West Van. News (West Vancouver), 23 Oct 1931, p. 4

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0001 V sVV k r VV rsvr . vr r ~h k'V V A VVA ' * VA VW ~vsv k e. s WV ve, Ssr~V Av rsve sks s si '«4"v 's "s s F r-s-~s * +V'*s's 'FF' ~V 'r ~ rprp '~' VFFFr'rvz r«rrr rv'.rrrrvr, v r vrsV-'rr rrr m"rrv - '.rrv rrt Frr vvvr. 8fOChf:j S! THE WEST VA N N EW8 GARDENS and GARDENING By MINA G. BUTT, Landscape Architect r sdssi le Ldo sake U. I C A kss Sshwl 4 I eds ~ Asshkssiess osrdselse. Ids hss Nsske I Ledsssps snkv Why worry about talflng your children to the City to have their Photo taken. The KING STUDIO has opened a Branch in West Van- couver for your convenience; latest Styles and Finish to choose from, at Prices to suit your pocket. TWO OPENING SPECIALS during October--6 for 85.00 and 12 for 56.00. Phone West 40, for appointment. The King Studio 1586 Marine Drive. V. V. VINSON, Proprietor. VOTERS'IST 1932 Persons desiring and entitled to have their names placed on the Voters'ist for 1932 as Householders, Licence or Poll Tax Holders, must file a declaration (which may be made be- fore a Notary Public or the undersigned) in the form provided, on or before the 31st day of October, 19S1. Forms may be obtained at the Municipal Hall. Dated this 9th dsy of October, 1931. Bring tubes in on your way to City Pick them up on way home. Speedy dependable tube-testing service is maintained for your con- venience at the West Vancouver B.C. Electric Store. dust leave them in the morning and they'l be ready For you on your way home in the evening. Any faulty tubes will be noted and iF replacement is necessary you msy have the new tubes charged on your regular light bill. Store opens at 9 a.m. and closes ai 5:30 p.m. Thursday, of course we ckse si I p.m. If this is not convenient For you--kave them ai our Carrall Sweet Store (handy to the ferry wharf). Leave tubes in morning-. ready ai night. root Positive know, Mary. r's bill came w out?" think so, ma aster singingfe tion of Len orner: "I ss ill that sa d ten minu 'Well, sir, our inches." Purple Cabbage Pickle Chop finely I gallon purple cabbage. Add f/g cup salt, snd then put in stone jar. Over this pour boiling water, cover and let stand until cold. Drain well through a cloth. Again pour over with boiling water and drain ss before. Add I cup grated horse- radish, snd over thk 2 quarts boiling vinegar to which have been added 2 cups sugar. Cover and 1st stand until cold. A fines te Gust long w I ordere niter I about f gth y, wa usage tes ag I shou Irs how that W say Herbaceous Perennials are a- ever, they were very slow In get- mong the first ot the flowers to ting started. The plants pur. show s.'gns ot life in the spring. chased this spring did much bet- Many of them make their ap- ter during the early part of he pearance before even the early season than those which winter- trees and shrubs show signs of ed over in the boxes outside. awakening, This is due to the Other plants such ss the fact that they store uP energy hardy bulbousvarietiesmsyalso during the previous growing sea- be used to advantage much more son upon which they msy draw than they are at the present for an early start in the spring time, The fact that they haven' Evening appointments if desired. The colorful showy flowers of been used more freely in the past the herbaceous perennials snd isperhapsduetoalackof under- If you are unable to go home for Xmas send your picture. " '"" '" y pr u e ea y standing of just how liest to use bloom, make them one of the them in the general garden mainstays of the home garden scheme. Later on we hope to be Their comparative ease of cul- able to tell you something about ture and fairly permanent nat- the growing of this type of ure adds considerably to the'r flower. In the meantime thenext popularity. few articles will deal with the Trees in their natural setting growing of the dift'erent vari- will in most cases have growing'ties of Hardy Herbaceous Per- under them certain lower grow ennials or, as they are more ing shrubs or plants the whole commonly known, Hardy Peren- blending in harmony. On at nials. tempting to make our home sur- ' ~ ~ roundings more comfortable and Mrs, J. A., West Bsy, wishes beautiful it will be helpful to to know when to dig up her copy nature in so far as possibk dahlia plants. If the plants have CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF by the use of Proper trees for been trusted and have turned shade with a blendmg in, of black they may be dug anytime IVEST VANCOUVER shrubs and flowers including It still green let them stay in both perennials and some of the the ground until the first frost showiest of annuals such as pet- cuts them down then dig, 1st lip unias, cannas and geraniums. It in the sir several hours then might be interesting to note here store in a frost proof place. that last year gersniums were planted in our window boxes on korg the west and south side of our I o. - ee«usos sark, Ih. e~d house and lived in a dormant The eesstf ~ hseld h dd sssvl Is state throughout last winter and Ih\ rkv' ssrs si vs edict thiS Spring, Started u and are ~ «I p k se ssslp I srII ~ p rssssl rsplv Is dssIr d ~ ~Issspvl Still blOOming Strengly. HOW s n ddr ssd serslsps shseld hs wclosva B. C. SKIERS FOR The following took part in the 1V51. HERRIN, OLYMPIC GAMES proceedings: D. Holten, Grouse Mountain and Revelstoke Ski B. C. representation on the Clubs; B. Newbury and R. Fras- Canadian team for the Olympic er, Hollyburn Pacific Ski Club; winter sports at Lake Placid, L. Loutet, Grouse Mountain Ski February 4-13, was discussed at Club; C. Eng and J. E. Walker, a meeting of tbe Western branch Vancouver Ski Club; W. Walkfn- EgHT HOUR SERVIQE of th c n di A t u ski h, Pri Geo g ski cl b; embraces twelve clubs with TWO-THIRDS OF WORK ON RADIO TUBE TESTS Mulqueen head of the Olympic ork on the trans-Canada tee-n- a I- committee, with the result that Phone Profect is reported by a special meeting had been called Ge rge McCartney, superintend- in the East for Monday to dis- nt of construction. cuss the western angle. The fol- The construction forces are lowing telegram to Mulqueen keeping pace with schedule on and Allen was drafted, to be the British Columbia link, and brought up at IMonday's meet- the entire job is expected to befinished by the end of the year, "A special general meeting of as originally planned. The work the western branch here today in this province involves the unanimously endorsed a resolu- erection of about 3',000 new tion that Princeton be authoriz- poles and the stringing of two ed as training quarters and new circuits (four wires) from venue of Olympic trials for the Vancouver to Crow's Nest Sta- West and that a qualification tion on the Alberta boundary, standard be immediately fixed over a route of approximately by your executive. The West 680 miles. has won the Dominion all-around Rugged country in the interl- ski championship for the past or of the province has provided three years and holds the present innumerable barriers for the amateur ski jumping, 18.)dlo- construction men and engineers, metre and 50 kilometre records and th s summer forest fires of the American continent. have been adding to the dffffcuf- li d si ned Strongly insist that the Canadi- ties. Nine circuit miles of the Collapsible cartons, special y es gne, an Olympic ski team be selected new Ine and more than 70 poles make tube carrying easy. from among the best of sll Can- have been destroyed by flames. Supplied Free at any of Our Stores. ada. We name six eligible and When the fire demon invaded fully-quilified men to be chosen the Coquihalls section, the tele- from Nordmoe and Gotaas of phone gang of Bob Whsley spent Camrose, Jorstad of Winnipeg two days battling the blaze. Lymburne of Revelstoke, Knud- There sre now 14 construction . Ltd. sen of Princeton, Stone of Van-, phone Company has ever had on BntlSh COlumbia EleCtnC RailWay CO., tu. couver, Engstad of Burns Lake, gangs--the most the B. c. Tek- and Sneis of princeton. These a toll line construction job --at men have been in training all work st various points between summer. Advise what action will the Pacific Coast and the Rocki- P be taken." es. Nearly 200 men are employ- "Do you if my A special committee, consist- ed on the single undertaking. dressmake hilst I ing of D. Holten, W. Walkin- have been shaw, R. Fraser and R. J. Verne, Oh, So Heavenly! "I don' was elected to work out amend- can hear m ments to the constitution for the "Aye, we hsd a lovely time next annual meeting. This corn- kst night," said Jock to an Eng- Inittee was also given the task lish friend. "I was in a hoose iter of organizing and looking after where there was seven pipers be the trials and they were a'laying differ- ot" The Vancouver Ski Club was ent tunes. Mon, it wss juist ld voted into full membership and grand -- julst like being in was welcomed by the meeting. Heaven!" October 2'I 19'll Hollyburn THEATRE Thpieder. friday sad Seiucdhy Octeher Xt, ZS, Zd, George Arliss in The Millionaire stander And Tuesday, October ZS And Zv, 'iennese Nights 'he BVRRARD LAUNDRY For I'eople Who Are I articular Taiaii ST. Awt ST. OA Vii)S North Vancouver Phone North IS10 West Van Representative F. RIVERS I'hone West 4101. I FURNACE and SHEET METAL REPAIRS Ambleside Sheet MetalWorks tAURiE SPECK. Piepcleioc 1446 Marme Dnve Phone West 78 K.W. Savory 1443 Slanne Drive Ambleside I'hone West 340 Evenings, IVest 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance l Apple Salad Chop an equal quantity of apples and cabbage and stir into them a cream dressing. The juice of the apples will greatly dilute the dressing, so do not use too much. The apples should be chopped only a short time be- fore using. A few minced nut meats sprinkled over the top are a pkasing addition I'resclence Little Johnme was very hard on his trousers. One day his mother was buying cloth for an- other pair, and ordered more than appeared necessary. "Why do you get so much7" asked her friend. "Oh," was the reply, "this is for reserved seats." 'I heir Intentions Dora: "I don't intend to get married until I sm thirty." Nors: "I don't intend to bo thirty until I'm marrledse Fired Himself Foreman: "Send in Murphy. I saw him smoking on a load of owder a while sgo, and I'm go. ng to fire him.k Rafferty: "Ye needn', sorr. Here's part of his hat."