0001 ggi blh ! .I shine airi .50 li'e . LIhq( '-- tr City chided!I I( I eli., te io srgt h ernmtnt ",( tytedifi-,r'E. R4IL g ml Prov- P'4 egtrdisg, between i, orge 2nd Felhr ni ~er ill$ sert rrIC" iiisg slemb's) '=" I October 2, 1931. THE WEST VAN NEWS Local and Nrs. H. Huggins, 2669 Msth- ers Ave gave a birthday party on the evening of the 17th ult., ln honor of her husband. Covers vrere laid for fourteen, the dec- orations being carried out with glsdiola anrl michaelmas daisies. There were numerous presents and a very enjoyable evening was spent in singing and danc- ing. The guests included friends from California, Vancouver and West Vancouver. ~ a a T. Dodson of Vancouver, now heads the Ambleside Fishing Competition with s 151/I, lb. sal- mon, which he caught on 27th September. C. Hyams landed 6 10 lb. fish the day previous, and is now second in the competition. ~ ~ a Mr. snd Mrs. H. L. NacLean, who have been living for some t;me in Vancouver, are now oc- cupying a tlat at 1774 Marine Drive. ~ ~ L.O.L. No. 2990 will hold the regular meeting next Tuesday at 8 p. m. in the new Orange Hall, when there will be an initiation of new members.\ a ~ Frank Draper, who is a pati- ent in Shaughnessy Hospital, spent the week end with his father at 25th and Marine Drive. uy W. L. (Bill) Grout has pur- chased the West Van. Motors Garage property from H. A. Farr. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes, who have been spending the summer at 31st and Travers Ave., left here last Saturday to return to Shanghai, China. a a ~ Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Extence sve gone back to Cuba after pending the summer in Alta- iont. a At the presentation of medals nd certificates held in the Hotel ancouver on the 30th Septem- ber, awarded at the recent mid- summer examinations of the Royal Academy of Music and the Royal College of Music, Jean Kinloch, pupil of Mrs. F. Knight Hodge wss awarded a certificate for honorable mention in the elementary class piano, with an aggregate of 126 marks, and was also awarded s silver medal donated by Mrs. F. Knight Hodge, as holder of the highest marks amongst her pupils. Jean also made a very creditable show.'ng as s young vocalist in the last B. C. hiusicel Festival. r Howard Dunfield, nephew of Miss E. H. Crewson and hfrs. George Bell, 2397 JefFerson Ave., has arrived from Carberry, Man- itoba, to take up his studies at the University of British Col- umbia. g Miss Beatrice Hodgson, pupilof Miss Margaret McIntyre, who won the gold medal and certifi- cate for intermediate grade in violin at the recent Royal Acad- emy of Music examinations, was presented with her certificate on Wednesday evening in the Hotel Vancouver. The gold medal, which is being engraved in Eng- land, will be presented later. ~ ~ ~ Nrs. M. Bulkley of "Dreamy Nook," Bellevue Ave., has been confined to her home through sickness. ~ \ a The residence of Mrs. Lloyd at Sherman was totally destroy- ed by fire in the early hours of Friday morning. The fire hsd established a firm hold before it was noticed, and ss a result the fire brigade, though quickly on the spot, was unable to do any- thing to eave the building or con- tents, ~ ~ ~ hire. Lloy&l, whose house at Sherman was destroyed by fire last Friday, is occupying a house «t 24th and Haywood. Hlghar grads aunt aur r&an maka 411.00 and up Al 'I RRATIONS and REPAIRS WE CALI AND DELlhER M. WILLIAMS 1568 hlarine Drive Res. Phone West 286L Phone West 20 DUNDARAVE CASH GROCERY Corner 26th and Bellevue GROCERIES, TOBACCOS, CIGARETI'ES, CONFECTIONERY, ICE CREAM, SOFT DRINKS, We deliver Phone West 7 Your patronage solicited Musicians'lub of West Vancouver LEGION TO- n jgI-I t Programme of Grand Opera Silver Caiiacllan W. L. OGDEN CO. Men's and Boys" Furnishings Exclusively EL for Men Bud Boys own selection. He considered the SMART FALL APPAR ASK OTTAIVA TO rJ CONTROI, I'ARK Chairman A.A. Lane of the village of Mission welcomed 150 guests at a banquet there last Friday evening to discuss Gari- baldi Park. Representatives of administrative bodies from Chil- liwack to Vancouver considered the advisability of the extension of this park area and its govern- ance by the federal authorities. A resolution, moved by Reeve S. Nusselman of Maple Ridge, ask- ing for the immediate transfer of the Garibaldi Park ares to the Federal Government to provide work for the unemployed, was carried. Reeve D. W. Poppy of Lang- ley, who seconded the resolution, pledged the support of the muni- cipalities south of the river. An historic account of the ne- gotiations betv een the province and the Federal Government was given by Hon. N. S. Loug- heed, minister of lands. Plans l.ave been submitted to Ottawa oifering the lands and allowing federal authorities to set ithe boundaries, he said. The water power rights were not an insur- mountable obstacle, and there was much park development that could give work to the unem- ployed this winter. The interior work would close down with the snow, and there were still thousands of workless in Van- couver. The development of this park would provide many oppor- tunities for labor. It was sug- gested that a forest reserve ad- joining the park eastward to in- clude the Fraser Canyon, be added. The Provincial Govern- ment was anxious to help the people in preserving these lands for the future. A lucid account of the federal parks system in general and the possibilities of Garibaldi in par- ticular was given by CoL W. W. Foster, who said the park con- tained an Alpine wealth compar- able to anything else in Canada. It preserved the story of crea- tion in a museum of nature' question of Cheakamus Lake of ro consequence to the scheme. There was a splendid park with that elim'nated. Reeve J. B. Leyland confessed to visions of a national gateway to the park through the District of West Vancouver. Hon. W. At- kinson considered that no time should be lost in this project as much money would be spent in road development in the near future. Co-operation in the pro- ject was promised by H. J. Bar- I er, M.P. Acting Mayor John Bennctt of Vancouver defined the move- ment as a laudable aspiration, / but said he must speak with»'aution.The scheme would have the wholehearted support of Vancouver, if the city's rights were fully guarded. C. E. Tis- dall of Vancouver supported Mr. Bennett'4 position regarding water rights. It was possible to make agreement with the Fed- eral Government while safe- guarding the rights of Vancou- ver and neighboring municipal- ities, he said. Col. F, C. Bell, chairman, and Harold Graves, secretary. des- cribed the position and operation of the Garibaldi Parks Board. Mayor E. H. Bridgman of North Vancouver', pledged the c~per- ation of the North Shore in the work of obtaining federal admin- istration of the park. 'HOT(1 FINISHER MOVES TO NEW LOCATION C. J. Broderick, Photo Fnish- cr, 1421 Marine Drive, has rec- ently become associated with Wm. Sager, Jeweller, at 1522 Marine Drive, and will carry on the business of developing and printing, enlarging and coloring in his new location, commencing October 1st. He hss also a number of lines of Chirstmas calendars and Christmas cards with local views, which are both attractive and distinctive. He Asks the public to call snd see them. ASTBURY LUMBER CO. Lid. BUILD NOW A Cohil'I.ETE 13UILDING SEI(VICE AT A MINISIUM COST I'lans and Specifications 1)rnwn Up and Es(lmates Given I.DANS ARRANGED IV RE(IUIRED Phone North 285 Night: North 1415-R Odorless Dry Cleaning and Dyeing sUITs l claanad 6& 3 fbfh ] RRURNT sUITR To riitDRR Personal Mr. snd Mre. Charles Roberts of Roberts'etter hieats, have returned from a very enjoyable holiday in the Cariboo country.\ a a Harold V. Byrnell of Victoria, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Byr- nell, 889 16th Street. \ a a Dr. F. T. Richardson, 14th and Duchess, left here on Tuesday for a trip up north and in Van- couver Island. ~ ~ ~ Oscar Britton is having a house built st 23rd and Jefferson Avenue. a Mr. and Nrs. J. T. Watt snd family, 16th snd Esquimslt, have moved into a house at 1483 Duchess Avenue. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Cameron and family, who have been spending the summer at their home in Csulfeild, have returned to Vancouver for the winter. a Mr. and Mrs. D. MacN. Thom- son and family, moved on Mon- day into their new home at 11th and Esquimalt Ave. ~ ~ ~ F. Troughton has moved from 26th snd Bellevue into s house at 2569 Marine Drive. ~ ~ The survey party has started on its work of locating the pro- posed highway from Whyteclitf to Britannia. ~ \ Mrs. David Morgan of West Bay, is visiting friends at Port Alj&erni Vancouver Island a Mr. and Mrs. D. hIcCall Stitt have moved from 2257 hiarine Drive to a house at 2264 Gordon Avenue. a Charles Ridley, who met with a very serious accident last June and has since been a patient in the North Vancouver General Hospital, has returned to his home at 29th and Bellevue. J. R. L. MacDaniel, 1483 Duchess Ave., is leaving shortly for Ireland. ~ a Mr. and hire. H. B. Garland and family, 2219 Bellevue Ave., have moved to 1291 hiarine Drive. J DEATH OF A. R. MOLL Your Frescriptiou Faithfully dispensed, eco- nomically priced snd quick- ly delivered by West Van- couver's Fhrst Druggrstn-- WEST VAR f'fIARlifACT The Stars sr Sarake. 1442 Marian Drive Rn&argancr Phaaa Wast 221 (Artcc 4 Iana) Stratton'S BAKERY BREAD CAKES Chocolate Cake, Bar Leaf Buna - Rolls Scones Nut Bread - Shortbread Christening, Birthday, Wedding Cakes ASSORTED PASTRIES Almond Vnrieriaa ! made at 1468 hIARLNE DRIVE Phone West 27--or CaB GORDON ROBSON Sacciatac Ji Saiicitar WEST VANCOUVER-- Office Na. 1442 Marina Drive. Phana West 406. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 616; 610 Hastings St. W Phone Sapmauc 4164. HOLLVSURN Barber Shop 16th A Marina EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Proprietor HOLT- The Class i(fan 14?0 ivinrine Drive Phone West 2y All kinds of Class Work FUEL VERNON FEED STORE A. R. Moll passed away peace- fully last Sunday at the home of Owen Tanner, 2342 Bellevue Avenue. The deceased, who was in his 42nd year, had been ill for some time. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife and one daughter, also one brother in Peace River, and a brother and sister in England. Funeral ser- vices were held at St. Stephen'6 Church at 2:30 p.m Ivednenday Rev. F. A. Ramsey officiating, and interment wss made in the Returned Soldiers'lot, North Vancouver. Burrard Funeral Chapel had charge of the ar- rangements. A. C. Searle, Phone bvest 9 Fuel, Feed. Fertilisers and Building Supplies The family was seated at the table with a guest who was a business acquaintance of dad's. all ready to enjoy the meal, when the five-year old son blurted out. "Why, mother, this is roast beef!" "Yes," answered the mother, "what of it?" "Well pop said this morning that he was going to bring that big fish home for dinner to- night." Q, J, ISEOgiegiek Fram Oct. 1st auc shop will be at1622 Marina Dries Photo Finiaher ~ sf tba stma ar wm. sager, Jcwanar MOVES Developing, Printing, Enlarging and Copying Wa da auc awa wack and da It right is Wast Vancauaac, ~nd wa can giaa yau 4 haut aarcica if carr&a&ad. C. J. Broderick, Photo Finisher 1SXX Marine Drive LADIES Attractive Prices for Sweaters A Raincoats Brooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear 14ib and Illariaa Driva. Pbana West 144 Exciuaiva Aeanta Carticaili Silk Hara and Universal Swaatara also Igsvait(as, Tsya, School Supplies, Hemstitching .r r aa aa =-'-!