0001 hbblh! 'I Ih I Ohg 'bu)e) I '~ 4 I ura, let tbe Rb kuxs isa u uf eRe Ileturn g betleu u. 1thu eeet rke tpicc mr OI tii 1 uen ueytu 'dbutte isgrerhnu! Rtobutter. bake3ksly iI (~NG ,'R 1 io a IIIS isu ~cc cut January 22, 1932. Odorless Dry Cleaning and Dyeing SUITS ) Claancd dc g dhdh i RXOENT SUITS TO ORDER Hiuhar Scada cultc uur uua vacua 636.00 and up ALTERATIONS and REPAIRS WE CALL AND DELIVER Phone West 20 M. WILLIAMS 1568 Marine Drive Reea Phone West 286I, W. I . OGDEN CO. West"I4(e hIEN'S AND BOYS'URNISHINGS EXCI.USIVELY 5 ONLY HEAVY JUMBO SWEATER COATS--sizes 36, 38, 40; Black with White trim; Black with Gold trim; $p 59Dark Red with White trim. Good value. 83.95 for THE BURNING BUSH By Subadar The Hawaiian Islands are in a great state of excitement over the murder of a young Hawaiian by an American Naval officer and his family, all socially prom- inent, and some American gobs. The defendants admit the mur- der, which they state is justified any the unwritten law. An Amer-~can jury would most probably dismiss the case, but what would happen if tried before s Hawaii- an jury is doubtful. The incident is unimportant except in so far as it is only one of many indica- tions of the volcano which is seething in the hearts of all the colored races, who seem to be on the verge of challenging the white man's supremacy in the world. The actions of Japan in Manchuria afford another ex- ample of the same thing. A celebrated English judge has ruled that a wife is entirely her own mistress. Of course she is, and why a fuss should be made, therefore, of the learned judge's decision is past under- standing. Further, she's not only her own mistress, but in the last analysis controls her husband and the household, sometimes even the ofi'ice or the regiment. In the very early dawn of his- tory she may have been dragged into a cave by the hair of her head, but I'l wager there was very little dragging round by the hair after she got set. Once of that would go 0 long way, even in those thick-headed 'days. i General Dawes is being hailed as the Moses who is going to lead the United States back to prosperity. I don't know wheth- er the analogy is a happy one, for it will be remembered that it took Moses forty years to do his job, while all those Israel- ites who left Egypt died with one or two exceptions. I presume naturally that the pres- ent generation south of the line 0'ould like to see the sun shin- ing, however fond they msy be t of their children. Personally, the two billion dollar loan only looks to me like putting oif the evil day till later, and I fear it will take more than 0 dramatic personality backed by a huge sum of money to overcome the impasse caused by wsr loan greed and lack of knowledge of I foreign exchange. A NICHT WP BURNS, CONCERT AND DANCE The regular general meeting of the Scottish Society will be held in the Clachan tonight, Fri- day, January 22nd, at 7:45 sharp. At 8:16 a special pro- gram has been arranged in com- memoration of Robert Burns. Special Burns Songs and Music will be rendered by the following artists: Mrs. J. T. Watt and Mr. James Lowdon of West Vancou- ver, and the Misses Wallis and Shearer and Piper James Falcon er of North Vancouver Scottish Society. Miss Frame will ac- company at the piano. After the concert, refreshments will be served and a dance will follow. Admission 26c. NORTH VAN. LEADS ROLLER LEAGUE North Vancouver emerged winners of the first half of the Roller Hockey League by de- feating the West End Athletics 8-6 in a hard fought contest last Tuesday, January 19th, at the Moonlight Roller Rink, Vancou- ver. Crahan and Dobbie accounted for all the North Shore boys'core the former getting two and the latter three while Wil- liams tallied once and Smitn four time for the Athletics. In the first overtime period of 10 minutes no score was made. In the second overtime period of 10 minutes Brown tallied twice and Dobbie once for North Vancouver and Tucker for the Athletics. The second half of the League schedule will be drawn up in a few days'ime. ORCHESTRAI. SOCIETY TO GIVE CONCERT The West Vancouver Orches- tral Society is giving 0 concert on February 4th in the Legion Hall, proceeds in aid of the Can- adian Legion Building Fund. The soloists will be Mr. Aub- rey Clarke, baritone, and Miss Nancy Rudolph, violinist. The tickets are 25c and may be had from members of the Canadian Legion. Floridian (picking up melon): "Is this the largest apple you can grow in your state)" Californian: "Stop fingering that grape." The King Studio 'IVest Vancouver Branch: 1586 hiarlne Drive will be open for business hIONI)AYS IVEDNESDAYS from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Fit I DAYS Evenings by appointment. FOR TIIE BALANCE OF JANUARY OiVLY That I'opulur Opening Special g fOE $,5OO DO NOT DRLAV Phone: West 40 or V. V. VINSON, Seymour 1046 Proprietor. THE WEST VAN NEWS acas Local and The West Vancouver Rough- riders on Monday night defeat- ed the West End Lions in the Hollyburn Roller Rink by a score of 8 to 1. ~ ~ ~ F. Hadwin, 1046 Mathers Ave. ls building 0 house at 15th and Heywood Avenue. ~ ~ ~ hire. Wintle, who has been re- siding at 19th and Bellevue Ave„ is now living with her parents, Mr. snd Mrs. A. F, Tabor, 13th and Inglewood Ave. ~ ~ ~ The pussy willows are begin- ning to bloom this week in West Vancouver. This is somewhat early, and an indication that thc worst of our winter has gone. ~ ~ hire. Hole, a sister of Mise Mary White, 23rd snd King' Ave., died on Wednesday in the North Vancouver General Hos- pital. The deceased formerly re- sided in West Vancouver. ~ 4 ~ Mrs. Brown, a former West Bay resident, passed away sud- denly on Sunday in Sumas. ~ c c Mrs. L. M. Clement, 2309 King's Ave., returned here last Saturday from a visit to Bridge River. Toronto papers announced the death on January 12th of Mrs. Harold A. Chambers, who with her mother, Mrs. Stibbsrd, wss a resident of Hollyburn from midsummer 1927 until Decem- ber 1930. The funeral, which was 0 private one, was held from the residence of R. W. Anglin, 76 Hogarth Ave., Toronto. Death of Mrs. W. H. Byrnellky Mrs. W. H. Byrnell, 1352 Clyde Ave., passed away at her home last Sunday morning. The de- ceased, who was only in her 36th year, leaves to mourn her loss her husband, one daughter and two sons, besides her mother and two brothers. Funeral ser- vices were held last Tuesday at 3:15 p.m. at Harron Bros. Williamson's chapel in the city, Dr. E. A. Henry officiating, and interment was made in Moun- tain View Cemetery. ~ c c The Duncan Lawson hapter, I.O.D.E., is arranging a matinee and evening performance at Hol- lyburn Theatre on Tuesday, February 9th, on which pro- gram will be included magic and necromancy by Mr. R. D. Peck and selected acts of other per- formers. Further particulars will be outlined in next week' issue of the West Van News. Save the date. BADMINTON The West Vancouver Teachers Badminton Club will meet Kit- silano in the Inglewood gymnas- ium on Monday evening and a week Wednesday will journey to Shaughnessy Military Hospital. BAND NOTES On Saturday evening four members of the West Vancouver Schools Band had the pleasure of playing over the radio. They were heard over CNRV. IIASKETBAI.I. TOURNAhIENT All those who enjoy 0 good game of basketball are invited to spend the evening of Febru- ary, 6th, 1932, at the Inglewood School Gymnasium. Commencing promptly at 7 p m four snappy exciting games will be staged by the "hoop" experts of the High School. North Vancouver will supply some of the opposition The entire proceeds will be used to create an "Accident Fund," for the benellt of players injured in any of the school's athletic activities, Tickets will be sold, snd fur- ther details announced later. Turn out and support the school teams and also help s worthy cause. Personal Snow fell to over 0 depth of 8 inches on Friday snd Satur- day, but by hiondsy morning was practically gone. This is the first heavy snowfsB in West Vancouver since the winter of 1930. ~ ~ ~ The soccer teams of Pauline Johnson and Hollyburn Schools have entered the Lunge Cup Football Competition, ea h of them playing s match this week. ~ ~ ~ S. Maude of Vancouver, has moved into a cottage at 23rd and Marine Drive. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. David Keith and family, who have been living on the prairies for two years, re- turned here on Saturday and have taken up residence in the Keith Block, 15th and Marine Drive. The Hollyburn Public Libiary is holding the annual meeting st 8 p.m. next Tuesday in the Hollyburn School. A hearty in- vitation is extended to all sub- scr! bere to be present. ~ ~ c According to press reports the AB - Canadian Rugby team, which left here recently for Japan, is meeting with s warm welcome in that country. It will be of interest to West Vancou- ver residents to know that the captain of the team is L. S. F. Leroy of 1767 Marine Drive, who has been for some years one of the most prominent Rugby stars in Vancouver. ~ ~ E. Marsh, proprietor of Holly- burn Barbers, has purchased a house st 11th and Duchess Ave. Mrs H Lloyd has moved into her new home which she has had built at Sherman ~ ~ Pauline Johnson footballers lost the first round of the Lange Cup by 3 to 0, against the more experienced boys from Queen Mary, although they put up a good fight. ~ * Hewelt, the North Vancouver auctioneer, acting on instruc- tions from E. S. Pesrce, is sell- ing olf by auction next Wednes- day at 2 p.m. the contents of Mr. Pearce's store at 19th and Mar- ine also household eifecis, etc„ including piano and auto. J. S. Elliolt surveyor wrote the council re subdivision Block 2, W.Irk of S.ters D. L. 1055. The plan was approved. hiUSICIAiVS'LUB CONCERT he Musicians'lub are pre- senting their next program on Friday Night, February 12th, when they are featuring an evening with British composers. This will be given in the Orange Hall, at 8:30 p.m. WEST VAN. UNITED FOOTBALL CLUB An important meeting of the club will be held at 8 p.m. next Wednesday in the ferry rooms. There will be no game Saturday. A New Price! MODESS is now 39c. WEST VII PSNNACZ Tha Staca ai Sccrka 1403 Hactaa Deice Wcat zy Entccucacy Phase Weal 331 IAItac 0 p.m.) Stratton'S BAKERY 'arietyof Breads improve every mes)-- All Kinds of Tea Breads , ASSORTED PASTRIES Almond Varieties Christening, Birthday, Wedding Cakes made at 1468 MARINiE 'RIVE Phone West 27 or we will eall GORDON ROBbON Saniatac 6 Sahcltac tt'EST VANCOUVER- Oiiica Na. 1447 Racine Delve. Phone West 4int VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite uiu; 610 Hastings St. W Phone Saytnaar 4100. FUEL VERNON FEED STORE A C Searle Phone West 9 Fuel, Feed, Fertilizers and Building Supplies BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, Hsc. Diatiactica Fnnccal Saccica Lady Aaaiataat 330--3rd SL R Phase Neath Sza The BURRARD LAUNDRY For People IVho Are Particuhu. THIRD ST. aad ST. DAVIDS North Vanceuver Phoae North 1810. Want Vaa. Repreeentalive F. RIVERS Phone Best 410L BLAIR'S WOOD AND COAL IVe Sl'ECIALIZE in genuine TULAhIEEN COAL, ROSEDEER DRUhIHELLER and CANRIORE RRIQUETTES with FOOTHILL and BLUE FLAhlE Always on Hand. WEST 298 1464 hlarine NORTH 248 IF IT'S ANYTHING TO WEAR You can buy for the whole family snd Set service with a smile Rt Brooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear 14th and blaciaa Drive. Phoae Went 144 Eadualca Aucnta Cucticcnl Silk Rata and Universal Suaatcta also Nuvaltiaa. Toys, Schual Supplies, Hatnatikhine