0001 THE )VEST VAN NEkbS Ociober 16, 1931. U r rwv 'v VUvVrvr fvUUV'UU rwv v c E -,4%. U +wU JU Ug 'UW'.'e m .cm:.- V~'n iU' OUEEr"- ~ mi»'r + V%~i*U U tvI r~ v C PV ~~'v U rrr lwvrr vr» UVVv v~vrvrrr, vr r v'vvrrvrr vrv VVVV~rv " 'VV rvvr, rrrrvr~vvrrAA vrvV rrvr vvv VV'VFRYBODY COBIE. You'e not expected to buy. %Vest Vancouver PharInacy Tkr Sfsrr oj Srruirr 1402 ikjnrine Drive West 37 Emergency Phoae West S21 (after 9 p.m.) GROUSE hlOUNTAIN SKI CLUB PARTY CLISIBS CRO)t N hlT. The Grouse hiountain Ski Club held its fourth annual hike up Crown hfountain on Thanks- giving Day. The party consist- ed of ten men and four ladies all of whom succeeded in reach- ing their goal, the Camel, which is a well-defined rock projecting from the east slope of Crown hIountain. With the aid of ropes, L. Lou- tet as leader and W. Grant as end man, succeeded in placing eix members upon the head of the CameL This was an exceeding- ly difficult task and much credit goes to Miss Sheila Boyd and Miss Phyllis Dumbrell, who proved their mountaineering abiTity by scaling this dangerous peak. hfany alterations are being made to the club's camp "Tele- mark" on Grouse Mountain and indications are that the coming year will .be,a most successful one. A little girt wgg spending bgr Srgt night from home. As the darkness gathered gbe began to cry. Tbe bogiesg asked, "Are you bomo- gmkt" "No," gbe answered, "I'm here- mck" "Believe me, if aR ibqgg adhering young charms Which I view with admiring dismay, Are going to rub mf on the gbouldem gnd arms Of this suit which wgg jqgt dggngd igdgy; Thou wilt giiu be adored with my qgqgi ggai, biy sweetheart, my laved one, my ownq Bni 111 sternly repress the emotions I feel-- I'l love yon, but leave yoo alone." Egigbiigbgd on North Shore 20 Years. (Lady Aggisigni) HARRON BROS. 81 WILLIAMSON j uuerutlOIrertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 THB West Van News Pablmbgd Every Friday PebRgbgr F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Begin~ m Edkmd I Oai&ei 171k snd Marine Drive (Nggt te HoRyburn P.O.) Phone West 363 Mail Addriwgi P.O. Beg 51, HoByborn, B.C. 51.00 ~ year by carrier; 52.00 g year by mail. Newsstgndd Sg. per copy. United Church hiinister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunday. October 18 Sunday School at 9:55 a.m. Public )Vorship at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Rev. Hugh Nixon of Fairfield United Church, Vic- toria, will preach morning snd evening. Dr. Henry will be in Victoria at anniversary services on Sun- day and at the congregational gathering there Monday even- ing, hfr. Nixon who is supplying here, is s bright personality. Let us give him 0 cordial greeting. The morning topic will be "Msn as a spiritual being." The evening topic will be "Jesus as a finality. The Y.P.S. will meet on Mon- day evening at 7 o'lock. The topic is an introductory chapter on the text book on "Korea." The regular meeting of the Trail Rangers takes place on Tuesday at 7 p.m, Mr. J. N. Gil- lies our leader would like to see all boys from 12 up come in snd help. The Official Board will meet on Tuesday at 8:15 in the lower halL The Official Board consists of the Session, the Stewards and the presidents of the various or- ganizations, e.g. W.M.S., Y.P.S. W. Association, Sunday School Supt., leaders of Trail Rangers, leaders of C.G.I.T., President of Men's Club. Wednesday evenings we are studying the Psalms for a few weeks. Next Wednesday we will have Psalm 2. Friday evening is the C.G.I.T. night at 7 o'lock. Girls from 12 up are invited to uee this or- ganization with its fine hstory. It tra.'ne in personal life snd also for future service in the church. As announced, the W.M.S. will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday afternoon in the halL The society hss been fortunate in securing for the speaker Mrs. A. E. Mitchell of Shaughnessy Heights United Church. She is president of the Vancouver Pres- byter.'al and has recently re- turned from the annual meeting of the Board in Toronto. On Saturday the Junior Choir meets for practice at 10 o'lock. Mrs. Colm MacLean says ehe has vacancies for more girls of 12 and 14 years of age. Do not forget tonight (Fri- day) the opening supper meet- ing of the Men's Club. The speaker is Rev. Geo. Fal- lis of the Canadian Memorial Church. The subject is "Eur- ope as I see it today." . The time is as near 6:30 as possible. The Church Hall was trans- formed into an autumn garden by Mrs. D. Dewar and Mrs. W. Partridge on Tuesday, when a large gathering assembled for For Eleven Years We have ENJOYED serving the people of tVest Vancou- ver and on Saturday we'e having a party. Every Child Accompanying an adult will get a "Check and Double Check" Chocolate Bar FREE. Every Adult Will get a chance to win a lovely EBONY and BRASS TEA TABLE -- ALSO FREE. This is Our Party WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society BRITISH ISRAEL ('ANADIAN LROION MEMORIAL HALL NEXT SCNDAY-- 10 ~. UU--Scbool Ior Cbiidrga 2 p. m.--Speaker i CHIIRCH EDIFICE 20th ggd Egquimgii. Hoilybgrn This Society ig g Branch of The Mother Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Sfgggggbilggttg Sunday Services 11:$0 ~.m. and 1iso p.m. Sunday, October 18th, "DOCTRINE OF ATONEhiENT" MR. PERCY KING Subject: "FOUII SEAS'IS" Mr. Xiag broadcasts over CKWX every Wednesday st 9:Se p. in. St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. F. A. Ramsey, L.T.S. St. I,uke'e and Children's Dsy 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Sunday School, Jr. and Sr. Depts. 11:16 s.m.--Msttins and ser- msn. Primary and beginners Sun- day SchooL 7:15 p.m.--Evensong snd Ser- mon. Corporate Communion for the lV.A. at 8 a.m. Sunday. The services on Sunday will all emphas'.ze the importance of religious education. The teachers in all depart- ments of the school will meet in the Parish Hall on Tuesday at 8 p.m. The A.Y.P.A. will have the privilege of hearing 0 report, of the recent conference held in Re- gina when Mr. J. Walker of St. Agnes North Vancouver will speak at the meeting on Mon- day at 8 p,m. in the Parish Hall. Service at Caulfeild, 3 p. m. Sunday. Sunday School at Isioo g.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday ~t Si15 p.m. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Res. 2558 Marine Dr. Tuesday--7:30 p.m.--Rosary and Benediction. Friday--7.30 p.m. -- Rosary, Benediction, Confessions, Saturday--7:30 p.m.--Confes- SIO11$ . Sunday--8:45 a.m. -- Holy Mass. 1:30 -- Bible History, Catechism Classes 2:30--Ros- ary and Benediction. Baptist Church Pastor Rev, H. P. Humphreye Phone W. 252R. Res. 1343 Haywood Ave. Sunday, Oct. 18 10 a.m~unday School and Adult class. 11 a.m.--Morning worship, Pastor will preach. topic, "Feeble Faith and Almighty Strength." Brief address to children. 7:30 p.m.--Evening worship. Topic, "Bread Enough and to Spare." A cordial invitation to all. St. Stephen's won the Senior girls 60-ysrd relay race in the Anglican road race at Hastings Park on Monday The team was composed of J. Lettner, M. Daw- son. D. Dawson and P. Johnson, set a new record of 331-5 sec- onds. H. Phillips came in third in the junior mile. Wednesday--8 p.m.-- Prayer snd Praise Service. Friday--7 p.m.--C. G. I. T. Teen-age girls welcome. Special Evangelistic Servces commencing Nov. 1. The annual Christmas bazaar under the auspices of St. Steph- en's W A. will be held on Friday, 20th of November.BUY YOUR POI'PIES IN )VEST VANCOUVER The Poppy Committee of the Legion W.A., working under the chairmanship of Mrs. W. At- wood, make an appeal to the citi- zens of )Vest Vancouver to buy them poppies at home. Large snd small poppies will be avail- able at the ferry wharf. The proceeds from the sale of pop- pies will be used for benevolent purposes in West Vancouver. For information please phone Mrs. W. Atwood, West 122L, or Mrs. J. Wicking, West 696R2. the "Demonstration Tea" pre- sided over by Mrs. W. T. Rush. Judging by the interest shown in the two mats on the frames on which Mrs. McDonald snd Mrs. McGregor were working, snd those on exhibition done by Miss MacKay, it is probable that West Vancouver rag bags will rise to a new dignity this winter. Nor were the rugs the only at- traction. Pianoforte duets by Mrs. Alexander and Miss Frame snd vocal solos by Mre. W. IL Leggatt and Mrs. S. B. Willough- by formed an excellent musical programme arranged by Mrs. R. W. Froud and Mre. R. Howie- son. The home-cooking stall convened by Mrs. J. Lawson and Mrs. G. D. Elgar was quickly cleared of its toothsome delica- cies, and an enjoyable tea was served by Mrs. G. Baldwin snd Mre. A. D. Chisam and their helpers. Perhaps the happiest moment of the afternoon was when Mre. Henry appeared for the first time after her long ill- ness, and was able to stay and chat a little with many of her friends. Another happy moment wss when the treasurer, Mre. McCsll Stitt, was able to an- nounce that the tea had realized over 330 for the W.A. treasury. Presbyterian Church Services in the Orange Hall. Minister: Rev. J. W. Cuddeford, Phone North 1107. 2:00 p.m.--All departments of the Sabbath School, also adult bible class. 3 00 p m --Regular Church Service. Sermon subject--"The Miracle of Sinai." The second of of a series of studies in the his- tor.'c evidence for the Incarna- tion. A worth-whle Bible Medi- tation of peculiar interest snd fascination. A very hearty welcome to all who have no other church en. gagements at the above hour. Thought for the week: "Go Often to the House of Cod. Weeds Choke the Unused Path- way." IL T. A. MEETING The October meeting of the P. T. A. took place in the Paul- ine Johnson School on Tuesday The speaker, Dr. H. L. Ander- son of North Vancouver, gave 0 very spirited and inspiring ad- dress on Healtl.--What the par- ents can do to promote the health of the'.r chililren. As well as being instructive, Dr. Ander- son was entertaining, and those who were not present certainly missed one of the most delight- ful lectures of the year. Great credit was due to Bob McCartney and Garnet William- son for their cornet duet. West Vancouver feels proud that from its schools it csn produce two such splenddi musicians. 'The audience were delighted to listen to them and tendered them a very hearty vote of thanks, which included their accompan- ist Mrs Sutherland o I I I y ~ I C UUI DENTIST Hours; 0 g. m. to 0 p. m. Sgilltdgyg 10 g. ill io I Il nl Evenings gnd Saturday Aftern- oonsg by appoiaimeni only. Royal Bank Bqiidiag I'bona iyggi 445 Rggidvgge Pbooe Wggt Sea DR. G. D. H. SEALE DENTIST Hgy Block, 14kb gad Marine Dr. Oinm 'H,qm 9 Io e P m Evenings by gppqiaimeni. pbqee West 72 I NURSING HOME (Mrg M E igEhgacg RN) '254 zdib Street Egg( North Vancouver nggidcgea I'boned North 1$55R Roberta A. Vass D.C., PII. C. CHIROPRACTOR Will move Ogice on October $ 1, io ber kame Dmfiwoad, Rad ciiife Avenue, West Bay. Residence phone West 2$2RI. PERMANENT %VAVES Sii.50 -- 55.50 97 50 Tbi~ new C Uignoke Wave is the only mac inc that will give you g lovely wave gg well as curly ends--as loose Or as tight as yeq wish Off)eytdotyyf Beauty Shoppe 1540 bigrine Drive I'bone West 117 Ralph Johnson; buying an Austin, to salesman: "How da you gei into itT" Salesman: "You don't get into it- you pui ii on." Edwin says: "Young girls these days scarc iy reach their tmng before they are at ibeir nice-iggng. "Have you heard about the meanegi mgn in the woridT" "Yeg. He throws chewing gum in the street for Augiing iq get stuck Oii2 C BRITISH PRODUCTION @PLUNDER@ A Riotously I'unny English Coinedy NB%VS @ Bobby Jones @ in QQlf lesson Colgige Mo ~ Tgeg wgd Nggi EAST OF BORNEO A pignws Uf Wild) ADVENTUIIE A I)ARIX&i EXI'Ei)ITION O Early Bird Prices I.EUUUUUCIUg MOIU IUtgiNOTE THIS "Ear(i niwbi" UUU bgy iiUAUig ii so io 7 p m Adults 254, Simngtg 15o, Chiidrgg lse nnyrnil linii -- Evening PI4ivg gommUmw 7 pm. Ubgrp ixniE EARLY--ANI& SAYS Cemmegdgg Iiog. Uigbi gggi, tbg Ilnb -- LSi(88AL E-- Ask about Dmmrwggr Niemg, Lgdigg.