West Van. News (West Vancouver), 22 Jan 1932, p. 6

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0001 'bV -W r ba r vr Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dmdarave,', "..6 10 ~". A few speclals for Friday BROohiS--"Sally Aaa" with Hag zap. hiada by iha Blind 49c CHEESE --Oataribx Goad baxar Very tasty. par ib ............... 22c SLICED PEACHES--Raaana Aaaizaiiaa. Large aiba iia 254 CORNED BEEF--Aaaizaiiaa Good qaaiiiy, iazsa iia........ 15a STRAiVBERRY JAili--Nabab A Real Special . 4 lb. iia 49z SHREDDED 4YHRAT 2 pkia isz Rzd R 'iihiia BREAD Ftd&UR 24 ia sack .................. 69a TkiiL41PS or CARROTS Pambariaa.......... 10 tbbz 154 Ambletide,."" ", "„".,'..." & Saturday, Jan. 22 at 23 CANNEii GOODS Rbd A White Tamaiaaa, targe Faalttaaa Corn Caiambia Peas Columbia Gzaaa Beans Your chairs............ 2 uaa 194 LARD--Swgi'a Siivariaai 1 lb. carton............ ice Ai'RICOT JAhi--Nabob 40 aa. Iar ........................ 324 GENOA CAKE--iieid Bros. Large aiba, Special....,........ 45z ORANGES--Saaihaza Navela 2 daxea 654 GRAPE FRUIT--Seedless Large aiaa ............ 4 for 23z gUTTKR ButtercuP Brand 3lbs 7gCNo. I Alberta Fletcher's .b.'„","4',"„","lb',,',"lb.16c THE WFST VAN NEWS Communication Editor, West Van. News, Dear Sir: I beg to acknowl- edge in the columns of your paper receipt of the sum of 37.75 (seven dollars, seventy- flve cents), being the portion allotted to this church of pro- ceeds from the recent West Van- couver Choral Society concert in aid of welfare work in this dis- trict. To the ladies and gentlemen of the Choral Society, to the members of the committee which arranged the affair and to the many whose patronage en- sured its success, I hereby ten- der, in anticipation, the heart- felt gratitude of those of our parishioners who will benefi by such generous and unselflsh eifort. Yours sincerely. (REV.) D. J. CASEY, (Parish Priest.) St. Anthony's Church, Dundarave, Jan. 20, 1932. HOUSE AND RANGE WIRING fixtures, repairs, etc.. Sparton radios. North Shore Electric, Phone North 79. January 22, 1932 )EFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK, VEAL, ETc. COOKFD MEATS OF AI,L KINDS, DEI.ICATESSEN (Two Stores for your service) HOI.I,YBURN STORE AMBLESIDE STOEP West 3 West 303 West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine LihlITED I'hone West 115 W. J. Turnbufl, hlanager, Residence I'honei West 368L SERVICE Everything for the Building, b b a r k'a b b b ~b J ~pbr b aw"b' bb .** .'r ~ % vh I' r' b b br :b .b iw 'rr'rrrrr rrr rbvpv vx'r r V 'rr rrrv,'rrb~xrr' rrvrr~ rrvr'-rr rrvbrrrr.rbv rrlA ~r-".r- SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER lxbmatco -- G! proc -- I'las(er Board Beaver Board -- ShinglesINSURE Hu cv STRA14- „SATISFACTION AND ALi.'THAT 1 CAN T"'""OP '5 - by Placing-- TRY ONE Fo f40o9112555A Your orders with ROBERTS'nd get first quality at special prices All Government Inspected-No. 1 Grade Meat For Cash or C.O.D. Only EggS EggS FOWL each .......50c SWIMMING CI,UH TO STAIIT INHATLATOII CLASSES The West Vancouver Amateur Swimming Club are arranging for the formation of classes for adults in inhalator .instruction and the Shaeifer Method of Re- susitation, in response to numerous requests from resi- dents in the Municipality. The classes will be under the direc- tion of L. C. Reid and C. R. Vance, who have qualified for this work with the instructor of the Vancouver Fire Department, Classes for children will be started at the Public and High Schools in a week or two and a large turnout is hoped for. Fur- ther particulars nf these classes will be announced later, in the schools. The Senior classes, which are starting immediately, are open to everyone. Just phoibe L C. Reid at West 25R2 or G. R. Vance at West 279L for further particulars. There are no charges or fees whatever for this instruction. REEVE'S INAUGURAI. ADDRESS (Continued from Page I) tained from the increased tour- ist traffic. In conclusion, may I ask for the continued good-will and har- mony among the Members of the Council, and for the closest co. operation between the Chairman and permanent officials. Only by a concerted efl'ort to work to- gether for the common good, can West Vancouver continue on her path of progress as the most desirable residential area in Greater Vancouver, and in this spirit alone can the elected rep- resentatives fulflll the trust placed in them by their fellow citizens. As outlined below, the Chair- men of the diFerent Depart- ments will be as formerly, and Committees should meet as soon as possible with a view to dis- cussing programs for the pres- ent year. Finance--Councillors W. Dickin- son, R. Fiddes, and Reeve. Water and Fire--Councillor L. Garthorne and Council. Board of TVorks and I.ight- Councillor R. Fiddes and Council. Transportation and Parks Councillor G. D. Elgar and Council. Publicity--Reeve and Council, Respectfullv submitted. J. B. LEYLAND. Reeve. NO. 1 Steer BeefB.C. Fresh EJttras Dogen ZZc Local Lamb sH0ULDER 1 5lb...... RIBS Brass«n--------- 1 4Clb. LO N 25c SHOULDER CHOPlb......,..., . LVC RIB CHOP lb. Pork 1PC ib"...................................11'I2c 14c FOWLS, Large ibi 20c BOILibNG BEEF lb................................... qIC STEWING BEEF --...................... 2 lbs. L sic 511NCED STEAK ....................... 2 lbs. L qlC 10 BLADE RIB ROAST PRDIE RIB 16clb.............„.....................,.. DEEP SIRLOIN 188 2PC SIRLOIN TIP 20clb. 25 18lb. sIRI.UIN sTEAK 25I b........ ........ T-BDNE sTEAK 25Clb. ...................... .. ! BACK BACON a bb.bb .. 100 ~ A girl met an old flame and decided to high hat him. "Sorry," she murmured when the hostess introduced him to her, "I did not get your name. "I know you didn'," replied the old flame, "but that is not your fault. You tried hard enough." SIDE BACON in yz lb. pkg.....-- 10c 2 for 19c, No. 1 ALBERTA CREASIERY BUTTER........ I Why Pay More? DUNDARAVE I.ADIES CHOIR The Gilbert db Sullivan concert to be given by the Dundarave Ladies Choir st the Shaugh- nessv Military Hospital hss been nostponed until Friday, January 29th. BUILD NOW ii'HEN PRICES AiiR LOW Lumber for 12xis Garage including boar ........... 030.00 50 Fi. Ciaba Board 1'ance 5.00 Shipiap from .................. 9.00 zxJ Caabiaoa, sized....... 9.00sxs io zx12 common, sized ...................... 10.00 ixJ -3 aad 4 D. D. Fir, per 100 iia. fh .....50 Cedar Laicea, per 100 iis. fbai ............................,....25 4 in. Clear Gutter, any length, par na. fi...... Jis Na. 1 XXX Shiagiez ........ 2.u Wall Shingles--Pazfaaiiaa 0 is. clear butts par ki 1.40 SPRCIALS 24x24--2 Light Windows 2„00 Sxis--4 Light Saah ....... 1.00 iox12--4 Light Saab ....,.. l.ld ix10--6 Light Sash ...... 1.26 ioxib--0 Light Sash... 1.40 Grprac Piaster Beard. Hei)diag 1'spat Fir Vaaacr aad ail Bbliidilbg htatcziaia 31bs. 73c BEEF DRIPPING dl 53 lbs......„.... L PORK SAUSAGES 20lb. 2 lbs. for 35C CAMBRIDGE SAUSAGES 3 lbs. for . „..... bLu LEGION W. A. The reeular monthly meeting of the W. A. to the Canadian Iwgiora will be held next Mon- day evening at 8 o'lock in the Legion Memorial Hall, when the election of oificers for the com- ing year will take place. Every member is requested to make 0 special eF'ort to at tend. The meeting will be followed by a social and all Legion members are invited. New Zealand Butter bulbs for 85c SATURDAY ONLY No.1 Alberta Creamery But ter 3 1 be 69cSWEET MINCE51EAT lb...... "Yau have such strange names for your iowaa," an Englishman remark- ed ta one af hia new American friaada -- "Waehawkea, Hobakaa, Paugh kaapaia, aad avaz aa many others." "I suppose they da sound queer ta English ears," said iha American thoughtfully. "Da yaa iiva In Landon ail the iima 1" "Oh, ea'a said the unauspicious Briiaa. "I spend part of my time In Chipping Norton, asd ihaa I'e ~ place at Pakaatagg-aa-iha-nike.a AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD.The reeve and council accept- ed the invitation of Rev. F. A. Ramsey to attend the civic ser- vice at St. Stephen's Church on Sunday evening, 31st January. The council appointed Reeve Leyland to represent West Van- couver on the Greater Vancou- ver Water Board, and also a dir- ector of the Burrard Inlet Tun- nel & Bridge Company. COUNCIL NOTES Abe Mason wrote the council in reference to bad drainage. He wss advised that the matter had been attended to. idih aad iitaziaa 1)zixa 1'haaa Waai Um. At\sr d p.m. aak iar Derry Dent 1'haaa West 241R. Roberts'etter Meats PHONE %Vest 190 Delivery to all West Vancouver