0001 h t rvtrrv t'\ v tvVr ti u ~vtrvt vvr v ~ rt r rr wl rt . i t tt'iti t~'tti %tiry 4Wt . ~ivittr 'v't'v'r 'r'*'t%r trvr i *r'r vrvrvv trVvr~r 'r 'r vvv vv ~ I"r M'vvr. rrir ~ rvrvvrvrrrv rrvvr Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dun4arave,', " ""„'„",'mblesi4e„" MONEY SAVING SPECIALS Friday Vr Saturday, October 16 Ct 17 KING APPI.ES--Wonderful Cook. tvx uud Good Eutevx. Puv Bux ............................ 61.00 'quiCK OAT~usher, Ptv C~ vloll .....-.................... 174 PASTRY FLOUR--Vl'Rd Ruuu, 10 lb. suck ................... 25c Rvd ft White BREAD FLOUR 24-nx tuck ................ 65x Rvd a Whiie WHOLE CLAMS, White Tender Clams, free from Crit. Puv iiu ..................... 1st CRISCO--1 Iix iiu ....... 24c FRAY BENTOS CORNED BEEF It can bu utrvvd iu many itmsi- iug ways, Stv iiu ................... 16c BUT1'ER--Finest Alberta Butter 6 Ibe 754 REID iiROS. CAKES SULTANA uud GINGER--Made From Suiiuuux uud CvytiuRxtd Giuxvr, 1uvgt tat......... 30e ALiiOND TAICTS--They are delirious. Sev btx ....... 25c Rtd Jt White TohtATO SOUP- Wiih the veui Tomato nuvuv. 2 tins 25c HONEY--Ritdtii' . Pure White Clover Hussy. Exvtiitut for colds. eisa zyi iiu........ Sec Rtyui Crown WASHING 1'0% DER hiude in th C. large packet.... 17e Save the vuupuux for 1'remiums, ROYAL CROWN SOAP- .'11xdu iu IL C 8 bur carton 2ic Suva Ihe wrappers for Uutfui Gifts Royal Crown CLEANSER. hixde iu B. C. Ptv packet sv BUY B.C. PRODUCTS WORLD CONDITIOiNS HIT SAIihlON CANNING Although the pack of canned salmon in British Columbia up to 'the end of August--up to Aug- ust 29th, to be exact--was only 666,470 cases as compared with 1,579,899 cases at a correspond- ing date in 1930, the decrease is not any indication of 0 depletion in the salmon runs but is the result,chielly, of the present un- favorable market conditions, combined with the heavy carry- over from last year's production. 1Vith world economic conditions as they are, there is, of course much less than normal induce- ment to undertake intensive op- erations Even the fishing for sockeye, the higher priced sal- mon, has not been as Intensive this year as usual, according to reports made to the Dominion Department of Fisheries by its Chief Supervisor for British Col- umbia, and at August 29th the sockeye pack totaled 269,862 cases. A second factor tending to keep down total pack this year is that, so far as the pink cycle is concerned, 1931 is the year for the small run of this variety of salmon in the north- ern Ashing areas. Sugar Snaps 1 cup butter, 2 cups sugar 4 cups flour 1 egg 1V2 teaspoons baking powder THE WEST VAN NEWS LFATHI'.R MADE FROM SKINS OF CATFISH Selling the skins for use in the manufacture of leather, a Asher- man in Yarmouth county, Nova Scotia, found a market this year for catAsh, a variety of Aeh which iishemen in his district had previously been unable to sell to advantage. The skins were exported to s United States flrm carrying on leather manufacture and sam- ples of the Anished product, soft and pliable and dyed in several colors, were subsequently receiv- ed by the Dominion Department of Fisheries. The total business done by the exporting Asherman was not large but it was sug- gestive of possibilities for the future. It did not involve the employment of any sp«cial pro. cess by the flshermsn himself but simply the skinning of the lish and the pickling of the skins for several days prior to ship- ment. The skins brought about Afteen cents each. Fishing for actfish is not ord- inar.'ly carried on as a distinct operation in Nova Scotia waters but catches incidental to other fishing operations are made olf some parts of the province. Crab Apple Catsup Scald crab apples and put through colander. Take 8 pounds crab apples, S cups sugar, S cups weak vinegar, I teaspoon pepper, I teaspoon cinnamon, I teaspoon cloves, 1 tablespoon salt. Boil until it is like jam. French Salad To I pint canned peas add I pint celery cut finely, Vx cup wal- nuts chopped finely, 7/ cup chop- ped orange. Serve with mayon- naise dressing on shredded let- tuce. g5 l];S ALL %VEEK SPECIALS rade meat when you can buy No. 1 t Inspected at the following prices for 'cash or G.O.D. Local Lamb Provisions LEGs 25 oNTARIo cHEEsE 25lb........................... Tasty, lb. ! .........,.....,........, 35c ........„... 2 LOIN CHOPS 42 g BEEF DRIPPING CAAIBRIDGE ! ) ) C SAUSAGE, 2 lbs. 25Clb. HIGHLAND lb. $ Sc POTATOES, 100 lbs. 70C JONATHAN APPLES ) 25 1 6C Box .................................... ~ POTATOES PORK STEAK f 5 26 ibs 23Clb. SHORTENING DOAIESTIC ........ 2 lbs &eye BABY EXTRAS %C HADDIF, dhdh D~. 35C FII LETq lb..................20C Why buy cheap g Grade Governmen Steer Beef BOILING BEEF Sclb. ]0c BLADE RIB ROAST lb........--..-...-------.------ ROUND BONE 15Roast. lb. PRIAIE RIBS f 7lb.. WLNG RIBS ) 8lix .... RUAIP ROAST, ) 8lb. T-BONE ROAST lb. SIRLOIN TIP ...15IIL ............................ .........20lb... SIRLOIN and T-BONE STEAK, lb. „.. 25c MliNCED STEAK ...................... 2 ibih L9C STEWING BEEF 2 lbs. PHONE W@02 190 Delivery to aii West Vancouver Roberts'etter Meats October 16, 1931. ! JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK, VEAL, ETc. COOKED hIEATS OF ALI. KINDS, DEI.ICATESSEN West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and hlarine LIMITED Phone West 116 tV. J. Turnbull, ihlanager, Residence Phonei West 3681. SERVICE LU SER DOORS ROOF Iiamatco -- Gyproc Beaver Bonrd SASH ING BUILDING PAPER -- Plaster Iknird CF' Shingles WEST BAY, Oct. 14, 1931 'I e Editor West Van News: Re I'OSTAGE STAibll'S Dear Sir--It seems necessary to lct the public know the new rules laid down when stamping correspondence. If posted in Greater Vancouver to anywhere in Greater Vancouver, where let- ters are delivered to the houses, a sealed letter only needs a two- cent stamp, but to places be- yond where letters have to be called for at the post office, a three-cent stamp is necessary. This applies in West Vancouver to Wadsley P.O. or places be- yond, but Hollyburn and Dun- darave only require a two-cent stamp. I have recently had to pay two-cent excess in three in- stances, one an invoice and two receipts, all from Hollyburn P. O. and naturally resent having to do it. I want to "keep smil- ing" and help others to do the same, so everyone please take not!ce. Yours truly, "HAD SOME." We might also suggest that West Vancouver residents buy their stamps in West Vancouver and so give 6 reason for future developments in the postal ser- vice. EDITOR. WEST VANCOUVER SWIAIMING COACH EVOI.VES NATIJRAI. I.AWS OF S1VIMAIING Norman Cox, Vancouver resi- dent and former collaborator of the famous swimming writer and coach, Louis de B. Handley of New York, and friend of Wil- liam Bachrach, the celebrated coach of John Weismuller; has just completed a set of manu- scripts of Speed Swimming. These papers deal with the mechanics, the physics, the phy- siology and the laws of speed and balance as well as the details of form connected with the now world-famous dual-rhythm crawl movement and style introduced by Mr. Cox .nto Vancouver elev- en or twelve years ago. It is interesting to note that Bob Grainger, coach of Percy Williains, was the frst main!snd swimmer to learn and compete with the then new stroke. The foundation for Bob'0 knowledge of the dual-rhythm crawl was laid by Mr. Handley in personal letters written in reply to en- qu.'ries from the local swmming enthusiast. A few weeks after Cox arrived here in the fall of 1919 Granger met Handlcy'0 former associate. Cox immedi- ately joined the V.A.S.C. and be- gan to encourage the younger swimmers of whom Grainger was then one. Morning after morning as early as six a.m. Cox and Grainger were to be found together working out at and a- round the old English Bay pier. Cox 8 second and third prote- gees were Vaughan Brydone- Jack and Celmer Ross now of Seattle and Hollywood respec- tively. Both of these young swimmers won championships for the V. A. S. C. with the improved style Ross becoming one of the best all-round swim- mers and divers British Colum- bia has so far produced. Speaking of the new manu- scr.'pts John Munro, president of the White Rock Swimming As- sociation and former president of the Mainland Swimming League, says: "I have familiar- ized myself very thoroughly with Mr Cox'0 new manuscripts on Sw.'mming. It sems to me that nothing just like what he has done has ever before been at- tempted by swimming writers, nothing quite so complete in de- tail and exact in expression. Mr. Cox seems to have formulated for the first time the fundamen- tal rules which acting through the logical law of cause and eN feet accounts For the great suc- cess of modern speed swimmers.'inister Aud uii yuu men wbu feel that you must drink, come tu me and 1 shuii show you the right wuy.t Drunk: "Oh, we know ihe right wuy uii right. Just tell ux huw to get thdd xtuif." Why Pay More? BUILD NOW WHEN 1 Rii,ES ARE LOW Lumber for 12x18 Garage iuciudmg Sour ......-... 060.00 60 Fi. Ciuxu Board Fence 5.00 Shipiup from ................ 0.00 2x4 Common, sized........ 0.00 2 x 8 tu 2x 12 common, sized ................,......... 10.00 th x 8 Bungalow Sidiag, Cuduv, shorts .............. 8.00 1x2 -2 uud 4 D. D. Fir, pur 100 iiu. fi.............60 Cedar Lattice, per 100 iin. feet .............................,25 4 In. Clear Gutter, any length, pur iiu. ft...., .08 Nu. 1 XXX Shingles ...... 2.26 Wuii Shingles--Perfection Ptr Bundle ...........„. 81'ECIALS 24x24--2 Light Windows 2„00 sxio--4 Light Sash ..... 1.00. iox12--4 Light Suxh........ 1.16sxt~ Light Sash ...... 1.26ioxis-8 Light Suxh ........ 1.40 Gypvtx Pixxiuv Board, Buiidiug Paper, Fiv Veneer uud sB Building Muitvixix AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 18th uud Muviut Drive 1'houu West 100. Alter 5 P.m. utii for Derry Deoi 1'htue Wtet 2411L Maud: tlxit' uteri u secret society.t Aiicui tAii right, I heard ~ 1st of xtcrtts st the bridge party thi~ uft- truuuu." {Two Stores for your service) HOLLYBURN STORE AMHLk vilihE qTORk West 3 tvest 303 r