0001 A Weekly Newspaper Ct'rculatintr in the District of West Vancouver-Ambleside, Hoilyburn, Weston, Dundaraee $1.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecltff; Etc. Newsstands 5c per Copy Io). VI SIX PAGES HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25. )93) «8IR)ak» No. )8 ). I II SL G (G )e Idv kv Ig that have 3 N v » aah r the 'E 50 Ie The Road lo the North "t ~ i'-" ROADS The great civilizations of the past and our western civiliz- ation up to one hundred years ago were developed by road. Into the building of these roads, however, the activities of trade did not so much enter as military necessity. Rome built great roads in her time up and down and across England, on whish her legions marched, "Rome's race, Rome's pace," to guard the land from invasion. They remain in use today as an example of roadmaking. With the invention of the steam engine roads largely lost their importance, but the motor car has gradually effected a change, until now they are coming back into their own. It will be realized, therefore, that those portions a((ecting this municipality of the road program for unemployment relief recently submitted by the Provincial Government to Ottawa are of great importance. They not only promise relief'roni our present necessities in'le way of anemploymcn', but they guarantee great things for our future. Construction is recommended of the remaining links necessary to give Vancouver road connection with Powell River, these links lying between Gibson's Landing and Pender Harbor and between Powell River and Thunder Bay. The other road included in the Prov)ac)s) Government's list of relief works is the Garibaldi Highway. In this connection road work will have to be done between Squamish and Britsn- n)a--this portion is already slashed--and engineers will also investigate a road southward to Whytecliff. At the present time a route is being surveyed from Squamish north to Gari- baldi Park, but this will depend upon whether the Dominion Government takes over the park. While this has not yet been settled, prospects look distinctly favorable to the project. It will be noticed that these roads are with one small exception the only ones on the list located near to Greater Vancouver, which contains half the population of the province, and where is the greatest unemployment. This by itself should guarantee their acceptance by Ottawa as part of the unem- ployment relief scheme without taking into consideration their possibilities of returning a handsome dividend from the tour- ist trai?ic as soon as constructed. The Marine Drive built with the assistance of the Prov- incial Government already extends to Whyteclifi'. From there a hiatus exists as far as Britannia, where again a road has been slashed north to Squamish. The Powell River Road is finished with the exception of the two small portions con- tained in the list submitted to Ottawa. What do all these things mean? They would seem to indicate a general plan on the part of the authorities to develop this portion of the coast line of the province by road. Further, so much has been done already as to make it un- reasonable to suppose that under present circumstances the few )inks left will not be completed. Finally, and most important of all from the standpoint of this municipality, there would be little point in their comple- tion unless a bridge is built across the First Narrows, because they would be roads built to connect with Vancouver but which instead only connected with the North Shore. Our present means of communication, even with the Second Nar- rows in being, are inadequate to handle traffic across the inlet, much less the trai?ic which would then be created..-' ,„ That is why Vancouver needs a First Narrows bridge,and that is the reason why the construction of a First Narrows bridge cannot much longer be delayed. The past has belonged to the south shore of Burrsrd Inlet, The future and the im- mediate future belong to the North Shore. CohlING EVENTS SCOTf)SH SOCIETY TOGIVF. MILITARY (VH)ST; DANCE Armistice--Don't forget Pop The West Vancouver Scottish py Day! Society is giving the first of the Watc'h for the Legion W. A, series of military whist drives keno games to be held on Satur- and dances, which they have day, October 10th. planned for this fall and winter,in the Clachan Hotel tomorrow (Saturday) at 8 p.m. sharp. 9)x and six make twelve, but There will be refreshments, good sex and sex make a movie. prizes and musie, COMMUNITY I'I.AYERS TO GIVE "THE THIRTEENTH CHAIR" Although it is unusually early in the season for amateur Thes- pians to appear before the public in a complete three-act produc- tion, the West Vancouver Com- munity Players ire announcing this week October 20 and 21 as the tentative dates for their first production for this season. The vehicle selected is the famous mystes play, "The Thirteenth Chair" by Beyard Veiller and is being produced by special arrangement with Samuel French of New York. Although an ambitious effort for ama- teurs, with difficult lighting and stage effects to overcome, the West Van. Players gave such an able performance )ast year in "Ti)lie of Bloomsbury" that it may be conceded they are cap- able of presenting 'The Thir- teenth Chair" in a finished and polished manner. Apart from the mystery at- traction of the play, which as librarians are the first to admit has an extraordinarilly wide ap- peal at the present time, "The Thirteenth Chair" will have s special appeal to ladies in that the female members of the cast are given the opportunity of dis- playing some really wonderful- gowna. The dresses are all be- ing designed and made specially for the (antes of this production by the Margaret T. Dress Co. of Vancouver. The action takes place during a dinner party with Mrs. A. G. Eastman, the hostess, wearing a Lavin model in black georg- ette, trimmed with silver se- quins. Miss Sybil Chapman who plays the lead will wear a won- derful dress of flame georgette trimmed with gold sequins. Mrs. Gordon Gray in the part of h(iss Eastwood wears an Empress Eugenic gown in Arosa Blue georgette and ring velvet. Miss Clara Wilson who takes the part of Miss Erskine wears a peach colored crepe dress while Miss Jean McLaren in the part of Grace Standish is gowned in green satin. In the part of Mrs. Trent Miss Phyllis Neale wears a gown of peach georgette trim- med with diamante and flame colored georgette. Madam la Grange, the mys- tery woman of this mystery play will be portrayed by Miss Joan Durbin gowned in a black georg- ette dress with long flowing sleeves. In the part she favors much barbaric jewel)cry, while a very striking Spanish shawl completes the costume. The play will be produced in Hollyburn Theatre and tickets will be on sale shortly. At a re- cent meeting of the Players the following officers were ehcted: President, Mr. P. C. Chapman; vice-president, Mrs. Gary East- man; secy.-treasurer, Mr. Gor- don Gray; executive, Mrs. Gor- don Gray, hir. Sidney Desmond and Mr. James Holt. NORTH SHORE TEACH ER9'SSOCIATION FORhlED At a meeting of the public and high school teachers held in (}ueen Mary School, North Van couver, on Wednesday evening, it was decided to form a North Shore Teachers'ssociation. An election of officers followed, J. R. Mitchell being chosen presi- dent and Miss Ethel Millard, sec. retary. 'fO CALL MEETLVG OF BRIDGE DIRECTORS SOOV As president of Burrard Inlet Tunnel and Bridge Co., Mayor E. H. Bridgeman informed the North Vancouver City Council Monday night that he had re- ceived from Premier R. B. Ben- net commumcations regarding Second Narrows bridge. He said while he could not divulge their contents he could say nothing definite has been decided and that a special meeting of direct- ors will be held shortly. A meeting to which will be in. vited members of three North Shore municipal councils, Van- couver City council, North Van- couver Board of Trade, ratepay- ers'ssociations and other bodies will be held in K. P. Hall Monday at 8 p.m. All phases of the bridge question will be discussed. )HUSICIANS'LUB TO GIVE RECITAL The hiusicians'lub of West Vancouver is giving its first re- cital of the season at 8:30 p.m. Friday, October 2nd, in the Legion Memorial Hall. A very interesting program of selec- tions from Grand Opera has been arranged, and the soloists will be supported by a small chorus and a string orchestra. The program appears in another part of this issue. 'Tnere will be a silver col- )ection. NIGHT SCHOOLS Attention is again drawn to the night schooh, which as in former years have been made available to the public by the West Vancouver School Board. The number of applications so far received has been disappoint- ingly small, and in the hope that further applications may be made, the date up to which ap- plications may be received by the secretary of the board has been extended to 5 p.m. on Tues- day, September 29th. Unless the minimum number of applications are received, it is impossible for the board to institute a class in any parlicular subject, and so far only that minimum has been received in the case of dress- making. It «dll be noted by ref- erence to the advertisement in this issue that the board has added "Public Speaking" to the list of subjects proposed to be taken up. ROYAL ACADE'.)IY OF h)USIC ANNOUNCE EXAhHNATIONS The Royal Academy of Music and the Royal College of Musie announce the dates of the an- nual examinations to be held in Canada. The theoreticals will be held on the first Saturday in No. vember this year Next year the practica)a will take place about June and the theoreticals the first Saturday in May. Three gold and three silver medals are offered annus)Lv, also three exhibitions entitling the holders to not less than two years free musical tuition at one or the other of the colleges in London. Five exhibitions have been awarded in British Columbia in recent years, For full particulars apply to L H, J, h)inch)a, resident secre- tary for B.C., 407 Province Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. COUNCIL NOTES Mr. Burrows came before the council regarding the alteration of street light on Radcliffe Ave., and parking thereon. He was in- formed there was little possi- bility of the street being altered this year, and the matter o! parking was receiving attention. hir. Gorlich appeared before the counci) in reference to a street light st the corner of 30th and Spencer's Ave., and also Luveve) for road bed at the same place. He was informed the ap- plication for a street light would be put on the light file, but that there was httle possibihty of one being placed there this year. Also that the matter of gravel would be referred to the chair- man of the board of works and the engineer for report. Messrs. Rodgers and Fantch- ier came before the council to ask for permission to cut timber on Resub. B, Lot 7, Block A, D.L 815. They were informed that the permission could not be granted the land in question not being available, but that, if they would see the engineer, the lat- ter might be able to suggest some other location. J. Summerfield came before the council to speak to his letter of the 21st instant asldng per- "nussiun to cut timber on D3 853. He was informed that per- miission could not be granted on tvvat particular piece of property, but that, if he could find some other suitable place the council would be glad to consider a re- quest regarding it. hIr. Baxter of the town plan- ning commission came before the council to present the findings of that body regarding the rep- resentations made by the public at the meeting of September 11, for the purpose of hearing Zon- ing By-law objectiovue The council directed the clerk to reply as follows 1. P.B. Woodforde re taxes, Block 81, D.L 555. That the council regret they cannot grant his request it be- ing contrary to the provisions of the hlunicipal Act. 2. hire. Cramond re gas pump at Sherman. To furnish the chief of police with a list of gaa pumps standing on municipal property and request his report thereon. 3. Mrs. A. G. DePencier re ac- cess to Lot 9, Block E and F. D.L 554. That the council re- gret they have no money for the opening up of hnes. 4. Thoee Dick re Lawson Ave. between 25th and 26th Streets. That the council is of the opin- ion that the work suggested could not be satisfactorily und- ertaken unless in the form of a major project which would nec- essitate the passing of a by.hw, «hich latter at the present junc- ture the council do not wish to consider, being satisfied that such a measure would not at this particular time be acceptable. UNPAID TAXES Ratepayers are reminded that an amount of five per cent of the unpaid 1931 lazes must by I tovulciill Statute be iidded thereto on 1st October. An ad- verlisemenl rehlive to lhh ap. pears in this issue.