West Van. News (West Vancouver), 11 Dec 1931, p. 1

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0001 .TC., '.'e ()(f -:S'.'iV!L.k):YI -: I(/S A Weekly Newspaper Ct'rculatiyrgin the District of Weft Vancoufrgr-Arrrbleside, Hollyburrr, Weston, Dundarafrt $1.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. Newsstands 6c per Copy Vol. VI S[X PAGES HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11. 1931 ! 0. iIII NIL "oir !et We isl ee. diet li iwn ee vi! Year ssywA tat wish sONI %0 '!to ses ihsase i!!i iitt'!z ~ (6iiwe sv I!Ilia, I sis ella ar ii es 5 es Sr. ui rstte e!irei ta I 'ii I Intr INzz aN !!N !e.N N Is ir l jioai6Illl 4 t,ls tN !.!1 !.N !,N 1yiigsz s4is NS nK . LTD.. yivi PUBLIC SCHOOLS'ONCERT The West Vancouver public schools are giving their an- nual concert in the Inglewood School auditorium next Wed- nesday evening, 16th instant, starting at 7:80 p.m. Doors will be open st 7 o'lock sharp. A special bus will leave Ambleside ferry wharf at 7:10 p.m. and 25th Street at 7:25 p.m., going by the uper level route to the High School and returning after the concert. Admission twenty-five cents. Last year there were not seats for sll who attended. This year special arrangements have been made which will give ample seating accommodation for everybody. The following is the program i 1. Health Play .........................................,........................ H. S. 2. Santa Claus ................................................................ P. J. S. 8. Personell's Paint ..................................,...,...,..., P. J, S. 4. Where Are You Going My Pretty Maid? ............... H. S. 5. Folk Dances: (a) Napoleon. (b) Csehbogar. (c) Curcuddock .......................,....,................. P. J. S. 6. Belling the Cst..................,.......................................... H. S. 7. Mother Goose's Party............................................ P. J. S. 8. Choruses: .... (a) John PeeL (b) My Heart's in the Highlands. (c) The Bells of Aberdovey. (d) In Derry Vale .............................................. H. S. 9. Peter Coffin ....................................................... P. J. S. 10. Folk Dancing (Two Dutch Dances) ........................ P. J. S. 11. The Travelling Musicians ....................................... P. J. S. 12. The Return of the Viking .......................................... H. S. 18. The Fatal Quest (A Farce) .................................... P. J. S. 14. Choruses: (a) Good King Wenceslas (b) The Rose's Age. (c) 0 Who Will 0'er the Downs:,. P, J. S, 15. The Rescue of Lady Alice (Robin Hood) .................. H. S. GOD SAVE THE KING. Miss Margaret Currle will be presented st the concert with the parchment of the Royal Humane Society by Bishop Sov- ereign under the auspices of the West Vancouver Board of Schoo Trustees and the West Vancou ver Amateur Swimming Club. FACING THE FUTURE WITH CONFIDENCE/ I The following story was sent to us this week by one of our readers, who informed us that it had recently been mailed by a New York house to their salesmen. As the subject is some- what apropos at the present time and also amusing, we thought our readers might like to hear the story, which is as follows: "Pelicans: A Parable" "For years the pelicans of Santa Monica Bsy had been fed by fishermen from surplus catch, until they got into the habit of eating without work. This year high seas and changing currents oif Santa Monica cut down the catch, and the ilshermen no longer had any fish to spare. They noticed that the pelicans languished and grew thin, and it dawned on them that they had forgot- ten how to fish for themselves. So they went down the coast and found some unpampered pelicans who had never been ruined by easy living and free fish. They turned them looseamong the starving birds, who sat about on the beach and complained of the depression. The way those imported pelicans went out after their own fish was an eye-opener. Pretty soon the hungry natives quit watching and tried it themselves. They discovered there were plenty of fish in the sea for the bird with energy and en- terprise. And they have quit talking about the depression." Now we do not wish to infer that the residents of West Vancouver have become pampered by not having to work for a living or as a result of Dame Fortune having placed all kinds of good luck in their way. For up to the recent consummation of the Hollyburn lands'eal the reverse was the case. West Vancouver and this whole North Shore has su(fered from in- adequate transportation from the first, and, the situation was only just being relieved by the Second Narrows bridge, when that structure was knocked down again and again. We thought we were going to get a First Narrows bridge, and in that we were disappointed as welL West Vancouver, how- ever, put its shoulder to the wheel, and residents still kept coming in in spite of everything and the municipality still con- tinued to grow. And now, when the whole world is suifering from a gen- eral depression of trade, good luck has st last come our way in.the shape of the sale of our. upper level lands, a deal which has attracted the attention of the whole of Canada. That this will mean the building of a First Narrows bridge there is no doubt whatever. Business just at the present time may not be ss brisk as we would like to see it, and we ourselves may catch a little of the feeling of depression that is so generally present in the world. For us in West Vancouver, however, the future and the immediate future is assured. The development work to be done on our upper levels assures us of a busy year in 1982, apart from the fact that it is extremely unlikely that many z months will pass before construction work will start on a bridge across the First Narrows. /MR CAUI FEILD IS INTERESTED The following is a copy of a letter received by the Municipal Hall from Richards, Akroyd 6i Gall Ltd., which may be of int- erest to West Vancouver resi- dents: WEST. VAN. ORCHESTRAL SOCIETY, REORGANIZED A meeting of the West Van- couver Orchestral Society was held last Tuesday at the home of Miss Margaret Mcintyre. It was decided that with this fast growing organization a rger executive committee was cessary. The oificers selected were as )lowe: Musical Directors--Miss Mar- ret McIntyre and J. Haydn oung. Publicity--Miss M. Jack Executive Committee -- Jas. cIntyre, C. Haworth, Secre- ry; C. Groom, Treasurer; J. aydn Young, President; Hon. resident, Reeve J. B. Leyland. It is hoped that enough funds ill be raised during the season buy a stmng bass which is a 'g necessity in the orchestra. ocal Students Presented With Royal Life Saving So. Awards At a meeting of the R.L.S.S. Vancouver branch, held at the rystal Pool last Friday night, he following students were pre- sented with part of the life sav- ng awards, earned by their at- endance at the classes held last une under the instructors of he West Vancouver Amateur wimmin6 Club, Miss Laster nd Dr. Vance. Gerald hiason, Virginia Gam- es, Percy Masterman. Averil rw.n, Gordon Stems'on, Aiinur Edwards, Ken. Douet, John Partridge, John Wright, Nsx Lennox, Marcel Hyam, Valerie Hyam. The above students have also passed the bronze medallion tests of the society except Avm" il Irwin and Virginia Gamage, who were not of age for this test at the time it was held. A num- ber of other students have qual- ified for awards which have not yet reached Vancouver. The following members of the West Van, A.S.C. have qualified for their bronze medallion: Les- lie J, Smith, Miss G. Clay, L. C. Reid, Chas. Chapman. The awards were presented by Bishop Sovereign, who spoke highly of the work being per- formed in West Vancouver and introduced the inhalator crew of the West Vancouver Schools to the audience, the only crew of its kind in British Columbia schools: Gordon Stemson (capt. Art Edwards, Nax Lennox, Ken Douet, Percy Nasterman, J. Partridge, John Wright. In- structor Gordon Vance and I C. Reid. Bishop Sovereign also pre- sented Miss Audrey Laster and Dr. Vance with teachers'ertifi- cates. Dr. Vance was presented with the honorary instructor's certificate by Mr. A. H. Swene- isky, president R.I S.S., who complimented him on his work for the society during the past summer. Dr. Vance is also an examiner for B. C. snd repre- sentative for the North Shore. New classes will be inaugur- ated immediately after the New Year at Pauline Johnson Scbool. Hollyburn School and Inglewood lligh School, under instructors from the Swimming Club. NFW NARROWS RULE QUERIED Details of regulations for con- trol of marine traffic at Second Narrows bridge are now avail- able to shipping interests, it is said. There is only one major change, a ruling that deepsea ships shall not pass Second Nar- rows bridge excepting when the current is strongly against them. Shipping interests declare that this wording, and a full interpre- tation of the proposed regula- tion, would mean that ships might prove even a greater men- ace to the bridge than under present regulations, and that in- surance companies might look even more askance at the bridge. Deepsea ships can stem and make progress against the 7.5 knots current of the Second Narrows, but the treacherous undertows are still to be consid- ered. A straightly faced surface current might have s treacher- ous and powerful undercurrent which would cause a ship to sheer and crash into piers or Narrows has always been the bridge. The danger at Second unknown underwater current and cross streams. It is also pointed out that there is always more water Sow- ing out than is sent in by the tides. The flow of two streams, Indian and Seymour, must find outlet through the water that pass Second Narrows. l. O. D. E. The regular monthly meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter I.O,D.E. will be held on Monday, Dec. 14th, at the home of Nrs. F. N. Hirst, 2870 Bellevue at 2:15. The water color painting by Miss B. A. I'"ry, which is be- ing rai?led in aid of the inhslatur fund will be drawn for at this meeting. B (, COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY The next meeting of the B. C. Scottish Country Dance Society will be held at 8 p.m. tomorrow (Saturday) in the Legion Mem- orial Hal). 826 Homer St., la Vancouver, B.C., ne Dec. 9, 1981. Tc the Clerk of the fo Municipality of West Vancouver City Hall, ga 17th and Esquimalt, Y West Vancouver, B.C. Dear Sir:--With reference to the recent Bylaw concerning purchase by s Syndicate of cer- tain lands in the Municipality we had a cable from Mr. F. W. Caulfeild, followed by a letter, from which it appears that Mr. Caulfeild is anxious to act in l.armony with the West Vancou- ver Council and with the Syndi- cate regarding the layingout of ~ lines, presumably where the Syndicate property touches Caulfeild Estate property. Mr. Caulfeild remarks, "If that had been done 80 years ago C what might not West Vancou- ver have become. At any rate I should like to record my good- i will and learn more details." t For this purpose Mr. Caul- feild would like some details of the boundaries of the lands ac- S quired by the Syndicate and we a shall be glad if you can let. us have the information. a ie ihlwuchy I Richards, Akroyd A Gall Ltd., per (signed) J. Stewart Gall. ELECITON RUMORS There has nothing new trans- pired during the week as re- gard possible candidates for the counciL So far as the school board is concerned, Chairman E. S. Gsm- age stated that he wdl be a can- didate for re-election. Trustee A. Harvey Smith had no an- nouncement to make, whBe we were unable to get in touch with Trustee klrs. Masterman. In regard to the police com- mission. Captain C. J. Archer in- formed us he would stand for re-election. X6IAS CHEER FUND The time for giving is grow- hig short. There are only two weeks separating us from Xmas and on the 24th instant the monies collected by us will be turned over to the Elks'mas Cheer and Relief Committee of West Vancouver. They will use the money for Xmas cheer and relief work in West Vancouver only. Remember there is more need for your money to help in this work this year than ever before. There are many you may know who are in need but many more are in straightened circumstances or on the verge of starvation of whom you have never heard. All will be looked after by the Elks, and we earn- estly ask yuu te lend yocr uzi@s- tance to them by donating to this fund. They will do the rest. Already received: V. V. Vinson .....................$ 6.00 Gordon Robson ...... 5.00 Gwen Clay .................. 6.00 Si. Stephen's Girls'VA. 5.00 Friend ..................26 Reeve J. B. Leyland ..... 5.00 Municipality of West Vancouver ........ 25.00 A. Harvey Smith (Smith's Groceries) .. 5.00 Owners of Nessinger Blk. 6.00 A. H. Albin .................. 6.00 Mr. and Mrs. A. Dickinson 600 A. Searle (Vernon Feed Store) ............ 5.00 Friend Bill .................... 1.00 St. Anthony's Sub Div. Catholic Women's Lea- gue ..............'........ 5.00 Local Bridge Club .......... 8.50 A. E. B........:........... 2.00 W. J. Turnbull ......... 5.00 Total ..................$91.75 CONCERT TONIGHT The winter students'ecital of the West Vancouver Nusi- cians'lub will take place to- night (Friday) in the Orange HalL It is requested that the public note the concert will start at 8 p.m. instead of 8:80 p.m. as usuaL An excellent program of vocal and instrumental music has been arranged for the occa- sion. Silver coBection. B.C. EI.ECTRIC CURRENT OFF T)VO HOURS SUNDAY The B. C. Electric Railway Co. announces that power and light will be oif throughout the municiyahty next Sunday 18th instant, from 2 Izm. to 4 p.m. cn account of blasting in the vicinity of the power line. Yfiss Beatrice Hodgson the winner of the 5rst prize of $6 at the Hollyburn Theatre with ticket Nix 864.