0001 THF. WEST VAN NFWS Noveml» r 2n, 1931 rr r .r. xr ~ ' r rx Ir~ ~.rr .rr'I x r-p « -. 'rr ~w x' xxre r'x'~"r' "-xrp -I7'rrx'tr xr'-'rx 'x'rr r xIr'.,x- 4' r" 'rr r n'r'r. &.r r.4r"r 'x I xpr rr xrrr:rrrwr 'xr rr v'rr errr'rrrrrr. '-rr rrrrr Lettiag your hair grow? If you are one of the many wbo are wreriog e longer bob, keep it neat. Nothing ioobp po untidy dp straight ends, pod (t ip eoitp unoprxmdrz when ypo can bavp the ends of your hair permanently curled or In tbe very faxbiooabip roll which nrrdp oo pins, for as Httle as 88.80. Gffoeyyrfoly» Benfdry Shoppe isle Mariar Drive. Wmt 317 Handy Ann Shoppe Doodarare West 89 Stationery - Cards Wool, Etc. DRV FIR Full Idmd $5.00 Get our prices on Green Alder, Cord tVood Coal Phone %Vest 4$ COOKE a LeNEAL I. I P. Went Vancouver Branch WHIST DRIVE Legion Hall, TUESDAY, NOV. 24th, at 8 p.m. Prizes snd Draw Prize of $5 Merchandise Order Tickets 25c. Established on North Shore 29 Years. (Lxdr Assistant) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON j uneral Gireefors North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Cruel "I had to discharge my nurse for being cruel." "What did she do?" rShe kicked poor Fido for bit- ing the baby." Too I ight to Take Eifect "IVhy haven't you creased your trousersf asked the Ser- geant-hfajor. "I put them under my mat- tress same as the others," said the recruit, but I'm such a light sleeper." This Was a Church Bulletin 'The ladies of the church have east oif clothing of all kinds. ~ Look them over in the church basement any time this week." THE West Van Nems PabHxbed Brpry Friday F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Bop(adds aod Editorial OS(de: 17tb hod Mxriap Dr(re (Next to HoSyburn P.o.) Phone West 363 Mall Address: P.O. Box Sl, HoOrboro, B.C. 21.09 ~ paar by carrier; $24)O ~ year by maiL Newpptoodp se. per copy. United Church Minister, E. A. Henry, D,D. Sunday, November 22. 1931. 10 a.m.--Sunday SchooL 11:15 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.-- Public worship Dr. Henry will preach at both services. hiorning topic: "Little ways of bettering the world." Evening topic, "The Living Word of God.'t the evening service the Orange Order of West Vancou- ver will be our guests. On account of the Choral So- ciety concert there will be no meeting of the Y.P.S, on hion- day evemng, November 23rd. Last Monday a good group met to hear a fine address by Mr. J. R. Mitchell on "The Value of Scientific Reading." The Trail Rangers meet on Tuesday evening at 7 and invite all boys from 12 up to come in and help. On Wednesday evening the meeting for prayer and medita- tion will have for the topic Psalm 6. On Friday the C.G.I.T. meet at 7 p.m. On Tuesday evening last Mr. Herrin entertained a large gath- ering of the Literary Society and the Men's Club with a splen- did talk on London, illustrated by between 80 and 90 slides pre- pared by Mr. J. Porter. Principal Brealey of Pauline Johnson School and Reeve Ley- land voiced the appreciation of the audience. On November 27 in St. Giles Church, Quebec and 10th, a play is being given entitled "How the Club was Formed." It is a hum- orous production and is given in behalf of the Social Service Re- demptive Home. Mrs. E. A. Henry is president of the Wom- en's Council and while incapaci- tated, her interest is keen in the old work of her past life and a strong wish is held that a good number from this district will try and attend in the interest of the home. December 4th the (Vest Van- couver Orchestra which holds a concert in the United Church has kindly intimated the inten- tion to give a part of the pro- ceeds to Relief Work. On Saturday evening in the High School Auditorium there is 8 children's play called "Secrets" written by Mrs. Cromar Bruce. In producing it she is assisted by Mrs. R. P. ABen and Messrs. J. E. Durbin and A. Douglas are assisting in stage work. hIrs. Frascr'8 Montessori pupils will be there and also the school band. hir. F. E. Brine is the business manager and the funds will be devoted to Welfare Relief Work. An all day conference on Peace will take place in King Edward High School on Satur- day, November 21st. Among the attractions is an address by Dr. Mack Eastman so well known in Vancouver. Consult the daily press for details. December I is the date of the Sale of Work by the Women' Association. The full list of booths and Committees were published in 8 recent issue. A big time is expected both afternoon and evening. There will be 8 very flne assortment of articles. Afternoon tea and games and amusements will furmsh vanety. It is the big day of the Associ- ation'8 activity and while the times are trying this day will help brighten those who attend snd will also help the church as it passes along a diificult road. A White Elephant stall will be devoted to the Relief Fund. Look up your superfiuous articl- es. Tbe stall is really a super- (I uity booth. BRITISH ISRAELWEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE '29th end Epeolmait, Hourbotn Thi~ Soe(rtr ip ~ Branch of The Mother Cboreb Tbe First Church of Christ, Scient(pb In Boston, Muueboppttp Sunday Serviced (i:se am. aod 7:89 p.m. Sunday, November 22nd Subject: "SOUI. AND BODY" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Test(mony Meeting Wednesday at 8:18 p.m. I St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Res. 2568 Marine Dr. Sunday--8:46 a.m., Holy Mass. I:30 p.m., Sunday School.-- 2:30 p.m., Rosary, benediction Week Days--7:30 a.m., Holy Mass. Friday--7:30 p.m., Special De- votions. Saturday -- 7;30 p.m. Confes- sions. CANADIAN LROION MEMORIAL SALL NEXT SUNDAY-- te h. m.~bool for Cbudrrm 8 ~ . M~prehpr: MR. PERCY KING Subject: -THF DOOSI Or BABYI.ON" Mr King broadcasts over CKWX every Wednesday at 9:80 9 oz St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev F A Ramsey L S T November 22nd, 1931 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 and 11:15 a.m.--Sunday School. 11:15 a.m.--Matins and Ser- mon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong snd Ser- mon. The Rector will deliver the second sermon in the series on "The Background of Our Lord' Teaching," on Sunday evening. The W. A. Study Group will meet at the home of Mrs. Mil- lard, 2433 Mathers Ave., to dis- cuss the second chapter of the Indian Study Book, "Out of Bondage," on Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. Baptist Church Pastor Rev H P Humphre)s Phone W. 252R. Res. 1843 Heywood Ave. Members of St. Stephen's A. Y.P.A. enjoyed a very interest- ing lecture on the League of Na- tions by Mr. Painter, secretary of the Vancouver branch, fol- lowed by a discussion period. A successful musical program was provided by N. Sewell, Refresh- ments were served during the evening. Next Monday the sec- ond lecture on "First Aid" will be given in addition to the dis- cussion of the recent Victoria conference. The Annual service and social afternoon for the members of the "First Roll" will be held on Thursday from 2:30 onwards. A cordial invitation is extended to all mothers. The men of the Church Com- mittee extend 8 hearty invita- tion to the men of the parish to 8 social evening on Tuesday at 8 o'lock in the Parish Hall. The Rev. Canon Sovereign, rector of St. Mark's, snd Bishop-elect of the Yukon, is to be the speaker and we are certain he will have something interesting snd worthwhile to say to us. Presbyterian Church Services in the Orange Hall. Minister: Rev. J. W. Cuddeford Phone North 1107. 2:00 p.m.--All departments of the Sabbath School. Also Adult Bible Class, led by the Minister. 3:OO p.m. -- Regular Church Worship. Sermon subject: "But if Not' glorious chapter in the Spiritual History of Mankind. It has often been said: "Every man has his price!" This is not true of God's men. Come and hear of the courage of Daniel. "Shadrach, Meshach, snd Ab- ednego, answered and said to the king, 0 Nebuchadnezar, we have no need to answer thee in this matter If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us out of thine hand, 0 king. But if not, be it known unto thee 0 King, that we will not serve thy gods nor worship the golden image which thout hast set up." All are welcome to our serv- ices. Thursday ot 8 p.m.--Mid- week service. Followed by Choir practice. Place to be announced Sunday. Thought for the week: "Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves." Not In William Doubles is noted for bip nerve, bip pbortopxp of temper, hnd bip scarcity of cash, While be whd seated at a lonely breakfast io bid club one morning, a debt eoRectrr broke in, through the drowsiness of the porter at the door, aed presented bir bilL rSir,r paid William glaring at bim, "ip tbip aR you know of the osages of decent ppcietyf To present ~ bill to a man break(sating, ~ir'I Do you know that yoo are an intruder io tbip club, pirf Do ypo know I could call the pervaotp aod have you thrown pot 7 If rpo wish to talk business, gc outside aod send in your card.r The collector went oot ahd sent ip bip card. William picked it up be- tween thumb and foreanger, adlodted bip monocle, aod read it. "Tell tbe gentlemen," be hald sweet- ly, "tbet I'm Opt ih.r Not Surprising The great liner was entering port after a record run. They ve dropped anchor, said a passenger to his lady com- panion. "I'm not surprlscdiw was the lady's reply. "It's been hanging over the side for a long time." Sir Mzlcolm Watson, of the Rose Institute of Tropical Dis- eases. says that malaria is the most deadly disease today. He notes that two-thirds of Ceylon, formerly prosperous, sre today uninhabitable on account of it. Galileo perfected the first thermometer and another ast- ronomer, Kepler, was the first to record the pulse, A Cause of Trouble "How's your wifeI" "Oh her back'9 troubling her just now." "Lumbcgof" "No, shc wants a new sealskin cost," BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday, November 22, 1931 10 a.m.--Sunday School snd adult class. 11 a.m.--Morning worship. Pastor will preach at both services. Topic "So Great Faith" Short address to children. 7:30 p.m.--Evening worship. Topic "Discipleship." A cordial invitation to all. Monday 7:30 p.m. -- Young People's Meeting. Led by the High School Chris- tian Students'ssociation. Wednesday, 4 p.m.--Children' meetmg, ob)ect study. 8 p.m.--Prayer and Praise. Friday, 7 p.m, -- C. G. I. T. Teen age girls welcome. Df Marjory MCGubbin DENTIST H perh 9 ~ m to 9 p.m. Saturdays: ie s. m. to I p.m. Fvrolngx dod Saturday After aaoop br appointment only. Rprpl Rpnb Building 4'hoor Wert l44 Ilrpidrorp I'boer West zpa DR G D JL SEALE DENTIST Hpr Siocb 14th aod Met(op Dr. Otnce Hours 9 to 8 p.m. Phono Wept 72 1 x I NURSING HOME (Mrd. M. K LaCbxocp, R.N.) 244 - 24th Sttrrl Easl Narlb Veacooxpx ((re(deere I buna) North 188SR C. 3. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and Marine Expert Work I'hone West 135 ~, e The Only Hope Her husband was not feebng well, so the young and inexperi- enced wife attempted to take his temperature. In a state of great excitement, she scribbled a note to the doctor. "Dear Doctor, please come st once--my husband's tempera- ture Id 136." The Doctor replied: "Dear madam, I'l come as soon ae I can. Meantime, send for the fire engine." 50,000 people visit mental clinics in New York City in 8 year. --INQwI-- ill I ~L Rogers "YOUNG AS YOU fEEL" -- NEWS -- t 'ARTOON-- COh(EDY Early Bird viohr(~ 9 39 to 7 p.m. plshuy, rxaepllxe Satprdpp ppd Hondxyx. ,r$25"x -J GIVEN AWAY IO' i (FRIDAY NIGHT--II-I II P.M~ $10.00, $5.00, 3 at 0?.00, 4 at $100 qB PRIZES IN ALL+ NEXT WEEK M 0 H.-v U Ea..W E O. Ruth Chatterton rh(AGNI I'ICENT I.IE" 7 H U RrP R L.SAV. RICHARD HARTHELM ESS "LAST FLIGII'rr DRESSERWARE 5',I NIGHT TUESDAY To every lady with s regular (doc) ticket a piece oi beau- j ) ti(ul Pyroloid Drepderware. -- LO"8'siist E I- ,,I ll