West Van. News (West Vancouver), 29 Jan 1932, p. 3

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0001 ubhfh ' 1 1 1 I szz) ll ((an I 80C!I?). ng 0! I Grsns lb V W nll, Ilcnrn 0 ~ K )((v x G. 4»., for (hsf ( year zsI l 0(fifnn . trsnnnnf) l (2nd Vhn the fninf i. 3pnlfs ie hssykd b Omzg Mze in past?su. 1 zult odz anh I?Jt 8311.9( represents. lzsd TI hnrsls said thn lusll siyi you kzis wersd Iis. '0thought,) zldazgnh iu January 29, 1982, Phone West 20 M. WILLIAMS 1568 hiarine Drive Res. Phone West 286L Ws Ls OGDEN COs iVest 146 hIEN'S AND BOYS'URNISHINGS EXCLUSIVEI Y en's Scotch Knitted Gloves 39c a*Dark baatbsr. Puss Wau( Also BOYS', sama style, Special 25c a pair WEST VANCOUVER ORCHESTRAL SOCIETY is giving A CONCERT in ihe LEGION HAI.I., at 8:15 p.m Thursday, Feb. 4th Proceeds in aid of the Canadian Legion Building Fund Tickets 25c. I..O I. No. 2990 The above lodge will attend the afternoon service at the Presbyterian Church in the Orange Hall next Sunday, at 3 o'lock, when the Rev. Dr. Ellis will deliver a special sermon to the Orangemen. The public are cordially invited to attend this service. Next Tuesday the above lodge will hold its next regular meet- ing, when delegates will be ap- pointed to attend the Grand Lodge at Victoria', February 15th, 16th, 17th. "H-how f-f-far is it to Bar- haven?" the gentleman asked a traveller in the smoker. The man stood up without 0 word and went back to his chair-car. Another passenger answered the question, then sought out the unfriendly one. "Why didn't you answer his question just then?" "D-d-do you want m-m-me to g-g-get my f-f-fool head knocked oif?" was the reply. West $6 Service at your door Benny MannerS Fresh and Smoked Fish New Laid Eggs Dressed Poultry Clean Polished Floors Take advantage of LOW Prices. Have your Floors Scrap- ed and Finished NOW. IL MILNER Phone West 98Y3. HOLLYBURN Barber Shop Islb S Mar(us BX PEST SERT(CB E. b(ARSH, Proprietor 1. L P. The Independent Labor Party, West Vancouver Branch, held another of their popular whist drives in the Orange Hall last Friday. The usual good time was had by all who attended, with twenty-two tables in play. After playing twenty hands at whist, refreshments and danc- ing were in order. The following were the prize winners: Ladies'irst, Mrs. Miles; ladies'econd, Mrs. C. F. Powell; ladies'ealed number, Ml'z. Wm. Partridge; gentle- men's first, V. Ferguson; gentle- men's second, T. Caudwell; gentlemen's sealed number, T. Neil. Draw prize, Robert Pyne. Mrs. Partridge and Mr. Pyne very kindly donated their prizes to the I. L. P. to be used to help some needy member. The following calendar is a list of the I. L. P. social activi- ties to the end of March: Whist drive, Clachan, Friday, February 12th. Whist drive, Orange Hall, Friday, February 26th. Whist drive, Orange Hall, Friday, March 11th. I. L. P. Dance, Orange Hall, Thursday, March 17th. Whist drive, Orange Hall, Thursday, March 31st. The regular meetings of the I. L. P. are held in the Legion Hall the second Wednesday in each month, at 8 p.m. Also special public meetings in the fourth week in each month, ex- act dates to be announced later. FOOTBALL The following players are re- quested to turn out for the game with Hastings Athletic at Bramar Park at 2:30 sharp. Take Oak Street car to 27th and walk east one block. Lsrney, McLean, A. Downey, H. Downey, Grieve, Stratton, Jerry Griesdale, J. Normand, Hamilton, Bean Griesdale, Gray, Kendrick. Odorless Dry Cleaning and Dyeing ) Clsausd ds ] pp ~ REOENT SU(TS TO ORDER coATS j Pressed 4!) ~ DilESSES aad s 24.00 Hlgbss grads sells sus sau make 0$6.00 sad up ALTERATlONS aud REPAIRS WE CALL AND DEI.IVER THE WEST VAN NEWS Mrs. J. G. Tears, 12th and Inglewood Ave., who hss been confined to her bed through sickness, is now much improved. ~ ~ ~ Playing in the Lange Cup competition last Friday after- noon, the Hollyburn School soccer team defeated the North Star boys by a score of 2 goals to 1. The match was played at A mbieslde Park. ~ s ~ A chimney fire took place on Monday morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Ross, 24th and Heywood Ave. The tire brigade turned out and were successful in putting the flre out before it spread, although some damage was done. ~ s Some minor repairs, which were rendered necessary by last week's storm, have been done to Ambleside Wharf. ~ s David Dewar, 22nd and Belle- vue Ave., is building a new house on Haywood Ave., be- tween 23rd and 24th Streets. ~ s ~ Reeve J. B. Leyland was in Victoria the flrst part of this week. ~ ~ It may interest our readers to know that the Weekly Scotsman of 26th December contained three jokes taken from the West Van. News. The fact that such a prominent old country newspaper has reproduced and acknowledged anything from our columns shows that this paper travels far, and is helping to make West Vancouver known to the outside world. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. Dauphinee Senior, 28th and Bellevue, met with a serious accident on Wednesday, when she fell in the house and broke her hip. She was taken to the North Vancouver General Hos- pitaL s 's s The West Vancouver Teach- ers'adminton Club were de- feated last Monday evening in the Inglewood School Gymna- sium by the Kitsilano Badmin- ton Club, the score being 12 to 4. Hikers are being warned by the B. C. climbers'afety com- mittee of the dangerous condi- tion of the snow on mountains of the North Shore. Several feet of fresh snow haa fallen on the hard crust ahd is resulting in frequent avalanches. Mr. Leslie Golman, 0 member of the committee, strongly urges that extra precautions be taken by hikers intending to climb around Dam and Goat Mountains and in the Seymour Range. A very enjoyable evening of dancing was spent last Saturday evening in the Legion Memorial Hall by the West Vancouver Branch of the B. C. Scottish Country Dance Society, when they had as their guests the members of the Vancouver Branch. An exhibition of the foursome reel was given by the visitors, which was greatly en- joyed by all present. Refresh- ments were served in the dining room during the evening. Children In houses where there are measles may attend school upon producing proof to the school medical officer that they have already hsd the dis- ease. Such proof make take the form of s medical certificate or a statement signed by parents of the children. s ~ ~ Mrs. Tanner has rented the Lagos house st 25th and Marine Drive. ~ ~ ~ A Vancouver youth had his leg broken last Sunday whfle skiing on Hollyburn Ridge. He was carried down the trail on a stretcher to the top of 22nd Street, where an ambulance was in waiting for him. s s s Next Monday is receiving dsy at the West Vancouver Public Schon!la All children are eligible who will have attained the age of six years on or before the end of February, 1932. s hire. Stuart Cameron, accom- panied by Miss Grace Cameron, left on the 18th instant for Honolulu. ~ ~ An official invitation hss been extended to and accepted by the municipal council and adminis- trative boards to attend St. Stephen's on Sunday evening. A cordial i nvitstion is also ex- tended to all civic employees to attend this civic service. ~ ~ ~ Miss Desmond of Seattle has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rathje, 13th and Gordon Ave. are PROMPTLY and AC- CURATELY DISPENSED at this Drug Store "Jost What the Doctor Ordered." WEST VAll i'iiAINACI The Slays sf Survive. 1102 Maniac Dr(ss West 2? Emssgsasy Phoae Wssn $21 (After 0 p.m.) Stratton'S BAKERY Variety of Breads improve every mea)-- All Kinds of Tea Breads ASSORTED PASTRIES Almond Varieties Christening, Birthday, Wedding Cakes made at 1468 h!ARINE DRIVE Phoae 'West 27 or we wfil call GORDON ROBSON Bassiaisr 41 Sans(nas u'EST YANCOUVEB- Offiss Ns, 144'1 Mayias Drive. Pbsas West 40$. VANCOUVER OPPICE- Suiis 010; 610 Hastings St. W Pbsus Ssymsur 4100. DEATH oriiA~Eiv DAva L U P lThe death occurred last hfon- day, in the North Vancouver General Hospital, of Matthew Davie. The deceased, who had resided for the last twelve years with his son, W. S. Davie, 16th and Fulton Ave, was in his 84th year. He was born in Scotland and previous to coming here had lived for a number of years in Port Haney. Besides W. S. Davie here, he is survived by another son, hL T. Davie of North Vancouver, seven grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held today in Harron Bro. (k William- son's chapel in Vancouver, inter- ment being made in Port Haney. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. Searle, Phone West 9 Fuel, Feed, Fertilizers snd Building Supplies The BURRARD LAUNDRY For Peopk nh'ho Are Particular HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY TO HOLD ANNUAL MEETING THiali ST aad ST Davios North Vancouver Phone North 1310.The ad)ourned Annual hfeet- ing of the Horticultural Associ- ation will be held in the Dun- darave Hall on Tuesday next, February 2nd, at 8115 p.m. At the close of the business a social hour will be spent and refresh- ments will be served by the Dir- ectors. It is hoped that a full and rep- resentative gathering will re- sult. (Vest Van. Reprsaaulalive F. RIVERS Phone West 410L --if you want my honest opinion..." Client: "No, no--I want your professional advice !" The End of the Month Closes our 20% Reduction on PURE WOOL SIVEATERS ihien, Women, Children Local and Personal l Your Prescriptions The King Studio West Vancouver Branch: 1586 Marine Drive will be open for business MONDAYS hVEDNESDAYS from 2 p.m. (o 6 p.m. FRIDAYS Evenings by appointment. FOR THE BALANCE OF JANUARY ONLY That I'opular Opening Special Q fOr $5QQ DO NOT DELAY Phone: West 40 or V. V. VINSON, Seymour 1046 Proprietor. SH,VER WEDDING Tanner--)Veston January 27th, 1907, at St. Ed- munds Church, Northampton, (the Rev. J. Evans-Hopkins of- ficiating), the marriage took place between Edith Mary, elder daughter of the late hir. and Mrs. O. F. Weston, of Kingsley Park, Northampton, to Owen Francis, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. )V. Tanner, of Vine Cot- tage, Brays, Berks. JUNIOR CHOIR All the members of the Junior Choir are asked to be at the United Church promptly st 10 a.m. tomorrow (Saturday) for the practice. BLAIR'S WOOD AND COAL We SPECIALIZE in genuine TULAhIEEN COAL, ROSEDEER DRUhlHELLER and CANhiORE BRIQUETTES with FOOTHILL and BLUE FLAJIE Always on Hand, WEST 298 1464 hlarlne NORTH 248 Brooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear 14lh aad Msr(ua Dsiva. Pbsas Wssn 144 Ezslasiva Agents Carlissni Silt Hose aad Uaivsma( Susaisss also Nays!lies, Tsys, School Supplies, Hemstitching