West Van. News (West Vancouver), 20 Nov 1931, p. 1

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0001 sn I I '.I „P'll ": '..'.~e 9f:S'..'Ã!L.hI:hI -:PALS Circulati ylgin 51.00 per year. SLX PAGES C, 'ol. VI PIP i A Weekly Newspaper Jhc Distrf'gt of West Vayycoflgycr-Ambi@side, Hollyburn, Wcstoyy, Dundarag,g CyprgSS Park, Caulfeild, Whytegliff, EtC. Newsstands 6c per Copy HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20. 1931 ~ No. 25 gn t tbo' Illa to aa nt tn nlalo Ioo Ie oalani nyoat tebat eottl, obool- hnoto liat aa, last Io to loot aaoatty a, h. oaten t giviiig lesson nany- ohat a !aiiiiiig w,o ha nnniql sC Io.na '" ll' aitgsl ki, 4~II I.Tn. 'Iso WEST VANCOUVER,» PT CHORAL SOCIETY The concert to be presented I on nnonaay evetung, the 23rd, will tnciuae some very charming numbers and tne chorus under tne caretui attention of the con- ductor, Mr. J. Haydn Young, wfll be quite up to the high standard expected frotn this or- ganization. The program is sufficiently varied to meet the taste of the most discriminating of the many musical critics with which our municipality is so fortunately o blessed. It has always been the am- bition of the Choral Society to foster music that has ofitstand- e ing merit and, whilst the pro-:" gram compiled for next Mon-„ I day's concert is so varied in character, the quality of the compositions have played a very ~ important part in the selections made by the musical committee. The West Vancouver Orches- tral Society have again come to the assistance ofthe Choral So- c;ety lh producing what is sure to be one of the otltstanding musical events of the season. The Orchestra will as usual be under the leadership of .Miss Margaret McIntyre, which is a suificient guarantee. of its ex-, uilb.n+, ai.d it 'Io felt 'dertaitf that tickets for the concert will be very quickly taken up and n full house assured. The admission will be by pro- gram, 50c and 75c., which can be obtained from any of the members or at the doors of the High School Auditorium on the evening of the concert next Monday. A special bus will leave Am- bleside wharf at 8:05 p.m. for the convenience of those attend- ing the concert and will leave the Auditorium. after the con- cert at 10:15 p.m. WEST VANl. CONSERVATIV4 TO MOI.D ANNUAL &IEETLVG The 'iVest Vancoaver Conner. rative Association will hold its annual meeting and election of oificers at the Fortune Cup Inn next. Wednesday,'5tlt Novem- ber, at 8 p.m. At this meeting delegates will also be chosen for tbe annual meeting of the Dis- trict Association, which takes placd'n North Vancouver on 4th December. All members of the associa- tion are asked to make a special effort to be present at the For- tune Cup Inn next IVednesday evening. IYI.AW PASSES BY 1,271 51AJORITY .Weft Vancouver gave the By- Fsw on Wednesday an over- whelming majority in one of the biggest polls in the history of he tqunicipality. The figures re ag follows: For the. by-law..... 1,297 . Against .:...ee..... 26 Spoilt ballots ........ 9 IM2 Majority . '...;........ 1,271 I. O. D. E. The regular monthly meeting f the Duncari Lawson Chapter, OtD.E„was heldaon 51onday, November 7th st the home of Mrs. F. J. Patterson. with the egent, Mrs. Hayes. in the chair, nd twentyeight members pres- nt. After the opening ceremonies he business"of the Chapter was lscussed. An oifer by hir Lloyd to plant ulbs for spring flowering at the Memorial Arch was accepted by he members with much pleas- re. Final arrangements for the Armistice Day Service, the An- Iial dz ce'a ii ni'SM-yob onvened by Mrs. hiasterman nd sponsored by the Chapter, were made. The bridge was o raise funds for the ex-High chool basketball team. Notice was g.ven that the new 0 D E playing cards were now ready and could be obtained rom any of the officers of the hapter. These cards are most t tractive consisting of two scks decorated with the crest f the Order and most reason- bly priced. They would make delightful gift. Tea was served by the hostess and the meeting adjourned after singing the National anthem. The next meeting will be held on hionday, December 7th. at the home of lairs. Hurst, West B y. EATH OF MRS. 51cPHERSON Mrs, Dorothy Chollwell Mc- Pherson, aged 42, wife of Major McPherson, died yesterday morning'at her home in Sher- man. The deceased was a native of England and had resided on the North Shore tatenty-four years. Besides her husband she is survived by three daughters. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 10:30 a.m. in the Burrard Funeral ChapeL Inter- ment will be in Ocean View Cem- etery. OVERWHELMING MAJORITY I'OR BRIDGE BY.LAW The overwhelming majority given the by-law by tha own- ers of West Vancouver property on Wednesday, is a cause for profound satisfaction. We say "owners of West Vancou- ver property" advisedly, because, while the majority of those voting were naturally local residents, it is only right that we should remember the many who came over from the city and other places to help us put the by-law over. One man, indeed, journeyed all the way from Hope to register his approval, and others came here from West Burnaby. We all know the quotation from Shakespeare which be- gins: "There is a tide in the nffairs of men, etcoe also the old proverb about opportunity. Mlany opportttnities which come to us in our individual livps are hard to rficognize as such at the time, and there is soma excuse for us when we fail to take advantage of them. Therb would have been no excuskwtbat-" ever for us, however if we had turned the Sy-law down, for nobody who voas not fit for a lunatic asylum could have failed to recognize it as the great opportunity for which West Van- couver had been waiting for years. It is a matter for sincere congratulation that the by-law passed, but it is the more so in that such an overwhelming majority vated in its favor. The British Pacific Propertietnot Limited are in a very real sense partners with us in the devel-'pment of aur upper level lands, and it is only meef and right therefore, that the company should feel we are with. them wholeheartedly in the huge scheme they are undertaking with- in our boundaries. At this time, too, when the various parts of the British:Empire are drawing together in a closer eco- nomic union, it is peculiarly appropriate that we should have shown this confidence and given the hand of welcome to this all-British company who have come to do business in our midst. The passing of the by-law is the most momentous event in the history of the municipality. But it is more than that7 It will have a proibund effect throughout the whole of Greater , Vancouver. Not only will it produce a feeling of hope and con- fi&enec& in-th immediate future, but the large sums 4, be spent here will relieve in no small measure the economic dis- tress from which we ourselves and Greater Vancouver as a whole are suffering. The First Narrows bridge is now assured to us in the immediate future. Of that there csn be no doubt whatever. No company would think of obligating itself in any way, let alone in the sum of 51,075,000, unless they had first obtained ample guarantees that a bridge would be built. A Lions'ate bridge must of, necessity be as integral a part of the upper levels'evelopment scheme as the water supply, for without a bridge it would be impossible to sell sny appreciable part of the property to private individuals. Our vote last Wednesday has also indirectly rendered pos- sible the building of the Garibaldi Highway and the acquire- ment of Garibaldi Park by the federal authorities. The road to that park must of necessity go through West Vancouver, via a First Narrows bridge, the construction of which has been rendered certain as a result of the development of the Hollyburn lands. Reeve Leyland and Solicitor Robson, who conducted the negotiations in the deal, have our sincerest congratulations, as have also this year's council, for the wonderful work they have done for West Vancouver, and in extending these con- gratulations we must not forget the previous reeves and coun- cils who followed a policy which has been brought to fruition by their successors this year. The community spirit existing in the municipality was never more evident than in the matter of the passing of this by-law. Political and other differences were all forgotten in the one desire to serve West Vancouver. Such a spirit always wins, and on Wednesday her citizens placed West Vancouver on the path to s great and prosperous future, I. I. P. TO GIVE DUNDARAVE LADIES'CHOIR 1VH 1ST DRIVE The Independent Labor Party, The Dundarave Ladies'hoir IVest Vancouver branch, is hold- has arranged to present its first ing a whist drive next Tuesday concert of the season in the Ing- 24th November, at 8 p.m. in the lcwood High School auditorium Legion Memorial Hall. There on January 8th. This will com- will be six card prizes and a prise a varied and entertaining draw prize consisting of a 56 program of extracts from Gil- order for merchandise. Tickets bert & Sullivan's light operas. 25 cents. There will be a pleasing selection for ladies'oices, an augmented DANCE chorus of mixed voices, and an interesting number of quartet- Friday 13th proved anything tes, duets and solos. It is expect- but unlucky as far as the I.O ed that specially adapted orches- D.E. dance was concerned. The tration will materially enhance Auditorium was beautifully dec- the attraction of this program. orated, horseshoes and emblems The performance will be entire- of Golxl Luck playing a large ly in costume, and should alford part, the orchestra was all that a gay and colorful spectacle. cauld be desired, and all were The Dundarave Ladies Choir, fifled with the right spirit of who have always shown great ogttlmism with the result that lt interest in community causes, was a most delightful and suc- will make a donation from the ce ful evening. proceeds to the School Board, 'I I edtlRS. KINNEY KILLED ON 5IARINE DRIVE Mrs. Kinney, a former pioneer resident of West Vancouver, was acc dentally killed at the corner of 25th snd Marine Drive Isst Wednesday evening. She resid- ed .in the city but had come over here to register her vote. and while crossing Marine Drive to catch the bus, wss struck by a pnesing auto, allegedly driven by Mr. Wylie of Sherman. The deceased who was 72 years old, was a widow of a former West Vancouver councillor. The body - was rem red to Hnrran Brae. and Williamson's parlors in North Vancouver, wi.ere an in- qiiest was held today. LEGION TO PRESENT "A NIGHT IN AV ARbIY CAVTEEN" Pleasant memories of the past will parade in review order on Thursday evening November 26, when the West Vancouver Branch of the Canadian Legion stages its "A Night in an Army Canteen." Once again the soldier boys and their friends will live over the glorious hours spent while out of the line snd back in rest billets where boxing and wrestling, games and stunts were the order of the day With the experienced master of ceremonies. L R. Lowes, at the mt gaplhone, the long and varied program of snappy enter- tainment will be run oif on n split-second schedule with bare- ly time for a long breath be- tween acts. Informality will be the key- note of the even.'ng--just a jolly go-as-you-please good time for everybody. In attendance will be a trumpeter to aid the master of ceremonies when the mega- phone weakens The usual re- freshments will have their place, an orchestra will moan and grow hot, the boxers will slug, the fencers will jab and the wrestl- ers wiB squirm--all for the edi- ficat on and delectation of the v Is i tars. For real fun and entertain- ment the evening will be worth several times the fifty cents charged for admission. Thurs- day. November 26th. promises to be a big night at the Legion Memor.'al HalL Fall In every- body--come and live over again "A Night in an Army Canteen." COURT OF REVISION A Court of Revision of the Voters'ist will be held in the Municipal Hall on Thursday the 10th December, st 10 a.m., for the purpose of correcting and revising the Voters'ist for the year 1932. The court will also determine any application to strike out the name of any per- son, which has been improperly placed thereon, and to place on the list the name of sny person which has been improperly om-'ttedfrom the list. An adver- tisement relative to this ap- pears in this issue. I. I.. P. The Independent Labor Party's whist drive held at the Clachan on Friday, November 13, was a decided success, the Clachsn being crowded to cap- acity. i After playing twenty hands at whist refreshments were served and dancing was enjoyed usta midnight. The prize winners were Mrs. F, Corbet, ladies 1st; Mrs. E. hiinions, ladiks'nd; Miss Grace Russell. ladies'ealed number. R. J. Morrig gentlemen's 1st; IVm, Currie,: gentlemen's 2nd: Mrs. Wiliim Currie, gentlemen' sealed number. Harry Jones draw prize, The next I.L.P. whist drive In the Legion Hall, Tuesday. Nov- ember 24th, X5IAS CHEER FUND Five weeks from today will be Chr.'stmas Day, and there will be many to whom that day will bring little joy and possibly little food. Let us at least see to it that the children of the unfort- unate have a happy Christman Any money received by us will br turned over to the Elks'mas Cheer and Relief Commit- tee of IVest Vancouver and ack- nowledged in this column. Already received: V. V. Vinson .................... 65.00 Okey when asked It his wite dotvea the oat, snswetedl "Yes. but only in sa adviaoty oapactty. COhlLVG EVENTS Thursday, November 26 -- Can- adian Legion, "A Night in an Arttqt Canteen." WATCH WEST'ANCOUVER GROW