0001 1331 I Y f C 108 rl e l3 te pcr ig 3 tcr eho khe hgl lf gggtt pcgritcr 0 ghcgb hc sisy'ufltchtg ttgtggtW Iierc'6 3 p Sgf Sgl tis ehtg thing gt ihn vst rkfitrt" .heft "" 'Isa Agt [Ot! I ~ tel October 2, 1931 Vancouver Island Douglas Lump Nsnsimo-Wel I in g ton Lump snd Egg Nut, No. 1 Alberta Sootless Gsit Egg Drumheiler Egg Drumhelier Lump GET OUJI PR(CES Phones: North 178 snd 398 Evans, Coleman L Evans Ltd. NORTH VANCOUVER Brown Nut Bread 1 cup white flour 2 cups graham flour I teaspoon salt I/3 cup sugar 1 cup chopped walnuts t/2 cup black molasses 2 cups milk 1 teaspoon baking soda Sift together flour, salt and baking powder. Add sugar and walnuts. Dissolve soda in molgg- geg, then add to dry ingredients with the milk, and hake in mod- erate oven for about 1 hour. GAS HEATING IiVCREASES IN VANCOUVER Continued incrgsge in the adoption of gas for heating pur- poses in the city of Vancouver is reported by the gas depart- ment of the B. C. Electric Power and Gas Company. So far the year 1931 has seen the installa- tion of gag heating systems in such places as the Canadian Na- tional Railway dock, the new Forum on the grounds of the Canada Pacific Exhibition, and the number of churches which are gas heated hgs been aug- mented by the addition of the First Baptist Church. According to gas heating eng- ineers of the B. C. Electric company, widespread attention is being drawn to the principle of air conditioning, which rcpre- eentg the greatest advance in modern heating. Furnaces using ggs are now manufactured and being used by Vancouver resid- ences and buildings generally, that clean, circulate, heat, and humidify the air and thus rend- er a complete winter air condi- t;oning service, that is, they completely condition the air when the temperature and hum- idity is below the zone of human comfort, Research has brought summer aid conditioning with gas to the practical stage. It is expected that before 1932 ar- rangements will have been made for manufacturing and placing on the market equipment for int- erpreting these processes. There is no more important new uge for gas than that of building cooling and summer air conditioning the B. C. Electric engineers say. Gas heat energy is adaptable to heating absorp- tion materials directly gnd is capable of a cooling and dehum- idifying cycle. Abn conditioning consists of preparing the sir of a factory, store, theatre, dwelling or other building go that the occupants will be comfortable. In addition, !n parts of factories, air is con- ditioned for certain industrial procegseg depending upon itg ef- fect on the product being manu- factured. Ag outside weather conditions affect the state of air in buildings it is chiefly to coun- teract outside weather that air conditioning is done. Complete air conditioning consists of cleaning and circulating by means of filter and fan equip- ment; heating or cooling as nec- essary and humidifying or de- humidifying as needed. Air is cnnditioned in the winter time by cleaning, circulating, heating and humidifying or moistening. Air is conditioned in the summer by cleaning, circulating, cooling snd humidifying or drying. Heating and humidifying as well as cooling and de-humidifying require energy and this is being furnished by gas heat in all sec- tions of the country at an in- creasing rate. Ginger Snaps 1 cup molasses I cup butter or lard I cup sugar I teaspoon ginger 1 egg 1 teaspoon baking gods i/4 cup warm water I/4 teaspoon salt fit/2 cups flour. (2 cups lard make 1 pound) Put molasses and ginger into n bowl, add sugar snd melted shortening, then egg, gnd bak- ing soda, which has been dis- solved in i/4 cup warm water, eifh flour and salt, work into other ingredients, roll out as soft ns possible. Bake about 18 min- utes on well greased iron sheet. Plain Fruit Cake 1 cup butter 2 cups brown sugar 2 eggs 1 cup sour milk 1 teaspoon baking soda I/4 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon each, mace, cloves cinnamon gnd ginger. 4 cups flour I cup raising I cup currants 1 cup citron peel Cream butter thoroughly, gradually adding sugar, then well beaten eggs, sift together flour, baking soda, salt and spices, then add to first mixture alternately with milk, then fruit and citron peel. Beat well and put in well greased cake pans and bake in moderate oven 2 to2'ours. (41/i cups oatmeal make 1 lb.) Chocolate Cake 1 cup grated chocolate '/3 cup sweet milk Wl cup brown sugar Yolk of one egg 1 teaspoon vanilla i/3 cup butter '/ cup brown sugar 2 eggs 2 cups flour I teaspoon baking gods t/3 cup sweet milk Into a double boiler put choc- olate,:I/l cup brown sugar, egg yolk, vanilla and sweet milk. Cook slowly till like cream, cool, then sdd butter, tg cup browtt sugar, beaten eggs and flour, which has been sifted with the baking soda, .add sweet milk. Beat all well together. Bake in a glow oven. Ecsiet ts Handle "Ycu hit your husband with ~ chsitf Pray tell we uhy you did it, Mlhci." "I did k,a sighed thc lady flit, "Because I could uct Bft the table." Ireland's chief export to Fng- land hag been genius--Mr. D. k. Hardman. COAL Order your winter supply now while the weather ig fsvoursble. We have s very fine stock of the following qusiity cosig: THE WEST VAN NEWS Beauty Hints Fluffy, glossy hair reflects your general health. Massaging the scalp with the finger tips will improve the cir- culation, snd help to nourish the hair. For dandruff or oily hair agk your druggist for 0 good hair tonic. Whether your hair is long or short, it must be clean and smooth. Shampoo the hair st least once 0 month. Most hair needs wash- ing oftener. Use Castile, Ivory or sny pure soap. Rinse three times, the lspt time with cold water. Be sure to get out all traces of soap. Drying in the sunshine is ben- eficia. Have your own comb and brush gnd keep them clean. Brush your hair to make it smooth and glossy. "Fiftv strokes" wss the old rule. Two colored janitors were dis cussing the possibility of mak- ing g loan to bridge them over a financial difficulty. One sug- gested 0 banker of hig acquaint- ance. »Dey say he's kinds tight." "Tight, nothin'!" returned the first. "Dat msn's as lib'I as dey make 'cm. He loaned mc five dollars two yeahs agon and'e ain't nebgr ask fo't yit. Eb'ry Sat'day night I goes 'roun'nd'ays 'im two bits intrugt, an'e says fo'e nnt t'orry 'bout dat principal. No. suh, dat bank- er friend'ho'm white." «, CLASSIFIED ADS «Sum ic 2 cculs pct «cttL mhtfmum hstiug teptict Scca»tots SB cisssi TO RENT -- FSCS4hcd Buuguisu. Butler, 28th snd Wstctftcuh phsuc Wast Jggkz. Fok RENT--Rect Forty, cswfctt- shic house, modern, psttiy Cutuish- ed, ntce htight teams, gscd view. West 820L F.. I'AI.MER, Chimuey Sweep, Phase North 8iik2. C. J. BkODERICK, Photo Fiuishct, 1622 Mstiuc. Films, ptiuts, tuistgc- mcuis, speed Service, icosi vice cul- eudstc sud Xms& Cstda. FOR CHIMNEY SWEEPINiG scd Reef Repcitiug, Phase North 77L Fok PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Res- idence Phone West 241JL MARCELLE SHOP tests; reset. 36ci guest wave, 75c. Phone Mm. King. West 204. FOR PAJNT1NG, KALSOMJNJNG- Appiy C. L. Kssiugs, Residence Shout Wast 39JIL AUTO Tni'S sud CURTAINS, L'yr hsisictiug. slip csectc. N. JL Ellis, 1427 Msrtuc. West 184JL I'Ok RENT--Ream for lady, near ferry, board optional. Scx 100, West Vcu News. I'I.AIN SEWING cud DRESSJCAK. ING--Also skctcucns. Jfcdcrstc thstgcs. Mts. MSSAuisy, Phone West 408 R. FOR RENT--Comfortably futciahed fully modern three-room bungalow. 1888 Bckceuc Avc. Phone Buyvicu 8176L R(NJM AND BOARD iu private i«wc on Wstctftcut. Radio, use SC piano. References. Apply Bcx 2i, West Vsu Ncuta Siighuy Micuudctsicsd A freshman uus spcudiug Ssiutduy sf(amoco on s fctm, the home of hi~ best girl, cud the scenery fdicd him with romance. As they walked through s pcstotc hc noticed ~ cow sud u clif tuhhiug uascta »Such s loving sight," said hc, "makes mc «cut is do the same." »GS ahead," said the girl. "It' psw's cows. Hc won't care." FOR RENT~ Rsow liocicts Buuss- icu, newly decorated, $ i6. 2270 Hay«sod. Call next door fsr itey. To RENT--5 tscuu Hcucc as Belle- vue. Csntcu'Icut to school, church- es, stores, ctc. Sccctsi good fruit ttecs sttd good gctdca, $20. Jehu Lswasu. Vi'cct 66. FULJ.Y MODRRN FURNISHED HOME--Three large tccws, Stc- place. Pisus sud gutsgc cpticssl 2081 Esquimsit. THREE MAMMOTH White I'chiu Youug Ducks ccmmcuciug laying. ~ isc tws drakes. $8Jio tht lct. Phone West 53Y2. TWO TFNT COVBRS--Ouc Fly, Cst- tsgc furniture. Phone Weel 63YJ. FOR RENT--Ou Wcictftout, 26 I 6 Bellevue. mcdctu houcc, five rooms. Phouc West 133L2. Sfx HOLE FAWCEIT RANGE-- White enamel cud uicitie, iu gtst class shape, $22410. Apply 2469 Lsussu. c'\ „ I f t ' KRM't, c +p,'.-cu «qadi»40 .t t CHEVROLEC SEDAN FOR SALE-- Good condition. Accept $176, real bargain. Wtxt 151X2. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Duudutsvc. FOUNDATION CEMENT VIORK- Landscaping cud Lawns laid. Rock «sits. drums ccplc tusks Ccucmg cud land clearing, chimucys sud fut"»c«cleaned cud tcpxitctL Phone T. Bstuctt, tccidcscc phouc West 290JL ALL THE BEST Breads cf Cigars. Cigarettes sud Tohscctm Also Ex- chsugc Poker Hands sud Consol cards Pace. Amhiccidc Tes Rooms. One of West Vsncouver's Homes GARDENS and GARDENING By hHNA G. HUTT, Landscape Architect o 4 t 4 aa«4 ct c u. I c s««4« select ot 4&c c A ltt«t o m t c. txe«e« tc t4«t tuec«l g«4 . C. J. Overington PIOiVEER BARBER 14th and siarine Expert IVork I'hone West 135 Many of the earlier dahlias produced from seed were of the single type, but the greatest ef- fort was put forth toward de- veloping those which showed a tendency for doubling. The work was carried forward until show and fancy dahlias became quite common and some of the types produced years ago are still cultivated. The growing of dahliag became so specialized that the amateur gardeners lost interest and it was:not until 1879, when the first cactus dahlia was developed, that the publ:c again became intensely interested. The cactus dahlia was go called because of its close rtgembfance to a scarlet cactus flower then growing wild. The cactus dahlia has petals which recurve at the edge and show as well 0 twisting of the entire pet- al. The fantastic forms of the cuctus type hgd much to do with the revival of interest in the flower. The net type of dahlia tn ap- pear was the decorative type. The flowers of this type have large broad petals arranged somewhat loosely in rather flat heads. The next type of dahlia to ap- type. The petals of this group do not show the extreme reflex- ing which is characteristic of the cactus type. They are in the opinion of many the most beau- tiful of the dahlias and most certainly are of greater commer- cial value than the true cactus tiqte in that they hold there heads more erect and stand ship- pmg long distances better. Then there are the peony flowcred dahlias. These flowers are of the semi-double type. The centre florets are curled and twisted go that it resembles very much the flufly penny bloom. The cactus, decorative, and I«nny flowuc»d duhltas are the chief favorites of the amateur gardener. Two other types of dahlias which appear to be gaining in favor are the porn porn and the duplex. The porn poms are dwarf forms of the large tall growing dahlhtg but with niorc spherical flowers and are quite useful as cut flowers. The duplex type are a group of flowers in which the Centre disk floret ctttl shows but is surrounded by several rows of ruy florets. 1 ach variety br.'nge 'orth nctv varietiea, new colors snd new forms. some few of which are of value but the vast majority soon disappear. NOTS Tla»etta ttt ««lat tl ~ Cte « «cwetuw ~c tla ta tl4 co4»a. T4 uut4 l«lt 4 mt«a«4 tat4 wtte 4 w t tl sutta Tlouawc»ttt ato«t ta u a«tt tee« ~ tt ~ t»««at Mt t tut«4 ~ a««toa ~ott»44««ed ««4S al«m t» «c44. GEO. HA Y Established 1913 Real Estate snd Insurance Notary Puhiic FIRE INSUILLiCE FOR RENT--Futuiched cud Uufutu- ishcd Houses. Mosey Atckchic fct 11cttgcgcs su Mcdctu Hsw« 14D5 Jfctius Drive OCficc Phcuc West 21 or Scy. 1280 14»idcucc Phone W. 82R or W. Mttx BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL IL D. WHITE, Mgt. Oictiuctiee Fuuctsi Sctehc Lady Assistant3~ St. IL Phase Net(6 828 Chccpt't ts Cltty Ou MCPhcmcut "Gite wc tus penny- worth c'cicoa." Chemist: "We can't msitc up tus pennyworth. Cit. We can ssly wskc up six pennyworth. ikcphctccu (cftct deep ihoughtit "Au. well, I'l nu commit suicide. Fcuud Oui John: »whet dc ysu mcus dear, aches you suy I'vc hecu deceiving ycu for ycutc I" Hcicst "I'tc fust found sut that ysu got $K000 cksucucc cu your iv« come lux tetutu Cst hciug wcttiad, cud ystt tmiy gave utc ~ tttlscmthis $ig C utlhro The tate for (1cssised Adectthte 25 ccttts. Except iu ihc cslut sf ihccc Suds stc pcyshic sttlcUy is sdtcucc. Re«Sweat Clssslgcds iu Utc West Vcu ~ ives gct imwcdicic tcsuits. rr r'a«»