0001 1921 bia f t tDt lss 321. 7,54 into will well Aoitin, ;ct into In thine o before 'oin nl ict tinct R@ l~t Nid 10 I pricct o ccn hg ia lee olp 6176 tcld October 16, 1931. Odorless Dry Cleaning and Dyeing SUITS 'I Cloonod IP 2 fbfb ( RKOKNT SUITS TO ORDER Highot grade colm oot owa mnko 035.00 oad op ALTERATIONS nnd REPAIRS WE CALL AND DELIVER Res. Phone West 286LM. WILLIAMS 1568 hlarine Drive PR EiWA R D! Phone West 20 To any person Anding o Anon line of delicious nll ctcom condy thon those made ood sold by Dnndototo Cash Gtoccty. Fot ycotc, famous for hic candy in the interior of R.C., Mr J. W. Cooper hoo opened o candy kitchen nt thc DUNDARAVE CASH GROCERY "'" '„"„'..",'„".„'"„; %V. L. OGDEN CO. Men's and Boys'urnishings Exclusively Men's Grey Flannel Trousers N:.N"""" $2.95 DRAMATIC EVENT OF THE SEASON West Vancouver Community Players Present "THE THIRTEENTH CHAIR" Under the auspices of Duncan Lownon Chapter LO.D.R FOR WELFARE WORK IN WEST VANCOUVER DATE TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY OCT. 20TH AND 21ST PLACE HOLLYBURN THEATRE AT el lm P.M ADMISSION 5OC. NORTH VANCOUVER TO VOTE ON BEER A vote on bcer-by-the-glass will be taken in North Vancou- ver on October 22, word received Tuesday from the provincial sec- retary states. The date was set following presentation of a peti- tion several weeks ago. In 1924 a similar ballot was taken for the whole electoral district, but was defeated by 200 votes. On October 22, however, the vote will be confined to the city limits. Those who are reg- istered on the last provincial voters'ist will be entitled to vote and polling will take place at 113 West Esplanade between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. It ls estimated that about 3700 will be entitled to vote on the measure. ~ .": '.L.O.L. No. 2990 is giving awhist drive next Wednesday eve- ning in aid of the Protestant Orphanage. There will be good prizes and refreshments. BRIDGE-TEA POSTPONED Owing to the death of Mr. Geo. Campbell, secretary of the City School Board, annual bridge-tea of the Women's Auxiliary to North Vancouver General Hos- pital has been postponed from Wednesday until October 20. NORTH SHORE JUVENILE FOOTBALL Games for Saturday, Oct. 17. DIVISION I. West Van. vs. N.S.P. Canucks, Ambleside Park, 3 p.m. Ref- eree. Mr. Botham. DIVISION II. Beavers vs. Kingsley School, High School West, I:46 p.m. Referee Mr. Harris. Kiwanis Bluebirds vs. Lynn Valley, Mahon Park, I p.m. Referee Mr. Jack Wardlaw. DIVISION III. Toc H. vs. Lynn Valley, Mahon Park. 11 a.m. Referee Mr. McSween. Young Buffs vs. West Van., Confederation Park, I:30 p.m. Referee Mr. Hampton. ASTBURY LUMBER CO. LitI. BUILD NOW A COMI'I.ETE IIUILDING SERVICE AT A MINIhiUM COST I'lans nnd Specifications Drawn Up and Estimates Given LOANS ARIIANGEI) IF RE(IUIRED Phone North 2SS Night: North 1415-R WEBT '/AN MOTORs I'hone West 268 Day or Night If You Car is Hard to Start SUPER SHELL GAS will start your motor quicker these cold Mornings. TIRES -- 13ATTERIES -- BRAKE I.INING GENERAL REPAIRS Work Guaranteed. "We Specialize in pleasing the customer." THE WEST VAN NEWS Local and hir. and hIrs. Drummond, 24th and Heywood, are both conlined to their home through sickness. ~ ~ ~ I(. M. Young of Vancouver, has moved into a house at Cy- press Park. ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. R, B. Gildea of Vancouver, have taken the Ire- land cottage at West Bay. ~ ~ Mr. snd Mrs. H. L. Wetherell of Port Townsend, Washington. paid a visit last week to the lat- ter's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. IL Davison, 17th and Inglewaod. ~ ~ Mrs. Robert Blain and daugh-'er Evelyn of San Francisco, who are former old time resi- dents of West Vancouver, spent Thanksgiving with friends here. o ~ L.O.L. No. 2990 will hold its regular meeting in the Orange Hall next Tuesday, 20th instant, at 8 p.m. when a new candidate will be initiated into the lodge. o At Hollyburn school the girls have started the baskeball sea- son, and are practising regular- ly. The boys are taking part in a soccer house league, in which a number of games have been played. 1 Mrs. H. Davison, 17th and Inglewood, who last week under- went an operation at the North Vancauver General Hospital, is progressing as well as can be expected. o \ ~ Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Lightly, 2185 Gordon Ave., have return- ed from 0 holiday spent at Che- halis Lake, Hope, and Harrison Hot Springs. o o ~ George H. Faulknor is build- ing a house at 14th and Gordon Avenue. Mrs. Allan Taylor is conval- escing in the North Vancouver General HospitaL\ The B. C, Scottish Country Dance Society will hold their regular fortnightly gathering next Saturday, 17th instant, at 8 p.m. in the Legion Memorial Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shaw and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Robert- son of Vancouver, were the guests of hfiss Betty Boultbee at Whytecliif over the week end. Mrs. M. E. Pyne has moved from 2259 Fulton to a house at 2319 Bellevue Ave. Miss ldaud Troughton has ar- rived from the Old Country and is residing with her father, F. Troughton, 2569 Marine Drive, who is one of the oldest residents of West Vancouver.\ o ~ Miss Hunter of Whytecliif Park, has taken one of the Mac- kenzie cottages at Sherman. ~ ~ ~ Mrs. Elmer Bell, 13th and Clyde, who has been quite ill, is now slightly improved. Mr. Richards, 14th and Duch- ess, spent the week end in Vic- toria where he visited his daugh- ter who resides there. Mrs. Lance Garthorne accom- panied by her son and daughter left here on Tuesday for a visit to Portland, Oregon, ~ ~ Mrs. John Mitchell of Long Bay, Gambier Island, is visiting her father, lV. Davie, 863 15th Street. o ~ ~ Miss Crewson snd Miss Hamp- son of the Pauline Johnson School staff, were away from their duties this week owing to sickness. o o ~ The fioat at Dundarave pier han been taken away to Eagle llarbor for the winter. Personal Miss Vera Bulley of Vancou- ver, spent the week end as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tite, 16th and Marine Drive. ~ o ~ Miss Jessie Candlish of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, is the guest of her mother. hire. D. Foster, 10th and Mathers. ~ \ ~ Dr. and Mrs. A, E. Ardagh of Orillia, Ontario, were the guests last week of the Misses McBain, 29th and Bellevue. o o \ tyitoberta A. Vase, chiropractor, will move her olfice on 31st Oc- tober from its present location in Ambleside to her home on Radcliife Avenue, IVest Bay. ~ ~ ~ Master Daynard Welsh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff T. Welsh, Procter Ave., entertained 0 few friends last Wednesday at his fifth birthday party. The in- vited guests were: the Misses Is- obel Russell, Mary Lang, Marlyn Murray, Gordon Russell, Bryan Markham, Ronald Welsh. WEST VAV "Y" The monthly meeting of the West Van. Y was held last IVed- nesday at the home of Miss Green. Mrs. Williscroft was present and items for winter work were discussed. Refreshments were served at the close of the eve- ning. Handy Aun Shoppe Doodototc Went 20 Clearance Sale SPECIAL t!SPECIAL' 25 yotdn Sttipod Flannelette pct yotd ...---..........,......... Zzc 12 yards Foctory Cotton, pof yond 20c Stratton'S BAKERY BREAD -- CAKES Chocolate Cake, Bar Loaf Runs ~ RaBs Scoaca Nut Bread - Shortbread Christening Birthday Wedding Cakes ASSORTED PASTRIES Almand Votictien ! made st 1468 hiARINE DRIVE Phone West 27--or Call GORDON ROBSON Sottmtot S Soud4t WEST VANCOUVER- Officc No. 1447 Marine Dtitc. Phono West 402. VANCOUVER OFFICE- Soitc 2101 610 Hastings St. W Phone Seymour 4100. COSIIVG EVENTS Thursday, October 22--Legion Whist Drive. Friday and Saturday, October 30 and 31--Legion Kentish Fair. Thursday, November 12--Le- gion Armistice Dance Fnday, December 4--West Van- couver Orchestral Sodety's concert. BAND NOTES Forty-four members of the IVest Vancouver School Band were taken to the Horseshow Building last Friday to hear the concert given by the Kitsilano School Band. The best seats in the building were reserved for them. The music rendered by the Dominion champions was wonderful,surpassing that of many adult bands. It should prove an inspiration to those in- terested in this kind of work to hear what can be accomplished by these young musicians. On Thursday evening the West Vancouver School Band is giving a concert in New IVest- minster. Special transportation direct from the ferry is being arranged and everyone will be well looked after. HOLD JANUARY 18TH The Choral Society will give a concert on that evening, the proceeds to be given to relief work. This is being sponsored by the churches (Anglican, Bap- tist, Roman Catholic and Unit- ed). HOLLVRURN Barber Shop 16th A Mot'm~ BXPBRT SBRVICB E. MABSH, Proprietor HOLT-The Glass Man 1470 Ivlntine Drive Phone Went 27 All hnds of Qass Work FUEL VERNON FEED STORE A. C. Searle, Phone 'lVest 9 Fuel, Feed, Fertilizers and Building Supplies Dressmaking Coats Relined, Alterations, Children's Clothes. Prices reasonable hlRS. E. hlIVIOI S Phone West 105 Christmas Cards hlargaret Johnston wishes to announce she has again been ap- pointed representative for Clarke Jt Stuart's Chnstmas Cards. both personal and assorted. They are on display at the Orchard Tea Rooms, 17th and Bellevue. Call and see them or phone West 220-L Whist Drive Canadian Legion, West Vancouver Branch. THURSDAY, October 22nd, at 8 p.m. I.egion !Ilemorial Hall Attractive Prizes Musical Program Refreshments Admission S6c. KEEP WARM,";.".4„",".,'„',",",: ',","„'„"'rooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear 14th ood Motion Dtlto. Phase West 144 Ezclunlvo Agents Cotticclli Silk Hose nnd Uaivctnol Swcotcto also Novoltloc, Toys, School Supplies. Hcmntitchisg