0001 rc n 'C 0 n nn vSter. r I n lr S»'ev» V' nn V H«~nn he» C .*'A * In' ~ r» est cle.In Ir» lie :nWsr ' "ee I ~ O'S I» IIrs c Nset ~'vseVeI ss.t. C 0"I 0» I s I r 'tnv'0 ~ r V «V"vrsr 'v-rvrr w'vv yr '.'- ~'vrv Mrvvrvrrv rr;-- "v v vrrS ,vvrrv~n»IV rr r- V vrr The Secret of oor AO00000, IA that wq u00 only the Tery beet materials Aod Oqoipmenl ssd do oor work thoroughly. With Ibis new pormosest wave machine we cso give 0 sotoml sppesrthg oad Ixwthlg wo00 on any texture of hair without discoloring it. Nxiorxi Ware Rioglel \VATO $6.50 $6.60 Exde Curled 5%50 GT'OendOiyl Beauty Shoppd 1540 140lioe DTITO Phone bVest 117 Mrs.T.E. Snelgrove Violi JJ ala'iaffo Pupils'uccesses in London Academy, Trinity College ~od Toronto Conservatory. Phone West 210L NORTH SHORE VITAL STATISTICS In the three North Shore mu- nicipalities last year there were recorded 187 births, IS2 deaths snd 62 marriages, compared with 254 births. 154 deaths snd 74 marriages in 1930. Births decreased by 67, deaths by 22, snd marriages by 12. Little Emily had been to school for the first time. »WeU, darling, and what did you learnvn asked her mother, on Emily'0 return. "Nothing," sighed Emily, hopelessly. "I'e got to go back tomorrow." Xydasi I woke up last night and discovered my wife had got up snd was going through mr pockets. Yaga: What did you doT Xydas: I turned over in bed and laughed. DRY FIR Full Load 55.00 Get our prices on Green Alder, Cord Wood Coal Phone lVest 48 COOKE dt LeNEAL Esisbiisbed Os North Shore 20 Years (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON funeral Qirertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 West Van Nerjjjs Psbiixoed Every Fridsy Psbiixker F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 36S Bosioeee sod Editorial Odioe: 11th esd Marino Drive (Next to HOUybors P.O.) Phone West 363 Mail Add ress l P.O. Box Si, Hoiiybsxs, ILC. $ 1.00 s year by TATAOTI $2.00 s year by msd. THF. WFST VAN NFWS St. Stephen's ChurchUnited Church WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunda!. Jsnuury 24th, 1932 The Sunday School depart- ments meet at 10 a.m. Public worship at 11:15 a.m. and 7:16 p.m. Dr. Henry will preach morning and evening. The morning topic is "Launch Out Into the Deep." The eve- ning topic is "Cultivate Your Garden." Rector: Rev. I'. A. Ramsey, L.ST Sunday, January 2 lih 8:00 a.m--Holy Communion. 10:00 and 11:16 a.m.--Sunday SchooL 11:15 a.m.--hlsttins and Ser- mon, 7:15 p.m Evensong and Ser. man. The preacher at Evensong will be the Rev. B. Iteddlsh, M.A., of St, James'hurch, Vancouver, B.C. On Monday, conversion of St. Paul, 10 o'lock, Holy Commun- ion. CHURCH EDIFICE 20lh Aad Eeqoimxll, Rouybors This Society IA s Breech of The biolher Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist. In Boeloo, 00000busetix Sunday SATUI000 ii:$0 ~ .m. snd 7:$0 p.m. Sunday, January 24th Subject: "TRUTH"Next Tuesday evening (Janu- ary 26th) is the annual Father snd Son Banquet, starting ss near 6:30 as possible. An inter- esting programme of toasts, presented by the sons snd re- sponded to by the men, will be followed by an address by Rev. W. B. 1Viflsn, minister of West Point Grey United Church. His topic will be "The Dare of Life." There will be some good music. Sunday School st Isles A.m. Testimony Meeting Wedoeeday at 0:46 p.m. Baptist Church The W. A. Study Group wfllmeet at the home of Mrs. B. Hayes, 3366 Radcliife Ave» on Tuesday, at 2I30 p.m. At the A. Y. P. A. meetmg on Monday, at 8 p m» the topic of discussion will be: »Canada; Wsr Debts snd Reparations." The Annual Meeting of the Parish will be held st 8 p.m» in the Parish Hall, on Tuesday, It is hoped that there will be a large attendance. Refreshments will be served. The third of the social eve- nings for the men of the con- gregation was held in the Parish Hall on Tuesday last, when over seventy men hsd the pleasure of hearing Prof. W. A. Csrrothers speak on Economics and World Affairs. His clear snd able pre- sentation of the conflicting issues involved in the present depression wss both instructive nnd interesting. The next gath- ering will be held on February 23rd, at 8:15 p.m. Pastor: ltev. H. P. Humphreys. Itesidence: IS43 Heywood Ave. Phone )V. 252R. Next week is the beginning of "Girls'lmkn in church work. Sunday, January 24th 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School snd Adult Class. 10:00 a.m. -- Morning Worship. Pastor will preach; topic, "Sleep Not.n Brief address to children. 7:SO p.m. -- Evening worship. Pastor is preaching a series of sermons on The Revelation of Jesus Christ. No 2, »His Glorious Presence.n The Bible tells us there is a special promise for those who read this prophecy, Rev. 1, S. A cordial invitation to slL Monday, 730 p.m.--B. Y. P. U. Young people over 16 heartily welcome. Wednesday, 4 p.m. -- Children' meeting;;;8 p.m., prayer snd praise. Short exposition from Epistle to Romans. Friday--C. ('. I. T. 'Teen-age girls welcome. Arrangements for the annual Nother snd Daughter Banquet are not yet announced, but we are trying an experiment this veer in the form of s united Father snd Son and Nother snd Daughter church service on Sunday evening, January 31st, The details will be reported next week. The prayer snd Bible study hour will be as usual on Wednes- day evening, from 8 to 9 p.m. Under the auspices of the )Vest Vancouver United Church Girls Council, recently formed, s group of "Girl Explorers'eets on Monday afternoons, at 4 o'lock, in Lower Hall. It is for girls 9, 10 snd 11 years old. This group, when they become 12, graduates into the C.G.I.T. The Father and Son Banquet of the Trail Ranger snd Tuxis Square groups will be held in the Parish Hall on Friday, Janu- ary 29th, at 6:30. p.m. The special speaker will be ljr. W. Miller, who is well known to the boys who attend Camp Artsbsn. St. Anthony's Church The usual meeting of Trail Rangers on Tuesday snd C.G.I.T. on Friday, both at lf 0'clocks Pastor: Rev. Father Csrey Res. 2558 bisrine Dr. ~ ' Friday-- 7:30 p.m.--Special Devotions. 8:00 p.m.--Confessions (Chil- dren). Saturday-- 7:30 p.m.--C o n f e s s i o n s (Adults). Sunday-- 8:45 s.m.--Holy Mass. Ser- mon. I:30 p.m.--Sunday School. 2:30 p.m.--Afternoon D e v o- tions. Week Days-- 7:30 s.m--Holy Mass. A good number of the mem- bers were present at the first meeting of the W.N.S. on Tues- day afternoon. A very full pro. grsmme included reports of the psst year's work, while Mrs. Rush gave the study chapter on the text book used throughout the church. The unique feature of the afternoon wss s'n instsfls- tion of oificers--a most impres- sive service--which in the un- avoidable absence of Dr. Henry wss ably conducted by Mrs. W. C. Thompson. Caulfeild: ..The annual meet- ing of St. Francis Parish will be held in the church on Thursday, January 28th, at 8 p.m. A very pleasant social evening wss spent by the girls auxiliary of St. Stephen's Church last Fri- day night at the home of Mrs. Lettner. It was the occasion of the presentation of a vase to Mrs. F. Psrkes, who hss recentl- ly handed over the leadership of the girls auxiliary to Mrs. Lett- ner.WEST VANCOUVER SCOTTISH SOCIETYThe annual meeting wss heldon Wednesday evening, with s good attendance. The reports were very satisfactory, espe- cisUy in view of the present world condition. The roll wss increased by 45. The board reported s cred;t balance. The missionary com- mittee showed the allocation to have been more than met The services of Mr. Addy snd Mrs. Durbin in the choir leadership were recognized, the one by snd the other with 0 bouquet. Votes of thanks were given to the many who hsd been faithful in very hard times. The following were elected to the Board of Stewards for the new year: For One Year--J. Duncan, C. L. Hilborn, W. T. Turnbufl, H. Thompson, J. H. Young, H. Davidson, K. Watson. For Two Years--F. E. Brine, R. Fiddes, E. Keith, Major F. C. Rush, J. Raid, A. D. Chisholm, E. Irish. For Three Years--G. C. Byr- nell, W. Blair, J. Finlayson, J. Lawson, T. A. Spencer, J. N. 51cDonsld, J. N. GiUies. Presbyterian MissionThrough the efforts snd kind- ness of Mr. snd Mrs. Nightin- gale the Benevolent Fund of the Scottish Society received a hand- some sum, the proceeds from a dramatic entertainment given at the Clachsn on January 9th. A capacity audience enjoyed number of sketches given by Mr. snd Mrs. A. B. Stevenson snd party of Vancouver. Songs were rendered by Miss Ellis, snd Messrs. Longlcy snd Flett. Miss Frame sscted as accompanist. Orange Hall Minister: Rev. J. W. Cuddeford. Phone N. 1107 Services: 2:00 p.m.--AU departments of the Sabbath School, also the Adult Bible Class. 3:00 p.m.--Church worship. Ser- mon subject: "Is the Bible the Word of God r'ne of a series of sermons on the un- ravelling of the Book of Books. Thursday, 8 p.m. -- Mid-week service. Prayer meeting fol- lowed by the choir practice. AU welcome to the services. Preliminary Notice There will be s very special Church Parade of the West Van- couver LO.L. No. 2990 to the Orange Hall on Sunday, January 31, the occasion being the pre- sence of the Moderator of the New Westminster Presbytery Rev. Walter Ellis, M.A., B.D., also the minister of Fsirview Presbyterian Church, Vancou- ver. The sermon subject will be: "Is the Papacy the Scarlet Woman of Scripture 7" This address attracted a large audi- ence in Vancouver a few weeks ago. Be sure you hear it, BREATH OF I.IFE BY METERT Scientists Asy they can give 0 syn- thetic Air that IA better to breathe Ihss that which nature provides io such qusntities. They find life can be Ausisined more healthfully wnh iilix srtiacixi atmosphere in oifice buildings, A'.rpixoes And Aubmsrinee, than with the nitrogen-oxygen mix- tur0 which Aorrousds the slobs... II is easy Io 000 what this IA leading Io. In soother decade or iwo we mxy h000 the large utility eompxnies 000- ing this improved Air for breslhisg. If 0 corporslion mxy sell water, wby not A.TI--Midwest Review. She Couldn't Beat That "Yos Asy your wife IA bound Io hsvs the last word f» "I never knew an oceseios when ~he didn't except once." "What best ber, Lbeol» "Ao echo," »WUI you marry mein he Ached. There wos 0 pause. »TOII me one thing Srei,e Abe Axid. SDo you driok Aoyihiogf» His f000 hi up. "Anytbisg,» hs ~Aid. January 22, 1932 Df. Marjory McCubbin DENTIST Hours: 0 0. m. Io 0 P.m. Saturdays: Io 0. m. Lo I p. Is. Eeesiage aod Ssturdsy After. oooos by Appoioimeot only. Royal Bank Bsudiog Phoae West 440 Reeideoee Phone West sea, DR. G. D. H. SEA LE DENTIST Hsy Stock, Iqlh aqd ISAAAO DT, I $ Odieo Hours 0 lo 0 p m Eveniogx by appointment. Phone West 72 NURSING HOME (MTO. M. E I.ACh0000, ILN.) 254 ~ 24ih Slresl EAAI I North Voseoueel Reoideoce Phone: NoAh 1$5SR Prune Souffle I/2 cup chopped nuts Ig cup grated bread crumbs 2 tablespoons sugar I/4 teaspoon salt I, 6 teaspoon cinnamon IA cup prune juice I tablespoon lemon juice I cup prune pulp 2 eggs Grated rind of 1 lemon. Mix the firs 6 ingredients. Remove the stones from the cooked prunes snd force the pulp through a sieve. Add lemon juice snd prune pulp. Stir in dry in- gredients. Add yolks of eggs beaten until light snd lemon col- ored. Fold in whites beaten un- til stilT. Turn into greased bak- ing dish snd bake in a slow oven, Coontown Cake 2 eggs cup butter 4 cup brown sugar I/2 cup sour milk I/4 cup molasses 5/4 cup currsnts 1 teaspoon soda I teaspoon pastry spice 2 heaping cups flour Bake either in layers or ss a loaf. Corn s la Southern I can corn I pint scalded milk 2 eggs I medium sized green pepper 2 tablespoons melted butter 1 teaspoon salt I/5 teaspoon pepper Chop pepper, mix ingredients in order given, pour into butter- ed pudding dish snd bake slowly till firm. ( NOW'LATINGj WARNER OLAND ANNA MAY WONG DAUGHTER of the DRAGON~0 0000 OO~ S25 Q() 01000 ~ SIOAT AT 0 0 W oo win 0 NOX.. TVXIL, Wall. XSXT I GEORGE ARLISS "An»I ~ Uensln OUTA T el Onlnel na en»I ne n el a UI me Uelen lee snelel wnnee ~UT A Ij SPECIAL MATINEE AI I» An WAO. ~ IAO 0»l U» s Uen ler sns MIAI i»le» TW lenelL encl w, IN, me 000 O»One IWSA 0 Ael IN, mn AN COME EARLY Firenkeshstela Peb. 0-0- le Loii'iiiisi. E