0001 7 h h A .- r. 7 rc 7OOhr 7 * 77 7 .7" 7 ~74h." '7au i-i I"~ '.'I 7 fihr ~P i mr 7i i isa 7 '7I 7 ri &'7 7 I'7 '7 4~',«7.t 7- ~ !Ci 'i'ii .CI + 7' 7 ' iiw i cr hrVcr V '*Ch' rh V r. CV' wrh" ir Vh A Ac rcvvv . v '-vr. rvcvc vrvrv Letting your hair grow? If yoa oro oao of iho sissy wbo are wearing ~ longer bob. keen it neat. Nothing iooka ao untidy as straight ends, aad it ia quito aaaocoaaary when yoa oao have the oada of your hair permanently curled or io the very fashionable roll which oioda ao pins, for aa little as $$.60. Gg;endo/fy0 Bt'fJ fdlP S/10PPG Our Bazaar has once more come and gone and "in spite of fears" owing to the financial stringency we have once more exceeded our expectations snd "gone over the top". The weath- er was favorable; Mrs. T. A. Spencer in a gracious manner officially opened it; the attend- ance was sll one could desire; Miss Frame and Mrs. Alexander supplied delightful music during the dsy; the new games feat- ure in the lower hall proved an additional attraction; the dec- orated stalls were delightfully arranged and the various art- icles of sale of choice values. There are still s few nov- elt.'es and pieces of fancy work which will be offered for sale on Tuesday next at 4 o'lock after the W.A. meet- ing. It will give those who could not attend the sale a fur- ther opportunity of making pur- chases for Xmas gifts and of helping the church funds at the same time. 1610 Mariao Drive. West 111 DRY FIR Full Load 65.00 Get our prices on Green Alder, Cord Wood Coal Phone West 48 COOKE JI LeNEAL I CEMENT'ERY BOARD IVAN'IS DOGWOOD TREES The 1Vest Vancouver Cemet- ery Board would appreciate the gift of shout half 0 dozen small dogwood trees for planting at tbe Capilsno View Cemetery. Any friend willing to donate would oblige by phoning West 44 or 1Veat 485X. A special meeting of the Wo- men's Association is called for Tuesday, December 8th at 2:15 p.m, As this is the last before the Annual meeting a full at- tendance is requested. The regular meeting for pray- er and study at 8 o'lock will have Psalm in the series which has been our theme for the past few weeks. The West Vancouver Girl Guides are again opening their Toy Shop in Col. Savory's office. They will be pleased to receive any gifts of toys that are in good condition or easily re- paired. on Saturday afternoon next or on any Saturday there- afterr. 7 ~ Tac H are holding 8 meeting tomorrow (Saturday) evening in the Clschan Hotel. Next Monday at 8 o'lock, theY.P.S. wul hold an open meet- ing at which Rev. Mr. Burchill will give s lantern illustrated talk "On the Shores of the Cari- bbean Sea." It will be in the Church Hall nnd s silver offer- ing st the door is asked for. Two weeks from Sunday, (Dec. 20) is "White Gifts for the King" Sunday. It will be ni the morning service snd con- gregation snd Sunday School wiu meet together. Last Xmas there wss s full house. Let us keep it in mind and make it s day of inspiration. Details later. We are now within 0 week of the big night at the Inglewood Auditorium (Sst., Dec. 12) when the playlet, "Secrets" will be put on by s number of boys snd girls, in aid of the Welfare Fund. The tickets are selling well but we want a full house for the encouragement of the performers snd the augmenta- tion of the fund. Other attrac- tions will be special dancing by the Montessori pupils snd con- tributions by the School Band by the courtesy of Mr. Condon and the School Board. Father Xmas will be on hand so be sure to bring the children. At One End Only Angry man (at telephone): "Tell me, Miss, is there 0 fool on thie line?o Girl's voice (sweetly): "Not at this end sir." Faith and Umbrellas Colored Preacheri De lack of faith among you niggahs is ap- palling. Hash are we met to ask de Laud to send us rain snd not one ob you has brought an un- brells to go home with. Lady: Yes, but has this dog got a pedigree?" Breeder: Pedigree, lady? Why if this dog could talk he wouldn' speak to either of us I Established on North Shore 20 Toara (Lady Aaaiaiaai) HARRON BROS. Ik WILL IAIISOIN guneI al Qtrectars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 J. C. E. Walker wrote the council in reference to D. L.'s 1147 and 1148. He was advised that the lots were not for sale. 7 ~ George Hsy wss present at the council meeting to answer sny, questions which might arise in connection with his let- ter regarding road allowance, Mr. Ingalls'roperty, 16th and Fulton. After discussion, wherein Mr. Hay wss assured that the work would be done within six months the offer of Mr. Hsy on behalf of his client was accepted in ac- cordance with the report of the engineer as to the necessary cast. THE West Van Neojs Pabiiabad Erory Friday Pabliabor F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Baaiooaa aad Editorial Ogicoi Ifih aad Mariao Drive (Next io Hoiiyburn P.O.) Phone West 363 Mail Addioaai P.O. Box 81, Hoiiybara. B, C. Leaving a Margin Stranger (at village station): "Is this the 8:16 train?" Porter: "We'e nothin'o precise ss that, sir We just calls it the afternoon train.o $ 1.00 ~ year by carrier; $280 ~ year by mall Nowaaiaoda Io. por copy. United Church bfinister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunday. December 6, 1931 Puhl'c Worship conducted by Dr. Henry 11:16 a.m. nnd 7:16 p.fn. Morning topic: "Is Our Chris- t:anity Christlike?" Evening topic: "A IVonderful Friend." THF. WEST VAN NFWS november 4 WEST VANCOUVER S Christian Science t. Stephen's Church Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20th aad Eaqaimaii, Hoiiybafo This Sockiy ia a Branch of The Mother Charoh Tba First Church of Christ, Soioaiiai, ia Boston, Maaaachaaoita Sunday Sorviooa II f80 ~.m. and T:80 p.m, Sunday, December 6th Subject: "GOD THE ONLY CAUSE AND CREATOR" Sunday School at Iaioo a.m. Testimony bloating Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. Baptist Church Pastor Rev. H, P. Humphreys Phone W. 262R. Res. 1343 Heywood Ave. Sunday, December 6th, 1931. 10 a.mqiundsy School and Adult Class. 11 a.m.--Morning worship. Pastor will preach, topic, "A Young Msn'0 Rise to Power." The Ordinance of the Lord' Supper will be observed at the close of the morning service. 7:30 p.m.--Evening worship. Topic, "Christ's Word with You." Sang service at beginning of service. A cordial invitation is extended to sll Monday, 7:30 p.m.--B.Y.P U. Young people over 16 heartily welcome. Wednesday, 4 p.m. -- Child ren's meeting. Illustrated Lant em service. 8 p m.--Prayer snd praise. Friday, 7 p.m.--C.G.I.T. Teen age girs welcome. Presbyterian Church Services in the Orange Hall. Minister: Rev. J. W. Cuddeford, Phone North 1107. Organists: Mrs. J. Louks and Mrs. Holden Services: 2:00--All departments of the Sabbath School. Also the Adult Bible Class led by the minister. 3:00--Church Worship. Preacher, Rcv. R. J. Douglas, D.D. Dr. Douglas, Synodical Mis- sionary of the New Westminster Presbytery, is visiting the fleld in the interests of the Synod. It is hoped a large number will come out to hear him. Thursday -- Prayer meeting. Followed by the choir practice. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Res. 2558 Marine Dr. Sunday--8:45 a.m., Holy Mass. I:30 p.m., Sunday School.-- 2:30 p.m., Rosary, benediction lveek Days--7:30 s.m., Holy Mass. Friday--7:30 p.m., Special De- votions. Saturday -- 7130 p.m. Confes- sions. Mrs. Hilda M. J. Lloyd came before the council to speak to her letter snd the council'0 re- ply thereto in reference to Sher- man Street road snd Rose Cres- cent. After discussion the matter was left to the chairman of the board of works snd the engineer with power to act or to report to the next meeting such course as was deemed suitable. CAIID OF THANKS Mr. Oad Mra. Peter B. Chria- iio aod George wish io express ihair sincere ihaoka io their many kind friends, old aod new, who ao generously camo io their assistance when ihoir homo waa daairoyad by fire iwo weeks ~ga I Df.ldkfjory McCubbift I DENTIST Hours 0 ~ m iospm Saiardayai 10 a. m, io I p.m. Fvoaiaga aod Saiofday Atter- aooaa by appointment only. Royal Iiaok Boiidiag I'Imao Woai I ~ II fti DR. G. D. H. SEALS DENTIST Hay Block, Ifui aod hiafioo Dr. Ogioo Hoaia 0 io 8 p.m. Evaaiago by appoiaimooi. Pboao Wmi Tx Rector: Rev. F. A. Ramsey, L.S.T. Sunday, December 6, 1931 2nd Sunday In Advent 8 and 11:15 a.m.--Holy Com. munion. 10 and 11:15 a.m.--Sunday School. 7:16 p.m.--Evenson(f. The Church committee will meet on Tuesday at 8:15. The annual meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary will be held on Tuesday, commencing with Holy Communion at 10 a.m. snd adjourning to the parish hall for reports and election of officers. Lunch will be served. The choir concert will be held in the Parish Hall on Friday, Dec. 18th. The proceeds are to be devoted to Christmas Cheer and social service needa A very impressive service was held at the close of evensong in the church last Sunday evening. when 25 young people were ad- mitted to membership in the A. Y. P. A. A new service book, the gift of the Girls'uxiliary wss dedicated before evensong. Basketball games at HighSchool Thursday, 7:30 p.m. St. Stephen's Junior Girls and Crossley United. Thursday, 8:30 p.m. St. Stephen's Girls and Grsndview United. Friday, 8 p.m. Jumor Boys play Robson Memorial St. Stephen's A.Y.P.A. have taken the agency for the Cana- dian Churchman. They will re- ceive a commission on all new subscriptions as well as all re- newals--which will be the nu- cleus of the A.Y.P.A.'uilding Fund for a new Parish Hall. NURSING HOME (iura. M. Il LOCbaaco. k.N.) 264 sf ib Street Eaoi North Voacoaim Iiooidoaco Phone: North Ikiek C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and. Marine Expert Work Phone West 135 Handy Ann Shoppe Daodaravo, Phone Woai $9 A splendid aoiaciioa of Toys, Games, Cards Papeteries, Etc. will be seen at oor new store Next Door to old Store A special meeting of the Wo- men's Guild of St. Francis-in- the-Woods, Caulfeild, was held at the home, of Mrs. W. Adair last Monday, to make definite plans for the tea snd sale of work to be held at her home on Monday, 7th December at 2:80 p,m. I NOW PLAYING I-- Spirit OF Notre Dame THRILLS AND ENTERTAINMENT Laurel and Hardy ia "aoo Good Tmo" NEWS -- FABLES A Spieodid Proxram for Aii $25.00 GIVEN AWAY FRIDAY, 9 P.M. LIBRARY WHIST DRIVE ENJOYABLE AFFAIR The military whist drive given by the Hollyburn Public Library last Saturday evening in the Legion Memorial Hall was a very enjoyable affair, although it was not as largely attended as hsd been expected. Those at the winning table were Mr. snd Mrs. Hopkins and Mr. snd Mrs. Scott. Mrs. G. D. Elgsr, Miss E. Mil- liard, H. B. Gray and H. B. Stevens at one table, snd Miss M. Macfie, Mrs. Oxley, J. Edin& ton and W. J. Hilton at another table tied for the consolation prizes, the first named table winning on the draw. Following cards refreshments were served snd dancing en- joyed by the guests, the music being supplied by the West Van- couver Dance Specialists Or- chestra, who kindly volunteered their services for the occasion. Logiiiis(E NEXT ivEEK'0 PIITPCIDIB BoarTaaacwad. MARX BROTHFRS ia "Monkey Business" Tbaa-FIl-sai. JOE E. BROWN ia "Local Boy hiskea Good" DRESSERWARE NIGHT -- TUESDAY-- NOTE: 2 Outstanding Feature Caniadloa Nant Week Forxei roar woaiiio--Carne aioaa ~od ioia aa ia iaaabiii. Better tbaa aoy doctor I motuolna. Mary E. Maxwell wrote the council re tsx sale lot D.L. 655 Block 19, lot 22. She was in- formed that the lot, being for redem tion, was not for sale. - Grand Concert and Radio Broadcast - Q .Home Gas SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA AT ; L'oNs'DA'L' . SUNDAY, 6th 1)100 e.m. ihmra mrna S.SO 'SILVER COLLECTION i Ciaf your Admnaioli Tkkala from Rome am Siaiiooa or lomdais Theatre ea I ls mi ne