0001 h .n r, rn e4 ~trrn c ce c' out c R w-ooi rrf st %NSIOs~ce rrrr t'r st~ r .rr rr rr r Vcrfloc ~ rrnrrrr rr\r r'r r c n'r rc \ nn r r'rr tn One Cent Cash Sale Of Rehgall Goods ON WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY 8K SATURDAY NOVEMBER 4th, 5th, 6th flc 7th Household Drugs aud Medicines, Rubber Goods, Toilet Articlesy Candy, Stationery and sundry items comprising at least 200 Articles in all at the price of 2 for l plus 1 cent. Same artidet and same prices as ei Rexhll't I c sales in Vancouver LESAGE DRUG STORE C.E. REID, Manager Geo Hay Building, Corner 14th and Marine West 323 GARDENS and GARDENING By MINA G. HUTT, Landscape Architect undsoto I Lnd pl ~ u. I C A Ine Scheel ol I d c p A hits t ~ sed~C. ht ~ N ~ L creep Wkc. As a general rule it is not ad- visable to use perennials in a garden where one is renting the property from month to month. It takes longer to grow perenni- als and the cost is greater than annuals. Through unforseen circumstances it may be neces- sary to move and leave your stock of perennial plants. )Ve know of one case where a party is renting a house and is'day by day expecting the owner to re- turn yet he is such an enthusi- astic gardener that he has actu- afly spent hundreds of dollars oii costly plants and has even put in z large concrete lily pond . His garden instead of being a real joy to him is a worry. He is always living in fear of being notified that the owner wishes to return to his home. If any oi our readers have such an intense desire for a garden we would suggest +2)at they purchase a piece of ground and garden to their heart's content. If ypur home is of a fairly permanent nature perennials are to be recommended for garden risking. The majority of them I;an be set out and allowed to re- main in their original location fdr thre.. cr four years. Tl.ey can then be broken uu ard trans- planted. Your stock of plants wtll be considerably increased and in many cases the neighbors may be supplied or the extra stock sold. Many of the perennials pro- duce flowers in the spring before the annuais are ever showing signs of bloom while others pro- duce a profusion of bloom in late summer or fall, but there are very few of the perennials which bloom in midsummer and in order to have continuous bloom in the garden it is necessary to work annuals into the garden for midsummer bloom. To be satisfactory only those perennials which will thrive under the growing conditions which apply to the locality in which they are to be grown should be chosen. Fortunately for us on the coast there is a wide 'choice of plants which will give good results. In choosing your perennial plants or for that matter plants of any kind, we have found it highly desirable to choose them from a local grow- er'6 catalogue. He is growing for a local clientele which it is desirable to please. In fact his success depends on it. In send- ing away to distant parts for a catalogue and then ordering from it usually results in dissat- isfaction, particularly where nov city plants are concerned. We have experimented considerably with such plants and in most cases have found ourselves dis- appointed in the result. Some eastern nurseries particularly in the U.S. make a specialty of nov- elty plants and seeds They com- mand a higher price but the re- peat orders are few. Your local grower depends on your continu- ed support hence he must supply you with only those plants which he has learned from experience sre satisfactory in your locality. This is not meant as a boost for the nurseries and seed hous- es but is given as helpful advice to those who are interested in securing the most happinees and health from their gardening ac- tivities. NoTE--Th orlter tris coeshl It ~ passers to ooo «eeoctlooc coecor~c tho p~n ht this colotee. Thc Iptectlcec ~Itoeid hc dd need to the rite lc can ol we Editor. Tl Si opens le ee lp loses or II ~ p retool r pip ts de leod ~ sto prhal.cd4 esne n throe shnhl ho colored. Union Barber Shop Nextahtowhy's NORTH VANCOUVER KIWANIS BRONDOEEST (Formerly tcitb Bhiioy'p) HEIGH HO r I COME TO THE FAIR ! I I Don't Miss the lmgion Memorial Hall FRIDAY and SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30 and Jl Wholesome Fun Proceeds for For Young and Old Children's Xmas Party LEGION KENTISH FAIR BAIRN NVA ZSHM RHJ, THE COCOS ISLAND TREASURE HUNT The Cocos Island Treasure ,hunt, which is being organized by the Cocos Island Treasure Company, is attracting consider- able attention. treasure hoards have been a subject of discussion for years, many appear to have a hazy ides of the exact location of the is- land. We might say that it is a small island situated in the Paciflc a short distance olf the west coast of Costs Rica in Cen- tral America. From a scientiflc standpoint there is little doubt that the met. alophone can be relied upon to locate the treasures. To the question as to the truth or otherwise of treasure ever having been buried there, we are informed that investigations conducted by the olyicials of the Treasure Company Into the rec- ords, in one case Admiralty rec- ords, have satisiied them that three separate and distinct treasure hoards were actually buried on the island at diiyerent periods in the psst. The "Cap- tain Davis" treasure of an esti- mated value of many millions is the first in point of time, the second is the "Devonshire" treas- ure valued at $60,000,000 repre- senting the spoils of a Captain Grahame, who while in com- mand of H.M.S. Devonshire, turned pirate with his crew, the third being the "Mary Dier" treasure estimated worth $30,- 000.000. tvhile a part of the last named treasure was recovered it seems quite unlikely that any ap- preciable portion of such huge sums in specie and gold orna- ments or jewels could have since been found and taken away with- out the news in some way leak- ing out. In support of this it might be pointed out that a part of the tressure is said to be a life size statue of the Virgin Mary in solid gold taken from Lima cathedral. The reason for the Treasure Co. offering shares to the public, they state, is that big capital would require too large a share in any proilts from the venture for the former to consider wish- ing to let them in on the deal. In spite of the above evidence, however, it is particularly em- phasized in the company's pros- pectus that any who invest are taking shares in a gamble and it must not be regarded in any way as an investment. Candied Popcorn for Hallowe'en II/z cups sugar or maple syrup I tablespoon butter 3 tablespoons water 3 quarts popped corn Boil sugar or syrup with but- ter and water until it spina s long thread; pour this on corn and if desired shape into balls. Pulled hlolasses Candy 1 cup molasses 2 cups brown sugar 1 cup water 8 tablespoons vinegar 8 tablespoons butter Put molasses, sugar,water and vinegar into saucepan and stir; boil until very brittle when dropped into cold water; add butter and pour on buttered plat- ter. When cool enough to handle butter hands and pull until light brown. Pull into oblong strips and cut with scissors. Creamed Nuts 2 cups confectioners'ugar White of I egg I teaspoon vanilla extract 2 teaspoons cold water Walnuts or other nuts. Mix sugar unbeaten egg white, vanilla and water into s stiiy paste. Shape into little balls, press between halved walnuts or other nut meats. Stoned dates snd large seeded raisins may be fllled with this cream, or it may be mled with chopped nuts, shaped into bars and cut into squares. Visit the Kentish Fair. N E)V DAIRY EI.ECTRIYIEI) THIS hlONTH Jersey Farm Limited has just opene&l sn eificient and up-to- date dairy plant at 3266 West Ninth Avenue, Vancouver, using an electrical installation of 64 horsepower, completed this month by the light and power department of the B. C. Electric Railway Company The equip. ment in the new building is of the latest type and includes a flne electric refrigeration plant. COSIBINED I.IGHTING AND TROLLEY STANDARDS INSTA I.I El) This month will see the com- pleted installation of a number of the latest type fluted steel trolley poles on Grsnville Street along sectors between Broadway and 16th Aves and 25th and 41st avenues. Considerable improve- ment to the appearance of the street is elfected by these new poles which carry ornamental lighting fixture besides holding the street railway wires. The electrical engineering depart- ment of the B. C. Electric Rail- way company has already made several installations of this kind on the main streets of Vancou- ver. Formerly wooden poles held the trolley wire and lighting standards were set alongside. Octolx.'t'0, 1931. HOHyburn THEATRE FRIDAY hnd SATURDAY Octpbor Seta ssd Sist FIII)IF CANTOR ia 'Whoopee'IONDAY pnd TUESDAY November Sxd hnd Srti 'Trader Horn'he BURRARD LAUNDRY For I'eople Who Are I'articular THIRD ST. csd ST. DA VIDE North Vancouver Phone North 1810. ivest Van Representative F. RIVERS I'hone )Vest 4101. YVEST VAN I.L.P. Membership Drive MEETING in Id.gipx Hall, FRHIAY, NOV. 6th, at 6 I'.M. Si'BAKERS'ISS SIORAN on My trip through Russia." W. W. LEFEAUX, "Party Matters." K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleslde Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 FURNACE and SHEET METAL REPAIRS Ambleside Sheet Metal lVorks IAURIE SPECK. Proprietor 1446 Marine Drive Phone West 78 Real Estate Finance and Insurance Kentish Fair Tonight. What Is Their Health Worth to You? Save Their Eyesight OU doa'I want chem Io go ihmugh life nuvoux pcdxnd iiiiixblp, handicapped by poor eyesight, do you) Glaring, unshaded light xad damaging shadows will ucxte havoc with icmpeixmdoi xnd eyesight. h flood of toft, digtudd flghi produced by tudnnfiutlly designed fixtures is ibe coiidu wxy io light the home. You owe it io your children xad Io Iouixcif io hare adequately lighted rooms. The cost II aoi gicxi and wh«n one figxicd out ~ fdw medical xnd optical bills ii is txtfly ides ~ small outlay ioi piopciiy dddigadd fixnudt aow is ~ sound iavczuneai for ihe fiutitc. Electricity 4 cheap-Nse tt freety cs BRITISI4 COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY CG. Ic ; Cc