0001 fggi f. October N, III. THE WEST VAN NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS AnnOIIneeme For the convenience of West Vancouver customers the Firm of J. W. KELLY PIANO CO. LTD., is opening a branch at the corner of 14th & Mal inc, with George Gemmili of the West Vancouver Pharmacy as agent. Various models of the Latest 1932 Radios may be seen here on display and be purchased on easy terms Iiere also customers may obtain, at no extra cost, MAct'emeter" Tested Tubes ViSIT THiS STORE and you will Find it unnecessary ia go out of your own community in order io gei the Ben in Radio Service. WEST VANCOUVER BRANCH c POR CHIMNEY SWEEPING aad Roof Repsirmg, Phone North Tll. E PALMER, Chimaey Sweep Ptmac North SI I RE POR RENT--3 Room lleuce scwly decceaied, comfortable. Rssseuable. Phoae West 51R. FOR8ALE--Fire Brick-Ifsed Hester. really attractive appearance, excel- lent ccudftfem Phone West 423L MRS. W. R. CLARK, 23rd ssd Bcae- cuc, requests those who tcok tbe icelc, including crosscut sswc aad axes from her oatheuss te kindly return same. SIX ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT-- 8 room cottage ai 63 per month with water aad electricity lastallcd. Waterfront, corner of 21st sed Argyle. Apply 2124 Argyle, West 30L FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Rec- Mcece Phoae West 241R. MARCELLE SHOP -- Marccitcs 50 cents: reset, snci sager wave, 76c. Phone Mrs. Kiag, West 304 FOR PAINTING. KALSOMINING-- Apply C. L Kealsgc, Res ideucc phone West 394IL AUTO TOPS aad CURTAINS, Ue- hclsteriug, slip ccwers. N. R. Ellis, 1427 Mariae. West 184K. FOR SAI.E -- Beautiful registered Peklaesc Puppies. Phone North 426R. Tbc rate ler Clacclned Adrcrtimmcats ls 2 cents per wor4 mlalmsm 25 caste Except la the ceca of these bscfug regular accusals, aa cfaed- Scds crc parable strictly la adcsece. Rmuembcr CiamiScds la the Wmt Vsa News get lmmmSsie results. ntitp of stir into g The Igrrhtfy )do sci esibonld ,timebe. nccdnst ictspnrc te rcry fnm'sy Mi lbfnr sp nnf mmc omncb I~7kinn ins cnd ts & iffy~'c bc icd" ill 1fdnlyby, I ,sl,~I'rs fm'iff Xc Coal -:- Coal PATROiNIEE YOUR I.OCAI. DEAI.ER Ed. Black NANAIMO-WELLINGTON ] Lump DOUGLAS f or Nut GALT or DRUliIHELLER SOOTLESS QUICK SERVICE. PHONE FOR PRICES West 68--Day or Night. THE COCOS ISI.AND TREASURE HUNT The Cocos Island Tressure Ca. Ltd. is offering 40,000 shares of treasury stock at 62 per share ta the public As is well known the company han been formed to lo- cate treasure estimated at 6100,- 000,000 and known ta have been buried on the island, snd the whole of the money subscribell will be used for this purpose. The exclusive concession from the Costa Rica Government to search for treasure on Cacus Is- land has been acquired by the company, and the names of the directors are sufficient ta guar- antee ta tch investing public fair and honest treatment. As an ex- ample of this it is specially em- phasized in the prospectus that the expedition is a sporting ven- ture and in the same class an il lottery and nat an investment in sny sense of the word. It is, however, better than a lottery in this respect that, if anyone wins, everyone wins. The island is very small, and the hsvo been other unsuc- cessful attempts made before ta find the treasure due ta the fact that many of the landmarks on the treasure charts such as trees, tec., have been destroyed. The present expedition is de- pending for its success on the recently perfected mntalaphane, an apparatus for locating metals beneath the surface of the ground or the bottom of the sea. It is sn electrical device, which sounds as soon ss the detector is over metal of any kind, the louder the sound in accordance with the amount of metal be- neath. The machines ta be used at Cocos Island will register the presence of metal as deep as 96 feet below the surface,and act at the same time if over metal that depth below the ocean bot- tom. Anyone doubting the ef- fectiveness of the machine should see the free tests which are being given at 435 Granville Street. J UV EN I LE FOOTBALL Games for Saturday, October 24th, 1981. Division I. A. dt N. Bluebirds vs West Vsn., Mahan Park; 3 p.m. Referee, Mr. Batham. Division II. Kingsley School vs. Kiwanis Bluebirds; High School, West. I:45 p.m. Referee, Mr. Harris Lynn Valley vs. Beavers, Lynn Valley Park, 2 p.m. Referee, Mr. Moon. Division III. West Van. vs. Tac H; Amblesido Park, 11 a.m. Referee, Mr. Fiddes. Young Buffs vs. Lynn Valley Mahan Park, I:80 pm. Ref- eree Mr Hilder Sum Rept,ile "The snake to which I refer," said the school teacher. "is said ta strike with mathematical pre- cisian." "Do yau mean sn adder, sirlm suggested a bright pupil. 1VEST VANCOUVER AMATEUR SIVIMSIING CI.UB is giving aq'allowe'en Dance in the INGLEIVOOD AUDITORIUbl SATURDAY, Oct. 31st Dancing: 9 to 12 BERT KOOL'S ORCHESTRA Admission 60 Cents. PILCHARD BOAT GETS I 400 POUND TURTI F Everythmg from sardines to whales are taken in Canada's commercial fisherics but the crew of a British Columbia pil- chard seiner gat a real surprise th"e summer when they captured a 1,400 pound turtle off Vancou- ver Island. The prize was taken to the Noatka salmon cannery where it wss found ta weigh 1,400 pounds measuring nine feet and s half in length, ten and a half feet across, and about a foot and 3 half in thickness. Sa fnr as is known, this is the first time a turtle has been sight- ed aff British Columbia, and, in- ceidenfally, the creature's pres- ence has added ta local conjec- ture as to whether or not there is any relation between the oc- currence of particularly large runs of pilchards in provincial waters from time ta time and the presence there, in the same peri- ods, of specimens of marine life which, ordinarily, are found in more southerly areas only. Five years aga pilchsrds were abundant aff Vancouver Island, and sharks, sunfish, snd other marine creatures snd growths not usually common in British Columbia waters were also quite numerous at the same time. For instance, the fisheries vessel Givonchy, when proceeding from Cape Scott ta the Virgin Rocks ssw "millions of physalis, com- monly known ss 'Portuguese Men-af-War,' which appeared ta be of tropical origin and were a form of marine life never be- fore seen in such northerly lati- tudes by the captain of the ship. Subsequent examination of spec- mens at the Nanaimo station of the Biological Board of Canada brought aut that these physalis were nat the typical forms but were what are known as "vol- vella." This summer the pil- chards were running in excep- tional numbers aff Vancouver Island and once more the sharks and Portuguese Men-af-War and other sautherners were more numerous than usual, with the big turtle added for good meas- ure. No Query Eric wss a walking fund of questions. "Daddy, wha--" he began for the tenth time that morning. "I say, young man." said daddy, "have you ever heard the story of the little boy who asked sa many questions that he turn- ed into a question mark. Eric had not heard of this little boy, and pondered deeply on the matter. "But, daddy," he asked at length, "how did he manage ta keep the dot under himself lm Buy your stamps at your own local past office. J.W.Kelly Piano CO. Lgd. I WEST VANCOUVER PHARMACY, 14th O'arine. West 37 West 37 C~l ~ OO. A GREAT BARGAIN--Sir lectkia'c Dslfcdils aad Narcissus at 16 ccats per dmen, regular 60 casts. Ferry Confectionery, City WhsrC. CARLEY Buys sad SeRc Furaliare- Repairing aud pcnshiug, paints, oils, stsius, glass. Phono West 71Y. THE BURNING BUSH By Subadar Edison, the gentle old Ameri- can sage, has passed on to the great majority. Unlike many other scientific men, he did not give his talents towards inven- tions for making war more hor- rible. His discoveries have made for the happiness of the people, snd, while, nat professing to any orthodox farm of religion, his outlook on life was in essence distinctly religious An expert in his own line, he was too wise ta make a fool of himself by posing as an author- ity in other fields in which he was ignorant. For this we may be devoutly thankful, and his ex- ample might be well followed by other distinguished men who weary the world with their in- sane vaparings on subjects in which they are not distinguish- ed. Scarlet-tinted tocnails snd ash hair are ta be the thing at the winter beaches this season. It is enough to make the average msn sick, for what women in her senses would wish to draw attention ta her taensils. Why not paint the nose 0 deep blue and the ears 3 pna green and carry a large sunflower as a sun- shadeg It would be just ss sen- sible. Hawener, the recent ultra absurdities of fashion are slowly but surely wrecking fashions, and that is well if disastrous ta the Jews who control the mak- ing of women's garments Al- ready one observes rebellion a- mong women at the dictates of fashion. The Empress Eugenic hats are not taking on, neither is the long skirt much observed on the streets. The time is coming when fashion designers will have to confine their efforts nat to changing the shape of garments, but to the material and combinations of material Used. According ta a U.P. despatch there is a prapcxcsl before the annual congress of the American College of Surgeons to charge every surgeon with the deaths which follow his operations snd to credit him with the successful ones. Thus each surgeon will receive a rating based on results. The idea is a splendid one, for the medical profession has of late years lost prestige as a re- sult of the poor work of its in- efficient members. Both the pro- fession and the public generally are in sad need of protection from these latter, and the above plan, if carried out, would do much toweed thesheep fram the goats. BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL S. D. WHITE, nlgr. Dfctlscttcc Feacrcl Sccclcc Lady Assistsat 320--3rd SL E Phoae North 525 TO RENT--4-Recm hesse ca Mariae Drive. Modem. Good range aed furca«e. Convenient lccatioa. Ap- ply Jehu Lswxee, West 66. FOR SALE--5 Seem House, 2 years old, Cally mcdera. large 1st. Gccd view. 83t!00. Apply John Lawsus, West 66. FURS CLEiLXED -- Expert werk guarautccd. Suite 4--423 14th St. YOUNG LADY -- Will leek after children morning, afteracce aud evening. Bcaconablc. Phoae West 047R. ROOM FOR RECT (with or whbeet beard). Good location on 17th St. ExecScat view Modem te terms Phone West 66 or sce John Lswccu, 17th sud Marine. LOST--Child's Hors-clmiaed Glasses on 17th or nlarine ea 14oaday. Please phone nest 494X. C. J. BRODERICK, Photo Fletcher. 1622 Marine Drive. Films, prmts, enlargements. Sec csr cpemal sasp- shot greeting cards. BOARD AND RESIDENCE -- 15th and Bellevue, near ferry. Rates at- tractive. Phone West 458L CAPABLE GIRL wah lafsats'os- pital training wants position. Phcea West 67'IY. FOR REVT--Farsisbcd bouse, fall plumbiag, reasonable. 2003 Esqui- mslt. POR RE.(T--Near Ferry. cmafertable house, modern, ulcc bright rooms, newly decorated, partly furnished, good location. Phoae West 620L. TO RETT--Nicely faraisbcd scuse. Phone West 169R2. FUR WORK OF ALL KINDS--West Vsucosver Fsrrierc. Vi'ect 394L WEBB'8 SHOE REPAIRS WBAR BEST --Duudarave. ALL THE BBST B ~ or CI~ Cigsreffcs aud Tobaccos. Also Ex cbaugs Poker Heads aad Coesol cards Free. Amblecidc Tea Rcoma NOTICE OF RESERVE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that thc reserve existing over the S.E.ch Lot 1107. N. E. xt Lot 1107, N. W. It Lot 1107. Let 1108, S E. ch Lst 1109. S. W. ih Lct 1109, N. E. It Lct 1109, Lut 1110, Let 1111, Lot 1112, S. E. '4 Let 1113 N E g Lct 1113 N W Lct 1113, Lots 1114, 1116, 1115, 1117, 1118, 1119, 1120 aud 1121. GreaP I, New bvrectmiuctcr District, is caa- celled. H. CATHCART, Deputy Miuister af Lands. Lands Dcpartmeet, Victoria. R C 30th September, 1931. '. OVBTIBgtpn PIONEER BARBER 14th and itlarine Expert IVark I hone II est 185 GEO. HAY Established lshe Real Estate and insurance Nctacy PsbRc FIRE LNSURANCE FOR RBNT--Furaicbcd sad tiafsra- lshcd Hcuccu Messy Available fer Inertgsgcs ea "Mcdcta Healce" 1405 Marin Drive Omce Phoae West 21 er Sey. 1900 l4sfdcece Phcoc W. 32R cr W. 2042 ~ " C ~ ' ~ r ~ k C '« " c Ce e k ' eeet