West Van. News (West Vancouver), 29 Jan 1932, p. 2

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0001 uVrm tuu vv wr v VV ~v»r W'V tru'rr Vrvi ~-+ r rr ' r" ~ rv u 't I r. t' .t Vlm tt ~ ~'x u upa t ~ rv u~ v Vvu'.r . Vt"rrVVVVVv u'r' Vr Vr'n vVV VV r~v- THF, WEST VAN NEWS United Church WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society The Secrct Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D of uut suuuuux, tx that wu uss esty tbs vuty bust aluistisis slid uquipmuni sad du uxt wort ibutuughiy. With ibis new permanent wave machine ws can give s natural appearing uud is)ting wave on any texture uf hair without discoloring it. Nsistst Wutu Riugiui Wsvu SIL50 55.50 Esds Cutiud 52.50 Sunday, January 31st 10:00 a.m. -- Sunday SchooL Seniors and Juniors will meet together in the Auditorium for opening. 11:16 s.m. and 7:16 p.m.-- Public Worship. Dr. Henry will speak in the morning on "How Old Are You 7" The evening service is 8 combined Father and Son and Mother and Daughter gathering. A special printed programme has been secured. Sons and daughters will have a share in the service. The address will be given by Waiter Owen, bar- rister of the city. Next Monday evening, Febru- ary 1st, at the meeting of the Y. P. Su a lantern lecture on "The Angelus" will be given by Bert Fiddes, who is director of religious education at Chalmers Church. Mr. Fiddes has had ex- perieoce in both Kamloops and Kelowna. Singers from Van- couver )xdtl illustrate the pied fure8. The public are cordially invited. A plate will be at the door and the proceeds, which will be quite voluntary, will be used to help the work of the Y. P. Society. CHURCH ED1FICR 20th uud Esuuimsh. Huiiybutu This Buuhiy iu 4 Branch uf The tduthet Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist, ix Buuius, htsxssuhuxstis Sunday Butvicus 11)80 ~.m. sud 7)80 p.m. Sunday, January 81st, Subject: "I.OVE" Cf)t)endolyn Beauty Sitoppe 1540 htsttsu Dtitu Phone West I IZ I Sunday Suhuui at 10:00 s,m. Testimony htuutiug Wudusudsy at 8:15 p.m. Baptist ChurchMrs.T.E. Snelgrove Vioittt and Pt'ano Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys. Residence: 1343 Haywood Ave Phone W. 262R. Pupils'uuuusssx ix London Academy, Trinity College sud Toronto Conservatory. Sunday, January 31st 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School snd Adult Class. 11:00 s.m. -- Morning Worship. Pastor will preach. Topic: SGod's Great Intention." Brief children's address. 7:30 p.m. -- Evening Worship. Pastor is preaching 8 series of sermons on Revelation of Jesus Christ. No. 3, "The Church at Ephesus." A cor- dial invitation to all. Monday, 7:30 p.m.--B.Y.P.U. Wednesday, 4 p.m. -- Children' meeting; 8 p.m, business meeting. All members re- quested to be present. Friday--C. G. I. T. 'Teen-age girls welcome. Phone West 210L WEST VAN. BROIVNIESJ The first )Vest Vancouver Brownie Pack held 8 pretty "flying upu ceremony on Thurs- day last, when eight Brownies joined the Guides. Three of these children, by passing the highest possible test in a Brownie Pack, won their wings and so were able to "fly upu to Guides, retaining their wing badge all through life. The first West Vancouver Guide Company were present and also 8 large number of mothers and friends. After the Guides and Brownies hsd played several games, after- noon tea was served. There are now several vacan- cies in the Brownie Pack. Any children wishing to join are asked to please attend the next meeting in the United Church hall, next Thursday, at 8:45 p.m. The regular monthly meeting of the Women'0 Association Tuesday, 2:15 p.m., in the Church Hall. The Trail Rangers meet Tues- day evening at 7 o'lock, and the C. G. I. T. Friday at 7 o'lock. The Girls'ouncil of our church have organized a group of "Girl Explorers,u which meets on Monday afternoons at 4 0'dock. It includes girls of 9, 10 and 11, who later graduate into the C. G. I. T. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Res. 2558 Marine Dr. Friday-- 7:30 p.m.--Special Devotions. 8:00 p.m.--Confessions (Chil- dren). Saturday-- 7:30 p.m.--C o n f e s 8 i o n 8 (Adults). Sunday-- 8:46 a.m--Holy Mass. Ser- mon. I:30 p.m.--Sunday School, 2:30 p.m.--Afternoon D e v o- tions. Week Days-- 7:30 a.m--Holy Mass. On )Vednesday evening, in Chalmers Church, Dr. Henry united in marriage his son, A. Taylor Henryr M.D., F.R.S.C.ES to Miss Marguerite Neilson. They will be living for some months at 3408 34th Ave. West Last Tuesday evening the annual Father and Son Banquet was held. In spite of the snow- buried roads and the bad night, some eighty-seven sat around the table and enjoyed a varied programme, presided over by F. J. Patterson, the president, as- sisted by Douglas McNair, the Chief Ranger of the Trail Rangers, Solos were given by Gordon Grey and Kenneth McNair. R. W. Froud led the sing-song. Councillor Dickinson gave a re- citation f r o m Drummond's "Habitant." The toast list in- cluded "The King," by Douglas McNair; "The Church," by Rupert Harrison, responded to by Dr. Henry; "West Van- couver," proposed by Wingett Irish and responded to by Coun- cillor Fiddes in the unavoidable absence of Reeve Leyland; "The Dada," by Tom Grieve, with 8 reply by John Lawson and W. N. McDonald; 'The Sons," by J. N Gillles, replied to by Ian Hamilton and Jack Watt Jr. Bobby Robson and Harold John- son and Donald Gillies gave an amusing skit. The speaker of the evening was Rev. W. B. Willan of West Point Grey United Church, with an inspira- tional talk on "The Dare of Life." A Cromar Bruce moved the vote of thanks to the ladies for their line service and to all who had helped in the pro- gramme, especially to Rev. Mr. Willan for his eloquent addres)L "Auld Lang Syne" closed an evening that all declared 8 great success. DRY FIR Fufi Load $5.00 Get our prices on Green Alder, Cord Wood Coal Presbyterian Mission Orange Hail Minister: Rev. J. W. Cuddeford, Phone West 48 COOKE tk LeNEAL Services: 2:00 p m.--All departments of the Sabbath School. Also the Adult Bible Class. 3:15 p.m.--Church worship. It is the occasion of the Church Parade of the L.O.L., No. 2990, for divine service. The speaker will be the Moderator of the New Westminster Presbytery, Rev. Waiter Ellis, M.A., B.D., and his subject, "Is the Papacy the Scarlet Woman of the Book of the Revelation?" T h i s sermon provoked much comment when preached in the minister's own church at Fairview some few weeks ago, .snd is being repeated by the request of the lodge. All Protestants should hear this message. Thursday--Prayer meeting, fol- lowed by the Choir Practice. Estsbiishud us North Saute 20 Testa (Lsdy Assisisst) HARROiV BROS. & bVILLIAiMSON jfnnetal Qrrectars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 THE West Van Nems Pabussud Busty Ftidsy PsbRsbst F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Busiusu uud Editorial Oificsl 12th smi igsfblu Dti'tu (Next tu Huiiybuts P.0.) Phone West 363 htsit Addtsuul P. (L Bux 81, HSRybstx, tLC, 51.00 s year by ssttistl 524)0 s gear by msB. JUVENILE FOOTBALI, GA5IES FOR SATURDAY January 30th Division I N. S. P. Canucks vs. West Vsn, Mshon Park, 2:30 p. m Referee: Mr. Botham. Division 2 Beavers vs. Kiwanis Bluebirds, High School (West), 2:80 p.m. Referee: Mr. Hilder. Division 3 Young Buffs vs. West Van, Mahon Park, 11 a.m. Referee: Mr. Mottershead, "Mother, isn't your hair per- manently waved I" "My dear, what makes you ask such 8 thingf""I'e been thinking Why csn't I have my neck per- manently washed 2" St Stephen s Church Rector: Rev. F. A Ramsey, L.S.T. Sunday, January 81st --Sexa. gesima Sunday. 8:00 s.m lioly Communion. 10:00 a.m. snd 11:16 a.m.-- Sunday School. 11:15 a.m.--Mattins and ser- Itlon. 7116 pm,--Evensong and ser- mon. Tuesday, I"eb. 2nd--Feast of the Purlflcation; 10 a.m., Holy Communion. The first meeting of the new church committee will be held on Tuesday, February 2nd, at 7:30 p.m. Caulfeild: Service st 3 p.m. this Sunday snd every Sunday afternoon until Easter Day. ANNUAL MEETING OF ST. STEI'HEN'S PARIS)I Despite the heavy snow there was a large attendance at the annual meeting of St. Stephen's Parish on Tuesday evening. The rector, the Rev. F. A. Ramsey, in his first report to the congre- gation expressed his apprecia- tion of the welcome and cooperation he had received from the parish. He suggested the thought of "Encouragement and Inspiration" as the keynote of the church's work. "Christ has left us the privilege snd task of encouraging and inspir- ing our fellowmen to live at their best," he said, and urged the recognition of the Holy Communion as the supreme act of worship and fellowship as the means thereto. The year showed a consider- able increase in attendance at church and Sunday school. During the year the former New Westminster fire bell was presented by the Rev. A. H. Prist and Mr. W. Hawkes, and was installed in a belfry built by funds supplied through the, W. A.'t G. A., and voluritary labor. Other gifts included 8 new Paten and Chalice by the W. A., and a desk Prayer Book by the G. A. Another Sunday School room has been added, but more accommodation is ur- gently needed. A tangible start on the new parish hall was made by the raising of $200 at Eastertide. He hoped that this would be followed up by the commencement of construction in the near future In conclusion, while express- ing his appreciation of the work of various organizations and in- dividuals, he expressed the thought that we should not ex- pect "votes of thanks" in parish work, as we all served the one Master, and recalled the Toc H. rule, "Service is the rent we pay for our room on earth." The financial statement was read by the people's warden, C. T. Kendrick, which, considering the times, was very creditable. The total turnover for the year was $3,782.37. The reports of the various activities in the parish, A.Y.P.A. Woman's Auxiliary, Girls'nd Junior Auxiliary, the Sunday School, Social Service, Choir, Font Roll, Trail Rangers, Tuxis Square and the Cube, sll re- fiected worthwhile activities and encouraging progress. The following were elected lay delegates to Synod: F. Eatock and F. Parkes; alterna- tive, S. B. Bracewell and L. J. Wrisburg. The Rector re-appointed F. Eatock as his warden, and the meeting elected by acclamation C. T. Kendrick, people's warden, and B. Hayes vestry clerk. The church committee elected were Messrs. W. Hswkes, V. Laster, S. Letner, W. T, Atwood, T. K. Lightly, W. McLaren, R. S. Silva-White, J. D. Hardy, Mrs. W. T. Davies, Mrs. E. A. Ford, Miss Almas, and Miss Mil lard. The meeting then adjourned and refreshments were served by the W. A. Jsnusrv 29 1922 Df. Marjory KicCubbln O ENTIST Hours: 0 ~ . m. iu 0 p. m. Saturdays 10 ~ m iu 1 p ls Euuniugu sud Suiutdsy After suuus by sppsiuimust only Royal Bush Building Phone 'West 440 Ruuidtstu Phone West 208 OJ(. Cr. D. FL SEALS DENTIST Hsy Riuth, 14th sud Idstiuu Dt. Ogitu Hours 0 iu 0 p.m. Evenings by sppuisimuui, Phone West T4 NURSING HOME (hits ht IL LsChsstu R N ) 254 - 24th Rituui Fmu) North Vsstuutut Rtstduutu 1'husu: Nutih 1555R He Knows His Carols "Now, Jimmy," said the teacher, "I'l give you an easy question: What do you know about the ark?u "Please, miss," answered Jim-i my, after 8 moment's thought, 'it'swhat the 'erald angels sing." The Cupututius Stdu t Fux Iu 55NICE WOMEN" ~uutlul LAUREL HARDY t«)ut tuuttu "Beau Hunks" -LOii'8iiat E- Next )')'uuh Clive Brook iu 'T) it))t:tur'hut 0'tt ssi "Tn I'1 Tot'(Tt 1 a nvN FRANKESTEIN Fuh 0 0 is Aduil ~ Oui) THE CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY The annual meeting of the North Vancouver Red Cross So. ciety was held in North V ver City Hall on Wednesday, January 6th, His Worship Mayor E. H. Bridgman, presid- ing. The following officers were elected: President, Mrs. W. E. New- combe; Secretary, Mrs. G. Law- rence; 1st Vice. Pres., Mrs. H, G. Spencer-Lewis; Treasurer, .&-'rs.F. IiiacVicar; 2nd Vice ', Pres., Mrs. Jack Loutet; Relief Convener, Mrs. Spencer-Lewis. A vote of thanks for their work during the past year was given to both retiring oificers- Mrs. C. R. Lane (treasurer), and Miss P. M. Dorrell (2nd Vice president) --also to the relief convener, Mrs. H. G. Spencer- Lewis upon whom the heaviest of the work had fallen, owing to the considerable increase in re- lief work during the past year. It wss reported that milk plied during the year amounted to 13,188 quarts. Meat and Groceries .... 8177.05 Shoes and repairs ........ 59.45 Drugs ............................ 48.15 Dentist .----- --............ 10.00 Miscellaneous Dry Goods Coal, Furniture, Cash help, etc..................... 17.33 $311.98 West Vancouver representa- tives, Mrs. F. Rivers and T. J. Irwin.