0001 THE WFST VAN NEWS Januarv 22. 1932 CV -'4 h hh rdrcc v ccv «w v vw rsrt .Vv ~" rr& hh 'v« 'Y r tv rc 'C C . Ir" 'C, ~"I pp 't'cv jl 'Ct'IP I sc CW Icc' s,' cw rc'C S CWV r're c' cp r ~ ~ ~ ~ vt rvs'r r w.'vrc vcv * ~srvc vvvbvr r'. rccvc.v cvvcv v.c 'cv vvvvc ~hwrevsv cvvvvrrvvVC'CC rwwvv~rrvv 'v V GARDENS and GARDENING By NINA G. HUTP, Landscape Architect~l lc L ~ Pipe ti. I C., A«bcc Sea«i ~ I Lscds~ A hits«w Oc awl ~ . Ms«tw Nctuwl ~y Scrctcc. Hollyburn THEATREReeve J. B. Leyland The peony or, as it used to be called m the early days, the plney is one of the most gen- erally grown of the perennials, particularly in the eastern part of the country. Almost every garden will have a collection of many of the diterent varieties. It grows to a height of from two to three feet and forms clumps of hand- some dark foliage that is very free from ravages of disease and insects. In the late spring the plants are covered by large handsome flowers. The chief colours are pink, white, rose. dark red and cream. They may be had in either single or double varieties. By a proper selec- tion of varieties it is possible to have peony blooms over a period of from four to six weeks. They prefer a rich, loamy, well- drained soil and a sunny ex- posure. They require plenty of moisture at blossoming time for best results. Heavy rains are apt to spoil the flowers after the buds break open. One of the chief advantages of the peonies is the fact that they do not r'equire as frequent transplanting as most other perennials. They require about three years to become well established and usually will not require transplanting for ten or fifteen years. Propagation is usually carried on by separation of the roots, it being necessary to leave a piece of the crown with each part separated from the main plant. New varieties are produced by sowing seed from the plants as soon as ripe. Roots will form the first season, but rarely will the tops appear until the second season. MRS. M. E. SOWDEN CHOSEN AUXILIARY HEAD hfra. M. E. Sowden was elected president at the annual meeting of the Womens'uxil- iary to North Vancouver Gen- eral Hospital. Other officers: Honorary president, Mrs. Good- win Johnson; first vice-presi- dent, Mrs. R. V. hIcCarley, trea- surer, hIrs. H. I Fraser sec- retary, Mrs. Geo. W. Anderson. J. B. Paine, chairman of thc hospital board, who presided during the election of officers, extended to the auxiliary the appreciation of the board of the work of the women's organiza- tion. Mrs. Goodwin Johnson, retiring president, was recipient of a handsome silver gift. Annual reports revealed a busy year during which 635 lin- en Articles were added to hos- pital supplies. is seldom that a better variety will be found than those already on the market, conse- quently few growers attempt to produce peony plants from seed, They rely more on the root divi- sion method. The foliage of this plant dies down each fall and should be cut ot about three inches above the ground in the early spring. In transplanting not more than two inches of soil should bo put over the top of the crown. I.iberal applications of fresh or rotted manure should be dug in around the plant in the spring. About the only disease sleet- ing peonies is called root rot. Another difficulty is failure of the buds to open. Several rea- sons sre advanced for failure of the buds to open. These are: Planting too deep; too close propagation--that is, the roots are divided up into too many pieces--and a disposition of cer- tain varieties to produce non- fiowering plants. It is not definitely known whether any of the above reasons are really the cause for failure of the buds to open. If you have that sort of a variety in your garden it is best to replace it with an- other and more satisfactory plant. The size and quality of individual blossoms may be in- creased by removing all but the very beat buds from the plant. Feed the plant with liquid man- ure during blooming periods. NOTE--Tbs lt« WS CC Idsr It ~ PICWC ~ tc t«ret'w II cccc c«e Ih ~ I c I tilt Hc c. Th C th«chccld b cdd cs cd lc th It Io Care CI th ZUIIW. Tb««r csl cpww lc ~ w ly ls w w Il ~ p «wcl ply I dc Iree ~ sw«wd, ~cll- ddsc ~ d cc IW«sbwld bc swlowh Prtdsp asd Sstsrdap Wishes to thank the electors for the honor again conferred upon him, and with the cipoperation of the citizens will en- deavor to continually further the best interests of West Van- 'CITY LIGHTS'VITR CHARLIE CHAPLIN couveI'l K.I. SavoryGerald D. Elgar wishes to thanlt his friends and supporters for again electing him to the otice of 1413 hiarine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143Councillor 1932-33 e CI) ITo the Electors: Real Estate FInance and Insurance I wish at this time to thank the Voters and Workers for electing me to represent them on the 1932 and 1933 Council. Lance S. Garthorne I,I FURNACE and SHEET METAL REPAIRSWest Uancouver Elections To the Electors who voted on Saturday last; and particu- larly to those who supported and assisted my Candidature AmbleSadle Sheet Metalworks IAURtz SPECK. Proprietor 1446 Marine Drive Phone West 78 ..WEST VANCOUVER H. S.cc Class Leaders for December, 1931 GRADE XII (Sr. Matric) 1. Eva Berkenmaier ...... 70.2'/c 2. Jack Watt .................. 67.4/c 3. Barbara Hadwin ..... 64.1/c GRADE XI (Jr. Matric.) 1. Josie Leyland ............ 80.8/p 2. Jack Mercer .............. 79.2% 3. Vera Johncox ............ 66.4/c GRADE X 1. John Kendrick .......... 82.8% 2. Walter McLintock .... 81.7Vc 3. Gerald Mason .......... 73.5% GRADE IX A 1. Dick Laster ................ 74.0?c 2. Virginia Gamage ...... 73.0% 3. Betty Vickery ......... 72.0%C GRADE IX B 1. James Murray .......... 69.3% 2. Dorothy Dickinson.... 68.2% 3. John Beaty ................ 63.8/p GRADE XI COMMERCIAL 1. May Cripps ............ 75.2r/I 2. Agnes King ................ 66.4% 3. Lulu Ray ................... 65.7% GRADE X COMMERCIAL 1. Norah Stronge ......... 77.0/r 2. Helen Ritz ................ 74.2'/c 8. Frances Grant ......... 66.6'/« SPECIAL COMMERCIAL 1. Betty Edwards ........, 78.0% 2. Robert Reid ...„...,.... 74.7/p 3. Jessie Hoyle .............. 72.5% GRADE IX COMMERCIAL 1. Morva Batchelor ...... 755% 2. Evelyn Meuse......... 73.0%s 3. Jack Schuberg ......... 72.1VC Plans are under way for a basketball tournament on Fri- day evening, February 5th. My Sirfeere 7harfrb J. T. MATT C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 11th and hlaiune Expert Work Phone West 135To the Electors of West Vancouver: CHORAL SOCIETY IN FINE CONCERT The concert put on by the West Vancouver Choral Society last hIonday evening in the United Church was one of the flnest ever given by that organ- ization snd it is a matter for sincere regret, therefore, that s larger audience was not present to hear them apart from the fact that the proceeds went to the welfare funds of the various churches. The choruses were very well rendered, the blending of tone in the quieter numbers being very marked while the heavier numbers were given with a line robustness of tone. The West Vancouver Male Quar- tette were encored for their numbers, as were the soloists, Miss M. Wilson, Miss Elhs, IL W. Froud. and Major A. M. Las- ter. Special mention should be made of the violin solo, Riedings "A Hungarian Phantasy," by Miss Margaret Mclntyre, which was an extremely fine eifort. In response to the tumultuous ap- plause hiiss McIntyre gave "A Love Song." by Ssmartinl, which she played with great feeling. At the conclusion of the con- cert, Dr. Henry gave a vote of thanks to the Choral Society for their kindness in putting on the concert. SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY The West Vancouver branch of the B. C. Scottish Country Dance Society are holding theirs regular meeting tomorrow (Suit*'rday )evening at 8 p.m. In the Legion hfemorial HalL T. E. BATCHELOR To the Citizens of West Vancouver: DEAR FRIENDS: WEST VANCOUVER HORTICULTURAL ASSiN. The Horticultural Association have adjourned their Annual meeting held on December 15th, until the first week in February, date to be set later. Reeve J. B. Leyland attended and thanked the Presidert and Directors for the splendid show- ing on the past year's work, stating that this year West Van- couver would be celebrating 20 years as a municipality and urg- ing the Association to put West Vancouver on the msp by enter- ing an exhibit in the Vancouver Exhibition this year. The Presi- dent, K. A. Ray, thanked the Reeve for his remarks, saying he had stood by the Association in the past year 100 per cent., snd ss he had promised to con- tinue his support during the coming year, the Association would endeavor to put sn exhibit in the Vancouver Exhibition and to make it a worthy one. Tbe adjourned Annual Meet- ing will take the form of a social which is in the hands of a very capable committee consisting of hfr. End Mrs. W. McQuaker, Mr. and hire. D. McTavish and hire. G. D. Elgar. In thank'mg you all cordially for your kind support at the recent Elections, I can but re-atirm the statement I made on the public platform to the effect that I will do the best I know how for the good of all concerned. Your advice and co-operation in dealing with all matters of public welfare will be highly appreciated. Sincerely, John M. Sinclair Dusty Ike: "Lady, would you please give me a cake of soap?" Mrs. Homebody: «What, do you mean to say you want soap?" Dusty Ike: «Yes, ma'm. My partner's got the hiccups and I'm gwine to wash up and scare him." JUVENILE FOOTBALL Games for Saturday, January 23rd, 1932. Division 1. West Van vs. A. 4 N. Blneb)rds; Ambleside Park, 2I30 p.m. Referee, hfr. Wemyss. Division II Beavers vs. Kiwanis Bluebirds; High School (West), 2 p.m. Referee, MT. Hilder. Division III West Van. vs. Young Buts; Ambleside Park, 11 am. Ref- eree, Mr. Strong. Toc H vs. Lynn Vafley; Mahon Park, 11 a.m. Referee, Mr. McSween. A beautiful young widow sat in her deckwhair in the stern and near her sat a very hand- some man. The widow's daugh- ter, a cute little girl of four or five years, crossed over to the man and said. "What's your name?" "Herkimer Wilson,«was the reply. "Is you married 2" CNo, I'm a bachelor." The child turned to her mother and said: «'iVhat else did you tell me to ssk him, mam- ma?" "I want to be procrastinated st de nex'orner," said the negro passenger. «You want to be what2" de- manded the conductor. "Don't lose your temper, Boas. I hsd to look in the dictionary mys'I befef I found out dat 'procrastinate'eans 'put oif'.« I wouM wish to express my sincere thanks to all those ddectors and workers who chose me for the honor of represent- ing them on the School Board for 1932 and 1933.