0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS October 2 1931. IC PI ,rvc 'C r F t " V ~ ~.A V cr I ~ uupr c OVFmv p c.c F- t u ~ '"p 'p rr p rp p% . P PP"P ~"rpr Putt( I * IP' C I' tr ' t COP p -':r ~1'r' p mrrr ~ ~ 'rvr' rrr c Crr ~ ' "F rrprptrcvr,rrv'r. r ~ VVrrv " V VF'r V ~ v "vrVVCMV ~ . r V'rrvrrrvrrrrr C ~trd r err r vr rtrvrrrrr r.rv~ Vc ~rr ~-r v 'rvr. FVV V rrr rccF IIifurq,jr B. C. EI.ECTRIC OPERATES 16 CITY BUSES On hiarch 19th, 1928, the first of the B. C. Electric fleet of city buses began running in Van- couver over the Grandview Highway route. There are now sixteen buses operating on six feeder lines in the city and the diterence between the original vehicle referred to. the M-I, then the latest tdq(e of urban bus, and the M-16, added to the fleet this year, is very marked. Six cylin- MASS 51EETING SENDS RESOLUTION Re SECOND PNARIIOWS BRIDGE The mass meeting in the K.P. Hall, North Vancouver, on Mon- day night, which met to consid- er what steps should be taken to restore the Second Narrows bridge, passed a resolution to be forwarded to Ottawa in which they stated the solution was solely in the hands of the federal authorities. Reference was also made in the resolution to the serious condition of business on the North Shore as a result of the bridge being out. The three-page preamble to the main resolution refers to the br.'dge as a public utility, nature of its ownership and to the ac- cident of September 19, 1980, as "one which proper regulations for the passage of ships through the bridge would have avoided." Comment is made upon the in- convenience and expense to mer- chants and citizens on both sides of the Inlet due to enforced dis- continuance of road and rail traffic and the resultant "strang- I:ng of industries and increasing of unemployment." It is recited that for more than five years representatives of cities and municipalities con- cerned have without success en- deavored to obtain proper regu- lations for the passage of ships through the bridge. and no sat- isfactory action has been taken by the Dominion Government in this connection. Referring to shipping. it sets forth "that there is only an av- erage of one deep-sea vessel pass- ing through the bridge each day." It is claimed that a regu- lat on prohibiting deep-sea ves- sels from attempting the pas- sage of the bridge except against the tidal current would prevent serious accidents. "It is unreasonable to expect private enterprise to assist fin- ancially or the municipalities to increase their already heavy commitments in financing the bridge unless and until their in- vestment is safeguarded by the enactment of proper regula- tions," stated another excerpt. I. L. P. West Vancouver Branch WHIST DRIVE Legion Hall, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9th st 8:45 p.m. Prizes and Draw Prize I/z ton Coal Tickets 25c. dere have taken the place of four and power has been inciwased. Body design has made rapid strides making for beauty of ap- pearance and greater travel comfort. Air brakes and treadle step equipment have been added and combine with numerous other safety features to make the modern city bus equal in every respect to the latest elec- tric street car. Feeder buses have a very special place in modern co-ordin- ated urban transportation pro- viding facilities In districts which are not populous enough to warrant heavy investment in street car trackage by the trans. portstion company, In such an area it is often hard to deter- mine where the centre of popu- lation will be and this makes it highly uneconomical to lay csr tracks while the district is un- developed. In Vancouver the B. C. Electric Railway company continues to extend the mileage of its feeder bus lines as needs arise. Reeve J. B. Lcyland stated that on the strength of Second Narrows bridge, West Vancou- ver had guaranteed bonds to the extent of 3800,000 for extension and renewal of Marine Drive to Whytecliff. With the bridge out of commission, a serious situa- tion had arisen. Those who had invested in the municipality were out of pocket. He consid- ered the government had not yet awakened to the gravity of the situation. "I am told that shipping int- erests are strong enough to throttle North Shore develop- ment. If that is the case things have come to a sorry pass," said Reeve Leyland, Acting-Mayor John Bennett of Vancouver declared: "I am here to show you that you have the backing of the City of Vancou- cer. We are behind you in your etorts to have the bridge re- stored." He said he considered it extra- ordinary that a whole year should have elapsed with no tangible evidence that the bridge is to be restored. ol can not conceive of such a thing happening in Quebec or Ontario--there must be some powerful interests at work, for the fact remains that we are no nearer a solution than we were a year ago." Aid. Loutet was critical of the government for its failure to give a definite answer regarding the loan. He said bridge direc- tors had every reason to believe the agreement would be approv- ed. oPrem.'er Bennett's letter shows he "is not conversant with the question," added the alder- man. "I blame those who should have acquainted him with the facts. We were led to believe members of the cabinet knew all about it." Aid. Loutet declared "that there are interests in Vancouver which are opposed to the bridge and to the development of the North Shore. and attempts are being made to keep North Shore people from doing what it is ap- parent ought to be done." Chiiier ChaHer'hildren do not develop color sense until about two years of age. The station-master rushed out of his room after hearing a crash on the platform. He discerned a disheveled young man sprawled out perfectly flat among a con- fusion of overturned milk cans and the scattered contents of his travelling bag. "Was he trying to catch the train?" the station-master asked of a small boy, who stood by ad- miring the scene. "He did catch it," said the boy, "but it got away again.o The Thought Wss There-- ! "I say, old chap," said the bridgegroom, "it wss awfully decent of you to send us that cheque for fifty pounds, but there seems to have been some mistake. The bank has returned it marked 'R.D.' OYou really mustn't take that too seriously," replied the guest. "It was an indication of the sort of present I should like to have given you. Will for the deed sort of thing, you know." Ripsnort: "A friend of mine hasn't spent a penny for five years." Shushem: "What are you talk- ing about?" Ripsnort: "It's a fact. But he will be out of jail next week." "I wish," said an irate lawyer, "you would pay a little attention to what I say.o OI am," answered the witness, "paying as little as I can." Cutajar: "I understand your hens have stopped laying.u Chlupp: "Yes, two of them have." Cutsjar: "What's the reason?'hlupp: "They had an auto accident.o"Hullo, bought a saxophone, have you?o "No, I borrowed it from the man next door." "But you can't play it." "Neither can he while I'e got it." "Every time baby looks into my face he smiles." said a fond ! father. "Well," replied his wife, "it may not be polite, but it shows he has 4 sense of humoriu The young boarder was leav- ing, and he had asked for his bill, "I hope you won't charge me for a hot bath,u he said. "It was only lukewarm." The landlady looked at him over the top of her glasses. "Oh, no," she said, "Hot bath six-pence, cold bath threepence --so lukewarm will be nine- pence." The Tea with 40 years'xperience behind it THE BURNING BUSEl By Subadar Everybody lately seems to be discussing the etects of Eng- land's going off the gokl stand- arrl . That it will act both as a tarii? wall and an impetus to ex- ports i», of course, apparent, providing other nations do not follow suit. Having, however. only the most rudimentary ideas of and absolutely no experience in foreign exchange. I do not feel competent to discuss the mnt- ter. Yet there ls one angle which does not seem to have occurred to the general public, and that is, if England'» trade balances to other countries are not to be met in gold, they must be paid for in kind. That means getting back to the old form of barter snd ex- change. which is alright so long as other countries will take a sutfcient amount of English goods to make up the balance. Should. however, they refuse or not need them, another blind al- ley would appear to have been reached. All the great financl- crs are agreed that England has acted very wisely in going off the gold standard, but at the same time to an amateur like Iuy'self the wsy does not seem to be clear yet, even allowing for the use of silver in exchange. The U.B.C. students according to press reports are very busy introducing the young ides into their midst. Many forms and ceremonies have been thought up in order that the newly joined may have a proper appreciation of the dignity and importance of the older students. It puzzles me why in this land of goats that animal has not been thought of in connection with these initia- tions. There are all kinds of them in B. C. and of all shapes, though chielly of no shape. I would recommend the goat to the student body for next year' festivities. There was s war waged from 1914 to 1918, and we of the British Empire came too close to going under to feel st all comfortable. Everybody of all classes realized before the fight- ing had been long on that we were properly up against the real thing, and in a mutual peril we forgot ourselves and our likes and dislikes, and pulled together for the common good. The same situation exists to- day, only this time the peril ls from possible internal disrup- tion. It is just ss real and equal- y as serious as in the war years, and it can be only met and con- quered by our pulling together exactly as we did then. Hollyburn THEATRE Thursday, Fr(duy uod So(urdur Oc(odor I, 4 S. «The Bat Whispers" wl(h ('I(PATRI( M()knik Monday, Tuesday 4 Wedooodor October d, S, 7. (;(Aik(A SWANSON Iu INDISCREET The BURRARD LAUNDRY For People Who Are Particular THIRD ST. ood ST. D*VIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1810. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS I'hone West 4101. FURNACE and SHEET METAL REPAIRS Ambleside Sheet Metal 1Voeks IAUR(E SPECK, Prop(lo(or 1446 Marine Drive I'hone West 43?L2 ILW.Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 ~ ~ It will have been noticed in connection with the recent re- grettable riots in Estevan that with one or two exceptions the names of all those appearing in the casualty lists are those of foreigners. It is about time the Canadian Government served notice on all those of foreign ex- traction that deportation will follow conviction for rioting. This is a Dominion within the British Empire, and, if such do not approve of our system of government, the only proper course for them to pursue is to get back "pronto" to their country of origin, where rioting is always met by wholesale shooting. Deep Minos Eusliohmuu: "We hove coal minos uo deep that 4 (ukou an hour (o So( down into some of them uud an hour (o return io (bo surface." American: "That' uo(hing. We have minos uo deep Ibu( It (okoo half ~ dur (0 So dowa Iu(o (hola oud ~ Il other hoi(-duy to some ou(." Eoe(lohmuu; "Ridiculous. When Is (ho work douol" Amor((uo: "Oh, the nish( ohif( does that." Real Estate Finance and Insurance On the stat of s paper ln a small city was s reporter who wss right in most respects, but he would use up a lot of unnec- essary words. His typewriter ribbon was generally in shreds -I before he had finished the simp- lest yarn. After long suf?ering the city editor finally summoned him to his desk. "Listen," he said. "Here's a story I want you to go out on, and for the love of Pete when you come back tell the thing as simply ss you possibly can." This was the story that was turned in: "Donald Greene, 5 Park Street, lit s match to see if there was any gas ln his tank. Yes. Age 41.o Maclean'8 Orange Pekoe