0001 uu c .NccK co r v u .mr V. u I wc v c mes cp'c-p / ps -oc o ~ c: \ O' c s 'ccrc c+"c roc c rps'u ' s"cue wc V VV rv V VVcrv c rr, r Vrr.v wmr vvrvu wru rv urr Vr'r -vr V rvvr hlR. A. C. COOPER Announces he has taken over the WEST VAN CLEANERS O'YERS The only Opy Cleaning Plant in West Vancouver SUITS DRESSES OVERCOATS PRESSED $ 1 Oderless Dry Cleaning $ 1 Try our new method of dry cleaning Another type of garden which will prove very interesting is the fern garden. While ferns may constitute the majority of plants in such a garden, there are a number of other plants which will do well under condi- tions similar to those required for ferns. Ferns require a fair- ly well drained acid soil, well filled with leaf mould, so that it will retain sufficient moisture for the plants throughout the dry season. Partial shade is also necessary. For this reason ferns are one of the best plants to use to form a bed or border on the north side of the house. If lime has been added to the soil your chances of a successful fern garden are very limited. If you live near the woods, and who in West Vancouver doesn', take your wheelbarrow and shovel and secure a gener- ous quantity of leaf mould and d;g it into your proposed fern garden and keep adding quanti- ties of it each year. Conditions in a wild or fern garden should be maintained as nearly as pos- sible like those in the woods. This means that there should be no boeing or stirring up of the soil. IVeeds should be pulled out and one's natural tendency to pick up all leaves or decayed or dried up plant stalks should be curbed. )Vhen leaf mould is added to the soil after the plants have become established. it should not be dug in, but put on top of the soil around the plants. Fal- len leaves may be used in the bed to form leaf mould. Leaves ftttm hardwood trees are the best but they are hard to get in this section of the country. For the beginner it is perhaps best to secure the plants for any kind of garden from a re- liable grower rather than try to raise your own. After some ex- perience with the various plants in your garden, the propagating cf plants will prove an interest- ing pastime. In next week's article we will deal with the various ways of propogating plants. NOTE--Th wdt r SI c hkc It ~ pt s ~ Io ~ uucctl couwcul c Ih s& ~ I chic c Im Tl plccucsc ch ltd h ddcwccd Is u ~ NI« I st Wc eau . Th~ sm cc SI W lo cu ~1y leuc v It ~ p co I ply ls dc I sd ~ ck Pwt, ~ N-emu w sd lsp should h suet d. Butter Scotch Pie I cup very dark brown sugar II+ tablespoons flour 1 tablespoon butter Yolks of 2 eggs (whites for frosting) I cup sweet milk Cook in double boiler and put in baked crust. «Why are you crying, young- ster?" VBecsuse my brother has holi- days and I haven'." uWhy have you not got a holi- day?" "Because I don't go to school yet.w J. W. Cooper put into the council a claim for 8125 for damage to his store at 195 - 25th Street due to flooding as a result of a block in the culvert. He was advised that the muni- cipality was not liable, the cul- vert complained of being P.G.E. property. They therefore sug- gested he take the matter up with the company. In this con- nection the clerk was also re- quested to instruct the engineer to send his account to the P.G.E. for damages to corporation property, and also to again call their attention to the culverts which are causing the damage. KEEP THIS DATE OPEN Wednesday, Dec. 16th For WEST VANCOUVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS gChristmas Concert Q To be held in the HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUhi at ? I30 P.SI. Doors open st 7 o'lock sharp. Admission 25c Special bus leaves ferry st 7:10 p.m. and 26th St. at 7:25 p.m by upper level route for High School, returning after concert Satisfaction Guaranteed lVe Dry Clean Everything 1540 MARINE DRIVE WEST 161 GARDENS and GARDENING By MINA G. HUTT, I.andscape Architect Iu L ~ otuc u. I C A Nms Sch& st L sd ~ A ha cc m wl I'mmlc. Nwb NCI II «d p S k THE WEST VAN NEWS CHORAL AND ORCHESTRAL SOCIETIES TO BROADCAST West Vancouver Choral So. clety, in conjunction with the )Vest Vancouver Orchestral So- ciety, will present a concert over the CKWX station on Wednes- day evening next, at 10 o'lock. This concert is being spon- sored by the Junior League of Vancouver, in co-operation with the sponsors of the Uncle Jerry Safety Club, with Uncle Jerry at the microphone, The Choral Society will be under the conductorship of Mr. J. Haydn Young, who has so ably brought the society to its present htgh stamlard; whilst the leadership of the orchestra will be well cared for, by Miss Margaret McIntyre. Both these organizations are outstanding in the field of music in the province and, we under- stand, received most gratifying commendation from all sections, not only of Canada but also the United States. Rt their last broadcast, and it is pleasing to know that they have again come forward in support of such a worthy cause at this season of the year. Tune in next Wednesday, December 9th, at 10 o'lock p. m., over Station CKWX, and hear the following programme: (a) "The Pilgrims'horus" (Tannhauser); (b) uEriskayw Love Ltlt, Choral Soctety wtth Orchestra. (a) "Prince Charming," by hiarsden; (b) "Scottish Patrol" by Marsden, Orchestral Society. Vocal Solo -- Selected, hire. Colin McLean. Sea Chanties -- (a) "Billy Boy,u Mr. Lester and Chorus; (b) uShenandoah,u Mr. Addy and Chorus. "Coronach," by Macfarren, Choral Society. Vocal Solo -- Selected, Mrs. Howard Legatt. "The Dance," from Bavarian Highlands by Elgar, Choral So- ciety. "Children's Intermezzo" and )Vsrrior's Dance," Orchestral Society. "Turn Ye to Meu and "Swing I.nw Sweet Chariot" (Spiritual), Choral Society. "Irish Lilt," Orchestral So- ciety. "Challenge of Thor," Choral Society with Orchestra. "Beauteous Morn," ladies'ec- t on of Choral Society. "Bound for the Rio Grande," Aubrey Clarke and Male Chorus The executive of the Choral Society wish to announce that only those members who attend the final rehearsal on Monday will be eligible to take part in the broadcast. It is therefore desirable that there be a full attendance of members at the usual hour in Dundarave Hall. FOOTBAI.L The following players are re- quested to turn out for the game Saturday with the Beavers, at 2.30, at Ambleside Park: Gisby, McLean, A. Downey, H. Downey, Davie, Grieve, J. Griesdale, Hamilton, Bell, Strstton, Gries- dale. All supporters of the team are asked to turn out and root for the home team. JUVENILE FOOTBALL Games for Saturday, Decem- ber 5th, 19S1: Division I N, S. Press Canucks vs. A. S. N. Bluebirds, Mahon Park, 2:SO p. m. Referee: hir. Botham. Division 2 Lynn Valley vs Beavers Lynn Val)ey Park, 2:30 p. m. Referee: Mr. Hilder. Division 8 Lynn Valley vs. Young Buffa, Lynn Valley Park, 11 a. Tk Referee: Mr, McSween. West Vancouver vs. Toc. Hu Ambleside Park. 11 a. m, Ref- eree: Mr. Strong. H. E. Baker of Whyteclitf, was given permission by the council to put in a culvert st his own expense, provided it did not obstruct the ditch. Legion Notes The next regular general meeting of the Canadian Legion. West Vancouver Branch, will take place next Monday, 7th De. cember, at 8 p.m. Every mem- ber is requested to make a point of being present. Ex-service Men of W. Van. Attention! I"rom the Right--Number! When the company numbers off, are you there standing in line, or are you sn absentee? Have you forgotten the com- radeship of war days when men were men and posttlon counted for nothing? If you are A.W. Lu report at once. YOUR COM- RADES NEED YOU--A meet- ing once a month is no great hardship. You will find lots of good fellows to greet you and your membership will help those who need the help you do not require yourself. Don't wait until it is too late --You were good sports in the terrible days of 1914-1918--Be good sports now and rally round the boys you served with-- There is a place for you in the West Vancouver Branch of the Canadian Legion and applica- tion forms will be mailed or brought to you if you phone W. 410-L. F. W. RIVERS, Secretary Al FUEL Co. tde LousdslsAv. Phouo North 29S No extra charge for delivery. December 4, 1931. Hollybura THEATRE PRlDAY uud SATURDAY December dtb uud Sth The Front Page with Al)OLPRR MthvlOU MONDAY usd TUESDAY December 7th oud Sib The Prodigal wttb t.AwttRN(;R TIRIIRTT The BURRARD LAUNDRY Llwauc For People Who Are Particular Tktktt ST. uus ttT. DAVina North Vancouver Phone North 1810. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS I'hone )Vent 4101. ILW.Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 FURNACE and SHEET METAL REPAIRS Amblesigle Sheet Meta1%Vorlgg) LAURtg SPECK, Pcoprlotoc 1446 Marine Drive Phone West 78 Real Estate Finance and Insurance &xx.oo PER TON and sold with a money-back guarantee $, e Cspahs processed and prossod into ogg-size nugguts of concentrated heat -- that's what tbo now Thormots really srw New Tuonntots give a snappy, long- flamed heat with no black smokel--no soot!--no clinkorsl-- less ssh! Therm ets are the easiest ol fuels to hsndiu- smsu, compact sod of unilorm siss (no hammering to brook them up or jagged chunks to msko stoking awkward). Those many noteworthy fuutu res msko the new Thormots sn ideal fuol for furnsco, rsugo or fireplace. Vodoc wcc Owy buvo pcoccd Ihcolsotvcs lo be ~ oupccloc, wore scouomtcul fueL Try o Icu il you ccc uot cuursty ssclcssd, «c'l gladly ~cloud youc suoucy ou mc uuusod balance. I:f'.fyfccf)tie FUEL DEPARTMENT Phone Vvest 101 Tg4K)RIHl K f&$ are a New, BETTER FUEL