0001 "..'. xe 9( -:S'..'A!L.&:.'tI:)L(((S A Weekly Newspaper Cfrculufi Jsfr in fbi'istrict of'est Vancouver-Aynblesidc, Hollybfdrn, Wcsfon, Dundaravg $1.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Wliytecliff, Etc. Newsstands 6c per Copy Vol. VI S(X PAOES HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C, FRIDAY, JANUARY S. 1932 No. 33 l6 L I IR ssd arsy aery xruld hsd rl for ough then efaie asd is so t his lowe, their ou sll rper. yss Itse ~6 III., j I peeltuB, TO OLIR ADVERTISERS AND READERS A LIE NAILEDv'/ persistent rumor has been in circulation the last few days around the muni- cipality to the eifect that the HoByburn upper levellands'eal has fallen through. Under such cir- cumstnnces it becomes nec- essary to speak very plain- ly. The person or persons responsible in the iirst place for such a statement are guilty of a malicious and dangerous falsehood, unless out of their minds, in which case they should he in Essondsle. The facts of the ease are that a survey party, under hlr. Conway, started on the work of taking levels for roads on the property the day after the by-law passed and this work has gone on, rain or shine, ever since, and is still in progress. This information is oificial and has been given us by the Re ie, who has requested us to publish such informs. tion, aLso the fact that very satisfactory progress is be- ing made in every way in connection with the de- velopment of the lands in question. The mere fact that the municipality hss been al-~~c v wfooot dl 'iw i cash by the British Pacific Properties Ltd. as a first payment should be suifi- cient evidence of the ab- surdity of the rumor referred to. CONSIDER PLAN TO UTILIZE OLD SPAN Proposals that the wrecked 150-foot span of the Second Nar- rows bridge be reconditioned and replaced as a temporary measure have been placed before directors f the Burrard Inlet Tunnel ge Bridge Co. The suggestion came in a let- ter from the Pacific Salvage Co., owners of the wrecked span, snd Burrard Drydock Co. It was stated that a plan could be devised whereby the span could be used with the consent of the Harbor Board and others interested The letter ended wtgh a plea for da-operation. Directors decided to investi- gate the proposal. They will ask Ottawa if it would approve the suggestion. A wire wiB be sent to Hon. A. Duranleau, minister of marine, regarding the company's request for prompt action on the revised.'arbor regulattons. Arrangements for refinanc- ing the. $48,000 interest which wiB'be i)ue in March have been discussed. Oifers have been re- delved from two insurance com- panies 'for coverage on the bridge under the new regula- tions. KING STUDIO Ol'FN HFRE THltEE TlhlE8 A )VEEK The West Vancouver branch of the King Studio at 1586 Mar- ine Drive will be open for busi- ness every hionday, Wednesday, and Friday, from 2 p.m. until 6 p.m., anrl evenings by appoint- ment. Patrons are asked to phone )Vest 40 or Seymour 1046 for information or appointments A. J, Ridley--IVeB known local business man, Has been a resident of Caulfeilrl for many years.ir, For 1'oliee Commissioner (One Vacancy) ' Captain C. J. Archer--Just completed term as police oom- mlssioner. Lived here many~are, and well knoivn through- out municipality, Veteran Boer aiid Great )Vers. E. W, Weeden--Resided here 2'ears, In province 25 vesrs. )Vefi known in municipality. Veteran Boer snd Great Wars. 6 Two years have passed since we took over the sole owner- ship snd direction of this newspaper, snd it becomes our duty and pleasure at this beginning of our third year to thank sB those advertisers and subscribers who have by their loyal support rendered its continued publication possible. We should also like to thank aB our residents for the kindly reception the paper has received during that period st their hands. Our policy from the first has been to back to the best of our ability afi those organizations and individuals who were working for the welfare of West Vancouver, and to support to the limit of our power any project which, viewed in cold blood and without prejudice, would, in our opinion, advance the interests af the municipality. Some doubtless have not always agreed with the stand we have taken, but we believe time will prove that our judgnnent, matured by a long and continent-wide business experience, has been correct on aB major projects. We have played no personal favourites except in so far as we judged their efforts deserved our sup- port by reason of the good work they were doing for West Vancouver. Accuracy in reporting has always been an axiom with us, that being the first essential of any newspaper, be it smsB or great. There has been little observable criticism, except by omission, which is th'e kindest method. Our second aim has been to make our columns as bright ;} as possible. In this ssd world, through which we poor pil- grime are travelling to a common end, a laugh, even at one' own expense, is a great help, We would not desire a better epitaph than that "He kept us amused while l e was with us," for, as a certain character remarked in a well known classic, "A merry heart is just like medicine." t We have instituted during this past year an innovation for a community paper, to-wit, a column, "The Burning Bush," by an experienced writer who goes under the name af "Subadar." We were able ta secure his srvices on one condi- e tion; that his identity be not divulged. We have received some compliments and some objections to his remarks, but generaBy speaking the column appears to have justified its continuance . in I r " In conclusion we ask during 1932 for the trams support which we have hitherto received from our advertisers an] subscribers, and, if we may say so, we would like to have among our regular advertisers those merchants who so far: have not used our columns. It will pay them and will benefit us. There is no district which can or has ever made any progress worth while without the assistance of a Iivp cotn- , munity paper, and, while the publication of such pape'rs is for their editors more a matter of love than dollars, fhey are'etter fortified to stand the kicks and knocks "of outr'ageous ' fortune" when the dollars roll in with reasonable frequency. ~ THE MUNICIPAI. EI.ECTIONS Reeve Leyland will apparently receive a mell earned accla- :mation, but judging by the number who have expressed their :Intention of running. there will be no dearth of candidates for other municipal honors this year. The following have advised i us of their inkention to allow their names to go before the electorate: rg'd For the Council (Two Vacancies) CounciBar G. D. Elgar--Will stand on his reoord, Councillor L. Garthorne--)ViB stand on his record. K. A. Ray--Former councillor and well known resiilent who has lived here many years. His platform will be found in his advertisement in this issue. A. Harvey Smith--Well known local merchant, Just aompleted a term on the school board. Formerly chairman of the cominissioii of tbe district of Nakusp, B. (s,J.'. Watt--Former councillor and weB %news resident . here for many years.'ow in real estate business in West Vsncouvdl. For the School Board (Three Vacancies) School Trustee E. S. Gamage--Well known locally, having 1)vad Ilerc a number of years. Just completed term on school :&] board, of which he is chairman. School Trustee Mrs. P. Mssterman--)VeB known lo'cal resident, having lived here since before the incorporation of the municipality. T. F.. Bstchelor--)Vas on district council in England,ftrr two years. In Canada 20 years. Veteran of Boer and Great 5 Wars. Member Canadian I.egion, King David Lodge, A. F. ge'A. M.'or platform see,advertisement in this issue. C. T Kendrlbk--Well known long-time resident here.',q,Department manager in Vancouver business concern. W. N. McDonald--Accountant in Vancouver ofi'ice,of e'ere '.': I Logan dr Bryan. Retired oificer Imperial Field Artillery aind veteran Great War. lit'ILDING I'ERSIITS IVCREASFD $ 12,350 Six building permits of a total value of $ 13,750 were issued by the municipal hall during the month of December, this being an increase of $12,350 over the total for December, 1930, when 3 permits for $1,400 were hand- ed out. These were made up of 6 per- mits for dwellings totsBing $12,- 250 snd 3 permits for additions amountmg to $1,500. PACIFIC STAGES ON N E)V SCH E DU LE A new schedule for the North Vancouver-Horseshoe Bay motor coach service has been issued by Pacific Stages Limited. Daily except Sundays, coaches leave foot of Lonsdale at 6:20, 7:00, 8i00, 9:20, 11:00 a.m., I:00, 3:00, 4:20, 5:00, S 40, 6:20, 6:40, 9:40, and 11:20 p.m. There is an extra trip at 1:40 on Wednesdays and Saturdays. On Sundays. coaches leave Lons- dale depot at gr20, 9:20, 11 a.m. 2:20, 4:20, 6:20, 9 i40 snd 11:20 p.m. INCREASE IN FERRY TRAFFIC IN 1931 There was an increase of 7326 in the number of passengers us- ing the ferries in 1931 as com- pared with the previous year, t.ienixure60ehrk'oitrIKrpersons carried in 1931 . as compared with '891,384 during the year 1930. The total number using the feredes during last Decem- ber was 65,425. There was a fair traffic on the two holidays, the totals being 1481 fiar Christmas Day and'1699 for New Year'. "A NIGHT OF GILBERT AND SULI.IVAN" BY THE DUNDAR4VE LADIES CHOIR "A Night of Gilbert and SuBi- van" will be given tomarrow (Saturday), at 8:15 p.m.. in the Inglewood.iAuditorium, by the Dundarave Ladies'hoir, under the direction, of Mrs. F. X. Hodgson. A number of male singers and a'male chorus will assist, also an ordhestra under the direction .ot'ra Knight- Hodge, AB those taking part will be'in costume. Part of the proceeds Will go to the )Vest Vancouver Schools Band. Ad- mission tickets 50 cents. A special bus will leave West Bay at 7:45 p.m., vis Marine Drive and 14th and Inglewood to the school. returning at 10i30 p.m. via 14t)r and Inglewood and Marine Drivet to West Bsy. SCHOOL BOARD , ~ ANiNUAL hIEETING The annual meeting of the )Vest Vancouver Board of School Trustees will take place in the Inglevyxxl School next Wednesday,.'13th January, at 8 p.m. Candidates for the board will be given an opportunity to speak. ANNUAL STEW4RDSHIP lei F ET I V(' public meeting will be held next Thursdav, 14th January, at 8 p.m., in the HoByburn Theatre, for the purpose of receiving the r'sports af the members of the council for the year 1931. iqew candidates for the coun- cil will be invited to address the meeting. BENEFIT CONCERT BY CHORAL SOCIETY The West Vancouver Choral Society will give s concert in the High School auditorium, Mon- day, January 18th, at 8i15 p.m. The proceeds will go towards the Welfare Funds of the West Van- couver Churches. Admission 3S cents. This concert is sponsored by the West Vancouver Churches and your support wiB be much appreciated. ('OUNCIL NOTES C. Messinger, R. Hopkins, and J. James came before the coun- cil to speak to a petition regard- ingaculvert being installed from the P.G.E. culvert to the fore- shore between 15th and 16th Streets. 51essrs. hlessenger and Hopkins promised full coopera- tion regarding any necessary easement, hir. James agreeing "with the proviso that he wouki cooperate if any easement over his property would be of benefit to his lot." After discussion the appli- cants were informed that the matter would be looked into im- mediately and the engineer would report back for final ac- tion. J 1V McIntosh Metropolitan4 Ia.b.l h ii wllo 'h ~l the council appreciated the ef- forts he was making to obtain a separate health unit for West Vancouver, and they found his figures very interesting. If his efforts were successful in ob- taining guarantees of the grants specified from the Rockefefier Foundation, Provincial Govern- ment and Education Department the council would he only tao pleased to d"scuss the matter with him further. The engineer reported on: 1. Loyal Orange Lodge, park- ing strip. That the cost would be $ 120. The work was approved under the relief scheme and ordered carried out as the work program permitted. 2. J. Taylorson's application. accord to D.I 811-4-2ik That the cost would be $531. The work was approved under the relief scheme and ordered carried out as the rsnerk program permitted. 3. Bridge over P.G.E, Rly. at Altamont Park. That this bridge had better be removed. The work was approved under the relief scheme and ordered carried out as the work program permitted. 4. Miss A. D. Cofiie's applica- tion re Park Lane )Vest. That the estimated cost «nes $72.00. The work was approved as the relief program permitted. 5. A. J. AjeBo et al. grading 29th Street. Palmerston and Slathers. That the estimate cost wouM be $1,030.00. Laid over. 6. Ernest Morrison's applica- tion re garage D.L. 4%HI-34. That on account of certain dif- ficulties this appBcatlon coukl not be entertained. The clerk was directed to reply that owing to the fact that the garage nneuld face Nelson Street which is a primary highway, the permission asked for coukl not be granted. (Continued on Page 6)