West Van. News (West Vancouver), 23 Oct 1931, p. 6

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0001 h» r ~ .~ v r. ~'4" rt tt ~~ stt t4 l ww A"os .'om't+ r~oo4 t't t'tw '4Itt titoist r ttclwut+ '. tory-t to 'rwr'r. %.trr 1rr 'rr ttr~ :r rtr r trr%.re'r ~ rrrrrrw.t 'rrr rr rr r THE WEST VAN NEWS PROPOSED XIODEI. INDIAN VILLAGtE AT CAI'ILANO Octo!mr 2'4, 1931. I Smith s Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Chief Matthias of the Capil- ano In&lian Reserve appeared be. fore the council on Monday eve- ning to solicit their co.operation in regard to his proposed model Indian village, to be erected, if his plans for the same prove successful, near the corner of Capilsno Road on the south side of Marine Drive. The cheif ex- plained in detail that it was an attempt to preserve for poster- ity the manner of life snd cus- toms of his race. He also hoped to establish a museum in which would be housed implements, weapons, and curios which were at present scattered among the different tribes of B. C. The federal government at Ottawa the Indian Agent, snd different societies in town were interested in the project, and he would therefore like the endorsation of the council. In reply the reeve said that in view of this wholly admirable in- tention to perpetuate the hist- ory of the early Indian peoples, he felt he could assure the chief that he would receive every pos- sible moral support from the council, but that he would like on their behalf to request that any plans for the development of the project be first approved by the municipal engineer snd the Indian Agent before being proceeded with. It wss then moved that the council give Chief Matthias every moral support in the pro- posed undertaking, provided that any plans for development first received the approval of the municipal engineer snd the Indi- an Agent before being carried out. Dundarave,","-",.,"'"„'.,',„". Ambleside„~ " M.&.." MONEY SAVING SPECIALS Friday Cy Saturday, October 23 Ct 24 Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK, VEAL, ETc. COOKED h'IEATS OF ALL KINDS, DELICATESSEN ROMAN MEAL por euttou.... 29c CAKE Fl.ol'R--Swouodowu Purkot ......--....................... Zhc SHAKER SALT--Regal, 2 lb. ruAou ...... 9c NABOB JAhf LARD--Swift'u Siltorlouf, 2 Cartons ...„................., „194 Rtd Jt White TOSIATOFti, No. Syt tiu ......-....... 9c Royal Crows OAThiEAL Toilot SOAI', . 6 cukoo in carton Ife PEARI. WHITE NAI'THA SOAI', A Noptha Soap made iu IL C. 10 bars 25c JUMBO CARBOLIC SOAP An Ideal Soap for Bath or Toilet 4 cakes 15e BUTTER Goldtu hltodow.............. 2 lbs. 65c hloudowtulo ........... 2 lbs. 49c (Two Stores for your service! HOLI,W BURN STOIC AMBLESIDE STORF West 3 West 303 Strawberry................. 4 nx tiu 48o Loganberry ........ 4 Ih tiu 40c Al'PL~onathou'x.... 6 Ibu. Ssc Por Box .......................... SIDS RED ARltow SODAS, Family oixo pocket......... 15o PORK S BBANS--Aylmor, No. 2 tiu .................. 2 tiux 15c CORN FLAKES--Qualior, Coutoiuu Vitamin "D"..2 pkto zhc We also carry Ham, Bacon, Cold Mea The Only Kind "Daddy." said the little boy at the seaside, "do donkeys have wives 1" "Yes, my boy," replied the father, "snd only donkeys." Taught Enough She: Have you ever had 8 les- son by correspondencer He: You bet! I never write to women now. What He Would Do Visitor to hiensgeriei "If one of your lions escaped what steps would you take 1" Keeper: "Dashed long ones, I csn tell you." West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Marine LIMITED Phone West 11$ W. J. Turnbull, Manager, Residence Phone: West SSSL SERVICE Everything for the Building. LU BE Rts, Sausages, Eggs etc. The hiodern Youth Merchant: "I msy be able to employ you as s clerk for s start --after that it will depend upon yourself and you will be paid ac- cording to what you are worth- is that all right?" ihIodern Youth: "Oh, yes--I suppose the firm wifi be able to afford itl" "hiiss Smith, do let me help you to more pudding" 'SVelk thanks," said the young woman, "I will take 8 little more but only s mouthful please." "Nary," said the hostess to the parlormaid, "Fill Miss Smith's plate." DOORS ROOF Lamatco -- Gyproc Beaver Board SASH ING BUILDING PAPER -- I'laster Iktsrd -- Shingles ANGI.ICAN CHOIR F9STIVAL At the regular autumn meet- ing of the Anglican Choir Festi- val held recently, arrangements were made for this year's ser- vice, which will be held at the Cathedral, by kind permission of the Dean and Wardens, on Thursday evening, 19th Novem- ber, with the final rehearsal on the Monday, 16th November. Mr. J. C. IVelch of Holy Trin- ity, is the conductor this year, and Mr F. Chubb of the Cathed- ral, the organist. The Festival will feel the ab- sence of the late Mr. W. H. Bar- ton of St. Michael's, their first chairman; his successor is Mt'. G. F. Bullen of St. Mark's, also an original member Mr. G. F. St. J. Dsvey of St. Saviour's, ls the very efficient and hard-work- ing secretary. Further particulars as to the service will be announced later, snd it is of interest to note that this will be the 19th Festival, and there is every indication of 0 record choir; last year there were over 200 voices. I ITERARY SO( ILTY The opening meeting for the present session wss held on Thursday evening, 15th instant., xi hen the presidential address on oLitersture and Life" was given by Dr. E. A, Henry. He began with s review of the successive changes in the manner of con- ceiving life from the middle of the eighteenth century to the present dsy development of hu- manism. He showed that this wss not altogether exempt from an occasional tendency to pass into something which could be hardly distinguished from mat- erialism in its vision of life. All genuine literature wss 8 protest against any view of human life which wss so narrow as to recog- nize a close resemblance to the life of the vegetable. The highest use of literature wss to enable us to see life in its full- ness snd nobility; snd the mast- ers of literature were those who showed us the invisible snd ideal fsr transcending any vegetative conception. Literature however, must be lived as well as studied if it wss to be appreciated. The more that community in study wss secured, snd the more the fine expression in great litera- ture wss shared, the more com- plete wss the appreciation by sll. But the power of appreciating great literature wss not to be ac- quired by everyone's reading newspapers or magazines, or even "literary digests." It could only be acquired by reading the great books so carefully that we were drawn into communion with the authors as fsr as our limitations would allow. Litera- ture would always be the fore- word of the humanities and of those agencies by which we be- come more completely human. The best thanks of the Society were conveyed to Dr. Henry by the vice-president, Mr. Duncan, who acted as chairman during the meeting. The centenary of Michael Far- aday will be recognized at the meeting of October 29th, when an address, which will deal chief- ly with his life and character, will be given by hir. J. Porter. ALL %PEEK SPECIALS you can buy No. 1 e following prices rade meat when t Inspected at th for cash or C.O.D. Local Lamb i"b'..'..'.......................... 25c L0INs 25 .„,...,... 15lb. RIB cHoPs 25lb.... 1.0IN cHoPs 35lb. Pork 10lb. .. ........... ............ .. ... ! LOIN I EGs ........ 16C .„.......15lb. PORK CHOPS dh5 ib....,............................ L Eggs Eges FRESH SECONDS (Baby Extras) dozen ....... 20C Why buy cheap g Grade Governmen Buy your stamps at your own local post office.ProvisionsSteer Beef BOILING BEEF .... SClb. PDT RoAsT 1 0clb. BLADE RIB ROAST RDUND EDUCE 15Roast, lb. PRIME RIBS lb. 5VL G RIBS 1 8lb. ............... . RUhIP ROAST, 1 8lb. 2u................... DEEP SIRLOIiV lb. ..... ... ......... .. sIRLOIv TIP 25 RIB sTEAK 1 5lb. ROUND STEAK 8SP Ib................................ S SIRLOIN and T-BONE STEAK, ib 25c ivIINcED sTEAK 25.......... 2 lbs. STE1VlhiG BEEF .. 2 lbs. ONTARIO CHEESE Tasty, lb..........,......„„.... Lilc BACON By the Piece lb 23C BACON Sliced, lb................ 30C BEEF DRIPPING ........................ 3 lbs L 9C PORK SAUSAGES CAMBRIDGE SAUSAGE, 2 lbs. 25C HIGHLAND POTATOES, 100 lbs. 70C MciNTOSH API I FS 1 dh r PoTATQEs 23C........ 25 lbs. Why Pay More? BUILD NOW WHEN I RICES ARE LOW Lumber for 12zls Gorugo including Aoor .......--. SSO.OO B 60 Ft. Close Board Fouoo 6.00 Shiplup from .............. 9.00 2x4 Common, xixod ........ 9.00 2 z 8 to 2 x 12 common, xlxod .............................. 10.00 M x 8 Bungalow Sidlug, Cedar, shorts ......... 8.00 lx2 A oud 4 D. D. Fir por 100 liu ft 60 Cedar Lattice, por 100 liu. feet .................,............. 4 iu. Clear Gutter, any length por lia ft. 08 No. I XXR Shingler ........ 2.26 Wall Shluglox--Perfection Per Bundle ............. JN SPECIALS 24x24--2 Light Windows 2„00 8xlo--4 Light Sash ...,.... 1.00 loxlS--4 Light Sash . 1.16 txlo--6 Light Sash .. 1.25 IexiS-8 Light Sash ........ Iids Gyproc Pluotor Board, Buildiog Paper, Fir Veneer xud uS Bundiug MutorluluSHORTENING DOSIESTIC ......., 2 ibs BURNS'AcoN ('/i lb. package& 20C BUTTER AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. Incensed! District Visitor: "I didn't see you in church on Sunday, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Brown: "No, mum; it goes against the grain to see the vicar burning them poor insects.'8th oud Murluo Drlro Phone West 199. After 6 p.m. soli for Gorry Dost Phoae West 241R. Roberts'etter Meats PHONE We@t 190 Delivery to all West Vancouver 72 g m g2,73 Lucky numbers In thisweek's Prize Drawing. Hold ihe numbered cwculafx and watch For Nuxi VVeek'4 Dra~s ELITE TAILORS & CLEANERS 757 Lonsdaie North 965 FOWL 55 8 6pc SWEET HOME MADE 1 5C Nm I ALBERTA 69