0001 r tour K" ti tr cr ru tb trrV Ayr 'tmu vAcr v~ ruv '*H t t 4 t prr tt'~4 't ~'t "t r\ 'rt t t.l%r t-tt sru-% ' y rvri r. rr . rrrv r r"'vtrrrv" " r~rPrr r rr'vrryvr rrrrr A rrvvvu yr tryr rrr THE WEST VAN NEWS THE BURNING BUSH By Subadar 'The Gloomy Dean" according to an A.P. despatch stated he believed that most of the world' problems could be solved by a League of Nat:ons along the lines of the British Empire. He unfortunately has failed to recognize the fact that the vari- ous parts of our Empire are either complmed of people of British stock or dominated by Britlshers or the descendants of Britishcrs. They are, therefore, peoples of the same origin snd ideals or such persons are the dominant race in the land. Any League of Nations must of nec- essity consist of peoples of dif'- ferent races with in many cases a legacy of national hatreds and ambitions of centuries'tanding, not to mention a number of div- ergent ideas on the fundamen- tals of every day existence. All this apart from the inherent fact of man is being a fighting animal ls the reason why any Leagues of Nations must be a fnilure. those varieties will usually not be reproduced from seed, Seeds from a named variety of peony, iris or perennial phlox will pro- duce peonies, irises and phloxes, but seldom will the seedlings re- semble the parent plant. In most cases the difference will be wide. This is what makes the production of new varieties pos- sible. The amateur who likes to experiment will find lots of surprises if he cares to go in for this sort of gardening, How- ev'er in introducing new plants, one should not become too an- xious to flood the market as the great majority of the new plants are rarely as satisfactory as the ones which have been grown for years. If a new plant ic pro- duced which appears to have ad- vantages over its parent, con- sult with some one who has had a wide experience in the propo- gstion of flowers and be gov- erned by his or her advice as to whether or not it should be in- troduced for general distribu- tion. The common way of propognt- ing many ylants is by the divi- sion of the roots. When the plant is dug uy it will be seen that it may be cut into a num- ber of pieces each with some leaves, stems, buds and roots. Each separated piece may be planted and will in most cases grow if properly cared for. This is usually done in the spring, al- though in regions where the winters are not severe many of the plants may be broken up in the fall. Some few of the per- ennisls can be more satisfactor- ily propogated by cuttings from the stems inserted in sand than from the division of the roots. Plants which form bulbs are propogated by using the bulb- Iets which grow around the old bulb or in some cases by the di- vision of the old bulb itself. Many of the perennisls can be grown from seeds successfully. This method may be used for producing those species which vary little from the wild t&3m of plant which will reproduce itself from seed with but very little variation. The amateur should keep in mind the fact that seeds wiII produce the same species of plants, but where a species of plant has varieties, The fact that of those con- victed st the recent Vancouver assizes eleven out of fifteen were under 30 years of age, eight of whom had been guilty of crimes of violence, shows clearly how we are not bringing up our young people. It will have been observed that in practically every case it is young fellows who commit the many holdups which one reads of in the papers. What is the fundamental differ- ence between the way we were brought up and that which we give our children? Our fathers personally taught us unquestion- ing obedience, and personally punished us for our backslid- ings. Parents have nowadays relegated all this to the school or the church or anybody but themselves, which is bad enough and worse than this, will not al- low any authority to punish to be given those to whom they hand over the bringing up of their children. Kindness is the order of the day, the young are to be always kissed into good humor or cajoled into doing any- thing they object to, which is in plain language teaching them to flout authority and to expect everything to come to them for the asking and with the least degree of effort on their part. No school of crime could use better methods to produce a bandit. Remember the child has been encouraged to flout author- ity, and it is easier to take money over a gun than work for it. That the young bandit is lacking in what made old-style bandits dangerous is proved by the fact that, if resisted, he al- most always runs. The old type shot and shot quickly It is just about time we gave up our hen- with-one-chicken method of bringing up our children, for in most cases it is the parents of a young bandit and not he himself who should be standing in the dock. One may or may not be- Eeve the Bible, but "the wages of sin is death," and will remain so as long as there is lsw in the land. NOTS Th rlt al tuu ld It ~ Vl 4 ~ ~ lttttth u uu u I ~ th cud lu tbl c l~u. Tb uu tluu should bu udd ~ 44 tu th mtt I» ~ ul th Editor. Th ~ t uls ee Iu 11 lttu w II ~ e oml t elr 4 d ~ lrud ~ t44r ~ , ~ II- ddt td ~ loeu tbruld h tutloutd. OPPOSE REPLACING NORTH SHORE POLICE declared G H. Morden. He add- ed "that if the principle involved in bringing in the provincIal police were further pursued, we could hand every department of the city back to the government and dissolve the municipality." He also stated that under present conditions, members of the city force are residents and rlltenayers living here with their families and spending their money here. If a change were made, all that 'money would go out of the city, he declared. OPPosition to the proposal of bringing in the yrovincial police to take over administration of the law in North Vancouver city was voiced bv the executive of tbe Board of Trade at its meet- ing Thursday night. Notice of motion was given by J. Rodger Burns that on De- cember 17 a resolution setting forth objections will be offered. A special committee comprising G. H. Morden, A. H. Porter and J. Rodger Burnes was appointed to draft the resolution. Consid- erable interest is attached to the plebiscite on this issue in Janu- ary. uhiunicipal authority such as we now possess giving us the right to conduct our own police department is worth retaining," The twins had been brought to be christened. «1Vhat names?" asked the clergyman. "Steak and Kidney," the father answered. "Bill, you fool," cried the Irother, "it's Kate and Sydney." West Van Clothes Cleaners & Dyers Phone West 161 Goods Called for and Delivered. A. C. COOPER, Proprietor CORRESPONDENCE Editor West Van News. Dear Sir:--I have read with very much pleasure the letter submitted to you by Mr. Wm. Blair, re no opposition to Reeve Leyland and Councillors Elgar and Garthorne for the year 1932 I think Mr. Blair's suggestion is a very splendid one indeed and I heartily endorse same and further if I had the ssy, I should at the proper time, in- struct the Municipal Clerk to cast a unanimous ballot in favor of the three gentlemen mention- ed above. Yours faithfully, WILLIAM ASTLEY. KEEP THIS DATE OPEN Wednesday, Dec. 16th For WEST VANCOUVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS fQ Christmas Concert && To be he!d in the HIGH SCHOOI. AUDITORIUM. at 7:30 P.hi. Doors open st 7 o'lock sharp. Admission 25c Not in Fault Teacher (to small boy): uiiow do you prove that the earth is round?u Small Boy: "Please, Miss, I never said it was.o Special bus leaves ferry at 7:10 p.m. and 25th St. at 7:25 p m. by upper level route for High School, returning after concert, HERE'S A REAL XMAS PRESENT WIVES. SONS. DAUGHTERS. FRIENDS GIVE HIM A SERVICE RECEIPT Wsh this rocelpi he can hove any work done on hic car up Io the amounithown thereon, He'l Appreciate this Practical Gifi. ~EST +AN MOTORS, (Bill Grout) vrest 2IIS Shell Products 1451 Marine Dr. GARDENS and GARDENING By hIINA G. HUTT. Idlndscape Architect omdtut 4 I r4 ol ~ U. «I C Aw«4uu stl«d ul I 4 M At hlt4tut ud I ~.Mob wtl II du mM. EI.KS CIVF. tSUCCESSFUL DANCE A very enioyable evening was spent by those who attended the annual Xmas Cheer and Re- lief Dance given by the Elks last Friday evening in the Ingle wood auditorium This year the attendance, though large, was not quite up to that of former years, which was a matter for regret to the committee, as there is this year more necessity then ever for funds to help those In needy circumstances. However, those who were present were kept on their toes by the musie, and there was not a dull moment st any time, the balloons and other novelties which were in- troduced adding greatly to the pleasure of the evening. Two raffles for turkeys were held, the rest being won by Constable Bell, and the second by C. Lee. ibfot So Dusty "She's just buried her fourth husband, hasn' sheT" uiXvorced, my dear not buri- ed--she never makes any bones about these things." Anxious to Please Employer: «Yes, I want an of- fice boy. Do you smoke?u Boy: uNo, sir, but I don' mind having an ice cream." The "Bird" Instead Conjuror: "If anybody can 1st me have an egg, I'l do a really wonderful trick." Voice from the Gallery: uGo on. There ain't an egg in the hall or you'd have had it already." December 11, 1931 HOQyPIIrn THEATRE FRIDAY osd SATURDAY December I iib ood Ixtb IN)L'GLAR FAIRSANKS is Reaching for the Moon ood STAN I,AURRI, uod OLIVSR HARDY is BE BIG Unclaimed No. SSS The BURRARD LAUNDRY I Iolwd: For I'eoplo 'IVho Are Particular 1HIRD ST ood Nf DAVIDS North Vancouver Phono North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone VI'oot 4101. Al FUEL Co. 14S LooddblcAv. Phone Nonh 29S No extra charge for denvery. 1413 h'lanne Drive Ambleslde I'hone IVest 340 Evenings, West 143 FURNACE and SHEET METAL REPAIRS Amblesifle Sheet MetalWorks LAURIE SPECK, Proprietor 1446 Marine Drive Phone West 78 Real Estate Finance and Insurance ee humain& slmas alpains ~)$ alpairk sporl: alion HOPPING Journeys occ an important port of yourS Christmas ociivitioo ood Io make them ccooomicoiiy wiii cavo you money Io spend on oibov tbiogo. The street cor ic your most ocosomicoi method of icoaoporioiioo, an- obiiog roo io gct io town cod bock for the bocgoia pried of Ixrh cents Start Your boor shopping doy with tbo biggooi bov goin of the dor, the street coc ticket. I\ used io be smart Io chop by ooiomobiio bot toddy R io smarter io be ibmfty. Iodividoof Iroscpocioiioo into the downtown area ic wocicfoi ood uoocooomicoi In these doyo of coogociod traffic, Packing vogoioiiooc, osd yellow curbs. SHOP BY STP EET CAR B.C. ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY LTD.