0001 Iy )tks ton IKR I IVest Vancouver Scottish Society A Nicht wi'urns AT Tkk CLACAAN ADM ISSION 25c. 'ht BIRD NOTES (B. R. H.) Last Saturday was just a wonderful day to gct quito close to a number of our winter birds, as the heavy snow forced them to come close to our homes to partake of the meal placed for them on their dining table. Of course all who wished to come were very welcome, and provi- sion was made to satisfy the particular tastes of the various guests. There wss suet for the Chicadecs, and by way of des- sert they were given a special treat and appeared to enjoy very much the scraps of cocoanut, but it was also noticed that these little fellows partook of 0 good helping of bread crumbs. The Song Sparrows found that cold potatoes were easily di- gested, and proved nice and soft for their bills. They would oc- casionally vary their diet with n fcw grains of oatmeal, which in acceptable with most birds, spe- cially those known as soft-billed birds, such as live on worms snd insects. We had a visit from the six most familiar winter birds dur- ing the day, all of which I feel sure must be known by all the boys and girls. There was the Towoe, that bright-eyed chap with the rcd breast and long black tail;; the Song Sparrows, who will soon be hcralding the approach of spring by their sweet little warble; the Juncos and Jayn, about which we spoke quite recently; the Bcwick Wren, who will be occupying some of your nesting boxes shortly. The bird that was most interesting wan the Varied Thrunhos, who are the most timid birds of the wood, but no doubt on account of the heavy snow, which made food rather hard to find, they were induced to come within two feet of the window to partake of the food on their dining table. You, of course, have seen this bird round your garden, as it ls not easily missed on account of its military appearance, for itn plumage is 0!aboratc enough for a band master, with dark feathers on its back, an orange rod breast, which is adorned with a striking black crescent. Now you must not confuse this bird with another which also haa 6 similar crescent on itn breast. I mean the Flicker. But the Flicker is 8 larger bird and can easily be distinguished by the white patch at the root of the tail, which is very prominent when it fiies. I wonder if you know the song of the Varied Thursh. You have all heard a bird singing in the summer time which sounds just like 6 whistle, with two notes, which reminds me of the whistle of 6 band master or a referee, only this bird has two notes in its whistle instead of one. When you hear this song during the summer, be sure it is the Varied Thrush. In looking these notes over, I find that I have named seven diffcrent birds, but referred to six, but no doubt there are sev- eral more that could be included in our winter bird list. I have only named those that paid us 6 visit last Saturday. Stuffed Eggs 5 hard-cooked eggs 3 tablespoons Canadian cheese 1 teaspoon vinegar I cup white sauce I/+ teaspoon mustard I teaspoon salt I tablespoon butter Fow grains of cayenne Cut the hard-cooked eggs in halves lengthwise; remove yolks, mash, add grated cheese, v'.ne- gar, mustard, salt and cayenne. Add mc(tod butter. Shape in balls size of original yolkn, re- fill whites. Place in a baking dish, pour around white sauce. Bake in oven with buttered crumbs on top. 05CEEI iby fii in ih k oifix st oltxr in!ill ioi Io, that I iipiokk nikl!Id ii io Ih Vlriik'onfng noin)on yhilo fis finn ioi knl loll fioli'or Ikiy imloilk Esl, 2 L)L 140 Iboss kc Elalfng dfoft, 9 inonl y p fnvo "I nt Md Ifl olin5 the coy ,voi ~ Ixioiy (6 Igon'" fi)CIETI fbfnW Oninkyi linf Ikd 6 (3or ni hiIM "John, hurry back and buy some electricity and gas. I forgot....." UpposING cieccric ood Sxx service5 wxo nof delivered lo your figbl cocker or your gao range--how iacoo- vcaicol it would bc I For lhc orna!I cool of lbooc owvica you geo an cvcc-cady supply, available with; ool 4 moment's delay,dxy or aighl,osm- mol or wincer, lo ligkl your home, cook your mesio, perform your household asks xod furnish your ealenainmonl. Your oleccric ond Sxx bill inciu4on more than merely oo mwh ccccroac or gxo. It coven delivery riShl into your home. I ~ BRITISH COLUMBIA" EL'ECTRIC 'WAY,CO. TO-NIGHT, Friday, Jan. 2,2,nd ~l 8:15 Concert and Dance - Refreshments THE WEST VAN NEWS COMM UiVICATIOcV The Editor, West Van News. Dear Sir--The record of the School Board during the past two years is one of progress and economy that will set an ex- ample for the future, and I am proud to have been 6 member of that Board. It was mainly with the object of supporting and ex- tending the policies inaugurated by the School Board that I do. cidcd to run for the Council. In-so-far as the small vote polled for me was the result of my having worked for the child- ren and for the Municipality rather than play for popularity by serving the interests of indi- viduals, I accept the result as 0 high compliment; and in thank- ing the few citizens who sup- ported mc, I would ask them to share this honor. Yours faithfully, A. HARVEY SMITIL NOTES ON 1931 RAliNFAI,I. It is hardly worth while in the lowland areas of Greater Vancouver to take account of snow in most years, the simplest way is to turn the snow into the equivalent amount of water, and call the rain plus melted snow "total prccipitationie The total precipitation at Duchess Road, Hollyburn, for 1931, was as follows in inches: January, 14.04; February, 6.31; March 7.70; April, 5.43; May, 1.42; June, 6.09; July, .37; Aug- ust, .66; September, 8.09; Oc- tober, 7.60; November, 10.05; December 14.89; total for the year, 82.56 inches. The total precipitation for 1930 st the name station wao 51.85 inches. Mr. Shcarman's total precipi- tation at Kitsilano for 1931 was 67.70 inches, which is in agree- ment with the figure of 20 to 25 per cent of excess for Hollyburn that was found in previous years. Mr. Shearman'6 total in inches for the rainy spell from Decem- ber 16 to 19 inclusive was 553. The Hollyburn total was 6.85. A station recently established on the Mountain Highway in Lynn Valley, 600 feet above sea level, gave 8.64. Another station on the high land at West Burnaby gave 5.19. A station on the river flats near Point Grey Golf Club gave 4.70. None of these appear to have been record rain- falls, though they were excep- tionally heavy. No rain-gauge had been established in Holly- burn in 1921; but the recording gauge at the City Hall, Vancou- ver, showed a concentrated in- tensity in the three-hour stretch between 11 pm. of October 27th and 2 a.m. of October 28th, 1921, which made a record of over half an inch for the worst hour, whereas the worst hour at the same station, which came before midnight on December 16th, 1931, had only a rainfall of a quarter of an inch. Thin is in line with the fact that the Brothers Creek water in the Lambert flume and higher up never rose at the latter date to near the level it attained in Oc- tober 1921. The real record for Greater Vancouver for December 1931, appears to have been made at the )Vatcrworks Intake on the Capilano. A letter from the Board's Engineer, hir. W. H. Powcll, states that 8.96 inches of raill fell on December 13th; but the record for the coast of the province, according to hir. Napior Deninon, the Director of the Meteorological Observatory at Victoria, appears to be held by Henderson Lake, on the West Coast of Vancouver Island, where 12.31 inches fell on Jan- uary 22, 1931. --P. "IVcil" replied the new xxiaxmxs xwixsias ixunuiy into lks eifice, "I got tcm orders from Tccushnut 0 Co. today." "Fine; Ssa'" exclaimed the sales mxaxeer, enlkuxisxlicxny. "Yep. Oxe order lo svl oui, and the other Id xlxy oxl" WANTED-- A chair aceacL Pkoae West 80IR. FOR RENT--I-Room kssnsiow, Sco- pku:e, farssoo, sxtsno, Io wiaulox from ferry overlooking xes, resxoa- able rent lo rollxbio Ixaxxts. Phoae Woxl 267L. LOST--Black fosalxin pea, Wxkw mxx, large xixo. Phone West 868. FOUND--Pair of nlacca os Drive, Owner can have same sy calling at cclnco West Vxs News. TWO YOUNG niEV Wxxl OSS Joke, also xoB crews. Phone West 245L. FOR kENT -- Allrxcliiw kcwsxlov, modern, partly fxmiokod, saran . Pkccxe West 6201 AANDY ANN SHOPPF„Deasxcsro --10% saic dering January. Phoae West 80. C. J. BRODERICK--Pkolo Fisixker, Developing, Printing. Exiscnixs, Coloring ass Copying &Sager' Store) 1622 Marine Drive. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Dundsrxve. WHOEV Ek lank new xieink from Ills xwI Duchess ix reqoated lo rolera same lo 992 Duchess. GUARANTEES, OR NO BRIDGE "It may come to a cut and dried proposition of the munici- palities taking preference stock, guaranteeing bonds or having no bridge," Mayor E. H. Bridg- mnn declared at the final session Tuesday of the 1931 directors of the Burrard Inlet Tunnel and Bridge Co., owners of the Second Narrows span. If financial arrangements are not completed in the meantime the North Shore municipalities must meet interest charges tot- aling 620,825 on March I, it was reported. The 1932 board of directors will be appointed at Thursday's meeting of the North Vancouver Council and will meet next week to elect officers. Mayor Bridgman pointed nut that the municipalities have no power to guarantee a loan and that they must, therefore, either purchase a new issue of profer rcd stock or guarantee a bond sufficien to build 0 new span. Terms of insurance on the bridge were discussed and it was decided to recommend a 6250,000 accident policy. The di- rectors will communicate with Dominion Bridge Co., to whom the contract has been awarded for a new span, on the matter. Communications were race'.v- od from the Board of Railwny Commissioners and the depart- ment of public works, Ottawa, stating that they had not ap- proved plans for utilizing the old span. Such a plan was suggest- ed some time ago by Burrard Drydock Co. Tsko Csraenie's scivks sas Bey Accesse ia ~ pkce w'lk ~ «ccucm Acreage Ia goad Iooaliosx from $50 ep. Apply Joke Lswaa, West 66. PALVTING, KALSOMINING ANio PAPERLVG -- Take sdvaafsga of cheaper winier prkoo. Phoae Weel $94 R. FOR kENT--Cowfoclxkie sse stira- live liNe koese, medeca, furnished or partly famished, $ is. Pkoao Wal 620L MARCELLE SHOP -- Mxrceko, 50 cents; roost. 2644 Saner wave, 76c. Phone Mcx. Kiss, Weel 804. CARLEY Beys awi Sekx Psraksco- Repsirixs secs poiixkiss, Palais„ oka, stains sisoa Pkooe West 71Y ALL THE BEST Bcxasx ef Gsxcx, Cigarettes aas Tobaccos. Ako Ex- change Poker Hxosx sas Ceaxoi cards Free. Amblosise Tea Rooms. BOARD AND RESIDENCE -- Inlk xcxl Bekevlw, aar foley. Relax xl tractive. Phone West 468L FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Rm- Iswca Pkoso Wort 241IL Il'E HAVE TEN OF THE CHEAP- EST IAITS In West Vaacoovor- Some ckca in. Sore awaey-makers in near folorx. John lxcccxcxq Viiexl 6e. FOR SALE or EXCHANGE fee West Vxacoxvec'mperty Iso sexes dykcd land wkk goad kensiss at Pill Madoca. Apply Joke Laoxcw West 66. To RENT--5 room wesera Good sordes. Newker ef good fccdt trees. Cosvoaieal Iooslioa. $20JXL Apply Joke Lxwxoa. West sk Geo. Hay NiOTARY PUBLIC Exlsklixked 1912 REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Ckekc Acrase sas Homeskes ~I Allraclive Prices MONEY To LOAN ON MORTGAGES ! 1405 Mxciae Drive Phoae West 21 sr Seywosr 1260 Evcsixsx West 2042 Wal 26 Sxcvcco al rest deox Benny Manners Fresh and Smoked Fish Neo Lxu Eggs Dressed Poskry AOLLY BURN Barber Shop isla 0 Mxcme BXPKRT Skkoll,B Ii MAKSA. Pcoprieloc Bones help us to move and hold us up also they sre made into handles of knives and fer'; ilizor." "The troatlnent for mad dog bites is to muzzle them." "Night air is harmful because if we don't have it we wouldn' sleep good." %Vest Vancouver AUCTION WEDNESDAY. NEXT. JAN. 27ux xl 2 pw Fxvave cciclk nilllcoclicnw fmw nfr. Pearco, at the corner of I9lk xas .'Ilxrixe Ilcica lo xek lke coalealx of kix Ccccekecy Store xas a large qaxaliry of kosxekold coslealx, ia- dedixn i Stxalex Piano is mahogany caco. 9-less Wexlixskosxe Radio xxe loud spake)c 0-kolwi Fawcett Range, Dining Table acid Chairs, Sea-Graxe Settee, Table xxs Chairs. Sxakxry Cooek. Dcexxor, Ckalecckaoeccs brass Bed, Grxmopkoae aas Rceonix, 8- plate Eioclrk Heater, GENERATOR for Boat, cpcxxlily sf kawex. Iorlcx. kkckea sloaskx, ke-kox, elc. Star Tccsrias Cer ia rsaaixs order. Ccwtexix of store is x Iarsv qaaa- lky of nisse, crockery xas amamats. Piano will be sold al 8 p.m. Gacdx os view moraiss of sale. Far fsrlker particulars pkoae Nerlk 89. AEWKTT. AUCTIONEER Ca. nce xss Leoxeale iVerik On. The Boy Friend (calling up hla girl) ll Hello, dear! Would you like to have dinner with me tonight F'he. I d love to, dear. He: "WclL tell your motherI'l be over early." The Captain, taking inspection noticed Private Brown had no tooth brush. "Where's your tooth brushr'e demanded. "Here, sir," said Private Brown, producing a large scrub- bing brush. "You don't mean to teB me you can got that thing into your mouth)w shouted the Captain, angrily. "No, air," replied Brown, without changing his expression. "I take my teeth'out." CLASSIFIED ADS The rale for Clsoxkiwi Asccclkewealx Is 2 ecole per eerck wbiwsw 25 coals. Excepl ln lke csee of uwa kxciae mackxc xccosslx, ak cissrt- Scex are psyxkie xlricliy ia ssrxace Remember Cixxsinces Is uce Weel Vxa Nova xel Immwksle teseka ~yycI ii '