0001 x rrrr worV o wr vo' 4 A\ v'v wv v r wr 'v r r x' U'v lxr x vx. +. ~A "oa x'" r «r r~- VI x ow M.o r x x 'xox .~ w -.Cr&:- rx t vrva' r.Ve:.x'r Vxxu: ~ x rom" x x ex« 'rx r. + r x ~ x 'v ~«VVV ~vvxxrvr ~ yxV VV 'X'r vrvv.r V VVXV vv r'vrrrvvr rrvv~ vr rvv rr rVrvvvvv vvvr 'vsv VVV WATCH FOR, Starting Next %Veek Retain Our Printed Clrcuiars- Individualiy numbered. ELITE TAILORS & CLEANERS 757 Lonsdaie North 965 United ChurchI'ARFNT-TFACHERS'SSOCIATION hIEETING The first meeting for the new school year of the West Vancou- ver Parent-Teachers'ssociation took place at Pauline Johnson School on Tuesday evening, Sept. 16th, at 8 o'lock. There was an attendance of about sixty. At the meeting the new teachers were introduced. The P. T. A. prize of a ten dollar gold piece was passer(ted to Miss Jessie Hoyle for the highest aggregate marks made at the )Vest Van- couver High School in the Junior hiatriculation last June. Officers were elected for two vacancies, the chairman for the program committee and the second vice- president, hIr. Russell for the former and Mr. Davison for the latter. hiiss Harrop delighted her audience with a vivid and chatty talk on her visit to the Old Coun- try and Europe. Many people went back with her in imagina- tion to the places which she de- scribed snd which had been fam- iliar to them; others listened as to a new tale. A hearty vote of thanks was offered to Miss Hsr- rop for her charming address. The thanks of the meeting, too, are due to the Misses Vera and Frances Johncox for a pi- anoforte duet. Mrs. Webb gave a recitation and encore which was splendidly rendered snd full of entertainment and altogether a successful ending to s pleasant evening. )Vatch for the next an- nouncement. Minister, E. A. Henry, D.D. Sunday, Sept. 27, 1931. "RALLY DAY" The Sunday school will meet «t 10:30 a.m. instead of 9:65, to murk the rolls and other items of detail. at 11 o'lock the Sunday School departments will join with the congregation in the An- nual Rally Day Service. An interesting printed pro- gram has been prepared by the committee in Toronto which we will use. Different members of the various departments will have part therein. The annual promotion will be one of the features as last year, the promoted classes passing through the gate as a symbol of the move to the higher grade. Dr. Henry will give a short address and the choir will furn- ish some additional music to that on the program. Both adults and girls and boys are earnestly asked to make this day a real one. Those who have been absenting themselves, come back. Those who attend no other school are welcome to share our good work. At 7:30 p.m. Dr. Henry will continue the short addresses on 'The Possibilities of Character Permanency." A week from Sunday we have our Autumn Communion at the morning service. Preparatory service Wednes- day evening, Sept. 30, 8 p.m. On Friday evening at 7 o'lock the C.G.I.T. will assemble to talk over future plans. The Trail Rangers will meet for re-organization Tuesday eve- ning next. On Tuesday a quilting bee will be held in the Church Hall under the Women's Association snd the Women's Missionary Society st 10 a.m. Two quilts will be used for welfare work. The wo- rren will bring lunch and tea will be provided. Customer: 'This pie is terri- ble." Counter Man: "Say, I was making pica before you were born." Customer: "Well, why sell 'em now T'usband (reading aloud s newspaper report of a fire): "One woman escaped down a waterpipe at the back of the house." Wife: "How lovely to be as slim as that." Established on North Shore 20 To«ra (Lody Ax«iota«1) HARRON BROS. 3( WILLIAMSON gIInerailIIIIreftars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 On Saturday afternoon the bowling club expect two rinks from Point Grey. The arrangements for last Saturday could not be carried out, but it is expected they will be able to come this Saturday instead. Refreshments will be served after the games. We look for n good time if the good weather lasts, and we invite all interested «d in bowling to come and visit the lawn. Everyone in the U n i t e d Church is delighted at the splen- did improvement in the health of hire. Geo. Hsy, and all cherish the hope of seeing her one day back at the work she loved. The Young People's Society sre hoping to devote an hour each week on hfondsy evening to the study of some of the topics suggested by the general com- mittee of the United Church. Next Monday at 8 p.m. they will meet in Dr. Henry's study at the church. The program sug- gested is fourfold: devotional, missionary, citizenship, litera- ture. Next Monday the topic is, "What do we believe about Jes- us." The text is Matthew 16:16 and John 20:31. In these serious days we In- vite the young people to come and think on the important themes. THH West Van Neojs Published Exoxy PxMoy Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Beoi«ooo xsd Pdiiorioi Og!oor 11th oed Morixo Drive (Next to HoBybuxa P.o.) Phone West 363 Hall Addxooor P.O. Box 01, Hoaybxra, IL C, $1.00 ~ year by c«rrior; $2.00 ~ yoox by maiL Nowooio«ds so. Por copy. THE WEST VAN NEW8 WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20th oad Eoeulmon, Honybex« This Society io ~ Branch of Tbo Mother Church The First Church of Christ, Sero«uot, In Boston, Massachusetts Sunday Sorvioxe Iirso o.m. sad 1:$0 p.m. Sunday, September 27th, "REALITY" Sunday School at 10:00 x.m. Toxtimo«y Meeting Wednesday ~1 S:is P.m. I'RESBYTERIAN CHURCH hlinister: Rev. J. W, Cuddeford Telephone North 1107 Services 2:00 p.m.--The Special "Rally Day" program of the Presbyter- ian Church in Canada used In all the churches from const to coast will be followed, The Special Address will be: "Enthusiasm in His Service." 3:00 p.m.--Worship Service. Sermon subject: "Why I went to Church." A hearty welcome to the Auld Kirk services. Thought for the week:--o)VE DO NOT NEED a new interpre- tation of Christ for this age; WE NEED A NEW DEVOTION TO THE CHRIST of the Ages." St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Residence: 2558 Marine Drive. Friday--7:30 p.m.--Evening De- votions. Saturday--7:30 p.m. -- Confes- sions. Sunday--8:45 a.m.--Holy hiass. 2 p.m.--Sunday School. 3 p.m.--Rosary, Benediction. Week Days--7:30 a.m. -- Holy Mass. Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. H. P. Humphreys, Residence, 1343 Hsywood Ave. Phone West 252R Sunday, September 27th, RALLY DAY It takes ALL to spell RALLY and the RALLY on Sept. 27th, will be incomplete if ALL are not present. That means that parents are expected to attend, just as much as are the junior members of the family. The Joint Rally service will be held dt 11 a.m. Special program. Cordial invitation for all to be present. At 7:30, Evening Worship. Pastor will preach, topic: "The Guarantee of Our Redemption." Come and hear this interest- ing prophetic message. Wednesday, 8 p.m., prayer service with short address. Friday, 7 p.m., C.G.I.T. HOSPITAL )V. A. BRIDGE TEA The 11th Annual Bridge Tea of the Women's Auxiliary to the North Vancouver General Hos- pital will be held Wednesday, Oct. 14th, in the K. of P. Hall. Mrs. M. E. Sowden is general convener and hire. W. B. Small is convener for West Vancouver. Bridge convener: Mrs. J. S. Mor- rison. Tea convener: Mrs. G. H. Herrmann. Donations: Mrs. M. Garwood. Prizes: Mrs. J. Loutet. Cancer is seldom, if ever, found among full-blooded Ameri- can Indians. The salt in the human body is renewed every 22 days. The trend of our school edu- cation is to make the )simp)e complicated instead of reducing things to the simplest terma BRITISH ISRAEL CANADIAN LEGION 'EMORIALHALL N EXT 8(IN DAT-- 10 «m~hooi for Cblidxoa. 2 p. m~poohor: MR. PERCY KING Subject: "GOLD AND THE ANTICHRIST" Mr. King broodcooro over CKWX every Wednesday at 0:$0 0 Ia. St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. F. A. Ramsey, LT.S. Harvest Festival Services. 8 a.m.--Holy communion. 11:15 a.m.--Mattins snd sermon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and ser- mon. Tuesdayr St. Michael's and All Angels'ay. 10 a.m.--Holy Communion. The special preacher on Sun- day morning will be the Rev. R. Axon, B.D., lately rector of St. Peters', Kamloops. The Harvest Festival "At Home" will be held in the Parish Hall on Tuesday evening at 8 p.ni. The A.Y.P.A. meets every Monday at 8 p.m. and badminton on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish HalL RECEPTION TO REV. AND hIRR F. A. RAhiSEY At the harvest home social on Tuesday evening the parish wlil tender a reception to the new rector, Rev. F. A. Ramsey and hire. Ramsey. The arrange- ments for the reception are in the hands of the W. A. As I roam here o«d there ore my ioxxooy'o o«d, Moy I always find friends ox true. bioy Domo Fortune axd kixdiinoxo my daily path blend With o bunch of good fellows like you! In this world I hxvo found that we got what we give. We are done io forsooth as we do. My prayer is that I moy live while I live Wiih o bunch of good fellows like you. September 26, 1931, I)r.Marjory McCubbin I DENTIST Houror 0 ~. m. Io 0 p. m. Sorurdoyor 10 ~ . m, Io I p. «L Exooi«go o«d Sorurdoy After. «oo«o by oppoi«tmoai only. Royal Book BuUdiag Pho«o Wooi ~ 40 Rooidoeco I'hooo Wooi SSL OR. G. LL /f. SEALI'ENTIST Hoy Block, 141h o«d Morino Dr OS)oo Hours 0 Io 0 p.m. Evo«i«go by oppoiarem«L Phone West 12 ~i~(: NURSING HOME (Mro. M. a L«Chonxo, R.N.) 244 - ziih Slrooi Eooi North Vo«xoaxox Rxoldooxo Phoner North 1$6SR True Corffure Arrisfry Brings Reputation The most prised poxxoxoio« io o good name. To be wo«, ii must be deserved; o«d it oo«be mai«- Ioi«od only by continually turn- I«g out good work. The dio- cximiooti«g woman comes ro Miso Clay, co«Ado«1 that xho will receive ootixfociio«ro the fullest dogroo. Coll today for appointment. I'hooo West 111 Gff)emlolyn Beauty Shoppe 1640 Marine Drive A near-sighted man and his wife were inspecting an art ex- hibit with critical care. Man (vainly striving for a bet- ter view of the abomination): "That's the ugliest portrait I'e ever seen." Wife: "Come away, you fool! You'e looking at yourself in s mirror." At the Ball "I don't mind having rings on my fingers" he said as he limp- ed from the dance, "but I'm banged if I can stand belles on my toes!" Many people, notably cooks, imagine that Yorkshire pudding is s by-product of rubber.--hir. Maurice Lane-Norcott. There's o glint in your eyo, there' o clasp in your band, There's a tone ie your volvo ever true And I thin.k Providence must bo soma kind of land With o bunch of good follows Iiko you. Here's a pledge io your health, your joy, your success; For folk of your kind are ioo fow. There's something io hearten o«d gladden o«d bioox In o bunch of good follows like you. So I pledge you xgoi«ond can only xoy tbix, That it springs from ooeiimo«I true. I shall oiwoyo regret every doy that I mixe From o bunch of good fellows like ) ou. Binks: "The under crust to that chicken pie you brought me was abominably tough." Waiter: "There wssn't any under crust to that pie, sir; it was served on a paper plate." Q TODAY I- A LAUGH I HOUR LONG Joe E. BE'own IN 'roadminded EVENINGS 1 ANO 0 MATINEE SAT. 2:$0 Next Woes Dooelox Foirbookx Jn Io "CHANCES" "I TAKE THIS WOMAN" Gory Cooper Piotoxex Fonoviosr "TRANSATLANTIC rLAWVER'0 SECRET" "SMILINO LIEUTENANT" -- LCE'griis(E-- fx V ART CLASSES FOR STUDENTS JUNIOR CLASS--Elements of Drawing and Painting SENIOR CLASS--Applied Design snd Crafts. Instruction by Mbm Madge Farmer, l)ip. V JI.I).A.A. (Holder of Specialist's Certi8cate i'or Art in British Columbhr) Classes to commence in October. All those Interested PHONE WEST 431R for information.