West Van. News (West Vancouver), 22 Jan 1932, p. 1

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0001 A Weekly Newspaper G. ith lg, kzy ssl asd Isll I ie, ily. re? ,10.00 Z0 .t00 5010 0„00 1st"i.ii yhgysz idhg I,t'D. Dundara7ye Newsstands gc per Copy Cyrculati ??gin the District of West Vancouver-Ambleside, Hollyburn, Winston, $ 1.00 per year. Cyprets Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. v HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., FRIDAY, JANUARY 22. 1932ol. I SIX PAGES FI.YING BOAT DRIFTS ASHOItl" ON EAST BEACH appropriation be provided for in the estimates with a view to adding further improvements to Ambleside Park, cksring a section of the beach east of the ferry wharf, and for proposed bowling greens at a location to be ziecided upon. Under this heading might also be mention- ed the necessity of improving the Municipal Hall grounds, which at the present time sre not in keeping with endeavors being made by private citizens to beautify the surroundings of their own homes. Negotiations should go forward with the Van- couver Parks Board to consider the possible development of Point Atkinson Lighthouse Park an endeavor should be made to enlist their c~ration in a movement for the preservation of the higher lands on Hofiyburn Ridge as a Park area for ao time to come. Dunng the year a report may be expected from the Town Plannmg Commission. outlining s survey of aB parks throughout the Municipality, with suggestions as to a plan of development that might be car- ried out from year to year as conditions permit. 4--LIGHT: In October our domestic light agreement will terminate, and the growth of West Vancouver justifies rates being further re- duced to a figure no greater than those enjoyed by our neighbors living east of the Capilano River. o:=2 ItAid SrOR I'A'tiON: It seems assured that in the near future the present equip- ment will be inadequate for the steadily increasing traific, and earnest consideration must soon be given to providing more sat- isfactory accommodation for the travelling public than exists at the present time. Further im- provements to Ambkside Park, and also the provision of beach facilities, ss suggested to the Parks Department, shoulfi en- courage more ferry traffic dur- ing the usual slack hours in the summer months. The present system of collecting fares is ad- mittedly unsatisfactory, and possibly we may be able to renew el?orts to find a solution to the problem. 6.--IVATER 0 The work under By-law No. 449 is nearly completed and little difi'iculty should be experienced in keeping the plants in a satis- factory condition and in provid- ing an adequate supply of water to afi sections of the Municipal- ity. It may be well anticipated that the surplus revenue over operating should show a decided increase. 7--GENERAL: This year West Vancouver wifi celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Incorporation, and recognf- tion of this important event in 51unicipal history should be given due attention on s suitable occasion, Our unceasing eiforts to urge for the nationalization of Garibaldi Park, with con- struction of a road thereto. should be continued. It is hoped that definite steps will soon be under way for the re-establish- ment of the Second Narrows Bridge, and serious considera- tion is also being given st this time to a bridge across the Fire.'arrows.Not only would these projects be of advantage to IVest Vancouver and the iNorih Shore generally, but the whole of Greater Vancouver and the Province will benefit from the tremendous revenue to be ob- (Continued on Page 6) The regular monthly meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, IO.D.E., was held at the home of Mrs. I~yland on Mon&lay, January 11th, with the Regent, Mrs, Hayes, in the chair and 30 members present. After the opening formalities, the minutes were read and cor- respondence dealt with. The IVest Vancouver Community Players invited the Chapter to sponsor a major play to be pro- duced after "The Three Live Ghosts." The invitation was ac- cepted and the last week in April suggested as the most suitable time. The same committee was aPpointed ss for "The 13th Chair," with Mrs. Chapman con- vening. Splendid work was reported from the Girl Guide Xmas toy shop, 43 parcels being sent out snd in aB 123 children made happy with toys that had been repaired and made serviceable. A committee was appointed to take charge of the arrangements for the forthcoming production of Mrs. MacLean's children' play, which is to be produced in Easter week. A nomination committee was formed and v'oting for afi offices took place. Nominations will be posted up in Dundarave and Gemmifi's two weeks commenc- ing January 25th. Mr. Peek has kindly consented to izis7i s eoniueinv entertsin- 'Fhent in'aid 51 ilie Wgtiare Fund on Tuesday, February 9th at the Hofiyburn Theatre. A commit- tee is in charge and further de- tails will be announced later. Tea was served by the host- esses and after singing the National Anthem the meeting adjourned. The next meeting, which will be the Annual General Metieng will be held at the home of Mrs. Small on Monday, February 8th. The Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.Es announce the produc- tion of a Fairy Operetta. "The Land of Nod," on Friday, April 1st, for welfare work. This fairy play is being pre- pared by the West Vancouver Children's Choir under the dirac tion of Mrs. Colin MacLesn, as- sisted by Mrs. SheiField. The dances will be arranged by Nrs. Fraser. The music for the opera has been written by Margaret Mc- Intyre and the Mclntyre String Quartette 'will accompany the play. Two Air Force oificers had a narrow escape from death yes- terday morning, when, after be- ing forced down near Csulfeild, their ilying boat was caught in the fierce gale which sprang up suddenly and driven out into the bay. The boat was seen by many as it drifted backwards with the current in the direction of the First Narrows, finafiy being ., washed ashore at the far end of"4 st Beach. The boat was sev- ely pounded by the waves and iiamaged by violent contact with the beach, while both oificers suffered considerably from ex- haustion and exposure. The gale wss the heaviest re- corded here for many years, tie ferry service being suspended early in the afternoon. Amble- side vrharf came in for a severe battering, and it is expected that some repairs will be neces- sary as a result of the blow. Reeve J. B. Leyland Re-elected by acclamation. ltEEVE'S INAUGURAL ADDRESSES To the SIembers of the Council: Gentlemen: At this first meeting of the 1932 Council, allow me to con- gratulate two members on their re-election to office and to e.:- press appreciation of the con- fidence that has been shown hy the electorate in the Council as awhoie. '.' ~ ' Having in mind the problcna which have arisen ss the result of most difFicult times, and also our desire to continually further the best interests of the Muni- cipality whom we are privileged to represent, mav I be permitted to make the following observa- tions as a basis for your consid- ation in dealing with Depart- mental policies. 1.--FINANCE: During the past year Munici- pal bodies throughout the coun- try have faced s serious situs. tion, caused by business depres- sion and unemployment, and the financial horizon today is still such as would only justify the most careful consideration and economy in afi expend tures. It will be necessary to obtain defin- ite commitments from the Gov- ernment in regard to grants be- fore a budget can be properly prepared. 1Ve find that West Vancouver occupies sn enviable position among the Municipali- ties of this Province, snd this claim can only be maintained by a continuation of the careful Policy adopted by the 1931 Council. 2 --PUBLIC WORKS: The aggressive policy of open- ing and gravefiing new roads where homes are being built should be continued, as well as the protection of our investment in existing roads by proper ditching and necessary repairs. A few culverts and bridges are also in need of immediate re- pairs. It is suggested that an endeavor be made to improve our present road equipment. en- abling more and better work to be accomplished. The program of improvements to Marine Drive has been submitted to the Public IVorks Department, and if approved,. the Nelson Creek bridge will be removed to s more suitable location, dry wsfis will be constructed in dangerous places, snd guard rails will be placed on both approaches to the Capilano Bridge. S.--PARKS: It is suggested that a larger 5 s Councillor W. Dickinson THE LEWIS CARROLl. CENTENARY The Literary So iety has ar- ranged to recognize the Lewis Carroll centenary by a special program on Thursday evening next, January 28th, at 8 o'lock, The meeting will be held in the usual hall. 5iiss Lawson will give a series of readings from "Alice in Wonderland," which will be illustrated with lantern slides of the remarkable series of drawings by Sir John Tenniet, The readings will be followed by a sketch of the life of the author which will be illustrated with portraits and scenes connected with Lewis Carrofi's life. Miss Lawson has given readings from "Alice" on several occasions, two of them before Vancouver audiences; and they have been very well received each time. AB friends who sre interested in the subject are invited to be present. Councifior R Fiddes NORTH VANCOUVER ASKS 51ORE RELIEF Decision to apply to Ottawa « for an sddiaional $100,000 to over cost of a 1932 unemploy- ment relief programme in this jetty, was made by the North 'Vancouver city council Mon&lay , right. City Clerk Geo. S. Shepherd reported that nearly sB of the 1931 relief fund of $180,000 " -Ihaving been expended, aB re- lief here will have to close by -'Tuesday or Wednesday of next i;,week, During the past year ',, '$ 180,000 wss spent by the city for unemployment relief. No. 35 ELECTIOs? RESl LTS The following sre the figures for the voting: Council Elgar, G. D. .. 489 Garthorne, L. ... 412 Watt, J. T.................. 284 Ray, K. A........ 256 Smith, A. Harvey ..... '?9 Rejected ...................... 12 Spoikd ............ 9 School Beard Kendrick, C. T............. M5 'McDonald, W. N.... 475 Batchelor, T. E...... 456 Gamsge, E. S........... 832 Mrs. Mastennsn ........... 236Rejected.......... 16 Spoiled............, 9 'oliceCommission Sinclair, John........... 417 Weeden, E. W... 373 Rejected ............... 86 Spoiled ...................... 9 Counnfior G D Elgar Re-elected 1932~. Couneioor L S. Gerthorne Re-elected 1932-33. Legion Notes AB members of the Canadian Legion, West Vancouver branch, are invited to attend a social to be given next Monday evening by the Legion W. A. m the Legion Memorial Hall The council as a whole re- corded on the minutes their ap. preciation of the work done by the stat? during 1931 and that s letter be forwarded to the En- gineer's and Ferry Department to this efi'ect.