0001 '7 Octo&ter 30, 1931lx::.i THE WEST VAN NEWS ROGERS & anI;e I'at. ios CLASSIFIED ADS FOR RENT-- 14odern 4 room bunga- low, farnishml. with tiled sin&i snd neo&i. Rent reasonable. App&y &2?4 Cordon hrenue ENG&.&SH LADY. practical aarse- Phone West 104L&. HANDY ANN SHOPPB, Daadarsre --Firewmks. Phone West 89. FOR RFJIT~ Romned Uafarnished house, range, good location. 610 for winter. Troughton, West 88. FOR SALE--Fire Brick-lined Heater, really attractive appearance, excel- lent condition, 810. Phone Wint 428L, Tbe rats for Class&8ed Adrertisemmits 4 2 cents per word, m1imam 25 cents. Except la the case of ames haring regalar sccoeam, aa clsssi- 8ede are payable str&nay la advance. Remember C&sss&0cds in the West Vea News get lmmmliste reealta r Ready for immediate delivery and using the net PENTODE tube-the latest development in radio. PRICED with Rogers S iw 65OGuaranteed Tubes JAPANESE GlltL Wants Housework dsy or month. Apply Marion oshino. Phone West 489R&. F PALMER, Chimney Sweep, Phone North 8& lk2. Foit RENT--8 Room House, newly decorated, comfortable. Reasonable. Phone West 61R. TO i&IVE AWAY -- Pretty Persisa Kitten. A per(mt lady. Phone West 28 L2. POR RKNT--Furaished &muse, fak plumbing, reasonable. 2068 Esqui- malt. Fok BALF~sod Kilchca Range& Dining Extension Table with 6 chairs. Kitchen Table. 2812 Marine. FOR RENT -- 6 rorno &muse, fak plumbing, best locatioa on Water- front, 625. Also 8 room cottage, electric light, water inside, 88. ha- ply 2124 Argyle. Phone West 80L FOR CH&RNEY SWEEPING sad Roof Repairing, Phone North 7&l. FOR PLUMB&NG REPA&RS 14s- Idence Phone West 24&K 5IAkCELLE SHOP -- Marceka 50 imam: reset, 86c; 0llger wave, 76c. Phone Mrs. King, West 80L FOR RKx&T--Neer Perry, comfortable house, modern, nice bright rooms, newly decorated, pert&y furnished, good location. Phone %est 620L. A GREAT BARGAI'I--Sir &vetkia's Ds&fodi&s and Narcissus at 15 cents per doxen, regular 50 cents. Ferry Confectionery, City Where This remarkable and inexpen01ve set gives a quality of performance un- equaled in many costly radios. FOR PAINTING, KALSOM&NING-- Apply C. L Konings. Residence phone West 8$4R. partial list of stations received from one saiitfied owner, KOH--Reno, Nevada KFWB--Hollywood KFEI Denver K ECA--Hollywood IVBBSI--Chicago KDYI c&nlt Iutke City K(IW--Sau Jose KGA Spokane The Following is a WOAI--San Antonio, Texas KIHOX St. I.ouin WLIV--Cincinnati K ROW--Oakland AUTO TOPS sad CURTAL&S, Up- holstering, slip covers. N. R. Ellis. 1427 blsrine. West 184KCAkLEY Buys and Sells Furnitaro-Repsiring and polishing, Paints, oils, stains, glass. Phone West 71Y. To RENT--1-Room boars on Mar&as Drive. Modern. Good range aml farnsce. Convenient location. Ap- ply John Lawson, West 65. TERMS: $6.50 down Per month $5.00 To RFNT--Nice&y furnished hosea Phone West 169R2. FUR 'WORK OP AI.L KINDS--West Vancouver Furriers, West 8941 POR SA&.E--6 Room House. 2 years okl, fully modem. Large lot. Good view. 68&&00. Apply Jobs Lawson, West 55.&VERB'S SHOE RBPAIRS WEAk BEST--Dundsrave. FL'kS CLEANED Expert werE guaranteed. gaits 4--428 14th St.ALL THE BEST Brands of C&gant Cigarettes and Tobaccos. Also Ex- change Poker Hands aud Consol cards Free. Ambieside Tea Rooms. kooM FOR RKx&T (with or without board&. Good location on 17th St. Excellent view. Moderate terms Phone West 55 or see John Lammn, 17th and Marine. C. J. BRODERICK, Photo Finisher, 1622 Marine Dr&ra Films, prints, enlargements. See our specie& snap- shot greeting csnh. SALESMAN WANTED For attractive radio proposi- tion in West Vancouver. Ran with incentive 'o work prefer- red. Phone West 87 for appoint- ment. a THE BURNING BUSH By Subndar Both Senator Borah at Wash- ington nud Mussolini in Italy .;: have suggested the necessity of altering some of the provisions ~ . "of the Treaty of Versailles, prc- skk65umably, of course, in favor of wv the vanquished. The Germans. tii 'poor lambs, have been very';hardly done by, although they ,I have uot been taxed as heavily as the British ta&&payer, aud have .&never paid one cent of repara- tious except what they have bor- rowed from other countries, since 1913. The United States Government is faced with a pop- uintiou of 29,000,000 Germans ?nnd German-Americans, every mother's zou of whom naturally - has aud is doing his best for hi9 brother in Germany. That is the secret of America's late entry : fiuto the war, of the comparative- easy terms obtained by Genu- iy nt the Treaty of Versailles, and of the subsequent whittiiug9 aud evusiou9. The German is very clever and we are very "jfooiish humanitariaus with the result that the betting at present i..'is distinctly in favor of the first 'named. Is it uot about time we woke up nud recalled to our ',minds such choice little items as 'poison gaa, the sinking of ho9pi- tni ships, ctc. Remember that the leopard may smile, but he &efr irt never changes his spots. So far as Mussolini ia concern'ed, it may be remembered that for some time it wa9 very doubt- ',. „fui whether Italy would uot side with Germany in the late Uu- R+kensautueas. 10 it not possible [ % if[ +&the hna returned to hey first love? i Gandhi is reported iu an A. P.', ... despatch to have been greatly amused because the goat which "vhau been feeding him since he , ' reached England resented hi8 ", fyieudly advances. The goat'5~ i owner excused the nuimai, say. . Ig j ing "He'9 an English goat--uot".an Indian one." Gandhi ought f-i to be eutiru)y familiar with Eng- .„ lish goats, for hc has been mak- e," ing goats of several million of,, them nud their government for local committees which in future will send meu to the government c mps shall be composed of one Conservative nud one Liberal In nii communities near to camps leading citizens on both sides of politics will be named so that the unemployed aud the public may have confidence in them. These committees will question every mau applying for work aud de- cide whether hc is really in need or uot. some years. He drew 8 moral from the incident. The British Government might also do the aume nud follow the lead of their pr;zc goat. BOARD AND RES&D&LICB -- 15tE ~nd Bellevae, assr ferry. Rates at- tractive. Phone West 458L NOTICE OF RESER'&'B GEO. HAY Established 1912 Real Estate and Insurance NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the reserve existing over the S.Kth Lot 1107, N. F R Lot 1100 N. W. &I Lot 1107. Lot 1106, S. K rh Lot 1109, S. W. th Lot 1109, N. E. th Lot IUD, Lot &1&0, Lot 1111, Lst 1112, S. F Lot 1118, N. K g Lot 1118, N. W. Lot 1118, Lots 1114. 1115, 1116, 1117. 1118, 1119, 1120 aud 1121, Groop 1, New Westminster District. is can- celled. H. CATHCART, Deputy Minister of Lands. Lands Department, VWor4, B. C., 80th September, 1981. IHAY WEED THOUSAND FROSI ROAD CAMPS Following the announcement from Ottawa of curtailment of relief work in B. C., it is an- nounced in Victoria that an in- tensive weeding-out process will take place among the 16,000 meu at present employed in govern- ment road camps. It is believed that the road staffs will be reduced by about 1000 meu. That number it is thought are uot nctuniiy in need, but are taking advantage of the present 8&tuat&ou. The public works minister, who is the man behind the gun in the unemployment relief pro- gram, returned to Victoria Tues- day, determined not to reduce the number of meu at work if it is possible to prevent it. He is telegraphing to the Federal Gov- ernment to urge it, when meet- ing Hou. J. IV. Jones, minister of finance, Wednesday, uot to re- duce the B. C. road program. He is hopeful, from hi8 owu advices, that if British Columbia eliminates from it8 camp ail meu who do uot need work, that the Federal Government will finally consent to the 37,000,000 pro- gram presented to it, It is beiieveri definitely, how- ever, that if the road program is finally approved the Pacific Great Eastern Railway exten- sion will go by the board. If it comes to a choice between cut- ting the road program 33,000; 000 and going ahead with the P.G.E work, which would cost that amount, there will be uo hesitatiou here. The P.G.E. scheme will be dropped. Thi8 is very likely what will happen. Mr. Bruhu declared meanwhile that so far as hu waa concerned no citizuu of British Columbia should be allowed to go hungry or without shelter this winter, So that there may be uo more talk of party politics in relief work, Mr. Bruhu nrrguged that Notary Pablic FIRE LNSURANCB ~ Butter Taify 3 cups brown sugar &Q cup molasses &/g cup water V4 cup vinegar 4 tablespoons butter I teaspoon vanilla extract Boil sugar, molasses, water aud vinegar. IVheu crisp in cold water ndd butter aud cook 3 minutes. Add vanilla aud cool on buttered pans aud break into pieces. FOR RBNT--Furnished snd Unfurn- ished Houses. Money Available for Rortgsges on "Modern Homes" 1406 Marine Drive Office Phone West 21 or Sey. 1260 Bee&deme Phone W. 82R or W. 204X BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, iugr. Dlsthlctlre Funeral Service Lady Assistaat 820--znl St. K Phoae North 626 E. Sewcli wrote the council asking for a street light at the corner of 16th aud Gordon. Placed on the light file. Cocos Island Treasure Hunt Wkh SIR MALCOLM CAMPBELL. K.B.E. COL. J. E. LECKIE. C.M.G., C.B.E.. D.S.O., F.R.G.S,. M.E. and the Metalo phone SHARES $2.00 EACH Get in on the ground floor Apply for your shares today R. H. GALE O'o. (Fiscal Ageats 1st the Cooos Is&sad Treasurer Lul,& 02,0 Howe St. Vancouver, Canada Sey. 312,1 %VEST VANCOUVER BRANCH J.W. Kelly Piano Co. Lgd. 1VEST VANCOUVER PHARMACY, Cor. 14th O'arine. West 37 West 37 &yysrmamumaus&x4&N0~nsm&swaruwusrusruwue&u&mvdb0&Barm&m~r r ovwry69&R9&06H0&&70&rusrusmsrusrumm&rusrm~o