West Van. News (West Vancouver), 8 Jan 1932, p. 4

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0001 THE WFST VAN NEWS January 8, 1932. r I tA rorr r'r¹,~ r tor t t.tvot o4 ~ w ttvbto-*' I ttvt t. t'K t'4 6 t o :"r'r tt rpt t orvrrr rr.r: rrt rtrr tvrrrrtwv -re rrt ~ ' r v t KA rv¹ rr'r rr¹¹tr rrr r r t rrr TRANS. IN I.ET TRA YFIC ON FERRIFS HEAVIEST IN HISTORY LAST YEAR In transporting 3,393,740 pas- sengers and 707,099 vehicles during the past year, North Vancouver City ferry system established traffic records that have never been approached in the history of the trans-inlet service, report ferry department ofFicials. During 1930, the boats carried 3,010,605 passengers and 816,- 211 vehicles. Increase for 1931 is 382,838 passengers and 391,- 888 vehicles. Monthly average for the year was 299,454 passen- gers and 58,926 vehicles. In December last, ferries car- ried 247,342 passengers and 49,- 231 vehicles, as compared with 285,631 passengers and 61,858 vehicles. In the corresponding month of 1930. Decrease for De- cember last is 38,289 passengers and 2627 vehicles. ST. STEPHEN'S SUNDAY SCHOOL, HOI I YBURN Prize Winners Eileen Dent, Margaret Wrise- berg, Dorothy Dickinson, Pat. Wallace, Betty Gourlay, Phyllis Howard, Hertha Paulsen, Anne Clegg, Brenda Wicking, Patricia Albin, Dorothy Sharman, Helens Clegg, Cynthia Haslam, Helen Wrisberg, Jessie Wrisberg, Kathleen Davis, Joan Sharman, Louise Messenger, Valerie Smith Albert Kendrick, John Clegg, William Hawkes, Dick Brine, Ronald Hawkes, Gerald Hook- ham, Lloyd Wallace, Ernest Sayre, Paul Jagger, Jack Wris- berg, Tom Fry, Teddy Climie, Pat Fry, Donald Thompson, William Sister, Allan Edwards. Diplomas Awarded 75/& attendance and conduct 1931 Certificates Doreen Bernard, Doris Ber- nard, Isabel Banks, Robert Climie, John Climie, Edward Climie, Walter Findlay, Allan Edwards, William Gracey, Wen- dell Hayes, Muriel Illington, John Illington, Norah Kingsley, Pamela Haslam, John Haslam, Elizabeth Howard, Gwen Light- ly, Charles Miles, Richard Las- ter, Fred Masterman, Mary Mc- Leod, Tom McKirdy, Donald McKirdy, Jean McLeod, Louise Messenger, Bruce Ramsey, Wil- liam Sister, Valerie Smith, Mur- iel Vigor, Ernestine Weeden, Patricia Weeden, Richard Wil- son, Elizabeth Williamson. Second Year Seals Awarded Vincent Bracewell, Helena Clegg, John Clegg, Anne Clegg, Edwin Clegg, William Dicken- son, Margaret Dickinson, Kath- leen Davies, Pat. Fry, Kathleen Hodgson, Phyllis Howard, Cyn- thia Haslam, Richard Moore, Bobbie Sharman, Barbara Spar- row, Anna Sparrow, Raymond B. Forster, Brenda Wicking, Moira Wallace, Robert Ward. Third Year Seals William Albin, Patricia Albin, Bert Albin, Dick Brine, Joyce Burbridge, Oliver Burbridge, Ralph Burbridge, Barbara Blow- er, David Bloxham, Eileen Dent, Dorothy Dickenson, Joyce Dick- enson, Evelyn Dickenson, Helen Edwards, Doreen Forster, Phyllis Gleed, Betty Gourlay, Douglas Hookham, Ronald Hawkes, William Hawkes, Paul Jagger, Betty Jones, Kathlesn Jagger, Poppy Knight, Arthur Knight, Bobbie Kendrick, Al- bert Kendrick, Dorothy Messen- ger, H. L. Phillips, Mabel Phil- lips, Hertha Paulsen, Ernest Sayres, Dorothy Sayres, Dor- othy Sharman, Donald Sherman, Donald Thompson, Joan Thomp- son, Jack Wrisberg, Helen Wris- berg, Joan Sherman, Cormyn Wallace, Lloyd Wallace, Patricia Wallace, Milton Ward, Margaret Wrisberg, Gerald Hookham, Wil- liam Barker, Peggy Barker, James Bloxham, John Kendrick, Jessie Wrisberg. ~"'"'" «'OUNCILLOR respectfully asks for your support Platform: Stands on record in 1926-1927 Coundk Would not have come out if others hsd not flrst done so. Against any increase in taxation, and for (I) reduction of tax penalty and extension of time of penalty to 81st July; (2) strict economy except as regards unemployinent relief; (8) the enlargemnt of business scope in West Vancouver; (4) improvement in transportation system; (6) only work of permanent nature being done, to be distributed equally among local men needing work. Favors each ward receiving full share of all expendi- tures. A. HARVEY SMITH invites your support of his candidature for COUNCILLOR for lhe year 1932. J. T. WATT for Councillor RespectfuUy solicits your vole and influence. VOTE FOR T. E. BATCHELOR for School Trustee C. T. Kendrick announces his candidature for SCHOOL TRUSTEE Your support respectfufly solicited W. N. Mc DONALD wishes to announce his candidature for School Trustee and asks for your support. Nol for Him Growler: "I didn't sleep a wink all night. I had an awful toothache.o James: oAhl you should try repeating to yourself fifty times every day. 'Get behind me, pain i' Growler: "Not muchl Do you think I want lumbago?" CONSERVATIVE MEFTING POSTPON ED On account of the municipal elections the regular January meeting of the West Vancouver Conservative Association has been postponed from the second Tuesday in January to the sec- ond Tuesday in February. Giants usually have enlarged pituitary glands. The English oyster ls herma- phroditic, but the sexes sre sep- arate in the American species. PLATFORM--Economy and the maintenance of a high stand- ard of eificiency by perfect cooperation between the School Board and Teaching Staff, this in spite of reduction in the government grant. C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and Marine Expert Work I'hone West 136 FURNACE and " SHEET METAL REPAIRS Ambleside Sheet Metalworks LAURIE SPECK. Ptosdoioc 1446 biarine Drive Phone West 78 Hollyburn THEATRE Friday aad Saturday 'East Is East'tory by, PRTRR IL KYNH The BURRARD LAUNDRY For I'eoplo Who Are Particular THIRD ST. aad ST. DA VIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1810. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410l. The first hospital in Rome was built (B.C.) by Fabiols, a wom- an of great wealth, who also nursed in it. IL W. Sav()ry 14l3 Marme Drive A mbleside Phone IVest 340 kvenings, Vocal 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER Public Meeting 'of the Ratepayers of the District of West Vancouver will be held on Thursday, Jan. 14, 193K at 8 o'lock p.m., in the Hollyburn Theatre New Candidates for the Council will be invited to address the meeting. Trustee Mrs. P. Masterman respectfully solicits your vote and influence Il.r SCHOOL TRUSTEE for 1932 .K IV. WEEDEN kispectfully solicits your support for t POLICE COMMISSIONER for the purpose of receiving the reports of the members of the Council for the year 1931.