0001 r 2» t w o * I- 4. .o p r '4 ~W v4 o W v' x x x r . 4 xmt'v ':.r\'rrx ~:3 x x x i.roo rp [ ioo x' :op i ip: v 'r:rw 'rt ~ rri rr 'o rrrov 'rr r vries . wv -rrr.r rrrw- 'v ro ~ r r"r 'vrrrr . or vv Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dundarave SP4",'b".'.4" M.,',.". I rices Friday, 8th 8'ORK AND BEANS-- Ayimor iS ox. tine .................. 2 for isr kod R White RiiEAii FiA)iik 24 ttx sock..... --... Bpo LARD--Swift'x Siivorioof i lb. xoxtoo .................. tee TEA--Rod ft White or Niahob por lb .................................. Sec i.'ORRED BFiip--Australian pox till t5c ROLOCREAht OATS ......., 25o Rod fh White SPAGHHPrf with i. hoooo ood Tomato Sauce It's deiieiooo.....is ox. iio fir PRUNfik--hiodiom xixc, Fresh Stock, xoiy sioo ..... Sibo. tso SMALL WHITE BRANS Grows io 1kG . 4 lbs. 15c DATES -- New Crop Hoiiowi ..................... 2 lbs. idi Pitted ...... 2 lbs. 25o Ambleside „""'."„", "„,".,',„," Saturday. 9th Jan. iiAkhiALAiiE-- Norroy'o hixde wiih Aoxiioiioo Oroogox 40 ox. )or ........................... Sdc FLAliEWttlrk Exookeot for fryiog or baking. 1 ttx cortoo ................... 15c OvCRDAii Oil. 4 ox. boilio .......,.............. Sse CANNEii 'i'm'kTAiiLR Si'FA'iAi. kod ik While Tomoiooo, large fills Colombia i'coo, xixo 5 Columbia Cxi ('roeo Beans Fxoiiieox Corn Your choice ....... 2 iiox i9c koyxi Crows CLEANSER por packet ....................... Bc iioyoi i.'rooo SOAP 5 bar cartes ....................... 234 Save the wrappers for useful gifts. Royal Crown LYE &Piskod) por iio ...., ......... 9c "It was grand of you to dive from that height. fully clothed, to eifect such a magnificent res- cue." the looker-on declared. 'That's all very well," snarl- ed the hero, "but what I want to know is, who pushed me inf" The Iietter Part Charlie: "Are you married yet old many'eddie: "No, but I'm engaged snd that's as good as married." Charlie: "Believe me it's bet- ter, if you only knew it." THE )VEST VAN NEWS St'OTTINH SO('I l)TY TO (IIVE l)ANCE CONCERT The )Vest Vancouver Scottish Society is giving a dramatic en- tertainment and concert, to be followed by a tea and dance, to- morrow (Saturday) evening at 8 o'lock, st the Clachan Hotel. Tickets are 35 cents snd the pro- ceeds are in aid of the Scottish Benevolent Society. The program is as follows: 1. Piano selection, Miss Frame. 2. Song, "Absent," Mr. Flett. 3. Scene from "Davy Garrick," filr. and hire. Penny, Mr. A. B. Stevenson. 4. Banjo selection, Miss Ellis. 5. Scottish Character Sketches, Mrs. Tom Bingham. tory," Mr. A. B. Stevenson. Refreshments Dance God Save the King 6. Song (selected), Mr. Flett. 7. Instigation scene fromohiac- lieth,o Mr. snd Mrs, A. B. Stevenson. 8. Banjo selection, Miss Ellis, 0. Humorous sketch (selected) Mrs. Tom Binghsm. 10. Scene from "School for Scandal," Mr. snd Mrs. A. B. Stevenson. 11. Sketch, "After Dinner Ora- "Can 1 catch the Boston iroiot" asked a man as he ran into the sta- tion. "It depends on how fast you can roo," answered the train dispatcher. "li left five minutes ogo." Start the Year FAVELL by buying your meat at ILBST Y ufg SAY T)46 BB AT T)3IS YiOULI All Government Inspected-No. 1 6 For Cash or C.O.D. Only NO. 1 Steer Beef BOILING BEEF 'b. OC STEWING BEEF ....................... 2 I bs. XIINCED STEAK 2 lbs. 49IC POT ROAST , BLADE RIB ROAST PRIAIE RIB WING RIB DEEI'IRLOliN ) 8'b. SIRLOIN Tll' 7 8 2p IHB STEAK dlC .......... 2 I bs. E 4 ROUND STFAK f 7 I lb. SIRLOIN STEAK 423 IIL ........„.... L r, I T-BONE STEAK 25Clb..................----------- Local Lamb 15clb....-- RIBS, Breast on ........... )4Clb. I.O N LEGs 25C SHOULDER CHOP SIPlb. L RIB CHOP 25IIL LOIN CHOP 3Plb. Pork BUTTS i pl FRESH HAM lb. I.OINS I'ORK STEAK 25........ 2 lbs. PORK CHOPS -.-......-.......... 2 lbs. Roberts'etter PHONE 1%est 14IO Dell ROBERT And get first quality at sg January 8. 1032 &Vest Vancouver Lumber Co. 16th snd Marine I.IIHITED I'hone West 116 )V. J. TurnbulL Manager, Itesldence I'hone: West 3681. SERVICE Everything for ihe Building. LU BKR SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER IAtmatco -- Gyproc -- I'laster llosrd Beaver Board-- CO615IUNICATION The Editor, 'WVest Vancouver News," Dear Sir: A few weeks sgo I wrote the following letter to your paper, which please publish again. "In view of the splendid work Bone by our Reeve and Coun- cillors in connection with the deal just made with the British Pacilic Properties Ltd., for our i)everted lands, I would like to ee Reeve Leylsnd snd Coun- I illors Elgsr and Garthorne re- urned without opposition for he coming term. Councillors "iddes snd Dickinson each have inother year to serve. '"I'he electors supported the ;ouncil almost 50 to 1 on the snd deal snd to my mind it vould not be consistent to op- ! x)se them at this juncture. I herefore trust I sm voicing the iisheh of the majority of the sxpayers on this occasion." Needless to say, the situation as not changed, neither have iy ideas, snd I sincerely hope he taxpayers of West Vsn- buver, as a body, who have ithout question the best in- .rests of the Municipality at cart, will support my views at iis time. Any reeve and council who indled the land deal with the -itish Pacific Properties Ltd., ours have done, are well en- led to see their work sccom- shed further. ' bel eve, from personal let- 0 I have received from Lon- i this week, that the heads of British Pacifi Properties Q. intend doing a good job,'e I sm firmly of the opinion t this is not the time for sny nge in the management of municipal slfsirs. Iifi C Yours faithfully, WM BLAIR ,'ofessor: "1 say, your tubu- m air container has lost its I'idity." pptorist: "I don't quite--" ! ofessor: "The cylindrical trans which supports ybur Icle is no longer inilsted." 'otorist: "But--" ~ofessor: "The elastic fabric i=iounding the circular frsine t- se successive revolutions you onward in space has iretsined its pristine round- Pall Boy: "Hey, mister! you 0 fist tire," , Id Gent: "Now, can you give I' good reason why I should I 4 you s nickeltm mali Boy: "I sure can. If I It an old gentleman wltha nice'g hst on and there was lots nice black mud handy, and s asked me for a nickel, I uldn't start no argument." COUNCII, NOTEis (Continued from Page 1) The council, informed J. G. Rennier in connection with water connection Lots 1 and 2, Block 14, D.L. 811 '1240 that in view of the facts related they would endeavor to give water service in time for it bo be used when the house wss built snd the matter of bush growing on the road would be attended to in the near future. The question of water instal- lation wss referred back to the engineer for detailed estimate. In connection with the recent decease of John Harte the coun- cil forwarded 5 letter of condol- ence to Mrs. Harte find family, A letter of G. E. Herrmann regarding s street light st the junction of the Cspilano Timber Co.'5 railway track snd Keith Road wss referred to the man of the light committee and the engineer to bring in a report at their next meeting. The question of the indiscrim- inate issue of camp fire permits wss brought up by Reeve Ley- land on December 16th at the North Shore Watershed Forest Protection Committee'5 snd after discussion that body undertook to refer the to the Victoria oifice for erstion. Why Pay More? BUILD NOW WHEN PRICES ARE LOW Lumber for 12xiB Gorogo including Aoor ......... 530.00 50 Ft. Cioxo Board Fence 6.00 Sbipixp from .................. 9.00 Sx4 Common. xixod......... 9.00 Sxe io 2xf2 common, xixod .............................. 10.00 ix2 -3 sod 4 D, D. Fir, por ioo iin. ft..60 Cedar Lattice, per leo hs. feet ..................., ...........25 4 In. Cioor Gutter, any length. por iin. ft..=- .06 No 1 XXX Shingles SAtd Wall Shingles--Perfection 6 In. dear boiix por M 1.40 SPECIA 1.S 24x24--2 Light Windows 2 00 Bxie--4 Light Soxh ........ 1.00iOxt~ Light Soxh........ i.id 'ixio--6 Light Sash ..... 1.26 ioxtS-0 Light Sash . L40 Gyproc 1'iooior Boonk Boiidiog 1'open Fir Veneer ood oil Building Materi~ 1 ~ AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th sod Mxrioo Drive i'hooo Wooi iss. Altar 5 p.m. oxk for Derry Dent Phoae West 241R. JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK. VEAL, ETc. COOKED MEATS OF Al.l, KINDS, DEI.ICATESSEN (Two Stores for your service) HOLI.YBURN STORE Ahl ill.kktIDE STORE )Vest 3 West 303 te is