magic and Necromancy By I'rofessor IL D. Peck (also Special Variely Program) at ihe HOLLYBURN THEATRE at 8:15 p.m. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9th l Admission 36 cents Special hiatinee for Children and Students at 4 p.m. Admission 10 cents. Hollybtarn THEATRE Fcldsr ssd Ssiscdsr One Heavenly Night with 'EVELYN 'LAYS and JOHN BOLES lh K.W. SaVOry 1443 hiarlne Drive Ambleside Phone )Vest 340 Evenings, IVest 143 lh lh Real Estate Finance and Insurance 5 0 III II FURNACE and SHEET METAL REPAIRS Atnblesifie Sheet MetalWorks LAUAIE SPECK, PIPPricisi 1446 Marine Drive Phone West 78 C. J. Overington PIOisiEER 'BARBER 14th and lliarvne Expert Work I'hone )Vest 135 i 1 „ I I I A salesman lsklsg bls brlds South on ibllr bpnlymcca vlsllsd at s hotel where bs boasted of the fins honey. 'Sambo," bl ssksd tbp colored wait. lr, 'Where' my blnpy I" PAb don't know, bsss,s Psp004 Ssisbp, Prclsg lbl Isdr sssilssslr, 'sghs don't wsk bere sp mp." Tbl tramp slouched up tp the cld lady's house snd ssw bsr wslcblsg b:m from s kjsdsw -- s bssspsluA. lslklsg old lady with gnvsr bslr. Sl bs went on bll-flsrs ssd bpgsa to lsl the grass on tbp old lady' lawn. As the llsmp pspsclsd the old Isdr elms 50 bsr dear. "What are rlu dolag ibstt" sbl sskcd. "Bscssss I'm fsmlsbld.c bs cspns& clgr ppcr msn,r cpjsd ibl bcsspip llsi-lssklsg old Ldy, cds prsr gc tound is ibl lawn at lbl back cf ibs bouse; lbs gcsss ls 50 much lssgsl." Asd then sbs shut the door. 'BURRARD FVNERALIGHAPEL 8: D.IWHITE, Mgr. DistisciicsiFsslrsl Sprrlcp Lady Assisissl 228 114 St. K Passe'Nsptb 828 On the Ouija Llss Breathlessly the Pplrltusliscicsllr la. clisld lady bent over ibs Psjjs spell- ing Psl the commuslssllcss from blr departed spouse. "John, are rss happy ibscslr abc cpj sskcd. "Yss, d-s-~-1.5 "Are rss happier there than rsc were on ssrlb?P "Ysl, 4-s ssi'" PAb,s sbs brlstbld, "Heaven must be s wonderful place." "I g-u-s-$-0 scs, b.s-t Ikm smt t-b-s-0-0 y-s-t.