0001 193i Il (bhy Ig 00?I (Any Y lag Uvc ~SSB December 11, 1931. ROGERS'dvanced Su)er IeterOt yne '1 m ~Q 1Vest Vancouver Branch )Vest 37. 14th and liiarine West 37 North Vancouver Branch North 473 105 East First Street North 473 J.W. KELLY PIANO CO. LIM(120 P. T. A. PYJAMAS The December meeting of the P. T. A. was held in Pauline Johnson School on Tuesday eve- ning. A spirited and interesting ac- count of the Border Conference of the Parent-Teacher Associa- tion was given by Mrs. Selwood and Mrs. Baldwin. About 80 delegates from the Canadian side, including Mesdames Sel- wood, Barker, Baldwin, Patter- an and Mr. and Mrs. Russell from West Vancouver, attended the conference, and had both an entertaining and an educational time. 'I'he main speaker of the eve- ning was Dr. Amyot of North Vancouver. His address on the subject of Health showed how many serious and many incon- venient sicknesses can be entire- ly avoided with proper supervi- sion snd care in the very early stages. An unfit child has 8 serious handicap both in school and in life, a handicap which parents can prevent if they only follow the rules of health. It is to be regretted that so mall an audience was present o hear Dr. Amyot'0 inspiring address. The entertainment part of the programme came up to its usual standard, too. Mr. Irwin de- lighted his audience with two songs, the second in true Harry Lauder style. The thanks o! the meeting are due to him and his accompanist, Mrs. Boyd. Don't Icorflet The Xmas Cheer Fund "Diddly, diddly, my son John Went to bed with his breeches on." (From an old nursery rhyme) The word "pyjamas" does not occur in my Scottish-made dic- tionary of the year 1892; but I learn from the Century Dic- tionary that it came from India. Neither the word nor the thing ranks as the least of India's gifts to us. I remember the ex- alted feelings with which I put on my first pair of long trous- ers, for they seemed to me a genuine symbol of manhood. I remember particularly, however the interest with which in my young manhood I looked at the pyjamas in the outfit of a friend who was going to India, snd the relish with which I jettisoned all niy own night-shirts soon after, regarding them as the last rags of unmanliness in my attire. But here I find in an over- looked "Scribner" that Profes- sor W. L. Phelps of Yale is a Fundamentalist in his Clothes-- Philosophy, and that he has been attacking Modernism in male dress with all the zeal of the late W. J. Bryan? This is what he says: "As for pyjamas, I have nev- er worn them and never sheik Many years ago Mark Twain tried them just once, and said he felt as if he had gone to bed with his panta on. As for me, I have always obeyed Lady Mac- beth'8 command to her husband, 'Get on your nightgown'." See what those of us miss who know not Shakespeare l--P. MODEL 726 The following is a partial list of stations received by one of our many satisfied owners. (Nome ood address supplied on request) IVEAF New York KMOX St. Louis WJZ New York WOAI St. Antonio WMAQ Chicago WHO Des MoinesWENR Chicago WBBM Chicago 2YA Wellington WSM Nashville (New Zealand) CKY Winnipeg 2BL Sydney CFCN Calgary 3LO Melbourne )VTAM Cleveland (Australia) This remarkable receiver uses fully guaranteed Rogers tubes and the famous Jensen Electro-Dynamic Speaker. THE WEST VAN NEWS OUR BIRDS B. R. H. In our last talk we hsd some- thing to say about the Junco, especially regarding lts rather quarrelsome nature, and I al- most commenced to tell you a- bout another bird that perhaps ls not quite so quarrelsome as our fnend the Junco, but one that possesses 8 trait that Is al- most as bad, and if this partic- ular bird was not such 0 big fellow compared with the maj- ority of our winter residents, snd consequently held in respect by other birds, I'm afraid that he might be as quarrelsome as the Junco. You have all seen and admired the beautiful Blue Jay, or more correctly named the Steller'8 Jay. Well, this ls the bird that has been visiting the dining hall in our garden along with the other birds, and I am sure that if you watched him at his meals you wouid be very surprised. Just fancy any litt)e girl in West Vancouver being handed a plate of cake and taking six pieces all at once or taking one piece and then taking six bites sll at once. I couldn't imagine that such 3 girl could be found, I am not so sure about the boys, but the girls, Oh, nol Well this blue jay hops down to partake of the food with the other birds and is not satisfied in picking up the bread and swallowing it, but he must get at least six pieces in his beak at once and get his mouth sa full that it is surprising that he does not get lockjaw. Sometimes in his effort to get just one more piece in his mouth, some of the bread already there, falls out. When he has his mouth as full es it ean possibly be, he flies off and eats the bread in a secluded spot, and in 8 very short time he is back again for another helping. Of course he does not know that we are looking at him through the window, or I feel sure that he would turn very red. There is something else that we have found out about these Steller's Jays and that is that they have a habit of hiding their food and after they have eaten sufFicient for one meal and in order to be sure of the next, they will collect pieces of bread, dig a hole in the ground, bury the bread, and then very care- fully cover it over for a future occasion. We watched 8 jay do- ing this the other day and I must say this habit was quite a surprise to me. There are twenty-eight jays in West Vancouver but only two with feathers, the others are those that voted against the by-law. The two with feathers are the Steller's and the Canada Jay. Now I have never had an op- portunity of seeing the Canada Jay, but some of you boys who go up the Ridge must have seen this chap and I understand he is even more bold than the Stel- ler'8 Jay and will fly right on to the table and grab anything that he fancies, The Canada Jay is a gray colored bird with a sprinkling of darker feathers and of course is not such a handsome bird as the one that comes round our gardens. Neith- er of these birds appear to nest where houses are but prefer the more dense parts of the woods during the breeding season. If you should go round to Lynn Canyon you will see some Stel- ler's Jays that have become so tame that they will take bread or peanuts from your hand and with a little patience it would not be di(Ficult to get them as tame in your own gardens, especially during the cold weather. Start by putting out a tray or some- thing af that sort, vrith a variety of food, nuts, bread, fruit, after the cafeteria style, and don' forget to hand up a piece of suet for the Chlckadees. FOR SALE--WcU.mode buiM(ug. 6 feet oquorc, buuguiow roof. Make lovely ovLcy or bcoaicc bouse. Eooky moved. Ifate u'u a(for, Phone West 2361k SNAPSHOT CALENDAR MOUNTS, oud cboicc of 36 Loco( vtowu Do- ve(oping. priutiug, cuiorgiug, color- ing. C. J, Bcodcrick Pboio Fiuicbcc (Sager'4 Store), 1622 Marino. XMAS PREBENT--810 wocib good Records, little uoat Sour(ace 84. Scutouco, 1842 Ducbcco. Phone West 67R. To kENT-4 roouc modern bouoa Good garden. Number of good fruit trees. Convenient iocoiiou, 820.00. Apply John Lcwoou. West 66. TYPING DONE AT Ho'ME--Letaos, Mouuccripic, ctc. Phone West 458L FOR SALE or BXCHANGE for West Voucouvcr Property -- 180 ocrco dykcd land with goad building ot Pkt Meadows. Apply John Lowcou West 66. WE HAVE TEN OF THE CHEAP- EST LOTS iu West Voucouvcr- Some close in. Sure money-makers in ucoc faturc. John Lowcou, Wcct 56. McLEOD RIVEk HARD, LUMP oud EGG. Ed Black, West 88. FOR PLU61BING kEPAIRS -- Rco. fdcoce Phone West 2411L JUVENILE FOOTBALL Games for Saturday, Decem- ber 12th, 1931. Division L League Game )Vest Van. vs. N. S. P. Canucks, Ambleside Park 2 30 pm Referee, Mr. Batham. Division II. Mainland Cup--1st Round Kiwanis Bluebirds vs. Lynn Val-ley'ahon Park':00 pm.'eferee,Mr. Hilder. Division IH. Mainland Cup--1st Rounds IVest Van. vs. Young Buffs Ambleside Park; 1:00 p.m.; Referee. Mr. Strong, Lynn Valley vs. Toc H; Lynn Valley Park; 11:00 a.m.; Ref- eree, Mr. McSween. Found Out Mrs. Hoskinson: "I have found aut one thing about that Mrs. Newcome. Whoever she is, she has certainly never moved in good society." Mr. Hoskinson: "How do you know that?" Mrs. Hoskinsoni "She shakes hands as if she meant it." FOR XMAS CARDS--Scc Mocgurci Johnston, orchard Tcu Boomo, 17tb ~od BcUcvua Tate Cocucgic'o odrko cai Buy Acreage iu ~ pioco with o fuiarc, hccuogo In good iocoiioao frau 560 up. Apply Jobe Lowcou, West 55. FOR SALE--Lcociug Cocci. cbucMc Woo(aug Mock(ac (Tbol'), Iplod cuudniou, 546. pbouo west 308L MiLEOD RIVBR HARD. LUMP oml LGG. Ed Black, West 88. FOR RENT -- Fucuiobcd Cokogc, comforiobic oud ottcoctivc. Full piumbiug, grcpioco. Baker, Water- fcout ood 22nd. West 30SIL PAINTING. KALSOMINING AND PA PERL'cG -- Toke aivouiogc of cbcopcr winier prices. Phone West 304 IL FOR RENT--Coucfociubic oud oitroc- tive Utuc boucc modcru faruiobcd or partly fern.obcd, 8(5. Phone Wmi S201 C. J. ARCHER--Properties Imugbi ~ud void ot ok poulto. 701 Duucmulc Seymour 6054, West 226. MARCELLE SHOP -- Mccccka 50 ccutci reset, 35ci Sager wave, 76c. Phone Mcc. King. Wcct 304. CARLBV Buyo uud Boih Pucuicuco- Ropow(ug uud pobobmg, Points, oils, ctoiuo, glass. Pbouc Wca 71Y. FUR WORK OF ALL KLviDS--Wco( Vancouver Furricrc, West 304L WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Duudoruvc. ALL THE BEST Brands of Cigcru, Cigotcucc oud TobomoE. Ano Ez change Poka Hands oud Coucoi cocdc Free. Ambiccidc Tco Roomc. BOARD AND RESIDENCE -- 1618 oud Bckcvac, ucor furry. Rates at- tcocuva Phone West 458L McLEOD kIVER HARD. LUMP omi EGG. Ed Black, West sk Geo. Hay NOTARY PUBLIC Eoiobnobcd 1012 REAL ESTATE AND PNSURANCE Cboicc Acrccgc oud Hoiuconco ~I hitrocucc Pc(coo MONEY To LOAN ON MORTGAGES ! 1405 Mociuo Drive Pbcuc West 21 oc Seymour 1260 Evenings Wcoi 204X Yoff Can Save One Dolla& If you pay your telephone bill by the 18th of the month B. C. TELEPHONE CO(IIPANY CLASSIFIED ADS sents io 2 coute pcc woch miuimum bociug rcguioc occoouto, ok cfoooi- Tbc rale (oc Clove(aud Adccctloc 25 ccoio. Ecccpi iu lbc coco of ibooo scdo are poyobio ctciciiy ia odcuocc. Remember Ciomlgcdo iu tbc West Vmc NEws gm lamed(om coouica