0001 r iov. hr.v or rvv I ~W re4 v« rV'vrrrr ~v r ~oh 4vr ,.r ' oooo+ L row pw u v"~ ' ' o v "u4 u v F 1 ivrv u i v Pd v i'vxiamu ~ Co v v" 'o. ~ . v ~ vi i o,r r 'Vrv o rr or'rrr v rr rrv»'rrv r ~ w'v rr re re o r ~vr rr rv'rir- Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Quality Food Bargains Friday Cr Sataarday, September XS, X6 Rvd e White COFFER I lb liu 89v I SEEDLESS RAISINS--Auoivuliou NEITRD GEII POTATOES largo uud mvuly...... 2 lbs. zav 25 Dx sock .. 28v Rode ll'hiioCUTGREFV BEANS 61bo. Iov ................... Iac CHOICE I'EAS--Culumblu, Nix 6 Rod 4 ll'hite CATSUP, pvv liu .........,........ 9v 12 ox. bottle...................... 17v LUNCH TONG('E--Australian PBARI. WHITE NAPTHA SOAP 8 oa. Hu .............. 25c The Favorite Noplho... 6 bars 28v, 1IF SOAP I'LAKES--'Suds iu ~ Sovo ihv wrappers for useful gifm. i Jigy' large package ... Isv LOGANBERRV 1AM Nobob I SUGAR --hlodo in B. C. 10 Ibo, for . ..... ... 47v 4 Bx liu .-.------. --" ----- i 5IANABATIEE TEA, CAKES--Roid Bros. 8 lb. bog.. 89v Dark Fvmt Cake, Old Couuivy Rod 6 u hiio MOLASSES 2 lb. xixo .....-........--.. 48c 20 ux. Iiu................. Iav Citron Cherry Cake, BISCUITS--Christie'o "Dandy" 2 lb. oixo . --. "--- - 48c Amovtmvut, pcv Ib ..... 27c SHREDDED WHEAT BISCLIT vrlTCH HAZEL TolLET SOAI'acket............................. Iec 8 vokvo llc 2AP RICE, Good Guolny BUT rBR-- 4 lbs..-....- -. -- ---- Irv Golden hleadow, (Suvol quality) CANADIAN CHEESE--Made in 8 Ibo IL C --Nol too strong pvv ux 19c hleudowvulo...... 8 lbu. 89v ROBE RTS'ETTER llew EATS Government Inspected bleats No. I Grade only B. C. LAMB WEEK We ager you Genuine No. I B. C. Spring Lamb Cash Special No Delivery Lamb Breast, )b....... 10c Lamb Shoulder, lb..... 15c Rib, Breast on, lb......... 1?c Legs, not cut, lb. 2?c Rib Lamb Chops, lb.... 25c No. I Alberta Butter 3 lbs. for ................ 69c Local Veal Breast, lb............. 10c Oven Roast, lb..... 13c & 15c Veal Chops, lb.......... 250 POTATOES Got That Right Two Scotsmen were staying at an hotel and discovered that there was no soap in the bath- room. They rang for the boy. "Sen'p sape, iad--a wee bit sspe, quick!" exclaimed one of the Caiedonians. The boy gazed open-mouthed st the two men, muttering: "They ain't French, nor Ger- man, nor yet Spanish. What can they want?" One Scot became angry. "Mon," he thundered, "can yeno'nderstsn'lain Scotch?o The boy promptly withdrew, and returned with a bottle and two glasses. The Outfit A man bought a second hand car. After a deal of haggling a price wss agreed upon and paid over. "Now, said the new owner, oI take it there's a full kit of tools in the box." "That's right," said the ex- owner; "also a copy of Brad- shaw." It takes more ability to decide what to do than to do it. CORN FED PORK Legs, (fore) lb............. 12c Pork Butts, lb............ 16c Pork Loin, ib........... 19&/ac Pork Chops........ 2 lbs. 45c Pork Steak ........... 2 lbs. 35c No. I STEER BEEF Pot Roast, lb............ 10c Minced Steak........ 2 lbs. 25c Stewing Beef ...... 2 lbs. 25c Rib, rolled, lb............. 20c Boiling Beef, ib..... Sc Service Department Phone West 190 Delivery to ail Parts No. I STEER REEF Blade Rib Roast, ib........ 12c Round Bone Roast, lb.. 15c Rump Roast, lb... 188 up Prilne Rib Roast, lb.. 18c Deep Sirloin, lb......... 25c YOUNG LOCAI. VEAL Oven Roast, ib. 15c and 180 Breast Veal, 2 lbs. for 25c ! New Zealand 3 lbs. for ...,....... 90c Highland Potatoes 100 lbs........... 75c The News Why Pay More? BUILD NOW WHEN PRICKS ARE LOW Lumber for 12xls Garage including Soov ............ $80.00 60 Fi. Clove Board Fence 5.00 Shiplup from .... 9.00 2x4 Commou, oixod.... 9.00 2x6 to 2x12 common, xixod ........................ 10.00 M x 8 Buugulow Siding, Ceder, shorts ................ 8.00 Ix2 -8 uud 4 D. D. Fir, pov 100 lin. ft..50 Cedar Lattice, por 100 lin. feet ..................................25 4 iu. Clear Gutter, any length, pvr liu. ft.....06 No. I XXX Shingles ...... 2.26 Wall Shingles--Perfection Pvr Buudio ....................80 SPECIALS 24x24--2 Light Windows 2,.00 sxle--4 Light Sash ........ 1.00 lox 1 2--4 Light Suxh. 1.16 axle--6 Light Sash .. 1.25 lox12--8 Light Sash ........ Ixo Gypvoc Plaster Board, Buildlug Popvv, Flv Vvuoov uud ou Building Materials AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. THE WEST VAN NEWS AN(:US SicINNIS ADDRESSES I. I.. P. Angus McInnis, M.P., made an address last Friday evening to a large audience In the Legion Memorial Hall. He gave a very Iliuminating account of the bus- iness of the session of Parlia- ment just concluded. Those pre- sent greatly appreciated his coming to West Vancouver and he received a very attentive hearing. Mr. Cyrii Poweii enter- tained with several vocai num- bers which assisted In making the evening a very pleasant one. The I. L P. are making ar- rangements to have a promment speaker give an address once a month and it is also their in- tention to stage 8 number of whist drives and dances. Aii friends of labor are asked to give the local branch their full sup- port. Unfortunaie A young barrister, conducting his first case, and pleading drunkenness as his ciient'8 de- fence, began his speech:-- "Milord snd gentlemen of the jury, you an know what it is to be drunk." Rastus: "Whah yo'gwine?" Sambo: "Home." Rastus: "Home? Didn't yo'onetell me yo'nd de misses had 8 ruckus dis mo'nin?" Sambo: «Yeah-huh. But Ah done jes'hought o'umpinmo'o say." iioptc mber 25 19'll ll JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PQRIdt. VEAL, ETc. COOKED MEATS OF ALL KINDS, DEI,ICATESSEN (Two Stores for your service) HOLLYBURN STORE AMBLI vIIDK STORE 1Veat 3 1Vest 303 West Vancouver Lumber Co. I fith and Marine LIMITED Phone West 115 W. J. Turnbuli, Manager, Residence Phone: West 368L SERVICE Everything for the Building. LU BER lmmatco -- Gyproc -- I'laster lhaard Beaver Benrd -- Shingles Just That Sort. Teivilied Fare (in runaway Visitor: "Is that bull danger- taxi): "Good Heavens I D-do you ous?" think we'l hit anything?" Farmer: "Oh, no, ma'm; he's Driver (fervently): "I hope one of the sort they use for so, sir; this road goes over a making beef tea." cliif 'aif a mile further on." ELECTRICITY IS CHEAP 'USE IT'REELY w ) ~lJPf ~8 will make 25 cups of coffee will make 24 slices of toast will heat an iron 52 minutes will operate a cooker 75 minutes will heat 8 waffle iron 5o minutes will run 0 washer 2k2 hours will warm 8 warming pad )2I2 hours will operate 8 portable heater 4o minutes will run 0 vacuum cleaner 2'ours will run 8 clock 25o hours will operate sn egg cooker 75 minutes will run 0 sewing machine )2~2 hours will operate a radio 5I hours will operate 0 health lamp I2O minutes will light 0 floor lamp for 8 hours tj Ckk(rf(G PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICE aoaltabte to eoortt Vancouoer Aowa wife under Yaa- coaoer'8 low natu The Philippines had 8 univer- sity before the Pi)grime came to America. Islb oml Murioo Drive I'bouo Wool 199. After 5 p.m. ook for Gvrry Dost Phone Week 241R. ~ ~ v &w BRITISH COlUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. LTD.