0001 I jl t l I j I I Ilag .at era. )ear tsI fiie atal iaa tstsc ass November 20, 1931. Odorless Dry Cleaning and Dyeing SUITS I Ctcsacd dct dkrk I RSOENT SUITS 'rO ORDSR I'hone )Vest 20 Higkcc grade suits auc sea make 226.oo ssd sp ALTERATIONS sad REPAIRS WE CALL AND DELIVER Res. Phone West 286LM. WILLIAMS 1568 Marine Drive %V. L. OGDEN CO. Men's Rnd Boys' urnishinas Exclusively HEAVY WORK SOCKS - 29c and 39c. %Vest Vancouver Choral Society Concert West Vancouver Orchestral Society assisting In the HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM MONDAY, Nov. 23rd at 8; I 5 p.m: General Admission 50 Cents. Special bus will leave Ambleside Wharf at 8:05 p.m. for the High School and will leave after the concert at 10:15 p.m. Banana Pudding I quart milk 2 eggs 2 tablespoons cornstarch I cup sugar Pinch of salt, Bananas. Cook together the milk, eggs, cornstarch, salt and sugar. Color ane-third with chocolate and one-third with fruit coloring. Line the bottom of pudding dish with bananas. Pour in the dark part, next the pink, and lastly the white part. Set on ice to get cold, and serve with whipped cream. Zero The Father: "My daughter must marry a man whose income has at least four noughts." The Suitor: "Then I'm just the man for her. My income is all naughts." Approximately 63,800 barrels of the herring caught by Quebec fishermen in 1930 were used as bait. FOOTBALL The following players are re- quested to turn out for the game at Ambleside with St. Margar- et's at 2:30 p.m.: Strong, Mc- Lean, Downey, H, Downey, W. Davies, Grieve, Burns, Dawson, Normand, Hamilton, Griesdale. The club will meet every Wed- nesday night at 8 p.m. at Amble- side Ferry Rooms. The many friends of John Hart, 16th and Esquimalt, will be sorry to hear that he is quite ill and has been taken this week to North Vancouver General HospitaL The year 1931 marked the one hundredth anniversary of the discovery of chloroform. Dr. H. W. Woltman of the Mayo Clinic claims that crossing the leg causes much peroneal palsy. Stout persons with fat- nrotected peroneal nerves seem immune. 1VEST VANCOUVER CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION Annual Meeting and Election of Officers in the FORTUNE CUP INN at 8 p.m. V. V. VINSON Says; "Now that the By'Law is passed. you can turn your snention to XMAS PHOTOS) c THIS WEE/ is the last week In which you in time for the Old Country Xmas Mail The King Studio MAKE YOUR API'OINTMENT NOW 1586 hlarlne Drive. Phone West 40, V. V. VINSON, Proprietor. Wednesday, November 25th 1931 W. J. DENT, C. J. ARCHERSecretaryPresident THE WEST VAN NEWS Starting next Sunday the fol- lowing garages will close every evening at 9 o'clack except on Saturdays: Dundarave Garage, Hollyburn Garage, Imperial Ser- vice Station, Ridge Service Sta- tion, Motor Service -- Union, West Van. Motors. ~ c c Mrs. J. H. Noncreiif, 2138 Argyle, is leaving shortly to join her husband and son in Ashcroft where they expect to spend the winter. c c The culvert at 25th and Belle- vue became jammed with debris on Thursday evening the 12th instant, dunng the heavy down- our, resulting in the water bor- ng under the P.G.E. tracks and flooding the Dundarave Cash Grocery. Dynamite had to be used to clear the culvert. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kerr have rented the house of Mr. and Mra. J. H. Moncrietf at 2138 Argyle. c ~ The Pauline Johnson Juniors defeated the Hollyburn Juniors last week at soccer by a score of 4 goals to niL The match was played on the Hollyburn grounds Three hundred hikers spent Sunday on Hollyburn Ridge. There are three feet of snow at the ski camp, where the skiing is good. The lake has been swept clear, and the ice is in first class condition for skating. c ~ Mrs. Reid of Horseshoe Bay, is leaving tomorrow to spend Christmas at her old home in Nova Scotia. She will be one of the passengers on the "Prince Henry," which is going round to Halifax via the Panama Canal. \ c c Cypress Park bridge is now open for one-way traffic. It was washed out last week by the creek, which became badly swol- len as a result of the heavy rains. \ In the program for the first concert of the season to be given by the West Vancouver Choral Society next Monday evening, the names of the following were inadvertently omitted from the list of associate members: Mrs. A. Hampton, W. B. Small, Dr. E. A. Henry, 2nd Harold Brown. ~ ~ The West Vancouver Young Men's Basketball Club raised 630 at the military whist given by them recently under the joint auspices of the Canadian Legion West Vancouver branch, and the Duncan Lawson Chapter, LO. D.E. ~ ~ W. Durand entertained some friends last Wednesday evening at his new cottage residence on Haywood Avenue There were tables of bridge and the evening ended with dancing. Altogether s very pleasant time was spent by those present, who included Mr. and Nrs. Gordon Gray, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Ecclestone, hiiss Gillham, Miss Cleathero, Miss Woolgar and her sister Mrs. Leonard from Los Angeles, Cal- ifornia, and Messrs J. Grisdale, P. Brine and J. Cleathero. Inspector Pollock last week inspected the various classes at Hollyburn School ~ ~ ~ An enjoyable evening of bridge was held recently by the Racqueteers'adminton Club of St. Stephen'6 Church at the home of the captain, Nrs. Hardy of 2104 Gordon Avenue. Among those playing were Mr. and 91rs. W. D. Colvin, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. McNair, hIr.and Mrs. R, St. C Boyd Mr and Nrs. C E Ridley, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hardy, Mr and Nrs. J. R. Lid- ster, Mr. and Nrs. C. C. Bold- rick, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Alton, Mrs, T, W. Cutler. The ilrst prise was won ky hfrs. Lidster, the consolation going to Mr. Al. ton. sign that the autumn is past. ~ ~ The summer residents of Horseshoe Bay gave a very en- joyable party at the Horseshoe Bay Hotel last Saturday even- ing. Mr. Rodgers giving them the use of the hotel for the even- ing, ~ c c Considerable damage was done last week to the basement of G. Child's house st 18th and Waterfront as a result of the ilooded condition of the creek adjacent to his property One of the social events of the season will ke the annual dance to be given by the Naomi Chap- ter, O.E.S., which will take place next Thursday evening in the Orange HalL There will be danc- ing from 9 to I a.m., and admis- sion is by invitation, which may be obtained through members. Guests may be assured of a very enjoyable evening, as a number of special features have been ar- ranged by the committee in ad- dition to which the well known Garden'6 Court Orchestra will be in attendance. c c ~ Don't forget to go to the Inglewood Auditorium on Mon- day night to hear the Choral Society's concert. c ~ ~ Mrs. James Smith, 20th and Heywood, has returned after a month'6 absence, from Calgary, where she helped nurse her sis- ter, Mrs. E. hi. Bebb (Rite), who died on November 5th. Rel- atives are Frank Hemmings of Vancouver, Bert of England, and Jack of Calgary. The deceased leaves four children. The West Vancouver Rdlcr Hockey team defeated the North Vancouver aggregation on Mon- day night ky a score of 8 to 3. The match was played in the rol- ler rink on 17th Street. ~ ~ c Winter appears to have set in early this year. The mountains are already covered with snow, and the varied thrushes have come down from the woods and are living in our gardens, a sure\ ~ Mrs. Walton, who has been spending a few days at the Clac- han Hotel, left here on Tuesday to return to her home on Den- man Island, B. C. Birthdav Party On Saturday, November 14th, hIrs. J. Wtcking entertained in honor of her daughter Brenda'2 12th birthday. A very pleasant time was spent in games and competitions. Brenda was the recipient of a great many lovely gifts. Assisting in serving were Mrs. S. Bracewell and hIrs. A. Feather. The invited guests in- cluded Betty Feakes, Lenore Beatty, Betty Gray, Shiela Ed- wards, Dorothy Chappell, Patty Weeden. Dorothy Sharman, Joan Sharman, Joan Ecclestone, Patsy Morton, Adelaide Lop- otecki, Audrey Davey, and Joyce Burbridge PRIN PATS 2 pkgs 89c. WEST VAili l'IAI)lACY The Secre ot Scccke. 1462 Hscisc Deice Weel 22 Fmscrgcacy Bene Wme 22t (Artcc 2 p.m.) Stratton's BAKERY Vanety of Breads nnprove every meal- All Kinds of Tea Breads ASSORTED PASTRIES Almond Varieties Christening, Birthday, Wedding Cakes made at 1468 MARINE DRIVE Phoae West 27 or we wiu milt. GORDON ROBSON Sccsistcc 6 Scudscc WEST VANCOUVER- Ofeicc No. 1447 Marino Drive. Phone West 4att VANCOUVER OFFICE- Smtc 6161 610 Hastmgs St. W Phone Scymcac 4122. HOLLTSURN Barber Shop 16th 6 Hcrine BXPBRT SBRVICB B. kiARSH, Proprietor FUEL VERNON FEED STORE A. C, Searle, Phone West 9 Fuel, Feed, Fertduers and Building Supplies BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL S. D. WHITE, ingc. Distinctive Fsacrsi Sccricc Lady Assiscsss asa--acd Si. R I'tame Nccik 624 Quick Brown Bread I egg I cup brown sugar 2 cups buttermilk (or sour milk) I teaspoon bakmg sada h(t teaspoon salt (small) Graham flour. hIix stitf like Johnnie Cake with Graham flour and bake like ordinary bread. g xmas Cards g Big variety to choose from. Get yours now. Brooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear Iatk asd Hsctsc Drive. Pkosc Wast 144 Bscissive Agents Cccekcut Silk Hose sad Universal Sweaters ~Iso Novelties, Toys. School Suppiics, Hcmscttcktsg BLAIR'S WOOD AND COAL have opened an office at 1464 hlarine Drive COAL, WOOD, and ALL SORTS OF FUEL BUILDERS SUPPLIES, North Shore Agents for CANhIORE BRIQUETI'ES Phone Weel 298 or North 248 Local and Personal ) F era veins