0001 er 9 iehshitnsl icdforthe is AAI Es 02 00)u '4) xi I '4'5)B Alii)8 fer )0. )tati)4 )L Ind AL 3 'Orkg hxx ivc ig Of|) ivc ig )43 ate and ce f00rtccn nsgisusta ,hifiings a 0 pr)5064 , to pnsm spent thea I 09 Peel&%/ I the finc EItS ils Wx) )kxwlA8 )5~ October 9, 1961. Douglas Lump Nanaimo-Welnngton Lump and Egg ~ Nut, No. I Gait Egg Drumheller Egg Drumhe))er Lump OET OUR PRICES Phones: North 178 and 198 Evans, Coleman 8t: Evans Ltd. NORTH VANCOUVER THE BURNING BUSH By Subadsr According to a U.P. despatch the Oregon department of agri- 0culture has recently fallen heiro 5 large elephant named "Tus- ko." After being shown at the state fair for a week, his ownem beat it and left him. Tusko, finding himself deserted, appar- ently proceeded to absorb every- thing edible at the fair, and there was 5 very pleasant even- ing. Some years sgo he is said to have gone on a night's ram- page which cost SS0,000. That was some night! Hence prob- ably the hurried exit of his owners, who foresaw another lively evening looming on the horizon. Meanwhile, while no- body loves Tusko, he refuses to eat worms. This last week has been re- markable for the way in which financial firms have been explod- ing. As people's nerves have not yet fully recovered from the )Var, it is to be hope dthat some other means will be found of at- tracting buyers to the ruinously low prices of stocks and bonds. On the other hand beautyparlors are filled with toilers having rubbed out of their noses the wrinkles put there by a growing d'.sgust for the irresponsibilities of the markets. To make mat- ters worse John Canuck has ad- aed 610,000,000 to his savings, and is hanging on to every dollar of that sum like a pup to 0 root. So nobody is happy, and the cross word puzzle no longer in- trigues. In the old country Snowden has put the last straw on the Labor Party's back and broken't by his expressed intention of oing to the Lords. They say it has acted like fly tox on Hender- son et alia, who are lying on their backs and buzzing them- selves to death. How 4)re the mighty fallen, or rather ascend- ed! In Japan two aviators also ascended, and landed just tn the south of us. The news- paper columns will now be bom- bsrded with the recital of their trip for several days, and, if that fails, we shall hear all about Kingsford-Smith, who is rapidly becoming a nuisance with his trips. I can only trust the mon- otony of these exploits will soon be relieved by the account of some one in a tank waddling over the North and South Poles. +CHOOL BOARD NOTES More applications were re- ceived for use of the Auditorium evenings during the winter than could be granted. The Board made the following reservations, a charge of 66.00 per month to be made for each evening the auditorium is in use: Monday: Ex-High School Stud- ent'3 Association. Tuesday: Teachers'adminton Club. Wednes&lay: St. Stephens Church Basketball League. Thursday: Teachers'adminton Club. Friday: High School Student'0 Association. Saturday: Ex-High School Stud- ents'ssociation. The I.O.D.E. was granted the use of the Auditorium on the evening of November )Sth for their annual dance. The Department of Education advised that they would pay half the cost of equipment for phy- sics laboratory up to an amount of 6600.00. The Secretary reported that the following applications had been received in response to an- nouncement covering night school classes: Shorthand & Typewriting.... I Woodworking ..................'........ 2 Dressmaking .......................... 8 Ie was decided that this ad- vertisement be repeated, extend- ing the time of application to September 29th, and adding Public Speaking to the list of subjects. Letters were read from Miss N. Cornish and Mrs H. C. Lane asking that their names be placed on the substitute list. The Secretary was directed to forward these names to Princi- pals concerned. SCHOOI.S S)VIS)MING GALA The third annual Champion- sh:p Swimming Gals for the Lower Mainland Schools will take place at the Crystal Pool on Saturday, October 24th, and Saturday, October Slat, at I:SO p.m. sharp. There will be swim- ming competitions in free style, backstroke, also relay races in- cluding the B. C. Relay Champ- ionship, and the I metre board diving. It is understood that a number of West Vancouver scholars are taking part. IW )VEST VANCOUVER SCOTTISH SOCIETY Progressive Whist Drive & Dance THE WEST VAN NEWS +TIIE LITERARY SOCIETY This society, which has been carried on since 1918 with the exception of three of the war years, begins another session on Thursday evening, October )6th, when Dr. E A. Henry will deliv- er his presidential address on "Literature and Life." This will be sure to be worth hearing, for Dr. )Ienry is always incisive and practical, and the subject is one in which he is compjetely at home. The meeting on Thursday, Oc- tober 29th, will be devoted to the life and work of Michael Fsra- iisy, whose centenary came this year. The address will be deliv- ered by the editor, Mr. J. Porter. A lantern lecture on "London" will be given on November 12th, by our Municipal Clerk, Mr. W. Herrin, who as a Londoner him- self cannot fail to be a success. There has never been any ad- mission charge for the society'0 meetings and attendance at them is practically unrestricted. The program officials do not draw the line too strictly at lit- erary history and criticism. The programs might be more accur- ately described as "general;" but mere propaganda has never been acceptable, a tranquil atmo- sphere being preferred to 8 full house with excitement. The editor, however, is ready to con- sider any or')gina) paper which may be oifered, and to provide 3 date for its reading and discus- sion if subject and treatment are not technical or controversial. A cordial welcome has always a- waited any West Vancouver res- ident who has written 8 suitable paper, but who has not been able to find an opportunity of trying it out elsewhere for the first time. The editor is very willing to have papers on poets or poetry; but he has never been able to secure more than one such paper in 0 session. West Vancouver is somewhat unusual in the number of its residents wbo have a real love of musie; and it seems natural to expect an appreciation of the music of words to go along with The Manuscript Magazine, which appears at least once every session, gives an opportun- ity for the presentation of short papers. It has been 0 constant experience that a 10-minute paper has started 5 brisk dis- cussion which has included the whole meeting in the pleasant interchange of views. The Secretary of the Society is Mrs Selwood, who will be pleased to give further particu- lars to anyone interested. Her phone number is West 670L. hlUSICIANS'LUB CONCERT I.ARGELY ATTENDED An enthusiastic audience which filled the Legion Memori- al Hall to capacity greeted the first concert of the season put on last Friday evening by the Musicians'lub of West Van- couver. The entire program was made up of excerpts from grand opera which were very well rendered by the various soloists, suported in some numbers by a small chorus and orchestra. Those taking the solo parts were, hire. Colin MacLean, hlrs. Howard Leggatt, Mrs. F. X. Hodgson, Miss Barbara Tristram, Miss Joan Durbin, and Messrs. A. J. Addy and )V. Knight, Mrs, F. X. Hodgson being called upon for an encore The two grand opera selec- tions by the orchestra were very well rendered and were much ap- preciated by the audience. The accompanists for the evening were Mrs. J, E. Durbin, Miss Margaret Mclntyre, and Mrs. J. Mclntyre. (First of Series) At the CLACHAN HOTEL, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10th, at 8 p.m. Music Dancing Admission 60 Cents. Father (hop)as io force S Csnfxe- sion from thirteen-paar-old son)) "I'd bke io know what young smart alack with xhort pants d)oppxd a cigarette on tha uph)dxmry ol the new carl" Soil: "Aw, dad, it wsx )sxt an xc- cldasz Shs dido'I mean im" COAL Order your winter supply now while the weather ls favourable. We have a very f)ne stock of the following quality coals: Vancouver Island 'lberta Sootless CLASSIFIED ADS MARCELLE SHOP -- MxrccUe, 59 cvnm; tmch $64'ager wave, 764 Pbmm Mrx. Kins, West $04. FOR PAINTING. KALSOMINING- Apply C. L. Kon)nSx. Rmidm)xe nhosa West 3941k AUTO TOPS xsd CURTAL'iS. Up- hoixmrise, slip caters. N. IL Ellis. 1427 Mar))m. West 184B. LOST--Wire-haired Fox Tcxrixr. Rc- wx)d. Phone West 348X. TO RENT--Nicely Isrxixbcd hmmc. Phone WcxL168R2. FUR WORK OP ALL KINDS--West Vancouver Furrierx, West 294L. POR RENT -- Three Rmm) Hm)xc Fuxxixhed, from 22nd October Reasonable. Phone West 51R, IA)ST--Tvo Rcd Metal Scoomm xxd One Lxrse Orange ssd Black Water BalL Vicinity of \6th asd Bellevue. Reward. Cole, 1487 BeUevuc. FOR RENT--FaBy Isrsixhcd medcrx hm)m, $ 18 ~ montlx Pbmm West 1plY.LOST--Gcsucmes'x Gold Watch xsd Chain between Mxrise Drive, Ingle- wood Ave., xnd 18th St., on Monday. Rewa)d. Phone North 1030L TO RENT--0 room hoese ea Bcncvsm Fsmsce, nrep)ace, clxctrie range ~sd hex)en xnd nxrxse, $28. Phone John Law)os. Wexi 56.FOUND-Chihrx Purse. Finder apply West Van News. INSIDE FIR -- Sash Woad. doobie load $700; bart, $8Xis; manure asd binet top soil. Phone West 243LX C, J. BRODERICK, Phon) Fishdmn 1622 Marine Drive. Films, prints, esixrscmenta. See osr special snap- shot greeting cs)dx. BOARD A.'VD RESIDE'.iCE -- 15)h ssd Bciicvec, )msr ferry. Bates si tractive. Phone West 458L FOR SALE-4-boie Fawcett Rxsze with eoiL Excellent condition, 515. Folding ~rt, little axed. Apply 3189 Travers Ave. FOR RENT--Near Ferry, cmsrortxblc house, modern, nice bright rooms, newly decorated, psriiy Iarsixbed, goad laxation. Phone Vi est 620L. FOR BALF Empire Sxvdsm Bsrs- er with impxovtri hopper. Save hxif your foci bill. West 828. Tea mWork Pretty Young Wife (at busy crossing': "Now, remember, Herbert, the brake is on the left --or is it right?--but don't--." Harassed Husband: 'For Heaven's sake stop talking? Your lob is to smile at the police man." FOR SALE--Hex)cr, "Sxsbcxm Oxk." Leather Couch, Wriasxr sad Tsb- xtamL Aii is good condition. Phone West 388L CHEVROLET SEDAN POR SALB- Gaod condition. Accept $ 176 real bxrnais. Wxxt 161X2. WEBB'8 SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Dondx)svm When we Srxi Sot mxrncd my wife and I quarrelled for ~ year about whether we should buy ss xuiomobSe or s horse xnd buggy." "How d)d yoo settle )tl We compnmmcd on 8 baby car- rlxzc. ALL THB BBST Brxadx of Cisxrx, Cisxmtmx mxi Tobaccos. Aim Ex- cbsazv Peter Hands xsd Cm)sol cards Free. Ambixside Tex Rooms. Csaxc xsd Egcci A daily newspaper in Nice recently contained the following advertise- ment: "Iiiiiionaim, yeses, good-looking, wixbcx io meet, with s view io mar- riage, a girl like the heroine in bi--'5 novel" Within 24 hours the novel in ques- tion wsx sold oui. An Oversight He was talking enthusiastic- ally about his football team, but she wasn't listening very care- fully. "... Jones is a splendid fellow. He's going to be our best man soon." She heard that. "Oh, Arthur!" she sighed. "and you haven' even asked me to marry you!" (}uite All Right He was showing oif his car to a potential buyer A steep road was reached. Watch hei'o up here," said the motorist. "She'I) do it like a bird." But the car went backward. 'SVhat'3 the idea?" asked the would-be buyer suspiciously. "It's quite all right," grinned the vendor, making the best of it. "Iar that iml')q. left my tobacco pouch on the piano." Tactful A boy at school kept writing home for money. His father made a fina refusal, saying he did not wish to encourage his son to become a spendthrift. The boy replied: "Dear Dad, Wi)) you kindly lend me five shillings, as I am saving upr'er Privilege, Too. Mrs. Byron: "That's the kind of husband to havel Did you hear i)fr. Dike tell his wife to go and look at some ten guinea hats?" Mr. Byron: "hiy dear, have I ever deprived you of the privil- ege of looking at ten guinea hats '?" NOTICE OF RESBRVB NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the reserve existing over tbe S.F 4 Loi 1107, N. E. )5 Loi 1107, N. W. E Lxt 1107. Lot 1108, a E )4 Lac 1109, S. W. % Loi 1109, N. K jd Lot 1109, Lot 1110, Lot 1111, Loi 1112, S. F Lot 1113, N. E. )4 Lot 1113, N. W. Loi 1113, Lots 1114. 1116, 1116, 1117 1118 1119 1120 xsd 1121 Grxop 1. New Westminster District, ix can- celled. H, CATHCART, Deputy Minister or Lands. Lands Department, Victoria, B. C sou) September, 1931. C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and hiarine Expert Work Phone West 136 GEO. HAY Exisbiixhcd 1912 Real Estate and Insurance Notary Psbhe FIRE INSURANCE 5'OR RENT--Farshdwd xsd Usrarx- ixhxd Hm)ms. Emmy A)xi)chic Ior him)nenes ss "Mmhmx Hemxs" 1406 Mxrhm Drive Oirics Phono West 21 or Say. 1200 Rmideacs Pbmm W. 82R or W. 204K BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL R D. WHITE, Msx. Dixit)rtivs Fsssrai Sxcvlm Lady Axxixiasx 320--3rd Si. R Phoae Nsrih 630 Goin Too Far "I have a very indulgent hus- band" said Mrs Trust)ass. "Yes, so George says," re- sponded Mr)s Spitefuk 'Some- times indulges too much, doesn' he?" Tbe rxm Iar Clxmisxd Advcrtbmmcs)x lx 2 cmus per ver, miaimsm 25 cm)m. Fxccpi hx xbc csee si umse hxrixn rczsiar xccmmts, sii risxs)- Scdx are payable xtrlrtty hx xdvsnco Remember Cqxxsiaeds is ihe West Vxs Ncms sci Immcd)xte ress)is. E PALMER, Chimney Sexes, Pbmm TO RENT Fxrslsbcd Bsssalew, North 811R2. Burley, 28th sad Waterfront, phmm Wmt 169R2. PLAIN SEWI.'iG xsd DRESSMAK- IN(i--Also skerstk)sx. Madcrsm FOR CHIIINEV SWEEPING ssd chsrscx. Mm, MacAxlsy, Phone Rmd Repairing, Phmm Nortb Til. West 4NIR. FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Rm- FOR SALE -- Wktcr Baby Bxzzy )desex Pbees West 241K Bsrsxis. Axt quickly. Pho)m West 683X.