West Van. News (West Vancouver), 23 Oct 1931, p. 2

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0001 44 -w m mvv E V 4l 4Ivxo* VI V ( VI IVIVln I VV V~V VVV V * W4m VV O ~" xv ~ . I.O I'Xl Ow Ifiix - Idl ~ ' A4 ~ 4 ow' In I I 3 I'vtx amon -~ O. 4r '- ~ ' '- ~ ' 4 'V VVVVIvmv V V. V« V 'r v vviv4V VVVV~ 'Vr VV Il Svrxv VV~-.V v'rvv4 r» 'vr'V v v\ VV r XVVV VVVVVVVV THE WEST VAN NFWS „+xBG'- CITYfoCITY.COA!TtoCOAXT u~jgm 7tfl Vl'L I I ~49 p) Rapid Restful I Economical j)IIQNE $ 7I3I fnm ~ . %II ~ Oxx ~ lxxllx ~ ~ United Church Retaliation The little girl hsd been naugh- ty and had been punished by her mother. When bedtime came the child said her prayers and re- ferred to everyone she knew ex- cept her mother. After that there wss silence for a time, and then the child said: "I hope you realise, moth- er, that you weren't even men- tioned." Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunday October 25th, 1931. 9:66 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a m. and 7:30 p.m.--Public IVorship. Dr. Henry will preach at both services. The morning topic is "The place of Vision." The evening topic is "The "BUTS" of Life." The weekly meeting for praise meditation and prayer on Wed- nesday evening from 8 to 9 o'- clock. We are studying for 0 few weeks some of the Psalms. Next week it will be Psalm 3. L I P. West Vancouver WHIST DRIVE LEGION HALL. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, at 3 p.m. TICKETS 264 The Trail Rangers invite sll boys from 12 years up to meet with them on Tuesday evenings at 7 o'lock. We have an attractive pro- gram followed by s half hour of games. The C.G.IT. is under wsy for the season, Miss Jean McLaren leading the girls'ork. Girls of the sge of 12 and over will spend a profitable evening in this very important department. Every Friday at 7 o'lock. WHY IS THE GIDerfdotyu Beauty Shoppe turning out two to four perman- ent wxvoo every dxyt BECAUSE--this new machine gives x more nxtaroi permanent with more comfort xxd dooo xot discolor white hair. Phone West 117 The ministers of the district are sponsoring a concert which the Choral SIKiety has been Itind enough ta,~ in behalf aSk)he Relief Furid of West Vancouver. The date which the people sre asked to keep vacant is January 18th, 1932. Details will be given later. Roherta A. Vass CHIROPRACTOR Will move Ogico on October $1, to bor home "Driftwood," Rxd- diCe Avenue, West Boy. On the first Sunday of Novem- ber (Ist) the hours of service will be changed back to former days, viz., 11:16 a.m. instead of 11 a m. and 7:16 p.m. instead of 7:30. Residence phone West 233RI. Next Monday eveding at 8 will be held the weekly YoungDoris Stone People's Association, when RegTeacher of VOICE PRODUCTION xxd THEORY Late pupil of kiorio Foxox, L RA.M., A.R.A.bL, London, England, is receiving pupils at 1313 Argyle St., or Studio, $ 14 Robxon Street, vancouver. Rale ood Female Voices Hamilton will read 0 paper and lead in a discussion on "The value and dangers of newspaper and magazine reading." Last Monday 0 very interest- ing time was spent in the study of Korea, lead by s fine paper on that land by Chas. Baldwin. Eoiobiiobmi oa North Shore 20 Ycoxx. (Lxdy Assistant) HARRON BROS. 8( WILLIAilISON funeral Bireftars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 The Junior Girls choir contin- ues practice Saturday morning at 10 o'lock. It is preparing for a concert to be given in the week between Xmas and New Years, of which due notice will be given later. There will be an emergency meeting of the Women's Associ- ation on Monday afternoon in the Church Hall at 2:16 o'lock. At a good sized meeting of the W.M.S. last Tuesday after- noon the annual Thsnkoffering was made. The amount that day was over 626 which will be aug- mented by contributions from many unable to be present. Mrs. John Reid occupied the chair; a suitable solo was sung by Mrs. Howieson while the ad- dress of the day wss by Mrs. A. E. Mitchell, Presbyterial President. She brought s report of the annual meeting of the Dominion Board. In spite of the depression a note of assurance rang through all the meetings of the convention. Stress was laid an prayer and a closer walk with God. Mrs. Mitchell said that such a life would solve the fin- ancial problem A social half-hour followed, snd the afternoon pronounced a worth-while one. THE West Van lVett)s PxbUobod Every Frkixy Psbuobor F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Booieooo xxd Editorial Ogkol Iytb oxd Marino Drive (Next to Honybarn P. O.) Phone West 363 Hail Addroool P.O. Box 61, Hoiiybara. B.C. 31.00 ~ year by carrier; 32.00 s year by malL Nowoxioads 6c. por copy, WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society BRITISH ISRAEL CANADIAN LEGION ME3IORIAL HALL NEXT SUNDAY Ie o. m.~bool for Children. 3 p. m.--Spooborl CEIURCR BDIFICR 20th oxd Eoqoimon, Hoilyborx Tbio Sociliy Ix x Branch of The Mother Church The First Cburcb of Christ, Scloxiixi. In Bootes, bixxooobaooito Sunday Sorvaoo 11l'sa ~ .m. ond Visa p.m. Sunday, October 25th, "I'ROBATION AFTER DEATH" MR. PERCY KING Subject: "FI,EEING FIIO)l THE DEVIL" Mr. King broodoxxio over CKWX every Wodxoxdoy ot 0 $0 p. m. St. Stephen's ChurchSunday School at 10:00 ~.m. Testimony biooiixg Wednesday ~t 0:16 p.m. Rector: Rev. F. A. Ramsey, LT.S. October 29th, 1931. 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--School. 11:16 a.m.--Matins and Ser- mon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong. The West Vancouver Scouts snd Cube will parade to St. Step- hen's Church for the 11:15 ser- vice. At 7:15 p.m. the Ven F. C. C. Heathcote will speak on matters of importance discussed st the recent General Synod held in Toronto. A discussion will fol- low at the close of the service. On Thursday, at 8 p.m. the Archbishop of New Westminster will induct the Rev. F. A, Ram- sey as Rector of St. Stephen'0 Parish. He will be assisted by the Ven. F. C. C. Heathcote. The special preacher will be the Rev. J Thompson, Rector of St. Ag- nes, North Vancouver. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Csrey Res. 2658 Marine Dr. Tuesday--7;30 p.m.--Rosary and Benediction. Friday--7.30 p.m. -- Rosary, Benediction, Confessions. Saturday--7:30 p.m.--Confes- sions. Sunday--8:45 a.m. -- Holy Mass. 1:30 -- Bible History, Catechism Classes. 2:30--Ros- ary snd Benediction, Baptist Church Pastor Rev. H, P. Humphreys Phone W. 262R. Res. 1343 Heywood Ave. BAPTIST CH co Sunday, October 25th 10 a.m.--Sunday and Adult Bible Class. 11 a.m. -- Morning Worship. Pastor will preach, topic, "Co- Partnership." Brief address to children. 7:30 p.m.--Evening worship. Topic, "Light and Darkness." Everybody welcome. The W. A. Study Group will meet at the Rectory at 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday. St. Stephen's Bazaar The annual Christmas bazaar under the auspices of St. Steph- en's W. A. will be held on Friday 20th of November. I&londay, 7:SQ Rdu.x-B.Y.P.U. All young people over 16 heartily welcome. Wednesday -- 4 p.m., Special Children's meeting. 8 p.m. -- Prayer snd praise with address. Friday, 7 p.m.--C.G.I.T. Teen age girls welcome. Presbyterian Church Services in the Orange Hall. Minister: Rev. J. W. Cuddeford, Phone North 1107. Service Hours 2.00 p.m All departments of the Sabbath School. Also Bible Class under the leadership of the minister. 3:00 p.m. -- Regular Worship service. Sermon subject: "The Divine Messenger Seen from Afar." The third of a series of studies in the historical evidence for the Incarnation. A most int- eresting subject. A warm invitation to all not otherwise engaged and wishing to spend the Sabbath afternoon profitably. One Week's Special Evangel- istic Services, commencing Sun- day, November 1st. NORTH SHORE WELFARE DRIVE Organization of North Shore division of Vancouver Welfare Federation preparatory to the campaign is almost completed. Mr. M. E. Sowden will act as general chairman of North Shore campaign and Mrs. G. G. Johnson is chairman of the women's division. Other lead- ers selected are: T. C. McMillan, chairman of industrial and busi- ness section; Clarence Wallace and Captain J. H. Cates, em- ployees'ection; G. H. Morden, publicity; Ivor Jackson, honor- ary secretary. Team captains for the wom- en'0 section are: Mrs. A. D. Mac- Innes, North Lonsdale area; Mrs. R. A. Sargent, west of Lonsdale Mrs. H. J. Bremner, essb of Lonsdsle; Mrs, M. F. Humphrey, Lynn Valley; Mrs. James Chapman snd Mrs. H. J. Iverson, Capilsno. Field workers in the industrial and business section will be William Craig, Harry Curtis, E. C. Walsh, Ber- nard White and R. Elliott. Campaign headquarters have been located at 62 Lonsdale Ave. The phone number is North 642. Thought for the week: OBet- ter to have fine things to LIVE FOR and not much to LIVE on, than to have any amount to LIVE ON and NOTHING to LIVE FOR." Canada hss 82,715,000,000 in- vested in forestry and allied in- dustries. Canada supports a farming population of 3 300 000 Canadian transportation sys- tems operate 43,000 mlles of track. The Curate's Mistake A curate was having tea with some new parishioners. On the sideboard were some cut-glass decanters, filled with what look- ed like whisky and various other spirits. "My friend," said the curate to hix host, "you should avoid even the appearance of evil. I do not ssy that you drink, but "Why, they are only filled with furniture polish snd floor stain. It's the decanters I like--they look so pretty." "Exactly," said the curate. "I repeat, avoid even the appear- ance of evil. I took a drink from the big one in the middle." Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Smith, who have been occupying a house st 13th and Keith Road, have moved into their new home at 16th and Gordon Avenue. Buy your siamps at your own local post olfice. 566,000 people are employed in Canadian manufacturing plants. Ortnhpr 2.'I, 19.'ll Df. Marjory ihlcCubbln DENTIST Hoono 0 a Ix. 'Io 0 p Soiordoyol ie ~ . m. Io I 9™ Evoxixgx oxd Solonioy After- XOOIIO by oppoiximoai oaiy Royal Book Building Pboxo IVool 440 nooidooxo I'bono Wooi 39L t)R G D H SEx4LE DENTIST Hoy Block I4lb oxd Manse I» 0 Dingo Hours 0 io 0 p.m. Evenings by oppolatmoat. Phono West Iz NURSING HOME (Mro. M. IL I,ocboxco. R.N.) '294 - 24ib Slxool Eooi Norlb Voacooxox nmldoxxo Pboxol Norib Izsgk EarlyBird Tickets Exolr ~Igbl Ixlopllog Soir. Ad nx Ek, Sled isc Cbildrox iao A New Coxlody OO David Boioxoo Smgo Sooclmo "BACHELOR FATHER99 An Fxox Side Wolf wbo orxokxo ixlo Socioly --NEWS- Laureland Hardy "OUR WIFE" A noiluog Good program biuo., Tlwo., Welt Next Janet Gaynor ~xd CHARLES FARRELL Io "REIIELY MARY ANN" A Dengblfoi PIOIOIO AIOO NEiVS COMEDY Come Eorig Attention Please DRESSERWARE NIGHT Will Commence Tues., Oct. 27th SIIII lxdx PIImollox ~ regular o Iool Imxxt oui rxomxe ~ oloox ol Pxtololx armmroaro LoiiSI'IA'LE 6! 0 J "tGAYNOR ci ~F4,RRELL 4ktehgWmgann Henry King Production As a penniless waif hc loved her-- as a lady of wealth he shunned hgr -- until romance found Its way aomloe Moo Tmw. Woa Noxl LONSDALE