West Van. News (West Vancouver), 23 Oct 1931, p. 3

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0001 l bblq ) Aft» 1 lstl LN,) sl „',j iBig ets;l R I ihe LL 7th issues ~ iles IOR KLL = rgb/ltt d«lies gabe hd)sof +lgf 9feund October 23, 1931. Odorless Dry Cleaning and Dyeing SUITS i Cissusd de ~ es es i REGENT SiiiTB TO ORDER DRFAHKB & sud Q 1 gtj $ 24.00COATS j Pressed Higher gesds suiis uur uvn msks 936.99 sud up ALTKRATiONS sud REPAIRS Phone West 20 WE CALL AND DELIbER M. WILLIAMS 1568 biarlne Drive REWARD! Res. Phone West 286L Tu any person nudiug s Ause i)us of delicious sii cream candy than ihsss made ssd void by Duudsrsve Cash Grocery, For yeses, famous fsr his candy iu the iuisrisr of B.Ce Mr J. W. Cooper hss opened ~ mudy Eiiehsu at the DUNDARAVE CASH GROCERY "'" '"'"'- W. L. OGDEN CO. RY an- soci- day to on- ger No. ion for passengers. Executive feek that, as bridge communication with the south shore has not been restored and the ferry Washington has re- turned to its owners in Seattle, it will be too much to expect the three ferries to handle traffic. The City Council will be re- quested to cancel all free passes on the city ferries. The rate- payers suggest that, in lieu of passes, city officials make use of an expense account each month, this to apply only when they are on civic business. DEPI.ORES DELAY IN RESTORING BRIDGE Comment on Second Narrows bridge situation wss one of the salient features of the annual report of bl. E. Sowden, presi- dent of the Board of Trade, at the annual meeting in City Hall Thursday night, 15th instant. "It is disappointing that funds are not forthcoming to replace the fallen span," said Mr. Sew- den, "but something certainly must be done, and that immedi- ately, for we can not hope to de- velop without a bridge. We must yet make another eii'ort to in- duce the Dominion Government to consent to the loan to the bridge company -- failing this, and only as 6 last resort to save ourselves, we must raise the funds here." Presentation of another peti- tion to the Dominion Govern- ment was suggested "to con- vince Ottawa that we really have the people of the lower mainland behind us." Referring to the Pacific Great Eastern Railway, Mr. Sowden said: RVe are indeed pleased to note that completion of this rail- way by the Provincial Govern- ment is being started. We trust that the railway will be built into Peace River and then we will have a railway that is a real as- set " REV. COL. FAI.LIS AD- DRESSES lilEN'S CI.UB There was a large attendance last Friday evening at the first supper meeting this season of the Men'9 Club when Rev. Colon- el Fallis gave a very interesting address on "Europe as I see it today." The subject matter of the lecture consisted of observa- tions made by Colonel Fallis dur- ing his visit to the Old Country and Europe this summer. He stated the League of Nations was largely occupied in trying to heal the various sore spots left by the war. So far as England was concerned, he was confident that John Bull would overcome all the difficulties with which he was at present surrounded. Buy your stamps at your own local post office. WEST VANCOUVER SCOTTISH SOCIETY Progressive Whist Drive & Dance at the CLACHAN HOTEL, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21th, at 8 p.m. Refreshments Dancing Admission 35 Cents Good Prizes ASTBURY LUMBER CO. Lid. BUILD NOW A COMPLETE BUILDING SERVICE AT A MINIMUbl COST I'lans and Specifications Drawn Up and Estimates Given LOANS ARRANGED IF RE(IUIRED Phoae North 285 Night: North 1415-R bien's and Boys" Furnlshinns Exclusively MEN'S Winter Weight Socks- 19e, 39e, 45e scovsus eeesviis URGF. CONSTRUCTION DANCE SOCIETY OF ANOTHEII FER The next meeting of the B. C. Executive of the North V Scottish Country Dance Society couvcr City RatePayers's ation at its meeting Thurs of West Vancouver will be held night, 15th instant, decided in the Clachan hotel on Friday suggest to the City Council, c October 30th, at 8:15 p.m struction of another passen Fvery member is requested to and vehicle ferry similar to kindly note the time and place. 4 but with more accommodat THE WEST VAN NEWS Local and Personal PRIN PATS Pauline'ohnson School is sending in both a boys'nd girls'elay team in the Lower Main- land School Championship bleet, which takes place tomorrow and the following Saturday in the Crystal Pool. They are also ent. ering several individual perform- ers in the swimming and diving events. ~ \ ~ Mrs. C4slin MacLesn entertain- ed last Friday afternoon at the tea hour at her home, 20th and Marine Drive. e ~ ~ The first snow of the season fell on Wednesday morning on the plateau of Hollyburn Ridge. This is unusually early, and it is to be hoped does not portend a hard winter. ~ \ Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Parnum have moved into the Greer house at the corner of 24th and Ot- tawa. J' eMiss Doris Stone, teacher of voice production snd theory, is receiving pupils st 1318 Argyle or st her studio, 814 Robson St. She is a late pupil of Marie Fox- on, L.R.A.M., A.R.A.M., of Lon- don, England. ~ e W. Coleman of Vancouver has moved into the Sinclair house at 18th and Waterfront. e ~ ~ Ross Minions cut his knee badly while playing football Wednesday morning on the play- ground at Hollyburn School. Several stitches were necessary to close the wound. Mr. and Mrs. W. Allison, 1257 Marine Drive, have moved into a new house next door. e e Mrs. Lance Garthorne and her son and daughter, 22nd and Marine Drive, returned on Sun- day from a visit to Portland, Oregon. e e Mrs. Roberts A. Vase is mov- ing her office on October Slat from Ambleside to her home, "Driftwood," Radcliffe Avenue, West Bay. \ e There have been in all 292 entries from thirty-eight differ- ent schools for the Lower Main- land Schools Championship Swimming gals. The West Van- couver High School and Pauline Johnson School are well repre- sented among the contestants. e ~ e Mr. and Mrs. K A. Ray, 21st snd Argyle, with their son George snd his cousin, Walter Kallof, have just returned from s week's hunting trip on Mr. Ray's ranch at Agassbx They re- port pheasants as plentiful in that part of the Fraser Valley.\ Mrs. A H. Phillips of West Bay, won the cedar chest raffled by the young ladies of the Church of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary. e MrL V G Ley of Vancouver has moved into a house at 2832 Belkvue Avenue.\ s ~ West Vancouver swimmers and divers and those who follow water sports generally will have heard with regret of the death this week of Vincent J. Dunn, the dean of swimming on this coast. He ives always a promin- ent figure at Dundarave Regatta in his capacity as judge, and his genial presence and the fairness of his decisions will be greatly missed. New playground equipment consisting of swings and see- ssws have been installed on the playground of Hollyburn SchooL They are very popular among the younger children. ~ ~ ~ The Misses Bessie and Mar- garet Smith have moved into a house at 2614 Lawson Avenue. Mrs. Brydone-Jack and daugh- ter moved on Monday into a house at 26th and Bellevue Ave. ~ e ~ A keenly contested game end- Ing in a tie of 3 goals each was played last Friday afternoon st Ambleside Park between the senior soccer teams of Pauline Johnson and Hollyburn Schoolsh ~ e ~ Mrs. H. T. Thomas, 1328 Ar- gyle Ave., was the holder of the lucky ticket in the drawing for an ebony and brass tea-table which was put on last Saturday by the West Van. Pharmacy to celebrate their eleventh anniver- sary. The annual Christmas concert of the West Vancouver Public Schools will take place this year on Wednesday, 16th December. Parents and friends are asked to make s note of the date. e ~ ~ Mr. snd Mrs. W. Jenvey and family moved on Tuesday from 22nd and Inglewood into a house on 14th Street. ~ e e Mr. and Mrs. G. B. blcKirdy and family of Calgary have taken a suite in the Fortune Cup Inn and have taken possession. s \ \ Mrs. D. Steele, who has been residing for some months st Ucuelet, has taken up residence at 1219 Duchess Avenue. MBI ESIDE FISHING COMPETITION 1VON BY CITY SIAN The Ambleside Fishing Com- petition put on annually by the Ambleslde Tea Rooms, which closed this year on 15th October, was won by T. Dodson of Van- couver, with a 155i4 lb. salmon. IV. Hardy, 2104 Gordon Avenue, wa's seuond. with a Ih'Vs.ns fish. The first prize is s 65 gold piece. and the second a 52.60 gold piece The fishing this year was not as good as usual, the fish not being so plentiful and not so inclined to take the spoon. LEGIOV GIVES SUCCESS- FUL WHIST DRIVE 13 for 49c WEST VAlf PHARMACY Ths Stere sf Seevkes iieg Mseius Drive W~ 97 Bmsegeuey Phoae West Zgi iafisr 9 p.m.) Stratton'S 'AKERY BREAD -- CAKES Chocolate Cake, Bar Loaf Buna - Rolls Scones Nut Bread - Shortbread Chnstening, Birthday, Wedding Cakes ASSORTED PASTRIES Almond Vurieiies made at 1468 blARINE DRIVE Phone West 27--or Call GORDON ROBSOV Barrister S Ssudise WEST VANCOUVER-- Oflice Ns. 1447 Mseius Drive. Phone West 4SR VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 9191 619 Hastings Si. W Phone Seymour 4199. HOLLVBURN Barber Shop 16th a Msrius BXPERT SBRVICB F IfARSH, Propvistes HOLT- The Glass Man 1470 Marine Drive Phone VVess 27 All kinds of Glass Work FUELThe Canadian Legion, WestVancouver branch, gave the sec-ond of their series of whist driv- es at the Legion Memorial Han on Thursday evening, 16th in- stant. Eleven tabks were in play, the winners being as fol- lows: Ladies 1st, Mrs. H. E. King, 145; ladies'nd, Mrs. E G. Groom, 143; consolation, Mrs. Shellard, 113; gentleinents 1st, W. Sister. 149; gentlemen's 2nd, Mrs. LeShure, 141; consolation, T. Garland, 116; hidden prize, Mrs. E. Alexander. Miss F. Groom gave a piano solo which was much appreciated, and re- freshments were served at the conclusion of the evening. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. Searle, Phone West 9 Fuel, Feed, Fertilizers and Building Supplies Engagements iblr. and birs. R. iV. iMain, 20 East Fffty-ninth Ave., Vancou- ver, announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Cath- erine IVilson, to 51r. Arthur Tan- ner, eldest son of hlr. and Mrs- G Tanner of Dundsrave The »»ddsng will take place m Rsver- view United Church on Thurs- day November 26 st 7 30 p m )VEST VAiVCOUVER SCOTI'ISH SOCIETY The regular monthly meeting of the West Vancouver Scottish Society was held in the Clachan on Friday night. After the busi- ness meeting a very enjoyable musical evening wss given by the following artists: hire )Vil- loughy and Mr. James Holt with iblr. Stevens at the piano. Miss Wallis and Miss Shearer of North Vancouver, and Mr. Mc- Connachle of New Zealand, now of Vancouver. A large number of members and friends were present and were happy indeed st hearing such a delightful musi- cal treat. I. L. P. The regular meeting of the I,L.P. will take place in the Legion Hall at 8 p.m. Itonight) Fridav, October 23rd. The pu)Y lic is welcomed to all LLP. meet- ings Don't forget the I.I P. whist drive Tuesday, October 27th, in the Legion HalL Prizes same ss last whist drive, with refresh- ments. Prices in accord with the times (all for 25 cents). HALLOWE'EN Novelties aBd Fireworks Brooks'ry Cboods attd Men's Wear 14th sud Mseius Dvlw. Phsus Wast 144 Exclusive Assets Csviiesui SilE Hsss sud Universal Sussssw shs )Isvsitlssh Toys, Sehosi Supplies, Hsmstiishiug