0001 i aa 1221 1 IE tbk? 47 Y Ibs flat strictly 0 November 20, 1931. WHY PAY MORE? We se11 the Best Coal obtainable YVELLINGTON LUa)IP, per ton....,... fa10.50 WEI.LINGTON EGG, per ton............ 9.50 )VEI.LINGTON NUT. ner ton.......... 9.00 GAI,T SOOTI.ESS EGG, per ton........ 11.50 Phone North 132 THF. BURNING BUSH By Subadar Things appear to be proceed- ing with 0 steady certainty to- verde war in Manchuris. The Japanese are issuing winter clothing to their troops and in other ways are evidently settl- ing down for 0 winter campaign. General Mah Chan-Shan says he is going to stay and die. It' probably the truest 'statement he ever made, and I wouldn't be in his shoes at any price. The League of Nations remind me of a nice old lady hovering over a fight between two of her pet dogs, and praying them with tears to stop. A pathetic sight, but not an object of laughter, when one considers the money that has been wasted on the up- keep of the League in Geneva. The United States is reported as now not being so strong for Japan's evacuating the disputed Manchurian territory, and French opinion is veering to- wards Japan, which is becoming true also in the case of the other great powers except Germany. Russia is said to be looking askance st Japan's actions. There is a certain sinister trend and 0 prophecy here, which will probably bear terrible fruit next May, when the frost is out of the ground. If Joe Chamberlain can look down from the shades at Great Britain's latest step to rehabili- tate her trade, it must give him profound satisfaction. At long last the Old Country has started along that road into which he tried to guide her, and in trying wrecked his health. Free trade has been tried out and found wanting, and it is extremely un- likely that it will ever be the U.olicy of England again. The nited States are naturally alarmed, for they cannot become isolated and retain their great- ness, whereas the British Em- pire can and apparently will in the long run live to itself and prosper. Wife: Where have you been? Laconic Husband: Church. Wife: Who preached? Laconic Husband: Vicar. Wife: What did he preach a- bout? L Husband: Sin. Wife: Yes, but what did he about it? Husband: A WANT CO5IPANY TO BUILD SPAN A scheme for financin re- pairs to Second Narrows bridge and to break the impasse creat- ed by the Dominion Govern- ment'6 refusal to advance funds for replacing the wrecked span was considered Monday morning at 0 conference of bridge com- pany oi?icials with Mr. A. S. Gentles of the Dominion Bridge Company. The meeting held at the City Hall, was attended by Mayor E. H. Bridgman of North Vancou- ver, pre6ident of the Burrard Inlet Tunnel & Bridge Co., Act- ing-Mayor John Bennett, acting as vice-president, Mr. Percy Ward, company secretary, and Mr. Gentles. Although no official statement was made on the scheme, it is reported that bridge officials have suggested to Mr. Gentles that his company build the new span, snd that its cost--about 3166 000--be financed over four or fiv years from revenues from the repaired structure. Hinges on Insurance The chief inpediment to the scheme is the question of how much insurance can be obtained on the repaired structure, and this, in turn, depends on regu- lations governing marine move- ments under the bridge. If these regulations now en route from Oi taws to the Harbor Board, will satisfy insuranre companies and permit adequate coverage of the structure, the bridge company will be in a position to continue its negotiations for financing. The regulations sre expected in Vancouver within the next few days. Another liieeting "I am hopeful that financing can be arranged if the regula- tions are satisfactory," said act- ing-Mayor Bennett. "We will hold another conference as soon as they are received, and will then be in 0 better position to decide what action we can take." First claim on bridge reven- ues is for the bridge debenture holders, and if these payments are not made, the city snd dis- trict of North Vancouver must supply funds for interest. It is estimated that, unless the bridge again starts earning, such payments will have to be made next year by the North Shore WEST VANCOUVER Bl(ANCH, CANADIAN LEGION invites you and your friends to attend 'A Night in an. Army Canteen'HURSI)A Y, lv'OV EMBER 26, at 3 P.M. Wrestling -- Jiu Jitsu -- Boxing -- Siunts Refreshments -- Musical I'rogram -- Orchestra Come anal live over again the glorious fun of army camp life. Admission 60 cents. THE WEST VAN NEWS SEVENTH ANiNUAI. WINTER FAIR The seventh annual British Columbia Winter Fair will be held at the Exhibition Grounds from November 30 to December d. Since its inauguration in 1925, more than half 0 million dollars worth of agricultural, horticultural and livestock pro- ducts grown in the province have been sold for the benefit of the farmers. At the present time only 30 per rent of the food proafucts consumed in our city are grown in the province. It is not sug- gested that 100 per cent of local- ly grown produce should be con- sumed but the percentage most certainly should be increased to about 60 per cent. This would mean increased agricultural pop- s'lation, and conversely bigger and a better home market for the city manufacturer,. The Van- couver Exhibition Association in conjunction with the Domin- ion and Provincial Governments avill spend 326,000 in building up laical markets for local livestock and agricultural products, and asks your cooperation in the matter of attendance at the Fair. There is no charge for ad- mission. There will be shows of beef, mutton, pork, poultry, live and dressed, a wonderful honey exhibit, a splendid fox and fur show, national appk show, pot- ato and seed fair and a splendid exhibit of Chrysanthemum and Cyclamen. Auction sales will feature the fair, and the Exhi- bition Association has made ar- rangements for the fine delivery of private apple purchases to any part of the city. It is hoped to sell 3100,000 porth of pro- duce at the fair, and most of this money will stay in the city for purchases by the farmers. The Vancouver Exhibition As- sociation asserts that the B. C. Winter Fair is the best agricul- tural industry builder in exist- ence within the bounds of the province today, snd also that it teaches the farmer how to pre- pare his stock, and other com- modities for the market. One beef animal today will sell for as much as five did a few years ago, simply because it has been properly fitted. There will be sheep dog trials and judging daily in the horse show building. The people of the country dis- tricts buy from Vancouver. Help us to buy from the country dis- tricts and set up a feeling of comradeship in the common cause of developing industry in every phase in the province of British Columbia. INDIANS'RAG SEINES TAKE 150,000 SALMON Indians using drag seines cap- tured slightly more than 160r 000 salmon in British Columbia waters last year--not 0 lsgge number of fish, of course, as compared with the total catch of salmon but sufficient, the less, to bring in 0 fairly sum of money to be added return the Indians from their work in of salmon fishing. The use of drag ing for salmon is none but Indians in umbia and may be certain areas place at river anethod of opera simple. One end which is not more long, is staked to when a school sighted the a flat-bottomed row around the the net until been brought ing point, w ed up on float lines ed is paid the lead the closure seine is CLASSIFIED ADS waste ka 2 tests par worl, misimsw bstiag rtgeist stttests, tg dstti-Tbt rate 1st Cittsistd Advertise 25 tests. Etttpt is tbt case sC thawt Stdt tat ptysbit wriatl is wirtsta Remember Citasistds it the West Vts Nett get Immediate awaits. MaLEOD RIVER BARD. LUMP std EGG. Ed Bistk West 08. PAINY'ING. KAIAmMINING AND PAPERING -- Ttkt advantage tC cheeper aatsttr privet. Phtaw Want 894 R. WB HAVE TEN OF THE CHEAP- EST LOTS it West Vancouver-- Same close in. Sure wssey-astktat in neat Csttre. John Lswtts, Wttt 55. 54JI00.00--NEW 7-ROOM STUCCO HOUSE--Cetstt Lot, IOet120 on 100 Catt ttrttt, ttt tC the mott dttirsbit situstittt is every re- spect. Esty terms. Jthn Lsaates, West 56. FOR RENT--Nicety Ctatithmi tstttst Fsiiy modern. Phone Vrttt 169R2. POR RPNT--CtmioatsMt ttd attrac- tive little beset, taadtrn, Ctmisbed or partly Csrnathwl, 515. Phoae Seat 810L54300.00 --High Cleat 6-Rstm Htsst. Nearly new, sstbttruttsbit view of harbor. strrevt ttd gtii. 10 mis. tttt tt ferry, 5 minutes te school. John Lewtot, West 66. C I ARCHER Prtptruts bstgbt std sold tt tii points. 791 Dsstmtia Stymtsr 6964. West 225. LOS'r-45 gtki piete pit tsgrtrtd "Mabel." Reward. Phone Watt 61R FOit kENT--6 Rtwet. Medtrt. 1248 Duchess Avt., 822.00. Phone West 128 R. EIIGLISH LADY, pasttitsi stttt- Phone Wttt 104LI. MARCELLE SHOP -- MtattBe, 50 cents; asset, 86c; iitgtr wave, 75c. Phone Mrs. King. West 804.FOR THE BEST COAL AND WOOD Phone Btb Black. Wttt 17. COAI WOOD std BUILDERS'UP- PLIES. For service Phone Hebb Coal A TrtttCar Watt 17. BEAUTIFUL NEW MODERN HOME on Upper Lttei bss line 54JNO Phone West 894IL K PALMER, Chimney Svttp. Phase North 811R2.WANTED -- Piano, Ctir attditiss, cheap. WSI pty ttth. State make ~nd pairs. Apply Bot 84, West Vss News. CARLEY Buys std Sells Ftasitert Rtptidng tsd polishing, Paints, viit, stains, glass. Phone West 71Y. McLEOD RIVER BARD, LUMP ttd EGG. Ed Bittk, Watt 68. FUR WORK OF ALL KLaIDS--West Vstttsver Foradtrt, West 804L. WEBB'8 SHOE REPAIRS WBAR BEST--Dondsasvs. In Aberdeen Manager "How did they treat you in Aberdeen&" Traveller: They didn t. Cop: You were going forty st least. Auto Driver (sotto voice): Can't you make it fifty; I'm try- ing to sell the wretched thing to the guy sitting behind. ALL TRE BEST Brendt ti Cigstat Cigarettes ttd Tebsttot. Alto Et- thttgt Poker Hssdt tnd Consol cards Fret. Ambitside Tts Rooms. POR PLU61BING REPAIRS -- Res- idence Pbttt Wttt 2411L C. J. BRODERICK, Photo Finisher. 1622 Marine Driva Piimt, prints, enlargements. Ste osr tptciti snap- shot greeting asadaBurns are dangerous because the tissue cells, which are de- stroyed, form poisons which crater the general circulation. BOARD AND RESIDE.iCE -- 15th ~nd Btiitvse, near ferry. Rates at- tractive. Phone West 4581 Prof. Rost (Berlin) declares that chemical fertilizers sre causative of the increased inci- dence of arteriosclerosis. He advises that water in which veg- etables are cooked should be dis- carded, as it contains injurious mineral salts. Hei "I know one girl who thinks her husband perfectly wonderfuL She 'Oh so you'e just come from a wedding." Magistrate: "Did you hit this man in defence?" Foreigner "In de-what 7" Magistrate: "In de-fense." Foreigner: "No, I hest him in de tummy." Best Man (as bride enters church) I say old the matter ha nerve? Sandy: Ah've los MtLEOD RIVER BARD. LUIIP ttd EGG. Ed Bitch. West 88. Geo. Hay iNOTARY PUBLIC Etttbiishtd 1912 REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Choice Aarttgt tad Homtsittt tt Ant scute Ptattat HONEY TO LOA.'I ON biORTGAGES 1405 M trite Drive Phstt West 21 or Stymttt 1260 Bataisgt Wmt 204K