0001 Io ' rrre v 4» vAMJ . ovvvi 'ivv.vv osv*or i .Ur. or roo or roo 'rt r)r v~r V' ir'. oo ) ror o ror o Jm ~ o m'o JI 6 p o ~ pw ~ v»r r oxsr x 9'my +'roi'Ci ar)ix v}' 'r r 4';rrrwoir-'- * /1 i" ~ * r r'oro rvr. vr r rrr. rr ro'rr~ " 'r r. -rrrr-rrr r~vrrrvrrvvr 'rv rr QUICK OATS, Chiooooro-Qook- on por packet ......... 254 PANCAKE FLOUR, Aunt Jemima pox pocko).................... 18c PANCAKE SYRUP, Koy Brand 22 ox. jog ............................ 224 1(UNKY, Riodoii'o, Pure Clover Hoooy, No. 211 &ix .............. SSc .'))ARM ALADE, Murray'o 40 ox. ixr ............ SSc JUhiBO CARBOLIC SOAP 4 cakes 154 R&d 4) wbi&o BREAD FLOUR 1 ib. sock ............... 2)c AR()R 1'KAC))KS. 8 ox. NAB()B PINEAPPLE, 8 ox. NABOB SPI.'&ACH, 8 ox. yoo) choice, por tio ......... )oc CAKE, Club )myor, Cherry F)over Large xixo ....................... 25c SARD)NRS, King Ooexr Small tins, ))& ox.. lec DINA-M)TFo por packet......... 19c R&d 4) )Yhi&o SOUPS. pox &io iso Vegetable, Ox-Toii, Greco Poo Celery, Asparagus, Vegetable- Beef. B)SCU)TS, Chriouo'o Axoor&od por pockoi ....... 6o DOG &8 CAT FOOD. Dr. Bono)4'o 1 lb. tio ...., ....... 15c ROYAL CN)WN SOAP 6 bor car&ox.. 2&c Save the wrappers for oxefui gifts Rod ih )Vhi&o TEA. por ib ...... 89c Coi)N, Golden Boo&am R&d 4) While, pox &io........... )sc Columbia, por &io................ )zc Rod &k White PEAS. No. 8 Sieve Fancy Quality, por tio .... 15c Xi&ACT& No. SV) Nabob Por &io ......... 154 ROYAL CRO)VN CLFrhNSKR Pocko& .................................... 5c B(IT)'ER- Goideo Hoodoo...-....... 5 ibo. 88c 5)oodovvoie .......... 8 ibo. 69c ROBERTS'ETTER Ml;ATS Government Inspected 51eats N&b I Grade only B.C. LAMB WEEK )Ve offer you Genuine iNo. I B.C. Spring Lamb Cash Special No Delivery Lamb Breast, lb. 10c Lamb Shoulder, lb. 15c Rib, Breast on, lb....... 17c Legs, not cut, lb.. 27c Rib Lamb Chops, lb.... 25c ! No. 1 Alberta Butter 3 lbs. for............ 69c Local Veal Breast, lb............... 10c Oven Roast, lb... 13c 3& 15c Veal Chops, lb.. 25c POTATOES CORN FED PORK Legs, (fore) lb............. 12c Pork Butts, lb.......... 16c Pork Loin. lb.. 19 V) c Pork Chops...... 2 lbs. 45c Pork Steak............ 2 lbs. 35c No. I STEER BEEF Pot Roast, lb. 10c Minced Steak....... 2 lbs. 25c Stewing Beef...... 2 lbs. 25c Rib, rolled, lb........... 20c Boiling Beef, lb............. 8c Beef Dripping... 3 lbs. 25c Service Department Phone West 190 Delivery to all Parts No. I STEER BEEF Blade Rib Roast, )b ....... 12c Round Bone Roast, lb.. 15c Rump Roast, lb..... 18c up Prime Rib Roast, lb. 18c Deep Sirloin, lb........ 25c YOUNG LOCAL VEAL Oven Roast, lb. 15c and 18c Breast Veal, 2 lbs. for 25c New Zealand BUTTER 3 lbs. for ..........-.... 90c ! Highland Potatoes 100 lbs...... 65c INSTAI.S CHEK-CHART SERVICE Bobby Seeds of Motor Service, 15th and Marine Drive, announc- es he has installed the Chek- Chart System which governs lubrication, and which provides for every car being listed with their own manufacturer's speci- fications and instructions, thus ensuring a perfect job. WEST VAN. Ex-HIGH ASSOCIATION The West Van. Ex-High As- sociation will hold a meeting next Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the Inglewood High School, at which it is hoped to organize for the season. All interested are asked to make a point of being present. Taking No Chances Dick& "I never walk under ladders. It's unlucky." Paula: "How absurd, I walk under every ladder I meet. I just cross my fingers, touch o piece of wood, xod when I have passed under this ioddor I turn in my tracks three times. It' very simple, xod if you do ihoi every umo, it's perfectly safe. These silly orporxtiiioox make mo tired." The News Why Pay More? BUILD NOW )'VliKN PR)CES ARE LOW Lumber for iox18 Gxrogo including soor .......... 826.00 60 Fi. Close Board Fence 6.00 Ship)op from ............ 9.00 2x4 Common, xixod ........ 9.00 Sx6 to 2x12 common, xi)cd ............................. 10.00 x 6 Bungalow Siding, Cedar, shorts ........... 6.00 lxz -8 ood 4 D. D. Fir, por 100 iio. ft.......60 Cedar Lattice, pox 100)io. feet ..........,..........25 4 in. Clear Gutter, any length, por iiu. ft...06 No. 1 XXX Shingles ....... 2.25 Wall Shingles--Perfection P&r Bundle ...................SO Si'ECI A LS 24x24--2 Light Windows 2,.00 sx)0--4 Light Sash ........ 1.00 iox12--1 Light Sash ..... 1.16 hx10--8 Light Sash .... ).25 10x)2--6 Light Sash ........ 1.40 Gyp)ox Plaster Board, Boiidiog 1'xpor, Fir Veneer ood oii Building Materials AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. THE WEST VAN NEWS Correspondence The Editor, West Van News. Hollyburn P.O. Dear Sir: Referring to your article in last week's issue under the head. ing "The First Narrows Bridge,o were you not somewhat unfair) You clearly stated that your information was second-hand. )Vould it not have been fairer to all concerned if you had ascer- tained the real reasons of the Shipping Federation of B. C. snd the Vancouver Merchants Ex- change in not endorsing the bridge as now proposed, rather than accept a garbled version? I sm quite sure any member of eithe) of these organizations wouki have given you the rea- sons for these views. Judging by the tone of your articles on this matter over many months now, snd from what one hears on the ferries, the shipping interests of Van- couver are grasping individuals with one aim only, i.e. to prevent a First Narrows Bridge lest the development of their masters, the C.P.R., lan&1 be interfered with. Why should this unfortun- ate and utterly false feeling be sn fostered and fed? The meeting you referred to was practically unanimous in de- claring there will be no opposi- tion to 8 bridge, provided that the bridge was so constructed as not to hamper the port of Van- couver. The port business being the very life-blood of Greater Vancouver, it is only natural that those who are in 8 position by training, experience and knowledge, to protect the port's interests, take care that this be done. There is no doubt whatsoever that the bridge as now proposed will be a positive menace to the port. I am quite sure that Mr. J H. Hamilton the secretary of the Merchants Exchange will be glad to show you concrete proof of this. To mention one thing, have you ever seen 8 log-boom strung right across from Pros- pect Point, and large steamers backing up to save running into the boom or else going ashore? I and many others have, and in clear weather too. A 1400 ft. span would place an obstruction 400 ft. out from the north shore in the fairway. I am basing this on what will shortly be official width of the channel. Log-booms love obstructions. It is only natural that the Government consult shipping people on matters pertaining to shipping, just as they would publishing and printing interests on matters pertaining to those industries. Please get it out of your mind tnat the C.P.R. will do all it can to stop any bridge. It is beyond the power of even the C.P.R. I know positively they will not op- oppose sny adequate bridge, and I am not 8 'L.P.R. man" by any means. I personally know sever- al men in the shipping and allied businesses who are very desirous of buying or building in North and West Vancouver, just as soon as there are dsy and night facilities for reaching the city quickly, which their business ne cessitates. Is it not unwise to give them the impression that WestVancouverites consistmost- ly of back-seat drivers, and its press resorts to perpetual nag- ging without ascertaining the real facts of the ease in point? Finally with no desire of being an "I told you soo may I suggest that you go to the Merchants Exchange and ask them to show you the objections there raised as to the Second Narrows Bridge before it was constructed, and compare these objections with what actually happened. With conviction of a bridge in the near future, I sm Yours faithfully, I". J. HAYWARD. Folks who like to get things done soon get tired of going to commit tee meetings. 16&8 xod Mxrioo Drive 1'booo West 199. After 5 p.m. ook for Gorry Dent 1'hooo Woo) 241)L When yoo hxvo got s cor That's new ood xporiy, It's doggone herd )o keep It down to "forty". Smith s Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dundarave,',",'„-,'.,"'"„'.,',„", Ambleside „m"'~ M".,';.." Quality Food Bargains SpECI~I S For FRIDAY fk SATURDAYSept. 18th and 19th September 18, 1931. JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only LAMB, BEEF, PORK, VEAL, ETC. COOKED MEATH OF Al.l. KINI)S, DEI.ICATESSEN (Two Stores for your service) HOI.I,YBUIIN STOIIE ASIB).ESinE STORE )Vmii 3 West 304 West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and Murine LIMITED I'hone West 116 W. J. Turnbull, Manager, Residence Phone: West 368L 8 E R VICE Everything for the Building. LU BER SASH DOORS ROOFING BUILDING I'APER Imn)atco -- Gyproc -- I'laster lioard Iieaver lioard -- Shingles UNION PkODU('.TS CHEK CHART 1'oi.iSH!NG AC&'.KSSOR)FS SERVICE 81M'ON!gtNG (Tho Automotive Lubrication Kncyciopodio) NO)V AVAI).A))LK IN WEST VANCOUVE)i I have just iosioiiod the CHEK-CHART SYSTEM which governs the iubricotioo of oii makes ood models of cars io general oxo. By &hix system it is impossible &o do anything bo& o perfect job for oii coro oro listed with &heir own maoufociorego xpooisextioox ood in)&root)vox for the proper lubrication of each ood every point. BoBBY SY.EDS. MOTOR SERVICE 15th and %far)ne Drive Formerly UNION OIL SERVICE STATION High Pressure phone Repairs Greasing of all Tire Repairs West 614-0 Kinds Corporation of the l)istrict of West Vancouver TAX SALK Will be held at 5IUNICII'AL HAI.I.. HOI.LYIIURN, B. C„ on Wednesday, Sept. 30th, 1931 at 10 o'lock a. m. Lists will be issued shortly and mailed on application. I'INE DISPLAY AT FAI I. SHOW He Got 11! "I bet you a sovereign that you won't guess why I have come to see you." "That is not hard to guess- you want to borrow money." "Wrong--I just wanted to ssk how you were--hand over the sovereign." (Continued from Page 5) Miss Ann Dewar; 2, Mrs. H. Wil. son. Class 137--Best Dress -- I, Mrs. G. M. Sheifield; 2, Mrs. W. G. Barker. Class 138--Boy's Pants -- 1, Mrs. C. Sharman; 2, Mrs. G. M. Sheifield. The following awards in the Boulevards: 'hePresident's Trophy --'. Chilton. The Royal Bank Trophy--E. H. Jupp. Councillor Fiddes Trophy- F. Patterson. Half Dozen Photographs don- ated by King Studio (ex-Reeve V. V. Vinson) --J. IL L. Mc- Daniel. Rose Bushes, Pasquill'8 Nurs- eries--Miss Frame. Martin Senour Paint Co.--D. B. Boyd. ~)r 8 ldfe7 "Yes,o said the learned one, "It is 8 fact that most of our judges are getting on in life." "But, sll the same," replie&l the crook, "they csn»till give their prisoners a few years." SHINGLE-LITE KINDLING WOOD Double load of fifty bundles g4 ppdelivered $ S)nj))e load of deiivered $2. SP Exceptional Value PHONE: North 72 c I"