West Van. News (West Vancouver), 11 Dec 1931, p. 3

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0001 'bin f e. iree dy Ol eii I sR NJ ia IR )pe It M I t'its Store :ore lVB amies Iii fall ,West Ilsce in lss on dinst- prbes Iiioss: Hams, .Ilt8, drs, H. let, H. lemen'I gentle- Steven- 2 score rite for electric :244idy, d Iliii id place )fne fw military H. B. 834, W. iih IEI I Pot OP gccisfol r Jasep+ requtute hold m Ies after 1 t Igg N ! stI I g'AI IE ~ IIb December 11, 1931. Odorless Dry Cleaning and Dyeing SUITS 'I Cieuumi de ~ xkyt I REGENT SUITS TO ORDER DI4ESSOS) uud S2,4$ 00TB P eed Hlgbar geedu euiee uur owu muka 424.00 uud up ALTERATIONS uud REPAIRS WE GAI.L AND DEI.IVER Phone West 20 M. WILLIAMS 1568 Marine Drive Res. I'hone West 286L %V. L. OGDEN CO. MEN'S AND BOYS'URNISHINGS EXCLUSIVELY iVew Shipment Black Leather-Lined Gnuntlets Boy's 89c B pair Young Men's $ 1.00 R pair Mr. Crane of North Vsncou- I ver has rented a house at 11thChildren S XIDRS and Duchess Ave., and has tak- ENTERTAINMENT For Local IVelfare E. Marsh, proprietor of the Hoayburn Barbers, has taken liiusical Playlet the McArthur house at 14th snd Gordon Ave. "SECRETS" TAX COI.I.ECTIONS FOR NORTH SHORE $24,263 BELOW 1930 FIGURE Collections of current taxes and arrears in the three North Shore municipalities in the 11 months of this year are $24,263 less than during the correspond- ing period of last year, accord- ing to reports issued by the treasurers'epartments. West Vancouver reports in the 11 months of this year $171- 497 wss collected, as compared with $179,317 in the correspond- ing period of last year. City collections to the end of November totalled $311,529, as compared with $325,477 in the corresponding period of last year. District coaections this year totalled $193,884 as against $196,379 in the 11 months of last year. Will be produced in Inglewood Auditorium ~ SATURDAY, DEC. 12th,Curiuiu at 0 p.m. Supported by MONTESSORI PUPILII in Dancing Scene. snd SCHOOLS BAND. TICEETS--Adults 244 Children 154. A Real Cbrisimuxey Story, xei in seasonal scenery. Come aud bring the ebiideeu. They will euu Fuibur Xmas ou biu rounds. BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL S. D. WHITE, kigr. Diet iueeiee funeral Berries Lady Aeeiuiuut sill--:Ird SI. R Pbouu North 420 DEVELOPE WITH WEST VANCOUVER Keep Up to Date with a Modern Radio My brother, Wally Craig, who is head of my Service Depart- ment, lives in West Vancouver, assuring you daily, expert service at City prices. I carry full stacks of ROGERS, MAJESTIC, ATWATER- KENT, WESTINGHOUSE, FADA, and NORTHERN ELEC- TRIC sets--the old standard lines for years psst and the years to come. Prices range from Battery Sets at $5.00 Used Electrics from $25.00 New Electrics from $58.50 to $210.00 Easy terms with full exchange privilege. SEE ME FIRST AND LAST Gordon Craig "Vancouver's Original Radio Specialistu 633 Richards Si,rect Seymour 6808 ',, g "TIME IS FLYING" Only 2 liiore IVeeks to Xmas Get those photos taken NOW Phone IVeut 40 or Ivest 80 or Seymour 1046 The King Studio Is here to serve you. 'Prices that lit all pockets. 1586 biarlne Drive V. V, VINSON, Proprietor THE WEST VAN NEWS Local and Mrs. H. Davison, 17th snd Inglewood Ave., has sufficiently recovered to leave the North Vancouver General Hospital, snd le now visiting her sister st Port Townsend, Washington.\ 4 ~ Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Rimmer, who have been occupying 0 house at 11th and Gordon Ave., have moved into Captain Clay's house at Gordon Ave. and Mar- ine Drive. \ ~ ~ B. M. Clerk hss been ill st his home at 17th snd Msthers Ave. ~ ~ ~ The Normal Grads'eam de- feated the West Vancouver Teachers at Badminton last Monday evening by a score of 15 to 9. The match was played in the Inglewoad auditorium.\ e ~ The Hoayburn Public Library at their regular monthly meet- ing last Monday evening decided to purchase twenty of the latest books for their shelves. It is expected that these will be 0- vsilable for subscribers next week. ~ 4 ~ The JetmJala Club held their regular meeting on Thursday evening, 3rd instant, at tlie home of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Rob- erts, 20th and Bellevue Ave. ~ ~ ~ Miss Jessie Spiers of Sand- wich, Ontario, who has been the guest for the past three months of her brother-in-law and sister, Captain and Mrs F. F. Love- grove, 675 21st Street, left on Monday to return to the east. Peter Greer, 24th and Ottawa, has been confine to his home through sickness. Word has just been received from the Royal Drawing Society of London, England, of the suc- cess of Ivy W. Cowley, 2312 Marine Drive, in Divisions 2 and 3 of the October examinations, in both of which divisions she obtained honors. Margaret H. Roberts gained honors in Divis- ion 1. Mr. and Mrs S. Wallace and family, who have been living at 23rd and Inglewood Ave., have moved into a house at 22nd snd Inglewood Ave. e The regular meeting of the I,. O. L. No. 2990 will take place next Tuesday evening at 8 o'- clock in the Orange Hall, when the installation of oificers will take place. An address will also be given by the county chaplain. e ~ ~ W. McQuaker, 11th snd blur ine Drive, and T. Caudwea, 11th and Queens Ave., were in an auto collision last Saturday aft- ernoon, their cars coming to. gether at the corner of 13th and Inglewood Ave. Neither was hurt snd their autos were only slightly damaged. 4 ~ ~ Miss Winifred Colpitts, has completed her course of training at the Haro Street Infants'os- pital and is residing with her grandmother, Mrs. Tears, 13th and Inglewood Ave, e Mrs. W. T. Davies, 860 17th Street, who last week broke her ankle as the result of an accid- ent, has sufficiently recovered to return to her home from the North Vancouver General Hoe- pitaL e 4 4 In reference to the stock of old clothes, etc., available at the police office for those who need them, as mentioned in our Inst issue, we would say that they can be aLuo obtained by applica- tian to West 699X,'l. These clothes, etc were coaecied and placed in the Police Oifice not only by the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E but by 0 num- ber of other orgnnixations in West Vancouver. Personal ~ English Comics The many friends of John Harte, who is ia at his home at 16th and Esquimalt Ave., will be pleased to hear that he is holding his own. ~ ~ ~ One afternoon last week a number of black fmh were ob- served oif Dundarave. They played around and blew for some considerable period, occasional- ly coming close to the pier, and as many as six were noticed at one time in the water. It is not unusual for one or two blackhsh to come in from the gulf, but it is seldom they are seen in Eng- lish Bay in such numbers. WEST VAN. SWibibIING CLUB MEETING There will be a basket social for members of the West Van. A.S.C. on Tuesday, Dec. 15th, st 8 o'lock at the Clschan Hotel. AH members are requested to turn out with sandwiches and cake. Business before the meet- ing is the water carnival for Uncle Jerry's Xmas Cheer Fund. t A. M. CARiMICHAEL CALLED BY DEATH The death occurred Sunday in the Vancouver General Hospital of Alfred biarshaa Carmichael, aged 36, following a brief illness. The deceased, who hsd resid- ed in British Columbia since 1926, served overseas with the Royal F:eld Artillery. Follow- ing the war he went to the Ma- lay States, and on his arrival in British Columbia he became int- erested in the breeding of Jersey cattle at Clayburn. At the time of his death he was accountant for a mining concern. He resided at 19th and Wat- erfront for two years, leaving last April to go to the Cariboo. He is survived by his wife, Margaret, and his father. Rob- ert Clarke Carmichael, in Eng- land, snd two sisters, bfrs. D. E. Ssmworth snd Miss Edith Car- michael, 19th snd Waterfront, Funeral services were held Tuesday at 1130 p. m. in the chapel of Center a Hanna. Rev. C. C. Owen oificiated and burial took place in the returned soldiers'lot, Mountain View Cemetery. We have RH those usually in demand 5c. each WEST VII PHARItiACY The Score ui Berrie. 1402 Mueiuu Drive Weel FI Emeegeuey Phoae West 221 (Alice 0 p.m.) Stratton'S BAKERY Sar Xmas Soaks XMAS CAKES, PLUM PUDDLVGS, Real Scotch Short Bread Scotch Bun, biince Piss, ALL SPECIAL ORDER NOW Made at 1468 Marine Drive GORDON ROBSON Imeeiutue S Suikieue w I.sr VANGOUFER- Otnce Nu. 1447 Mueiuu Drive. Pbuuu Wast 40a VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite Slei 410 Huuitugu St W Phone Suymour 4100 HOLLVBURN Barber Shop 14th ik Muriue BXPERT SBRVICE E. MARSH. Peupekeor VERNON FEED STORE A. C Searle, Phone %est 9 Fuel, Feed, Fertilixers and Building Supplies Musicians'lub of West Vancouver """'" To-night %VINTER STUDENTS'EClTAL Silver Cunueeiuu Choose Your Gifts while the selection is Good Don't be u Last iviinuie Shopper STORE OPEN EVENINGS Brooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear 14ib uud biuriuu Dries. Pkuue 'West 144 Exclusive Agents CuriieeBi Silk Hose uud Universal Swuuieeu uleu Novelties, Toys, Scbuu! Supplies, Hemeeieebiug BLAIR'S WOOD AND COAL 1464 biarine NORTH 248 ISLAND COAIS DOUGLAS, Lump........ 410.24 NANAIMO-WELL OILSO Nui 41000 PRIVCETOiV COALS iiump Egg Vue BLUE FLAbiE, ..... 411.00 41040 40.00 TULAkiEEiV ................... 210.40 OIOJio 20.00 1)IAMOND ... LmuP 0 Egg 410.404 Sears 410.001 Nut. Step ALBERTA COALS ROSEDEER DRUMHELLER......... Lueup 21240 Stove..../1$.08 FOOTHILLS or MINEHEAD... Lums, 21240 CANbiORE BBIQUETTES ............... 214.00 Beyond 25th and biarine 50c; Beyond IVest Bay $ 1 ton extra.