0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS December 11, 1981 r ~ ~ w ~esv ' cv Wr i vrt \r AA P~ Dundarave,", "..,"'"„'„',„", Ambleside „"" ™"„',„." A Few Specials--Friday and Saturday Dec. i its end 12th kvd 45 Wbi(e BREAD FLOUR 24.1jx cack dpc FLAKB WHITE--Fev frying ev for cbcvtceisg................. lb. 154 BOILED CIDER~old Band Be seve end have ~ bottle for cev Christmas Cocking. cv bolus ..........., ............. isc kcd S White hiATCHES 400'x ........ 6 boxes 29c MACARONi ev SPAGHEPi'I Cencdice Brand m ea pcckciv .... 2 pkte. 15c COD FiSH--Acadia. New ship- ment just is....z lb. bcx 42c FANCY 1'INii SALhiON 11 lb. Hse ................ 4 tine 26c RED SOCKETS SAL)ION Bounty Brand--cxceucet qual- ity ....................... 1 lb. tins zzc kFiCKIYT'S BLUE 2 packets Sc No. i BACON--2 jjx te 5 Ijx slab Pcv Ijx .. .. .. .......... ,..... 1 Sc CAKE FLOUR--Swansdown 1'cr packet ........ 26c ROLOCREAM OATS Pcv packet ..........., .............., Sdc iiADANA TEA--Save the ccepccc Pev lb.. ..... 29c DUNDEE SHORTBREAD Pvr jix .......................... Ssc LiihiP SUGAR--B. C. Bulk 2 lbs. ifc Rcd R Wbiic SOUPS-- Tomato, Vegetable, Ox Tall Pex, Celery, Vegetable, Beef 2 ties 1Sc Rcd R irbiie TOILET ROLLS Semi-bleached crepe. Large rolls ................. 5 lev 49c BAKERY GOODS-- Reid Bvee. Mince Texts, iedivideel 2 for iec Tennis hiedcirc Cake Large cise ................... -... Sec Light ev Deck Xmas Fven Cake 4-ib. elec .................. 51.$5 This cake is Xmas Wrapped sed is suitable for icing. requests all organizations inter- ested In relief work to send a representative or representa- tives to meet him at the muni- cipal hall next Thursday, 17th instant, at 8 p.m. for the pur- pose of discussing the distribu- tion of Xmas cheer snd relief throughout the municipality. It ls especially requested that each representative bring to the meeting 8 list of those known to his organization to be in need of relief, in order that there msy bp no overlapping. VINCREASE IN FERRY TRAFFIC The municipal ferries carried 64,410 passengers during the month of November For the eleven months ending 30th ult., 833,286 persons used the ferries as against 820,001 for the cor- responding period last year, this being an increase of 13,284 pas- sengers. Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES man of the West Vancouver Re- JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK. VEAL. ETc. COOKED MEATS OP Al,l, KINDS, DEI.ICATESSEN )Two Stores for your service} IIOLLYBURN STORE ASIBI.ESIDE STOEP. iW West 3 )VI%1 303 I West Vancouver Lumber Co. 'I 5th and Marine 1.1 M I TED I'hone West 116 W. J. Turnbull. Manager. Residence I'hone: West 3681. SERVICE Everything for the Building. LU HER 4 v v v '*~' t vw hf ~ W vf V \ ks ec ic!rivi ' ic ex W c'r ~ -r rvwerr rarl &rrr r.rerrrerr rr ervv 'vh rrere rvrvrrwwrvr r~r r vvr ere e SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER Lamstco -- Gyproc -- Plaster Ijoard Beaver Board -- Shingles ORCHESTRAL SOCIETY NE ('ONCEHT NORTH VAN HOSPITAI Not For Long A man rang up the cncket pa- vilion and asked for s member of the club. "He's just gone in to bst," wss the reply. 'That' all right," said the cruel man,"I'l hold the line." Where He Had Gone Smith: "I believe you have my grandson in your office?" j)ferchant: "Yes, he is usually with us, but today's s Cup-tie, and he's gone to your funeral." Strange Interlude A woman visited s West-end store, at which 8 mannequin parade wss provided as a tea- room attraction, with her four- year-old daughter. In the sud- den stillness caused by the en- trance of four beautiful damsels clad in the most ravishing py- jamas, the little child piped shrilly "Oh, mummy I We really must bring daddy here!" Manager (to office boy): Well. Jimmy, what would you uo if we were to change posk tions? Jimmy: I'd sack the ojfice bov right sway. The United Church wss fdled lust Friday evening for the con- cert put on by the West Vancou- ver Orchestral Society. A very interesting program hsd been arranged for the occasion and the orchestra gave 8 most fin- ished performance, which de- lighted the many music lovers who made up the audience. It would be hard to pick out any particular number, but in re- sponse to insistent applause throughout the evening, the or- chestra repeated the last num- ber, "Irish Lilt" by Severn. Miss Joan Jeiferies, assisting artiste snd s pupil of Mrs. Knight-Hodge, gave s very ex- cellent piano solo, "Prelude in C Sharp Minor," by Rschmsninoff her playing being characterized by fine el?sets of tone snd con- siderable feeling. She wss pre- sented with a bouquet at the conclusion of her performance for which the audience demand- ed an encore. Mr. Wstkin Mossman, Van- couver bass, who also assisted, wss heard to great advantage in two groups of songs, for each of which he wss called upon for an encore number. Mr. P. C. Chapman on behalf uf the honorary president of the society, Reeve Leylsnd, made s short speech in which he drew attention to the excellent work that wss being done by the Or- chestral Society, in which they hsd so materially assisted in es- tablishing the reputation of West Vancouver as s musical centre. Mr. J. Haydn Young, conduc- tor of the orchestra, in 6 brief address stated that, while only s young organization, they hsd always confine sll their efforts to the production of the best in music, although the popular type would have been far easier. He especially emphasised the great debt which the society owed to Miss Margaret McIn- tyre. Not only hsd most of the training been done by her as leader, but she hsd arranged the orchestration of the various numbers played that evening, 8 task which required unusual ability snd a great deal of hard work. The proceeds of the concert will be divided, 60 per cent go- ing to the United Church Wel- fare Fund, 60 per cent to the Welfare Fund of the Duncan Lawson chapter I.O.D.E., while the Orchestral Society, who have established a fund for the purchase of a set of kettle drums, will take from the fund 6 sum to match that given to each of the two above orgsnlxa- tions snd will hand it to the St. Stephen'0 Church Welfare Fund. Under the auspices of the Health Unit, Dr. A. S. Lamb, Provincial Chest Specialist, will hold s Chest Clinic in the North Vancouver General Hospital on December 16, 17 snd 18th. The Clinic is for the three North Shore Municipalities. Any person wishing to attend should be referred by their own doctor who in turn will make an ap- pointment through the Health Unit. The running expenses of this Clinic are met by the proceeds from the Christmas Seal Sale now in progress. Teacher--Can yoe name a eoiiec tive nous? Sweet William--Yev, ms'am. Asb can 1 TURKEY FREE Botel Proprietor: "hiv. Smith, come eei here snd look et ibis marvelous rainbow." Cxuiioex Tcuvieti "How much exivs Is it?" A farmer wss passing the in- sane asylum with s load of fer- tilizer. An inmate called through the fence, "What sre you haul- ing?" "Fertdizer," rephed the farm- er. "What are you going to do with it'!" "Put it on my strawberries" reported the farmer. The inmate countered quick- ly ge : "You ought to live here. Wo t cream on ours." Why Pay More? I» BUILD NOW WHEN PRICES ARB LOW Lumber for 12xis Garage ieciedieg iiecv .......... 530.00 60 FL Close Beard Fence d.00 Sbipicp from .............. 9.00 2x4 Common, sized ........ 0.00 2xd io zx12 common, ~ised ......................... 10.00 ix2 -2 sed 4 D. D. Fiv, pcv 100 iis. lt.. 'ds Cedar Lattice pev 100 iia, feet ...............................26 4 In Clear Gutter any length, pev iis. ft........ds Ne. 1 XXX Sbisgice .. Zzd Wall Sbiegicc--Pcvfectiea 8 In. vicar butts pev M ldo SPECIALS 24x24--2 Light Windows 2,.00sx10-4 Light Sash ...... LOO iexiz--4 Light Sash .... 1.1d Sxis--0 Light Sash ... i.zd iexi2 --0 Light Sash . 1RO Gyprcc Piggier Beccvk Buiidieg Pspcr, Fiv Vceecv ced eii Bekdixg Mcicvicic AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTDRoberts'etter Meats PHONE West 190 Delivery to BH West Vancouver igib csd Mcvisc Drive 1'bcec West 199. Alter 5 p.si. xck for Gcvry Dent Pbese Weel 24 1k. FREE TICKET given with each purchase for Turkey Drawing on Dec. 2,4th STARTING DEC. 1Xth. Order yoaar Xmas Poultry NOW. All our birds will be from local farmers. No frozen or storage birds. Government Inspected No. 1 Grade Meats FOR CASH OR C.O.D. pO~k No. 1 Steer Beef ~ db BOILING BEEF I lb. package.............. 1 9C HAXI--HsH or 1)ihole 1 4C STEWING BEEF 25C gg ggS LOiixS 14C SIINCED STEAK dig )Fresh Seconds).............2j . 25C )Baby E tas j 26CPOT ROAST 1 P LOCAL VEAL BLADE RIB ROAST d db I gC No. I ALBERTA STEWING VEAL i db '""""--"- CREAMERY lb..............„...... I Uc RUJIP.ROAST 1 5 BUTTER......., """'""13c 8I 15c 1YING RIB 3Ib ?9c 2pc DEEP SIRI.OIiV T-BONE ROAST ' " " 1PC 1 Sc [ I lb. I'sckets ..... 17 8I 2PC cHGPPEDK NESPring Lamb ",„„-,-„------ sU-, lb ........2m.. 25C LEGS 25C ROUND STEAK 1'7 FOWL -- Young ~ A 25C slRLGIN sTEAK RIB CHOPS ggn T-BONE STEAK 1)HNCE-hi EAT.----------- 8 ww ib .„...........,.....,.... Cuc Home-made, lb.... 6 ~c These prices hold good for one week unless market advances