West Van. News (West Vancouver), 20 Nov 1931, p. 6

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0001 1 THE WEST VAN NEWS November 20, 1031 ~ «. 1 r.7 W 7 77'rr ' '7«77« 1 "~ ~" . ~ '7 7 t r ' ri A 7rr or ' rwrrr«r 'I 7" rr 'r rr « Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATSAnfbleside „" .„", "„".,',.„,"Phosoi West silpDundarave,'„„.'„, „„,„, QUALITY BARGAINS Friday Ct Saturday, November 2,0 IF X1 SUGAR--IL C. Gras«la(vd BISCUITS -- Chris(io' 10 lbs. 48c per Rx .... 274 PEA~a(ambi«. No. 5, I'asked ROYAL CROWN ((ASHIER in R, C.. 2 No. 2 siao (ias '25v SODA. packs(,, Sv QUICK OATS--Quaker, ('blas. PEARL WHITE '(AliTHA SOAP «avo ia every package. Save ihs wrappers (ov ssvfsi I.avav package .„. ~ ---"-... »v gifts .................. 0 bars ?Iv Jl,'hlBO CARBOLIC SOAI'ITRON CHERRY, 2 Iis slav 50( Siq)NGE LOAF....1 IE siao 25s AUSTRALIAN ()RANGES 2 doss« 59c TEA--Rvd (6 Whi(o or Nabob,lb.............. $9s SPE('IAL QUALITY WHITE POTATOES i(is IE sack 51.00 Rvd 0 Whi(s I'E(CHES--Dolivi- oss olives. No. I lis 2 fov 8$( BUTTER Rvd R IVhi(c VE(iETABLE SOUP I 61EADO(VVALE...... 2 lbs. 49v 2 (iss 19v ! (IOLI)EN )IEADO(v .. 2 lbs. 55c Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK, VEAL, ETc. COOKED !IIEATS Ol" Al.l, KINDS. 1)EI.ICATESSEN ])- (Two Stores for your service) HOI.I.YBURN STORE A31BI.KSH)E STOIIE )Vest 3 West 30:I West Vancouver Lumber Co.J. HAYDN YOUNG Conductor Choral Society. 15th snd Marine I.IBIITED I'hone West 115 W. J. Turnbull. Manager. Residence I'hone: West 3661. SERVICE Everything for the Building. LU HER 'ASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING PAPER I 1Which Party? "May I inquire," said the urb- ane canvasser," which party your husband belongs to?" "Take a good look st me," said the wife, "snd you'l know lo what party he belongs." A iNevr Sport Father O'Flynn: "You don' seem to have a thought for any- thing but motoring. Why don' you put your wife before your car sometimes?" Motorist: "My word, that's s good idea. But no--I'm scared of being found out!" I.nmstco -- Gyproc Beaver Board -- I'laster lmsrd -- Shingles song but they are constantly twittering and never seem to rise from the ground without making 8 little silueak of 0 noise. I must tell you of one serious fa'!ling that is not only found in this bird, but sometimes in grown up people, and that is they frequently quarrel and should you place 0 feeding tray out for the birds, which I hope every family will do this winter, you will notice that although there may be plenty of food for all, there ls almost sure to be one df the flock who thinks he' the whole business, and tries to drive the others away. I was going to tell you about another bird that is almost as bad, but must keep that for an- other talk. "OUR BIRDS -- By B.R. 11. It is now a long t:me since we had a talk in the tvest Van News about our birds snd I expect that there are many boys and girls who think that at this time of the year and through the win- ter, there are not very many interesting birds to talk about; well suppose we have 8 look round and see what we can find in our gardens and along the road side- I agree with you that all the feathered friends that de- lighted us with their company snd song during the beautiful summer days, and which we call migratory, have gone to other parts of the world to make the summer days for other boys snd girls just as happy ss we have experienced. There are still many very interesting birds that remain with us to cheer the dreary winter days, and I have an idea that these are really more affectionate than the ones tiiat flit about the gardens dur- ing the summer, as they come nearer our homes in order to pick up the scraps that are thrown out snd look to us for support, which on cold wintry days, when the ground is hard and covered with snow, is very necessary. Looking out of the w'ndow the other morning I saw a number of little fellows about the size of 8 sparrow, hopping about They were grey in color and had dark feathers over their heads and down their necks, which looked like a cowl or hood which wss worn by monks in the olden days. Besides having this distingu- ishing mark, these little birds wear a white feather on either side of the tail, which shows im- mediately they fly, and is st once the distinguishing mark of the Junco. Juncos always go in flocks, as you will readily see if your Dad happens to be making 8 new lawn and has the seed sown, for will come down in dozens, No Reason to Complain "Now, boys," said the teacher, "what do you think of Nero? Was he a good man'!" No one answered. "Tommy," the teacher said, singling out one member of the class, "what do you think?" "IVell," returned the boy, "he never done nuthin'o me." Before snd After The Smiths were quarrelling. "You women," said Smith, contemptuously, "are only happy before a glass." "Yes," replied his wife, "snd you men are only happy after one." MISS MARGARET McINTYRELeader Orchestral Society. Seasonable Fare Slow Waiter: "Have you ord- ered anything, sir?w Disgusted Diner 'Well I asked for strawberries and cream, but that was such 8 long time ago, that I think you'd bet- ter change it to Christmas pud- dl(ig. Offer you Bigger and Setter Specials than ever before in %Vest Vancouver Government Inspected No. 1 Grade Meats "A burglar broke into our our house last night." "Did he get anything?" "Rather! The wife thought it was me.o The skull of a child who lived in Peru 500 years ago shows signs of rickets, indicating this childhood plague i8 not a recent plague. FOR CASH OR C.O.D. Pork Local Lamb ( ) ] Pg LEGs 25' 4 SHOULDERS ) 5~ Provisions C PURE BEEF DRIPPING 25...................... 3 lbs. I'iece, lb.......... 23C .............. 25c NO. 1 Steer Beef Why Pay More? BUILD NOW WHEN PRICES ARE LOW Lumber fov 12xle Garage including Soor ......... 5$0.00 60 I"t. Closa Board Fence 5.00 Shiplsp fram ............... 9.00 zx4 Common, aixod...,.. 0.00 2xs lo 8212 common, sized ................--.-.... 10.00 Ix2 -8 asd 4 D. D. Fir, psr 100 lis. f(..........50 Cedar Lattice, psr 100 lls. feet .............................25fsc ~ Make....lb. GE 3ibs for lake Kl'I'I.Es $ 25 7pc .23G COUV CEI EHRATION PRICES Another move along the road of progress. Roberts'etter Neats