0001 a )91) h I, tg I tx )) !0 ~ f! xj [98 (lrx gks dijon fl u tte &nd :e )3i irk) ) September 26, 1931 COAL Order your winter supply now while the weather ls fuvourahle. We have R very fine Stock of the following quality coals: Vancouver Island " Alberta Sootless Douglas Lump Gnlt Egg NnnRimo-Weliington ~ Drumheller EggLump and Egg Nut No. I Drumhelier LnmpI GET OUH PR(CFA Phones: North 178 Bnd 198 Evans, Coleman 8t; Evans Ltd. NORTH VANCOUVER CONCERT I'ROGRAM Musicians'lub of West Vancouver on Friday, 2nd October, in the Legion Memorial Hall. ORCHESTRAL SELECTION--"Tales of Hui(manu".............Ofreubxch 1st V)46us--Mrx. F, Knight Hudgr Mix) M. Mciutyrr Miss W. Brrxiey. 2nd VioUux--Mrx. T. Surigrurr Mix) M. Murray 'Cello --Mr. A. Mciutyre Piano --Mrx. J. Mciutyrr Scene from "Madame Basic)fly" FLOWER DUET AND HUMMING CHORUS ...............................Puxriui Mxdxma Butterfly......... Barbara Tristram Suxuki ...........................Mrx. Colin MxcLrxu CHORUS--6(rx. H, Lrggatt, Mrs. F. X. Hodgxou Miss J. Durbiu Mr. W. Knight Mr. R. Frud, Mr. J. Holt, Mr. A. J. Addy. BARITONE SOLO--Prologue (Pagniucci) ...........,......., .Lruucxvxno Even Bravest Huxrtr (Pxuxt) .............Gouuud A. J. Addy DUET AND FINALE--"Carmeu" ...................................................Bixet Carmeu ................................. Joan Durbiu Dou Jose ......................................W. Knight CONTRALTO SOLO--Blind Girrx Song (Lx Gixcuuds)...........PuuchieUi 0 Duu Fatale (Dou Carlos) ........................Verdi MRS. F. X. HODGSON Scene fmm uCavallcna Rusiicana" Mascagui. ORCHESTRAL SELECTION--intermezzo (Cavxnerix Rusticxuu) EASTER CHORUS AND Roh(ANCE Sxutuxxx ............................Mrx. Howard Lrggatt Lucia ..........................................Joan Durbiu AH(u ...............,.........., ...,.......A, J. Addy Chorus aud Orchestra At the Piano--Mrx. J. E. Durbiu, Margaret Mriutyrr, Mrx. J. 5(riutyre. lk C. SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY (West Vancouver Branch) will hold A Social Evening in the LEGION MEMORIAL HALL on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3rd, at 8 P. 51. All those interested in this Society are invited to attend. -- WEST VANCOUVER BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES-- Night Classes Wil) Start on Tuesday, October 6th. The Board of School Trustees intends to institute Night Class- es during the winter months in the following, or any other subjects, provided suificient applications are received: WOOD)YORK liNG DI(ESS5IAKING SHORTHAND AND TYPE)VRITING BOOK-KEEI'ING AND COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC FRENCH, Sl'ANISH or EN(sLISH ARTS PUBLIC Sl'BAKING A minimum number of ten is required to form a class In any one subject, and all applications for enrolment are to be in the hands of the Secretary by 6 p. m. on Tuesday, September 29th, 1931. INGLEWOOD SCHOOL: Shorthand A Typewriting--Miss W. Reid, Instructor. Dressmaking--Miss E. M. Wheelwright, Instructor. Fees: 87.00 for the tenn. PAULINE JOHNSON SCHOOL: Woodworking--Mr. J, E. Condon, Instructor. Fee: 810.00 for the tenn. H. B. GARLAND, Secretary, Board of School Trustees. THE WEST VAN NEWS The monthly meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, L O. D. E. was held on Monday, Sept. 14th, at the home of Mrs. A. Eastman, West Bay, with the Regent, Mrs. Hayes, in the chair and 22 members present. After the formal opening a silent vote of sympathy to Mrs. Stainsby, ri'ho recently lost her mother. was held. The minutes of the lust meeting were read and re- ports of the different committees heard, those of the Garden Party and Alexandra Rose Day Fund being particularly successful. Nominations for vacant offices were filled as follows: First vice- president, Mrs. P, Wait; educa- tional secretary, Mrs. Crawford, and representative of League of Nations Mrs. Gourlay It was with regret that a let- ter of resignation from Mrs. D. Morgan was accepted. The West Vancouver Com- munity Players are producing the mystery play "The Thirteen- th Chair" on the evenings of Oct. 20th and 21st, and it was moved that the chapter take care of all business in connection with same, the proceeds to be used for welfare work or other activities of the chapter. A new member, Mrs. W. Mc- Laren, was nominated and will be received at the next meeting. It was decided to hold the An- nual Ha)lowe'en dance on Friday, the 13th of Nov. and to make it a hard time dance in place of the usual masquerade. Tea was served by the hostess and after singing the national anthem, the meeting adjourned. Arrangements for the distrib- ution of the prize money offered by the chapter to the most suc- cessful students were left in the hands of Mrs. Crawford. The next monthly meeting will be held on Monday, the 12th of October, at the home of Mrs. Elgar. NORTH SHORE FERRY I'ROFIT IS 853,536 A net profit of 853,536 has been made by the North Van- e(,uver ferry service for the first six months of this year, accord- ing to a statement made by H. R. Straw, city treasurer. Total receipts of the ferry company amounted to 3247,662 and expenditures were 8194,126. Individual receipts were: Pas- senger traffic, 8139,874; vehicle traffic, 389,259; advertising, freight, rentals and wharfage, 813,602, and sundry 82425. Ex- penses: Fuel, 820,152; repairs to hull, 310,968; wages, 357,173; repairs to engine, 35096; hiring of launch, 82242; insurance, 86121 light, 81455; printing, stationery and office expense, f2030; rent, 33026; repairs to North Vancouver wharf, 89004; repairs to Vancouver wharf, 85120; salaries, 816,696; super- aiinustion, 82758. PORTO RICO )Vhen the United States took control of Porto Rico 0 little over twenty-five years ago, there was scarcely one good school on the island. Today there are twenty-five hundred. Children understand Spanish snd English with equal ease. The girls are also taught embroidery and lace making. Twenty-five years ago nine out of ten of the native labor- ers suffered from hookworm, A United States army surgeon has done so much to conquer the disease that his methods are be- ing adopted in other tropical countries. The sugar crop of Porto Rico ls worth 3100,000,000 a year. Sugar is grown along the coast. tobacco ih the foothills and cof- fee in the mountains. 83,000,000 worth of fruit is shipped annual ly. Pineapples and grapefruit are large and delicious, A favorite drink known as "pinafria" is a tall glass filled with ripe pine- apple juice and cracked ice. LOST~(xxxrx iu case brxriug uxmr "iv)Uium Bxrkrr"; in thr rixiuity r( Pxuiiur Johnson Sehooi, on Sat- urday iuxt. Phone West 8$4(L FOR RENT--Throu Roars Furuirhrd Cottage, xrmiqdumb)ug, ucxr wharf 810.00. Srymuur 8770 or Sxymrm 720L 'll ANTED--SmxU Mrdrru Furuixhrd Hour) for. three rrxpruxibir uduitx. Phone Srymuur 11102. (.OST--Brtwrru 21st xud 22ud St)uris on Argyle ur Bunrrur Arruuux, x lady's gold uud turquoise chris bracelet. Rrwxrd. Phone West 156R LOST--Scottish Gold Disk Broach. Reward. Phone West 294. FUR WORK OP ALL KINDS--Wmt Vancouver Furrier), West 894L. LOST--Wire-haired Fux Trsrirr. Rr- ward. Phone West 848X. VOlt RENT--Near Ferry. rmu(urt- xbie house, modern, partly (uruixh- xd, nice bright rooms, good view. ')Vrxt 427L. WANTED TO BUY CHEAP--A thur- uughiy good Mxh Joug xrt. Phone West 22R2. POR R)Ls(T--FuUy (usuixhrd modern house, 618 u mouth. Pbour Wrxt 197Y. SOCKFYF. RUNS UP TO EXPECTATIONS British Columbia's pack of canned salmon totalled 313,025 cases, up to August 1, as com- pared with an average pack of 499,251 cases in the correspond- ing periods in the past five years. biarket conditions this year, of course, have not been such as to encourage efforts toward large production and it is interesting to note that the number of sal- mon canneries licensed in Brit ish Columbia is only 35 as again- st 69 which held licenses in 1930. Obviously, the proper method of pack comparison in the case of the several varieties of sal- mon, taken separately, is to com- pare current pack with the out- put in the brood years, that is, in the years in which the parent fish deposie the eggs producing the present runs. In the case of sockeye, the most valuable of the five species of British Col- umbia salmon, the pack to Aug- ust I was 213,044 cases as com- pared with 169,700 cases and 214,611 cases, respective+, in 1928 and 1927, the two years which produced the 1931 return. It will be seen, therefore, that this year's aockeye run has so far developed along the lines to be expected from the brood years. So far as the other varie- ties of salmon are concerned, it is not expected that there will be intensive fishing effort di- rected to their capture. The de- pressed conditions in the world market, which have resulted in a considerable quantity of the 1930 pack being held over, make intensive fishing effort unlikely. As a matter of fact, unless mar- ket conditions change materially in the near future, the pack of such fish ss pinks and chums in British Columbia will be small. "Doctah," asked a lady of col- or, "Ah's come to see if yo'm going to order Rastus one of dern mustard plasters ag'in today)" "I think perhaps he had bet- ter have one more," answered the medico. "Well, he says to ax yo'in he have a slice o'am wit it, 'count of it's a mighty powerful perscription to take alone." To RENT -- Furs)shed Buugsiuw. Burley. 28th xud Water(rout, phrss West 169R2. POR CHIME!EY SWEEP)NiG xud Roof Brpuiriag, Phone N!wth 771, Pok PLUMBING REPA(RS -- Rru- kirucr Phoae West 24IB. MARCEL(.E SHOP -- MxrcrBu, 50 rrutx; rrxrL 86c; rsilgrr warm 764. Phone Mrx. King, West 804. I"OR PAINT)NG, KALSOM(NLNG Apply C. L Konisgr. Rsxidmsxu ubuur Wrxt 894(L POR RENT--5 Room Huusr ia cus- rruirut )rest)os; modern; goad gus- deu uud fruit trrrx, 626.00. Jobs Lswxoa, West 56. RAD(o REPAIRS xud SERVICE-- 0 years'xprriuoce. Nick W(U(am-'u, Phone Wrxt 850R. WEBB'8 SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Duudxrara. FOUNDATION CEMF'(T WORK Landscaping uud tawux )uuk Ruck walls, drains, xrptic tanks. fssrmg xud land clearing, rbimuryx sud (ur rxrx xiexuud xud rrpubwk Phoae T. Buruutt. rrxidrmu phour ivrrt 290R. ALL THE BEST Brusdx of Cigars. Cigxsrttrx xad Trbuexux. Also Ex- chuugr Pokrr Hands uud Cuaxuiardr Free. Ambirxidr Tux Rouma C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and biarine Expert Work Phone xA est 135 GEO. HAY ErtubHxhrd 1912 Real Estate Rnd Insurance Notary Public F(RE (NSURANCB FOR RENT--Furnished urn( Uufuru- ixhrd Houxru. Mollry slrxUxbir (or Muitgxgrs uu "Mudrru Homes" 1405 Mxriur Dr)re Office Pbuur West 21 or Sxy. 1200 Rrridruxu Phone W 82R ur W 204K BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE. )ggr. Diptiurtirr Fuurrxl Service Lady Assistant~sd SL IL Pbuur Nrrth 028 SHINGLE-LITE KINDLING WOOD Double load of Sfty bundles $4 pp Single load of 25 bundles g Sp Exceptional Value PHONE: North 72 (.ORI ORATION! OF THE DISTRICT OF WFST VAiNCOUVER Ratepayers are hereby respectfully reminded that on October 1st an amount of Ave per cent of the unpaid 1931 taxes must by Provincial Statute be added therettk IVM, HERRIN. C. 51. C. r CLASSIFIED ADS The rxtr (m C(xxxtsrd A4rrrtixrmruix ix 2 rests prr «urd. minimum 25 rrullx Elirrpt 1st thr cairn u( throu hlirisg rug)liar urrousitx, xU dsmd Srdx are pxyxbir xtr(xt)y is xdrsure. Rrmrmbrr C(sxrigxds is tbe Wrxt Vxs News grt immrsuxtu rrxuitx.