0001 THE WEST VAN NFWS Ot Iohdr 0 1071 rr r rrt./ ret eh hr sr Wheh~r hehrh hrre ~t rhh ~' v'~ e e w Hthw. werieo te reo ~ht e ~ t -.,eoi tee'st~ : 't metev e l,t e 'e:c «9twit tco te e e 'J he 'wr et tr wr': rn ~ hrr w* rr'r r~errri rre "vre rrrv rr rr tr ~he~r eh eeer rrrr rr r r w Thc Chrf'Jtiau Science Society )t est 1 ancouver AU are cordially invited to attend. The Home Bakery (Mrs. Fennings. Prop.) 2476 hfarine Drive THANKSGIVING SPECIALS PUMPKIN PIES COOKIES........ 2 dosen 26c TEA CAKES ........ each Sc JAM TARTS....pef'os. 20c Also home-made brown and white bread and rolls. AU made on the premises PHONE WEST 366 A SUCCESSFUL MAN'S SIAXISIS Establish year dependability snd your «redit. Be particular hot not critical. Slain(sin poise. Avoid the negative. Remember thoughts s r 4 things. Be content hut sat satisfied. Hold your temper ssd yow tongue. Reliability rates ahead of ability. Di- vide liberally with pear associates. hisster details, hst never let details master yoo. Happiness is largely 4 state of mind. Honey Cake Put in mixing bowl Ve cup of butter or margarine and Vs cup lard and work until creamy. Add graduafly, I cup strained honey and I egg well beaten. When smooth add I/2 cup sour milk and 4 cups flour sifted with 1 tea- spoon soda, itk teaspoon salt. Mtx weU and bake in greased shallow pan in a medium oven for 50 minutes. No hlonkey Business The stage manager rubbed his hands in eager anticipation, and nodded for the curtain to go up, but the new stage-hand took no notice. "Now then, wake up." shouted the manager. "Everything is ready. Run up that curtain." "Run up the curtain yerself," replied the stage hand. "I'm a stage hand, not 8 bloomin'quir- rel." Es(shlished on North Shore 20 Years. (Lsdr Assistant) HARRON SROS. 8( WILLIAMSOF(I I'uueral 6trertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 THE West Vari Nems Pshushsd Every Friday Pshlishet F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Bee(sess ssd Editorial OIHcs 17th ssd Marino Drive (Nest to Hoiirhurn P.O.) Phone West 363 Mail Address: P.O. Bos 61, Hollyhsr(L B.C. SLOO ~ year hy carrier; SSAN s pes hy malL Nswssissds 5c. per copy. United Church Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D, Sunday, October 11th. 1931. Thanksgiving Sunday The Sunday School meets nt 9:55 S.m. Public worship at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Dr. Henry will preach at both services. Morning topic: "The spiritual voice of Nature." Evening topic: "Some things worth living for." There will be no meeting of the Y.P.S. on hionday evening on account of its being the Thanks- giving holiday, The next gath- ering will be on Monday, 19th. The firs of the monthly studies on "Korea" will be the subject for the discussion. The Trail Rangers will meet on Tuesday at 7 o'lock with Mr. J. N. Giflies as mentor in charge. Last week the ofFicers chosen were: Chief Ranger, Doug. Mc- Nair; Secretary, Jack Schuberg Treasurer, Tom Grieve. AU boys from 12 years of age up are warmly welcomed. Next Tuesday night there will be a "Bean Feed," supplied by the boys, followed by initiation ceremonies conducted by a group from the North Vancouver Dis- trict. The C.G.I.T. meet every Fri- day evening at 7 o'lock. The oificers chosen last Friday are: President, Gertrude Thompson; Secretary, Dorothy Boshier; Treasurer, Erane Patterson. A bright and attractive pro- gram is being prepared for the winter and girls of 12 years and up are invited to link in with the work. This advance notice is for the W.M.S. that holds its monthly meeting on October 20, when hire. A. E. Mitchell of Shaugh- nessy Heights United Church, the president of Vancouver Presbyterial and a recent dele- gate to the Dominion Board at Toronto, will be the speaker. Friday, October is the opening supper of the Men's Club. We start as near 6:30 as pos- sible and after business includ- ing election of officers, the ad- dress will be given by Rev. Geo. Fsflis, B D., C.B.E., of Canadian Memorial Chapel, Vancouver. His topic is "Europe as I see it today." We want au the men to get behind our club. We have done well with our bowling green, Now we want to spread sociabil- ity and feel that the work of the church is a man's job. The children who are rehears- ing so faithfully for the play "Secrets" which is being staged in aid of the Welfare Fund, will be glad to know that it is hoped to be able to produce it during the second week in December. Mrs. W. T. Rush was in the chair, as the new president of the W.A. succeeding hirs. D C. Ritchie, on Tuesday, when much business was accomplished. The date for the annual Sale of Work is fixed for Tuesday, December I, and progress is being made towards filling up the stalls for willing buyers. An interesting and profitable afternoon is promised for Tues- day, October 13, when the W.A. is holding 8 Demonstration Tea, snd Sale of Home Cooking, in the Church Hsu from 3 to 5 o'lock. There will also be a ggndnhrcf A Thanksgiving Service to be held at 11:30 a.m. MONDAY, OCTOBER 12th, in Ihe CHURCH EDII'ICE BRITISH ISRAEL CANADIAN LECION MEMORIAL HALL NEXT SUNDAY- IO ~. mr School for Chlldte(L 2 p. m Speaker: MR. PERCY KING WEST VANCOUVER Cbnst)an Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20th sad Eequimsit, Hoilyhuts This Society Is ~ Branch of The Mother Church The First Chutch of Chris(, Sclenust, In Boston, Massachusetts Sunday Services II(SO ~.m. snd 7:20 p.m. Sunday, October 11th, "ARE SIN, DLNEASE and DEATH REA1.7" Sunday School si io:00 ~ .m. Testimunr Sleeting IVednesdsy ~t 8(16 p.m. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Residence: 2658 Marine Drive. Friday--7:JO p.m.--Evening De- votions. Saturday--7:30 p.m. -- Confes- sions. Sunday--8:45 a.m.--Holy Mass. 2 p.m.--Sunday School. 3 p.m.--Rosary, Benediction. Week Days--7:30 a.m. -- Holy Mass. Df. Marjory hlcCubbin DENTIST Hours: 9 ~.m. Ie 8 p.m. Saturdays: IO ~ . m, to I p. m. Evenings ssd Saturday After- noons by sppoinimeai only. Royal flank Bonding I'hose Wee( 440 Residence I'hose West SSX DR. G. LL /1. SEALS DENTIST Iisy Block, (4(h ssd I(arise Dr. oince Huws 9 to 0 p.m. Evenings by sppolntmeaL Phoae Wee( 72 Subject: '"I'HANKSGIVIN('ND I'RAISE" Mr. King broadcasts over CKWX every Wednesday st 9:SO p. III, St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. I'. A. Ramsey, L.T,S. 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 s.mqunday School, Jr. and Sr. Depts. 11:15 a.m. -- Sunday School, I'rimary and Beginners'epts. 11:15 a.m.--Matins and Ser- mon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and ser- mon. The 8 a.m. service will be the corporate communion for A.Y. P.A. and young people. There will be no meeting of the A.Y.P.A. on Monday as it is 'Ihanksgiving Dsy NURSING HoME (Mts M E Is( heave ILN ) 264 ~ 24th Stteei East North Vsacosret ate(deere I'hoact North ISSSR Permanent Waves ~ Baptist Church iNow given In Wee( Vancouver -- By the very hest sad safest method, --By the very beet msvhine svsiiahie, -- By s thorough snd Acti-class operator, iihnt mute could you sekf ~sd the prict. Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys, Residence, 1343 Hsywood Ave. Phone West 262R The Church Committee will meet at 8:15 in the Parish Hafl on Tuesday. Sunday, October 11th, Anniversary and Thanksgiving Services 10 a.m.--Sunday School and adult class. 11 a.m.--Morning worship. Preacher, Rev. A. W. Ward of Jackson Ave., Vancouver. Anthems: "I shafl see Him as He is," "Praise ye the Lord." Special hymns. 7:30 p.m.--Evening worship. Pastor will preach, topic, "The Double Manifestation." Anthem: "My Redeemer." Thanksgiving hymns. Wednesday 8 p.m.--Prayer dt praise with short address. Friday 7 p.m.--C.G.IT. Teen age girls welcome. Owing to the increased at- tendance at Sunday School it has been found necessary to divide the school into two sections. The junior and senior classes meet- ing as usual st 10 a.m. Snd the beginners and primary classes at 11:15, the same time as church service. There are 20 entries in the Anglican Road Races to be held in Hastings Park at 10:30 on Thanksgiving Day and 5 teams have entered the S.S. Basketbafl League. The teams will practice in the High School gymnasium on Wednesday evenings. $5 50 to $7.50 Gffjeyfdolyu Beauty Shoppe (640 Marine Drive Phoae West I(7 el am s woman of few words," an- netunced the haughty mistress to the new maid, "If I beckon wtih my fin- ger, that means come." "Suits me, mom,e replied the girl. "I'm 4 woman of few words myself. If I shake me head, ihst means I sis'I comint" The W.A. will meet on Tues- day, the 13th, at 2:30 in the Par,'sh Hsfl.Presbyterian Church Services in the Orange Hall. Minister: Rev. J. W. Cuddcford,g Phone North 1107. 2:00 p.m.--AU departments of the Sabbath SchooL Also the adult bible class. 3:00 p.m. -- Regular Church service Sermon, topic, "Life, Abundant Life." Jesus said: "I am come that ye might have life, and that ye might have it more abundantly." What did He mean 7 This is an important message. Thought for the week: "God never lets the man who trusts Him fight a battle alone." Every one feels at home in our church services. Come Sunday. Two lawyers, when s knotty argu- ment wss over, shook hands snd were ss good friends as before eSsr,e eries the losing client, "how come roo io be such friends, who were such foes fust nowT" Thou fool, one answers, "lawyers iho'o keen, like shears, ns'er cst themselves, hui what'4 between." MOLLIE EDWARDS AND EDDIE HORNSBY ATTEND POWELL RIVER NEET Miss Moflie Edwards and Ed- d e Hornsby, two outstanding members of the West Vancouver Swimming Club, made a groat impression recently when they gave an exhibition of fancy div- ing at the last meet of the sea- son at Poweu River. The local paper there could not speak too highly of their performance Of Hornsby they have this to say: "Eddie is 8 superb diver, and to those who witnessed his diving Sunday his right to the title of B C. champion will never be questioned." The )Vest Vancou- ver Swimming Club is to be con- gratulated on having two such members, who can carry high the club colors wherever they go. NOW 8HGWING A Grip()ius ltettttts The Lawyer'8 Secret ! AL80 Laurel smi Hardy In eLAUGH(NG GRAVY" Special Holiday Booking MAURICE CHEVALIER in "The Bett(isa l.iemesame Special M(stlfsee hION Thettk sitms 2.apI lttr 1 I'tetueee resow(its: "I'i.(iNI inn" enx!t'I'i" (tlu(NR(r'. O. D. E. Owing to Monday being Thanksgiving the October meet- ing of the Duncan Lawson Chap- ter, I.O.D.E., will be held Thurs- day, 16th October, at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. G. D. Elgar, 1566 Gordon. The speaker for the afternoon will be Miss Grubbe of the Central Welfare Bureau. BASKETBALL The girls of Pauline Johnson School turned out in force last Monday for the first basketball practice They were put through a good workout in passing and shooting and from the flrst showing should have 8 very suc- cesful season. Mr. Condon will have charge of the Pauline girls this year. FOOTBAI.L The following players are re- quested to turn out Saturday at 8 p.m. for the game with the R.CN.R.V. at Ambleside Park: Gisby, McLean, A. Downey, Grieve. Davies, Thompson, L. Clement, Normand, Bean, Cuflin and Griosdale. Monday at 11 o'lock at Powefl Street: Strong, McLean, A. Downey, H. Downey, Davies, Grieve, Burns, Normand, Bean, Cuflin and Griesdsle. musical program and SU ladies are invited to be present, when they will get a practical lesson In "Home-hooked Mats." Phone West 39 at greatly reduced prices. O(t 10 until sto(k ls cleared Dsrsisg Wool, skains ..... 2 (oe Se Purple Heather Wttel, os....... (It Rlssco Sweater Waoi, oa I tt Shoe Laces, pair.......,... 2 for IOc Soaps, black or white, card.... 4c I'issue Paper, white, toiL....... Se Dundarave Everything to be Sale to commence Saturday (60 yards Cotton Spool 2 fwe 204 Sewlsg Silk, spool ........... 2 for 1st Pull Skaiss .............,. 4 Iur pe Meeceristd Mending Bali' fur idc Writing Tshisis. 2 for (54, 2 far 25e Envelopes, pkis.. 2 for 254 HANDY ANN SHPPPZ