0001 u October 30, 1931. THE WERT VAN NEWS f y sit. ls ed. He vbo tbe Ibt 'Oii. 'ful sd, Ru j), s&si 6 U Nn liss ~si s& s& lss Tg 0 l& mu Odorless Dry Cleaning and Dyeing SUITS ! Cissusd 6& 2 fbfh ! RKOKNT SUITS To &&RDKI1 $ 24.00 Higher grads suits our owu msks Saaao sud up ALTERATIONS sud REPAIRS WE CALL AND DELIVER M. WILLIAMS 15i68 Marine Drive Re&L Phone West 286L I'hone West 20 REWARD! To any person iiudiug s Assr line of delicious sii cream candy than those msds sud sold by Duuds&svs Cosh Grocery. For years, famous fos his candy iu the interior of B.C., hir. J. W. Cooper hss opened s candy iiiichsu at the DUNDARAVE CASH GROCERY "'" '"""'"'. L. OGDEN CO. Men's and Boys"urnishings Exclusively MEN'S FINE TWEED CAPS $ 1.50 Annual Dance of the DUNCAN I,AWSON CHAPTFR, I. O. D. Eu FRIDAY, NOVF51BL'R I.'1th, INGI.EWOOD AUDITORIUM The oArcadians" Special I'rizes Ladies 600; Gentlemen 75c. 12 Xmas Gifts in One-- Your Photograph XMAS SPECIAL S6.00 per dozen The King Studio MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT NOW .1586 Marine Drive. Phone West 40, V. V. VINSON, Proprietor. )VEST VANCOUVER GIRLS'HOIR There are vacancies in the West Vancouver Girls'hoir for voices from eleven to fourteen years. Membership in this choir is open to any West Vancouver girl. The practices are held Satur- day morning in the United Church Hall at 10 o'lock under Mrs. Colin MacLean. The concert this year is to be held between Christmas and New Years. After New Years preparation begins for a Musical Play to be produced at Easter time. So those wishing to become members are urged to do so now as membership lists will soon close. Phone Mrs. Colin MacLean for further particulars. Since Confederation Canada has produced 65,250,000,000 worth of minerals. JUVENILE FOOTBALL Games for Saturday, October 31st, 1931. Division I. A. & N. Bluebirds vs. N.S.P. Can- Ucks Mahon Park, 2:30 p.m. Referee, H. G. Botham. Division II. Lynn Valley vs. Kiwanis Blue- birds, Lynn Valley Park, 2:30 p.m. Referee, P. Hilder. Division III. Lynn Valley vs. West Van., Lynn Valley Park, 1:15 p.m. Ref- eree, J. Wardlaw. Toc H vs. Young Buifs, Mahon Park, I:15 p.m. Referee A. Harris. Oh Dear No "Talk about a woman's sym. pathy! I told my best girl last night that I was broke." "What did she say?" "She said so was our engage- ment." Phone North 285 Night: North 1415-R ASTBURY LUMBER CO. Lt(1. Cor. Esplanade & Chesterfield iNorth Vancouver BUILD NOW At Nearly Half The Cost of Two Yeurs Ago A CO5IPI.ETE BUILDING SERVICE AT A MINIMU51 COST Plans and Specificatiuns Drawn Up and Estimates Given LOANS AIIRANGED IF IIEQUIREI) Mrs. A. M. Hay. who has been residing for the past two months at 23rd and Bellevue, has return- ed to Vancouver. o ~ Mrs. Cotton, who has been in England for some time, has re- turned to her home at 23rd and Bellevue Avenue. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. Gordon Robson, 29th and Marine Drive, entertained at the hour last Tuesday afternoon. ~ ~ Miss I.ilies Davle, 15th and Fulton, has returned from 8 short visit to her sister, Mrs. J. Mitchell, at I.ong Bay, Gainbier Island. \ Mr. and Mrs. G. B. blcKirdy and family, who recently arrived here from Calgary, have taken the )Vatson house at 25th and K:ng's Avenue. ~ ~ ~ Miss Helen Nightingale of the Clachan Hotel, has returned from a holiday at Cobble Hill, Vancouver Island. ~ o o Mr. and Mrs. George Blyth moved last week into their new home at 22nd and Jeiferson Ave. Dr. F. T. Richardson, 14th and Duchess, returned this week from a trip up the west coast of Vancouver Island. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. R. W. Froud, 1231 Mar- ine Drive, who was quite in last week, is now slightly better.\ Mrs. Hilda Lloyd, who has been residing at 1252 24th St.. has moved back to Sherman. ~ ~ Mrs. Clark, 2611 Bellevue, has taken the house of Mrs. S. J. Foster at 2540 Bellevue Avenue, the latter expecting to leave here shortly to spend the winter in the south. Mr. and Mrs. Warburton Young and family, 21st and Ar- gyle, have moved to 28th and Marine Drive. o )Vnfiam Russell and party left last Monday for a hunting trip up the coast going by launch. A E. Tabor, 12th and Ingle- wood Ave., returned home last week after paying an extended visit to his son at Fairhaven, Connecticut. Mrs. Provincial ac- companied him as far as Mont- real, where she joined her hus- band. They expect to reside in future near that city. The Pauline Johnson juniors defeated the HoHyburn juniors last Monday at soccer by a score of 2-0. The match was played at Irwin Park. \ v Anthony--Tristram A quiet wedding took place last week in Seattle when Barbara, daughter of Colonel and Mrs. Tristram, "The Rack," whytecfiif, became the bride of Rex Anthony of Sixth Street and Capilano Bridge, bIarine Drive, son of Mr. anil bfrs. C. J. Anthony, 1890 Comox Street, Vancouver. I,. O. I.. L.O.L. No. 2990 will hold their regular meeting next Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. in the Orange Hall, when a candidate will be mitiated mto the Orange degree. Tomorrow evening the mem- bers of the lodge and the L O. B.A. will entertain the children of the Protestant Orphanage to a Hallowe'en party. They will leave the Orange Hall in ears at ii p.m. to go to New IVcstmin- ster, Kentish Fair Tonight. o \ ~ There is a big run af salmon going up Nelson Creek. ~ o Mrs. Lancaster of the Hay Block, 14th and Marine Drive, has just won a 610 prize in a kodak competition. o o ~ Mr. Whitehead of Birming- ham, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster of the Hay Block, 14th and Marine Drive. o Mr. and Mrs. Parker of West Bay have moved into their new home at Gleneagles. o ~ o iver. A. M. Stephen of Dundar- ave, Canadian poet and lecturer, was the speaker at a luncheon of the Sunset Club of Seattle on Wednesday. He spoke at a meet- ing of the Vancouver Poetry So- ciety on Saturday evening, his topic being "Algernon Swin- burne." Mr. Stephen read selec- t;ons from the poet's works. Dr. E. Fewster occupied the chair for the meeting, which was held at the Vanderpant Galleries. The winning numbers for Hol- lyburn Theatre programs drawn last Tuesday were as follows: No. 338 for 65 won by Miss A. Roley, 2386 King'8 No. 951 for 610 won by Mrs. Jakes. 1370 Clyde; No. 1114 for 615 won by iklrs. Crosby, 1425 Inglewood.\ \ o Joan Sparrow, 2360 Marine Drive, left last week for the Sol- arium at Mill Bay, Vancouver Island. o o o Mrs. E. Marsh returned last week to her home at 15th and Martne Drive, from the North Vancouver General Hospital, bringing with her her baby daughter. C. J. Legge of Victoria, is oc- cupying his house at 27th and Palmerston Avenue, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Garvin of Cypress Park, have leased 8 house at West Bay. ~ o ~ J. A. Vernon is building a house at 20th and Inglewood Avenue. \ s A son was born last Tuesday to Mr, and Mrs. G. N Cave of )Vest Bay. \ Surprise Party A surprise party was given to Frank Colpitts by the West Vsn. Paragon Club on Wednesday, October 21, 1931, at his home 1263 Fulton Avenue, on the oc- casion of his twenty-first birth- day. During the evening Geo. Gray, president of Paragon Club, presented him with a Waterman fountain pen and pencil as a gift from the club. The evening was very enjoyably spent in games, music and dancing. Among those present were: Mr. and 14Irs. T. W. Cutler, Mrs. C. Wintle, the ihIisses I. McCrum, Grace Creelman, Gladys Creel- man, D. Corbett. B. Williamson, V. Armstrong, D. McDonald, F.. Colpitts and H. Colpitts; blessrs. F. I. Colpitts. G. Gray, T Gray, Wm. Gentleman, A, Higginson, A. Jordan. J. McGechan. o ~ ~ Visit the Kentish Fair. m your Medics&s Chess si this ume PREVENT Ns&ar Admen&4 snd Accidsnm bmx&mh&6 serious. WEST VAN I'EUNACY The Sioso of So&siss. 1402 sisriuo Drive Wssi 27 Emu&goosy Phoae Wsot 221 (After 8 p.m.) Stratton's BAKERY BREAD -- CAKES Chocolate Cake, Bar Loaf Buna - Rolls Scones Nut Bread - Shortbread Christening, Birthday, Wedding Cakes ASSORTED PASTRIES Almond Varieties made at 1468 MARINE DRIVE I'hone West 27--or Call GORDON ROBSON Ium)otm R Souriios WEST VANCOUVER- Offico No. 1447 sissies Drive. Phone West 408. VANCOUVER OFFICE- Suiio 818 610 Hssiiugs St. W Phone Seymour 4100. HOLLVBURN Barber Shop 16th 4& Hssiuo EXPERT SBRVICE E. )4ARSH, Proprietor FUEL VERNON FEED STORE A. C. Searle, Phone West 9 Fuel. Feed. Fertilizers and Building Supplies Kentish Fair Tonight- trrPAULI&NE JOHNSON SCHOLARS )VliN AT SWISLSIING GALA In connection with this com- petition there are 12 candidates from the Pauline Johnson School taking part in the various events. Last Saturday an the heats in the various races and the finals in diving took place at the Crystal Pool in the City. Marg- aret Currie and biary Franklin were placed first and third re- spectively in the diving for girls from Public Schools, and Hugh blontgomery was first in the div- ing competition for boys. Next Saturday will see the various finals in au the races, as well as the relay races for which the school has two teams enter ed. The events are advertised to commence at I:80 p.m. sharp. BOYS'OLSEY SWEATERS & GOLF HOSE Nothing but the Best at Brooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear 14th ssd Hssius Drive. Phoae ivsot 144 Exclusive Agsuis Coriicsni Silt Hoss sud Uuivssssi Sweaters also Novelties, Toys, Sshooi Supplies, Hemstitching Local and Personal Household Products Winning Out On EQUALITY ALONE, MACLEAN'S Orange Pekoe