0001 September 18, 1931. THE WEST VAN NEWS i I. i I I, I I lji ' smi IVD zpiinn I .pit ,pizza 64+~I~ )I)IN 6u "'Ng ii) ~ I Odorless Dry Cleaning and Dyeing SUITs I clccuce ised fkft i REUENT NUITs To (inngR $ XcI.OO Hiirhcc grcsic suite ouc uuu make szs.oe urn) up AUI'ERATIONS cue REPAIRS WE CALL AND DELIVER Res. Phone West 286LM. WILLIAMS 1568 i)larine Drive I'hone )Vest 20 DUNDARAVE CASH GROCERY Corner 25th and Bellevue GROCERIES, TOBACCOS, CIGARETI'ES, CONFECTIONERY, ICE CREAiN, SOFT DRINKS, We deliver I'hone West 7 Your patronage solicited W. L. OGDEN CO. Men's and Boys'urnishings Exclusively MEN'S TWEED TROUSERS s ~4i""..Im $2.95 TRANS-INLET TRAFFIC SIIO)VS GAIN OF 443,270 I'ASSENGERS OVER 1930 North Vancouver Ferry offici- als report that in the first eight months of this year city ferries carried 2,375,654 passengers and 485,073 vehicles as compared with 1,932,284 passengers and 142,181 vehicles in the corre- sponding period of last year. This is a gain of 443,270 pas- sengers and 342,892 vehicles. During August the boats car- ried 356,836 passengers and 84,- 687 vehicles, as compared with 239,002 passengers and 17,014 vehicles in the corresponding month of 1930, showing a gain of 116,834 passengers and 67,673 vehicles. Since the first of this year, ferry traffic has averaged monthly 296,944 passengers and 60,634 vehicles. DRO)VNING FATALITY OFF WESTON L. O. Brown, D. Bingham, F. Tanner and the latter's younger brother were trolling in a boat olf Dundarave pier at noon on Sunday, when they saw a canoe with two occupants capsize in the heavy tide rip oif Weston. They immediately ceased fishing and Mr. Brown rowed the boat as rapidly as possible in the dir- ection of the accident. After proceeding for some minutes, they passed the canvas canoe fioating just below the water, and then encountered K. Papke of Vancouver, who swimming easily, shouted to them to gn to the rescue of his companion. Unfortunately the latter, a man from Vancouver of the name of A. Muller, threw up his hands and sank just before they reach- ed him, and it is supposed he had already gone down twice, be- cause he never came to the sur- face again. They then rowed to Papke, who caught hold ef the stern of the boat and was towed ashore. Dragging operations for Mul- ler's body were continued for several hours by West Vancou- ver police and Vancouver police patrol boat, but without success. It is believed that the strong tide which was running at the time, carried the body out to sea. Deceased came to Canada from Germany only a few months ago. His parents reside in Berlin and he has a brother at Sooke, Vancouver Island. Miss Gwen Hodge of the B.C. Telephone staF here, has return- ed from her annual vacation, which she spent at Harrison Hot Springs. Oscar Britton, 23rd and Jef- ferson, who a short time ago had his foot and ankle badly crushed, is making good progress towards recovery. ~ \ As a result of the addition of several new members the IVest Vancouver Schools Band now has a personnel of fifty. s'harles Ridley, 29th and Bel- levue, who met with a very sev- ere accident early in the sum- mer, is making a rapid recovery and expects to be able to leave the hospital in the very near future. Dan MacDude: "Are my clothes ready?" Tailor: "Not yet, sir." Dan MacDude: "But you said you would have them done if you worked aU night." Tailor: "Yes. But I didn' work aa night." ~ c Washington last week sent 5,733 boxes of peaches to Van- couver and Victoria. SALE of MEN'S SHIRTS and UNDERWEAR (Scc Nseeic Wiudou) REST ROOM AFTERNOON TEA AND CUP READING New Library Books all the time, 25c pcr month. NOTE NEW TELEPHONE NUMBER WEST 601-0 GIFT cngOp Pb )4CSCC TO ROYAL gSANK )s/IPL& A. J MAO.LI N & ~ Fs. Cy. E)OX 22'y P)4ONEl WEST 22A. ASTEURY LUMBER CO. L4i. BUILD NOW A COMPI.ETE BUII.DING SERVICE AT A MINISIUM COST I'lane and Specifications I)rawn Up and Estimates Given LOANS ARRANGED IF REGUIREI) Phone North 285 Night: North 1415-R Local and Personal PIIOAE AOAV Miss Phyllis Neale of the B.C. Telephone Co.'s stsif here, is on her annual vacation. c ~ ~ S. S. Pride, 12th and Esqui- malt, has been confined to his home through sickness. ~ c c Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Morris and daughter, 24th and Bellevue, have returned from a trip to CaL ifornia and points south. c c ~ Mrs. H. G. Barker and son, Soth and Marine Drive. sre a- way in Victoria for a visit. c ~ c Mrs. Arthur Ridley of Caul- feild, has returned from a holi- day at Renton, Washington. J. H. Moncrieif, 21st and Ar- gyle, who has been away on a business trip to Slocan, has re- turned to his home here. c Mrs. H. Thorpe has returned from a holiday in Seattle to her home in WhytecUF. Mr. and Mrs. G. Bulkley, who have been visiting their son-in- law and daughter in Portland, Oregon, have returned to their home st 26th and Bellevue. Pre- viously Mrs. Bulkley's daughter and family were her guests here. c ~ c Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Kemp, 2442 Lawson Avenue, are being very mush feted by their many friends previous to their depart- ure on the Empress of Britain for England, where they will re- aide in future. c c Mrs. F. R. Ward left here last Saturday to return to her home in Islington, Ontario. She hopes to come back within a year and make her home here. ~ \ \ Dr. G. E. Ba)Weld, 20th and Inglewood, returned on Tuesday evening from a short trip to Squamish. c A delightful shower honoring Miss Marjorie Jackson, whose marriage will take place in the near future, was given recently by the staff of the West Vancou- ver Telephone Exchange at the home of Miss Constance Thomas. The evening was spent in games and musie, after which the gifts were presented in a taste- fully arranged basket appropri- ately surmounted by a decorated telephone. The bride-elect re- ceived many useful gifts, includ- ing a lovely electric coifee urn from the telephone staff. Later a dainty supper was served, the tea table being cen- tered by a beautiful cake, with the bride-elect's name written across the top. The invited guests were: Mrs. A. Menzies. Mrs. R, Befi, Mrs. A. Lester-Taylor, Mrs. J. 5fcMifian, Mrs. L. Reynolds, Mrs. L Bart- lett, Mrs. J. Stark, iMrs. L. Cle- ment, Mrs. M. Afiwork, Mrs. P. Hutchison and the Misses M. SomerviUe, E. Harrison, M. Bar- nott, G. Hedge, P. BeU, D. Tay- lor, P. Neale, R. Hill, C. Thomas, G. Creelman and O. Bryan. What many people of West Vancouver have known nearly eleven years, that YOI'O GET REAL SERVICE by phoning West 37 for your drug wants. WEST VAN PHARI)IACT Thc Store ul Scccke. 14SZ )excise Dc)su West yf Emccgcucy phmm ilrcci ZZI (Alicr g p.m.) Msnley Romans, 16th and Marine Drive, and Robert Par- kin of North Vancouver, are a- way on a hunting trip in the Cariboo country. ~ c c Mrs. F. R. Ward was a guest of honor on Thursday, Septem- ber 10th, on the occasion of her birthday, when her daughter, Mrs. G. S. Itoberts of 2630 Math- ers Ave., entertained for her. The guests included Mrs. G. Harris, Mrs. F. Harrop, Mr. and Mrs. Barnden, and Mr. snd Mrs. Ted Sewefi. ~ ~ Mr .and Mrs. G. Palmer, 2300 Bellevue, have taken a house at 2'$31 Bellevue. ~ c Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Van- couver, have moved into a house at 15th and Gordon. ~ ~ c Mr. Walker of Ambleside has moved into the Davis house at 25th and Kings. ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Postlethdaite, 22nd and Gordon, have taken the McDonald house at 26th and Mathers. Stratton's BAKERY BREAD -- CAKES Chocolate Cake Bar Loaf Runs - Rolls Scones Nut Bread - Shortbread Christening, Birthday, Wedding Cakes ASSORTED PASTRIES Almond Veneiiex made at 1468 MARINE DRIVE Phone West 27~r CallMr. and Mrs. Blanchflower, 24th and Bellevue, have moved into the Cookson house at 29th and Marine Drive. Master John Reddin of Caul- feild, has returned to Shawni- gan Lake School, Vancouver Is- land. ~ ~ ~ )V. Grundy, 1870 Marine Drive, has returned from a busi- ness trip to the prairies. Mr. and Mrs. Alee RiddeU who have been staying with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Cameron of Caulfeild, have returned to Victoria.\ Mr. and Mrs. H. Binning, 2548 Lawson Avenue, entertained st dinner on Tuesday in honor of Mr.and Mrs. F. J. Kemp, who are leaving for England shortly on the Empress of Britain. Covers were laid for eight, the evening being spent in music and games. ~ c \ ikliss O. Brine, local agent for the B. C. Telephone Co., has re- turned from her annual vacation which she spent with her par- ents at her old home in Innisfail, Alberta. At HoUyburn and Pauline Johnson schools arrangements sre being made for the winter program of sports. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Ritchie, 30th and Mathers, have left for Galiano Island where they ex- pect to reside in future. c ~ ~ The new stop signs are being this week installed throughout the municipality. They are of the standard pattern used throughout the province, and are a great improvement on the for mer kind, being placed on the side of the road clear of the traffic. \ The premises of the Hoayburn Ski Club are being enlarged in preparation for the winter activ- ities on the plateau. ~ c c Mrs. J. H. MoncrieF, who has been holidaying at Hood Point., returned on Wednesday to her home at 21st and Argyle. ~ ~ ~ J. D. Hardy, 2104 Gordon Ave. now heads the annual Ambleside Fishing Competition put on by the Ambleside Tea Rooms, hav- ing caught a salmon weighing IIY4 pounds. Formerly his wife was top of the list. ~ ~ Carl Julius of San Francisco, and his brother Henry of Point Roberts, Washington. were the guests recently of Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnson, 669 Fourteenth St., coming here by motor. GORDON ROBSON nurriuicc n Suncliuc WEST VANCOUVER Office Nu. 1447 )Iuriuc Dcicc. Phone West 4ea VANCOUVER OFFICE- Suiic SIS; 61e Huxiiugu Si. W Phoue 8 y ou 41gg. HOLLVBURV Barber Shop 16th a hiuxiuc EXPERT SBBVICB F )IARSH, Proprietor HOLT- The Glass l)fan 1470 Marine Drive Phone West 27 All kintfs of Glass Work FUEL VERNON FEED STORE A. C,Searle, Phone Nest 9 Fuel, Feed, Fertfiizers and Building Supplies i%ORTH VAiNCOUVER FIXES ITS REI.IEF POI.ICY Single relief workers in ixiorth Vancouver will receive 82 a day and married workers will be paid 82.80, according to a reso- lution adopted klonday night at a special meeting of the City Councik Eight hours will con- stitute a working day, the reso- lution stated. The measure also provides that any person receiving relief prior to September I shall be re- quired to pay the city the cost of relief advanced, provided. however, that he shsa not be re- quired to reimburse the city more than 612 in any week. Time of each man's employment will be left to the comptroller. NOTICE This is to give notice that Harry Hodgson, at one time in partnership with me in the own- ership of the West Van News, has no 'connection whatsoever with this newspaper. which is owned and operated so)ebs by the undersigned, nor am I connected with him in any business ven- tures whatsoever. F. FRAiNCIS LOVEGROVE 41,500,000 pounds of pikhards were taken m Jug as against 7.234,000 last year. Fall Goods Arriving KEEP WAR51-Save Doctor Bills Brooks'ry Goods and Men's Wear 14ih uue )icciuc i)rive. Phoae West 144 Exclusive Agents Ccciiccili Silt Hccc eud Uu)sucxu) Sucutcxc ulcc Novelties, Toys, School Supp)he„Hcmsiiichiug r rr. r w r r -~e Is N ur %sre' . \