0001 i Ipnl Ibla / D. tt Ian 61, , September 25, 1931. 4E I ik Im te ehe the id kk It en. o bet. lion): it 7vs fool) in 4 21 on limp. I'm oo on I tooks, Iddinn --!Ii. e I" ,St" - 0) ~~ mbio) Iot)oot Odorless Dry Cleaning and Dyeing SUITS I Cise"ed $ ] 00 / REOZNT SUITS TO ORDER DRI2SSES ood COATS I Proeeod $ 24.00 Hinbee nrade sulu our ovs make Snn OO osd op AI TERAT IONS eod REPAIRS WK CALL AND DELIVER Res. Phone West 286L Phone IVest 20 M. WILLIAMS 1568 hlarlne Drive DUNDARAVE CASH GROCERY Corner 25th and Bellevue GROCERIES, TOBACCOS, CIGARETTES, CONFECTIONERY, ICE CREAM, SOFT DRINKS, We deliver Phone IVest 7 Your patronage solicited DOWNTOWN PARKING NO BOOST TO TRADE "We have checked, time and again, owners and occupants of automobiles that preempt long stretches of our streets in front of business establishments to find that few, if any, of them patronize the stores in front of which they park their cars." That is the way Lieutenant Malcolm in charge of the traffic,~uad in the city of Atlanta, looks at the question of down- town parking, as quoted in Ralph Smith's "In Crackerland" col- umn. In those words he hurls a verbal bomb which scatters all to bits the theories of those who claim that the autos which line downtown streets are a source nf potential business and profits to the stores and buildings in front of which the "dead" cars are reposing. "I recall one instance recent- ly," Lieutenant Malcolm added, "where I personally checked 15 cars in front of a store whose management objected to the en- forcement of a parking restric- tion. He insisted that it would injure his business so we check- ed the cars together, and not the owner or the occupant had been in the merchant's store that day. But their cars had been in front of the establishment for hours." And there again, Lieutenant Malcolm points to a condition which has much to do with keep- ing customers away from the stores and which adds greatly to the congestion of downtown streets.. Cars parked along the curb on busy downtown streets are mere "dead" space. They force other cars into the centre of the street, adding more haz- ards to the necessary dangers which always are present in s busy city and delaying you whether you are in an auto or on a street car. ILC. SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY, WEST VANCOUVER There is an idea on the part of some prospetive members that the above society is intend- ed for Scots or those of Scottish descent. This, however, is not the case. Any person is welcome to join, provided they do not de- lay too long in sending in their names. This is rendered neces- sary by the smallness of the hall, which renders it obligatory to limit the number of members. The parent society was form- ed in Scotland in November, 1923, the object being to prac- tice and preserve country dances as danced in Scotland, this not meaning necessarily that they are native to Scotland. The other objects of the parent society were to collect old books, mss., etc., illustrative of Scottish dances, and to public revised descriptions with music and dia- grams in simple form. Embod- ied with these were dances from England, Ireland, as well as I"rench, German and Dutch forms of dancing introduced in- to Scotland in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and still beautiful. Among the prom- inent people who take a foremost place in this work are the Duch- ess of Atholl, Lady Inverclyde, Lord James Stuart Murray, Lord Glentanar and the Duke of Mont- rose. The West Vancouver branch of this society will hold a social evening on Saturday, October 3rd at 8 o'lock in the Legion iidemorial HalL All those inter- ested in the society are invited to attend. Bim: "What's the idea of an the luggage. Going away on a long trip?" Bam: "No, the church is hold- ing a rummage sale and I'm tak- ing my things over to the office until it's over." ma ~ ~ ~W. L. OGDEN CO. Men's and Boys" Furnishings Exclusively TOWER'S FISII BRAND SLICKERS;„".";,;";." $3.95 SALE of MEN'S SHIRTS and UNDERWEAR (See Middle Window) REST ROOM AFTERNOON TEA AND CUP READING New Library Books oll the time, 25c per month. NOTE NEW TELEPHONE NUMBER WEST 601-0 GIFT em japp6 NmetT TO oaOhrAL neANK Mia.& A. J. MAR LI N 0 ~ Fe. Cy. BOX 227. Ph(ONEI WHT 224. ASTEURY LUMBER Co. L41. BUILD NOW At Nearly Half The Cost of Two Years Ago A COhIPI.ETE liUII.DING SERVICE AT A hIINIhIUM COST Plans and Specifications Drawn Up and Estimates Given I DANS ARRAiV(lED IF REQUIRED Phone North 285 Night: North 1415-R THE WEST VAN NEWS For the usual early AUTUMV COLDS, Etc. See that your supply of household remedies is com- plete. Aspirin, Camphorated Oil, Oil Eucalyptus, Throat Loz- enges, Etc. WES? VII PIIARMACT Tno Stoep o( Service. Ile2 laorlse Dries West 22 Emoenesey Phono Weed 221 IA(tor 6 p.m.) hir. and Mrs. F. J. Kemp, 2442 Lawson Ave., left on Monday for England, where they will in fu- ture reside. Their many friends wish them bon voyage. ~ ~ ~ The West Vancouver United soccer team will play the Rupert Rangers at Ambleside Park to- morrow (Saturday). The match will start st 3 p.m. Referee, Mr. hicCauley. ~ e A daughter wss born to Mr. and Mrm Ivnr Thomas of Toronto on Tuesday, 22nd September. hir. Thomas is a former resident of West Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Grout, 16th and Duchess, are moving to- morrow to Vancouver, where they will in future reside. Mr. and Mrs. Grout are pioneer resi- dents of the municipality, and will be greatly missed by a wide circle of fnends. ~ ~ e Mr, and Mrs. Glashan of Van- couver have moved into the Garland house at 2465 Bellevue Ave. ~ e ~ The West Vancouver Cleaners are having a fireproof building erected at the back of the Keith block for cleaning snd dying. e e hir Craig of Sherman while driving round the hend on Ma- rine Drive at West Bay, met with an accident. His auto skid- ded and after colliding with a telephone pole, turned over on its side. Mr. Craig, fortunately, escaped injury, but his car was badly smashed. J. Hamilton Smith, 13th and Kelth Road, has returned from a business trip to the prairies. ~ ~ ~ F. Kaestner has moved from 1320 Argyle into a house at 1329 Marine Drive. ~ ~ \ Miss J. A. Spiers of Sandwich, Ont., arrived here on Tuesday, and is the guest of her sister, Mrs. F. F. Lovegrove, 675--21st Street. ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Fletcher, 17th and Duchess, have taken a house at 16th and Esquimalt Ave. 51r. and Mrs. G. Palmer, 2300 Bellevue, moved on Wednesday into a house at 2331 Bellevue Ave. e \ T. Battersby, 23rd and Hey- wood has received an appoint- ment on the staff of the Loyal Protestant Home at New West- minster. ~ ~ ~ hIr. and Mrs. Crook, 24th and Iiaywood, have taken the Tanner hnuse at 25th and Marine Drive. e The West Vancouver United soccer team, playing last Sat- urday in Memorial Park in Van- cnuver, defeated the B.C. Sugar Pefinery eleven by a score of six goals to none. Mr. and Mrs. Doherty snd family, 20th and Mathers, have moved into Miss Knox's house at 27th and Lawson Ave. Mrs. Barclay, who has been away for some months, has re- turned to her home at 24th and Bellevue Ave. ~ e ~ Mrs. hl. E. Pyne and family, 2257 Fulton Ave., have taken the house of Mrs. Mackenzie at 23rd and Bellevue. ~ e 4 A number of high school stu- dents gave a social and dance last Friday evening at the For- tune Cup Inn.\ e ~ Norman Sister, 1066 Keith Road, who had the misfortune last week to break an ankle in a fal! from a scaffolding, is back from the hospital and is making good progress.\ 4 e Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Van- couver have taken the Desmond house at 15th and Gordon Ave. e Mr. and hIrs. G. J. 51urch, 1305 Fulton, spent the first part of this week on a holiday trip to Seattle and other points in the south. ~ ~ John Harte, who has been ill at his home at 16th and Esquimalt is slightly improved. hir. and Mrs. S. Clark, 12th and Duchess, have moved into the Vyvyan house at 1748 Ful- ton Ave. ~ e Mrs. W. D. Colvin and family, 2093 Fulton Ave., returned last Friday from a six weeks'isit to Calgary. \ A son was born on September 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Marsh, 1478 Gordon Avenue. ~ e ~ iWIrs. Claxton has moved from 26th and Mathers to the Ritchie house at 2832 Bellevue. TO START ART CLASSFe3 Miss hiadge Farmer, Dip. V.S. D.A.A. (holder of specialist's certificate for art in British Columbia) of 2307 Bellevue Ave. is opening art classes for stu- denLs. The junior class will re- ceive instruction in the ele- ments of drawing and painting, and the seniors in applied de- sign snd crafts. Classes will commence in October. All those interested are re- quested to phone West 431R for information. Stratton's BAKERY BREAD -- CARPS Chocolate Cake, Bar Loaf Runs - Rolls Nut Bread - Shortbread Christening Birthday hVedding Cakes ASSORTED PASTRIES Almond Varietieo ! made st 1468 hIARIseE DRI% E I'hone Vgest 27--or Call GORDON ROBSON Saermtor 4 Soaentoe WEST VANCOUVER- O(neo No. 1447 laoriso Drive. Phono West 4OIL VANCOUVER OFFICE- Soite SIS; 610 Hootisno St. W Phono Seymour 41np. HOLLY RU RN Barber Shop ROYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC PRESEVTATIOV OF AIVARDS Invitations are out for the presentation of medals and cer- tificates awarded at the recent midsummer examinations of the Royal Academy of Music and the Royal College of hiusic which will take place in the ball room of the Hotel Vanocuver next Wednesday, September 30th, also a short recital by some of the candidates. The afternoon session at 4 p.m. will be for the Lower Elementary, Primary snd Preliminary Divisions, that in the evening at 8:15 for the L.A.B., Local Centre and Higher Division. Mrs. Philip Malkin will make the presentations in the evening. 16th 4 nnarmo EXPERT SERVICE E MARSH, Proprietor HOLT-The Glass Man l470 Marine Drive Phone West 27 All kinds of Class Work FUEL VERNON FEED STORE LEGION IV. A. The regular monthly meeting of the W. A. of the Canadian Legion will be held in the Legion hiemorial Hall next Monday af- ternoon at 2:15. A. C. Searle, Phone IVest 9 Fuel, Feed, Fertilixers and Building Supplies RED CROSS SOCIETY Progress is being made in the movement instituted in North Vancouver by the Red Cross So- ciety for the ainalgamation of a number of societies to provide clothing for needy families dur- ing the winter. hira Spencer Lewis has been chosen convener and hire. Ralph Johnston secre- tary. Negotiations are proceed- ing for the opening of a clothing depot. BROIVNI ES The first meeting of the Brownies after the summer re- cess will take place next IVednes- day, 30th instant, at 4 p.m. in St. Stephen's Parish Hall. Every Brownie is asked to be preseat so that the organmation may get off to a good start for the winter activities. Fall Goods Arriving KEEP IVARM-Save Doctor Bills Brooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear 14th ond niorioo Drive. Phoae West 144 Exclusive Aneote Corticeiii Silk Hose osd Universal Sweaters oioo Novelties, Toys, School Supplies, Hemstitching EST +AN MOTORS 1451 hlarine I'HONE WEST 268 SHELL GAS, OILS, GREASE See BILL GROUT about a (let rate monthly inspection of your car. This type of service is used and recommended by General hlotors and other car manufacturers. By giving your car a perimiical check-over serious trouble can be caught be- fore the bill runs into big money. )Ve specialize in pleasing the customer, Local and Personal ! Be Prepared rere