0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS October 9. 1931 44Ch.hihh" 444h hr hh~V hr rhwh 4rh. Art hhvh V44rrr 4 hhr +4 ~ hr 4 r vvwh'h 4 h~ W ~~mhhm.- '*44~w44 h «' W h 4 ' vrr w'hh '.h vs Svkh...rv~ 'h s s . O'J"5 ~ Vh -mr '- ~'* v 'VV pi 4 vr ~ "V V" V VVv~vrv. v« V ~VVV vv tvr ~ '«' ~ 4peg h. VVvr v Vrrvrr rv~rrr Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES DuudaraVe,", -~IW M'~.". Amblcside „&"'~ M".,'I.." ROBERTS'ETTER h!EATS Tbaul(sgiviug Monday October 12th Give us your orders and make certain of s good din- ner. We will have a good sup- ply of Local Fresh-Killed Poultry No. I Steer Beef Local Spring Lamb Young Local Veal Corn Fed Pork. All No. I Grade Government Inspected. Cash and C.O.D. Specials No. I STEER BEEF Rib Boiling Beef, lb.... 9c Blade Rib Roast, lb. 12c Round Bone Roast, lb.. 15c Rump Roast,........... 17c up Deep Sirloin Roast, lb. 22c T Bone Roast, lb. 23c Wing Rib Roast, lb.. 18c Pr.'me Rib, lb................. 17c Rolled Rib, lb.........- 20c No. I ILC. SPRING LA)IB Legs, lb......................... 25c Loins, lb............ 28c CORN FED PORK Legs (fores) lb............ Ilc Loins, lb....................... 19c ! EGGS -- EGGS Baby Extras, 2 doz 35c ! ihlo. I ALBERTA Creamery Butter 3 Ibs for 69c APPLFS fiicintosh Red,--box $ 1.2% GE51 POTATOES 100 ibs ........... 70c Phone West 190 In regard to 9 resolution of the North Vancouver Board of Trade re immediate action for unemployment, which wss sent to the council, the latter replied that the situation had apparent- ly been considerably cleared since the Board'6 letter was writ- ten, but at the time their letter had been despatched, the coun- cil hsd been in full sympathy with their views. The matter of the Csulfeild's Fire Account for $1,199.29 cun- cernlng which a letter wss re- ceived from the department of lands, forest branch wss refer- red by the council to the reeve. The News NORTH SHORE JUVEIVILE FOOTBALL Games for Saturday, October 10th, 1931. Division I. N. S. Canucks vs. A. 8I N. Blue. birds, Mshon Park, 3:00 p.m. Referee, Mr. Bothsm. Division II. Beavers vs. Kiwanis Bluebirds, Mshon Park, I:30 p.m. Ref- eree Mr. Vickery Division III. Lynn Valley vs. Young Buffs, Lynn Valley Park, 10:30 s.m. Referee, Mr. McSween. Toc H vs. )Vest Van., Mshon Park, 11 s.m. Iteferee, Mr. Moon. COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY GIVE SUCCESSFUI. SOCIAL The B. C. Scottish Country Dance Society gave s very suc- cesful social last Saturday even- ing in the Leg.'on Memorial Hall. The evening was spent in danc- ing, included in the program be- ing foursome reels, the minuet, snd other dances which the so- ciety has been formed to per- petuate. Anyone wishing to join the society are invited to attend the next gathering which will take place in the Legion Memorial Hall on Saturday, October 17th at 8 p.m. Why Pay More? BUILD NOW WHEN PRICES ARE LOW Lumber for 12x16 Garage including Assr .......... 6$0.00 60 FC. Close Board Fence 6.00 Shiplsp from......... 9.00 2x4 Common, slxwL ....... 9.00 2xs Cs 2x12 common, sized ................................ 10.00 34 x 6 Bungalow Sldtsg, Cedar, shorts ............... 6.00 Ix2 -2 ssd 4 D. D. Fir, psr 100 lln. IC..50 Cedar Lattice, psr 100 Bs. feet ...........................-....25 4 in. Clear Gutter, sny length, psr Ss. ft.....ss Ns. I XXX Shingles ........ 2.26 Wall Shingles--Perfection Psr Bundle ....................$0 SPECI A I.S 24x24--2 Light Windows 2,.00 Sxlo--4 Light Sash ........ 1.00 Iox)2-4 Light Sash........ 1.15 hxlo--6 Light Sash ...,.... 1.26 Isxtz 6 Light Sash ........ 1,40 Gyprss Plsslsr Board, BPHJIsg Pspsr, Fit Veneer ssd sB BsIM)sg Mstsrl ~Is AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. Istb ssd Msvlss Drive Pbsss West )99. After 6 p.m. ssk for Gsrcy Dent Pboss West 24IIL SUGGESTIONS Friday CF Saturday, October 9 0'0 ILC, GRANULATED SIIGAR 'tvd 6 'Whlts Blesc)ws TOILEr (Sold with Gvsevcr Onlvc Only) ! I'AI'ER, made Is ILC. $vons 494 Is lbs....................... 46s SPECI AI,! NABOB COFFER Psr Ib.... $74 I pkL Rvd Arruw Family Sodas ssd Rcd R Wbnv I'UHI'KIN, solid lz dos. Chocolsts Grsbsm Blsculls Park--large clss. I'sckvd Is I AR fsr , Sh(AI.LWHITE BEANS. grown SrruP, Pscksd m Vsscosvvc, 'oyal Crows WASHIhIG SODA hfsdv Is IL C.. psckvl Sc HADIERA CAKE Rcdd Bros I pFARI WHrrbpx"NAI fHA Sc)AP M INTOSH RED API»LES ~ Plhs ~p msds IsLsvlcs siss cskv ..... 25C IL C. c 6 bars ...., Tbsc wo&vcful Asvo~ APpcs )UMBO CARBOLIC SOAP, made Cbs Okm gss ... 6 IW zhc in B. C .......... 4 Isrgs cs(s Ihc NABOB TEA, psv lb.......-- . $94 Rwt a White TOMATOES-- MAZDA LAhIPS- Ss84 Pack, large tins. a B.C. Bsr them br the carton ssd save I'codscl ... Ist money. MAR)IALADE--lusrvsy's. Made BUTTER in Vsscsuvsc from AustcsBss (hgdvs Meadow ... 2 lbs. for hhc Oranges,. 40 ua lsr ssc hlesduwvslv I lbs. Isr 49c BUY B.C. PRODUCTS H. A. STONE CON(hRATULATED lteeve Leyland on behalf of the municipal council sent a let- ter of appreciation to H.A.Stone in connection with his successful el(orts tu establish the new Van- JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS couver Art Gallery. The text of the letter reads as follows: October 7th, 1931, Mr. Il. A. Stone, Csulfeild, IVest Vancouver, B.C. Dear hir. Stone: I am directed by Members of the IVest Vancouver Municipal Council to convey to you their deep sense of appreciation for your untiring efi'orts and splen- did accomplishment in the estab- lishment of the beautiful new Art Gallery in Vancouver. For this rare gift of a Civic Gallery with its magnificent works of Art. the c.'tizens of Greater Van- couver are indeed indebted to you, snd it is hoped that your egorts will be rewarded in the knowledge that a distinct asset has been added to the cultural life of the Community. 51sy I also be permitted, on behalf of the West Vancouver citizens, to extend to you sincere congratulations on the well de- served honor accorded to you as the recipient of the "Good Citi- zenship" medal for 1931, it being particularly pleasing that this honor should have come to a res- ident of our own municipality. With kindest personal regards Yours faithfully, J. B. LEYLAND, Reeve. Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK. VEAL, ETC. COOKED 61EATS OF AI.L KINDS, DEI.ICATESSIIN (Two Stores for your service) HOLLYBURN STORE AhlBLFclll)E STOltll West 3 West 303 West Vancouver Lumber Co. LU HER SASH DOORS ROOF Lamatcu -- Gyproc Beaver Board COUNCIL EXI'RESSES ING BUILDING PAPER -- I'laster lklsrd -- Shingles I.EGION W. A. SATISFACTION AT OF. FFR TO TRANSFER (s'ARIBALDI I'ARK The council on Monday even- ing passed the following resolu- tion in regard to the offer of the provincial government to turn over Garibaldi Park to the fed- eral authorities. "RESOLVED that the West Vancouver Municipal Council view with much satisfaction the otTer of the Provincial Govern- ment to transfer Garibaldi Park, with such extensions as msy be decided upon, to the Federal Government as an addition to the National Parks of Canada, snd they are of the opinion that this beautiful area should be pre- served for sll time to come, and be made accessible not only to the citizens of our own Province, but to thousands of tourists who visit the Pacific Coast every year." The regular monthly meeting uf the W. A. to the Canadian Legion, wss hei&i on Monday, September 28th. The Canadian Legion snd W. A. are holding s joint meeting on Tuesday evening, October 13th in the Legion Memorial Hall snd all members are expect- ed to attend if possible. I.. O. B. A. )VHIST DRIVE A very enjoyable evening of whist was given by the ladies of the L.O.B.A. last Wednesday in sid of the Loyal Protestant Or- phanage. The winners of prizes were. 1st Ladies, Mrs. H. C. Johnson; 2nd Ladies, hire. Duck- worth; 1st Gentlemen, R. Brown, 2nd Gentlemen, J. Ferguson. Following cards refreshments were served. The L.O.L. snd L.O.B.A. joint- ly will hold s whist drive on the first snd third Wednesdays of every month during the winter in sid of the Orphanage. Good prizes will be given, snd every- body will be welcome. The North Vancouver Board of Trade wrote the council re their support of Vancouver City Council in the matter of the Sec- oml Narrows bridge. The council replied that every- thing possible wss being done to obtain the co-operation of the City of Vancouver snd the mem- . bers of the council were particu- larly pleased to hear that Act- ing Mayor Bennett hsd stated that the city wss solidly behind the North Shore in its endeavor to have the bridge re-instated.REEVE WIRES DR. TOLMIE Re SECOND NARROWS Reeve J. B. Leylsnd sent the following telegram to Premier Tolmie last Tuesday in regard to the Second Narrows Bridge situation: "Municipal snd business inter- ests of North Shore sulfering severely owing to lack of Second Narrows Bridge. Would much appreciate any assistance that Provincial Government could see fit to oifer in appealing to Fed- eral Authorities for definite ac- tion in rendering financia assis- tance towards re-establishment of North Shore connection with Vancouver." ELECTRICITY IS CHEAP USE IT FREELY t T Y I'ARENT-TEACHERS'SSOCIATION The next general meeting of . the P.-T. A. will take place at Pauline Johnson school at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, October 13th. The speaker will be Dr. Anderson of North Vancouver, snd her sub- ject one that is most important tc every one of us, "Health from the Teacher's Point of View." As this so intimately concerns the child, it is naturally of great interest to the parent. There- fore every parent should make it his snd her business to hear what Dr. Anderson has to ssy. In addition Dr. Anderson is well known as s very fiuent and int- eresting speaker, and her audi- ence may be very sure of not being bored. There will in addition to the lecture, be musical items featur- ing 6 cornet duet by Bob Mc- Cartney snd Garnet Williamson. Consequently in the interests uf their children snd for their uwn entertainment, all parents should endeavor to attend. 2r. sfsttvtttty ()r. tw Frassr Vsllsyj avsttsblc ts tvvry- ossi usdsv B. C. FJsrtrtt'I sxc 4 9 ttossily lscv ratn. ccoxpINu Iu suchoncscws fig- uses the average ~ ix cylis*t pssssngst sucumohils, ccsvcliug I 1,000 miles 4 year, usss 5169 worth of gasoline, oil sod grease. This is more chsu siss limes Ihs svscsgs 4 souci bill for domestic clsccricicy in Vancouver. Flsccric sccvics is, in fact, cbs cbsspssc iccm in cbs average booscbulJ budgsc. It svscsgss shove 4 csucs s Jsy. Both chs automobile sod clscccic sccvics in chs horns hsvs pshssd uuc of chs clscs of luxuciss sod scs oow considered as everyday sccsssiciss. The cost uf clscccicicy is hscomiag less year by year. This Is dus, co s very lscgs sxccnc, cu isccvsssd uss in chs home, on firms, ss wsll as in manufacturing ssJ Irsnspotcsciou. Msss pcuduccxlu sod discnbuciou hsvs chs ssms cgscc on ligbc sud power riess ss ic bss oa chs vsse of any uchsc commoJicy. IA V It.tc BRITIjH COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. LTD. 16th and Marine 1.151 I TED Phone West 116 W. J. Turnbull, hlanager, Residence I'hone: West 368L SERVICE Everything for the Building.